• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.

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  • 1 week
    Fics I reviewed in May 2024

    Thought I'd forgotten these, did you? Not a bit of it! Well, not now anyway. Cough. Of course if you want to see my reviews as they appear -- and, surprising as this may seem, some people do -- then you'll need to keep track of my weekly Ponyfic Roundup reviews over on my off-site blog, Louder Yay. Being off-site means

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  • 7 weeks
    Rainbows, eh?

    This is fortunately nothing to do with Zephyr Breeze's... distinctive way of addressing Ms Dash. It's simply that in a (print, hence no link) magazine earlier I found a comment by someone, himself gay, who said he'd stopped trying to work out which letters to include in LGBTIQA+ (or the many variations thereof) and simply referred to people who feel at home under that umbrella as

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  • 9 weeks
    The never-ending stor(e)y

    For some reason this is one of the points readers of mine (including off-site ones) have mentioned several times, perhaps because it's one of those Transatlantic divides that isn't all that well known. So: when you're talking about the floors of a building:

    US English: one story, two stories. The same spelling and the same plural as for the other kind of story.

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  • 10 weeks
    Fics I reviewed in April 2024 (and one from late March)

    By popular request¹ I'm bringing back this feature. My weekly Ponyfic Roundup reviews are, and will remain, on my off-site blog. It just suits me to do it that way, even if I'd probably have got significantly more of a readership had I written the blogs on Fimfiction as most (all?) other current reviewers do. However, a

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So then, Doctor Who · 7:51pm Nov 25th, 2023

Loved it! A few little quibbles, not all the acting from the newcomers was stellar and sadly parts of the gender-related stuff felt awkward and forced, eg "something a male-presenting Time Lord wouldn't understand", but I liked much more than I didn't. Plus one of my worries about the new Disney-cash-infused Who has been dispelled: this definitely did not feel like a big American series. The ending with Donna spilling her drink into the TARDIS machinery is exactly the kind of absurdity that I want from this show. I feel like we've got Doctor Who back. I reckon a pretty comfortable ★★★★

Report Loganberry · 155 views · #non-pony
Comments ( 7 )

There was definitely an element of "lets give the anti-woke people something to really fume about", but there was a lot of the glorious silliness that should be there, and it was a lot of fun. Can't wait for the rest!

--Sweetie Belle

I will have to give it a go! And I've heard that almost the entire back catalogue is available on Tubi, so there's that goldmine as well!

I'm all for the message, I just felt that at times here it was delivered so bluntly that it rather lost its intended impact. Not always: one where I felt it really did work was the casual deadnaming of Rose by the passing neighbourhood idiots.

I certainly enjoyed it! No Tubi in the UK so I can't tell myself, but it would be interesting to know whether that's just Classic Who (ie up to the Seventh Doctor) or the whole lot. Well, apart from the very first story I imagine, since the rights to An Unearthly Child are held by an immensely annoying character who comes across as being rather more interested in a) having a go at the BBC and b) retweeting the kind of conspiracy theories that would make David Icke blush than he is about... well, anything much else.

Yeah. The message, I'm in favor of. Just the bits I would've made less heavy handed were the gender assumption scene and the scene with why Doctor Donna didn't die.

With the first, they could have just said "He?" instead of the line about assuming gender with the same effect, and on the latter, they really only needed the parts about it going to both Donna and Rose, without the gender bits. I just prefer implied and subtle to blunt.

I did love the wheelchair having built in weaponry.

All and all it had all the craziness and camp and silliness I needed and great characters, if I felt some of them could have used more time. (More scenes with Rose and her dad, for example.) It was fun, and I'm looking forward to the other two.

Oh, also, really liked the Tardis design!

--Sweetie Belle

Yes, it's just up to Sylvester McCoy... 7th, I believe? And with the exception of the first ep. They even have the movie! :twilightoops:

It had the fun vibes back again, good old Who nonsense that the Moffat era only managed to get right on very few occasions. If the soft reboot carries on in this regard, I’m here for it :raritystarry:

I really need to rewatch the movie at some point, to see what I feel about it now. I'm lucky to be in the UK, since the BBC iPlayer has (with the exception of that first serial) basically everything from both Old and New Who. Every extant episode, the animated reconstructions of some of the lost ones, the spin-offs like Torchwood and Sarah-Jane Adventures, a bunch of documentaries, you name it. I don't think I'll get through a tenth of them, but it will be nice to revisit some. :twilightsmile:

Oh yes. With the exception of those few times where things basically came to a dead stop so that the social commentary could go in (and again, I'm all for the message, I just thought the execution was occasionally clunky) it was a wonderful rollercoaster ride. Fun, absolutely. I can't wait for the next episode!

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