• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2012


I write a My Little Pony original character series called Cursed Eclipse. I generally enjoy yuri ships and stories but can gravitate to other genres depending on the content and concept.


Lack of Updates · 2:36pm Oct 3rd, 2012

First let me apologize for how long it is between chapters. I did not plan for them to take so long to be released. Lately I've hit a bit of a slump, again, and many personal issues are dragging me down. I will continue to update, fear not no hiatus for the stories but it maybe in a much slower fashion. Again, I apologize for this. Also, I got my first fan art a few weeks ago. Yay me!

Report AImostpure · 497 views ·

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146497 Wow, thank you. It really doesn't bother me how many view or read my stories as long as someone does. Even if I only have two people following them I keep writing because hey, two people like them. Thank you again. :pinkiehappy:

You know, it makes me sad to know that authors like you don't get more exposure on this site, it really does. Even though I would say that your stories are even better than mine, you have been seen less.

Have a watch, you deserve it, and keep up the amazing writing...:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fav!

Be sure to comment on anything! I really appreciate feedback!

Have a good day and thanks again!

18039 No problem. I enjoyed Thank You Cider and waiting for your next work.

Hello AImostpure, I am just commenting on this here profile of yours to say thank you for adding me to your watch list.

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