I simply write for the enjoyment of others. Join me within these fields and let the cinders burn away your worries and stress. Stay as long as you like.
Just a storyteller who brings a tear to your eye and a chill down your spine.
My YouTube channel name is Lunar eclipse airsoft feel free to like and subscribe if u wana donate to help my channel dm on discord my discord name is Lunar eclipse airsoft
I am Meylin Messor IE The Gaming Kitsune. I write and read stories, and am going into animation and art ( Self taught ) and I happen to love playing video games.
I'm a man, who likes nothing more, then to see the Glory that is madness of the sane, and the destruction of heroes.
What fun is there in making sense? -Discord, Lord Of Chaos.
I’m back, but I am only here because I wanna finish my stories, after I finished them, I will leave again.
With every pedal to a flower, is a soul. And with every pedal that I pluck, the more I begin to understand the meaning of power.
I'm not saluting you. You're giving me a head ache.
You're not doing it wrong, if no one knows what you're doing.
I am new to writing, I like to play games. The 'lives' we 'live' are short and abruptly end. And I intend to fill it with worthy things.
A little madness is good but too much and the novice may find themselves facing the Cheshire's grin. And if that grin comes your way, remember his rule....We're all mad here.
"...as for the Why: beyond the obvious financial motivation, it's exceedingly simple... because I can."
When something in the dark arts seems to be impossible, I'm the pony for the job.
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."
I identify as a tin can because I'm trash and empty inside.
And sometimes, when the world is already burning, there is little more to do but dance with the flames...
I'd been burned out, but I'm hopefully back a bit more often now. May or may not write some. If you'd like to boop me where I'm ALWAYS on, my Discord is mdbgamer. My schedule is wonky though!
Let there be ambiance, and may it be white, white as the snow; For even someone shrouded in darkness...can be the hero who saves the light.