• Member Since 10th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


What fun is there in making sense? -Discord, Lord Of Chaos.


If You Could Make A Fallout Faction, What Would It Be Called? · 5:12am Mar 6th, 2022

If you could make your own fallout faction to be added into the next game in the series , what would they be called? What would they do and why? Would they be like the Minutemen or the Gunners? Neither? Then like what? I'm interested to see what people say

Report Shadowflameking · 298 views ·

Fallout Factions You Would Join · 3:40am Sep 13th, 2021

What Fallout factions from the Fallout 4 game would you join? Why? If you could make your own faction what would it be called, and what would they do? Mercenaries like the gunners? Research, and study like the institute? More ambitions like House had with getting people back into space? Let me know :D

Report Shadowflameking · 282 views · #Fallout

Updated/edited Your Human And You Giant · 7:48am Jan 16th, 2021

I have edited the chapters of your human and you giant , to no longer be just long run off sentences, I really did suck at writing during that time lmfao.

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Random thought about the Future of Lorenzos Empire · 11:17pm Apr 29th, 2020

Random thought about the Future of Lorenzos Empire, where do you think the Empires technology will be within a thousand years? what sort of advancements do ya'll think would have been made? tell me your ideas and opinions about this


non cannon story , two ideas, you choose the one I pick · 5:09am Apr 26th, 2020

non cannon story , two ideas, you choose the one I pick, just as it says, I have decided to send lorenzos empire to fallout earth, question is, before, or after the great war? and if before, when? 2074?

Report Shadowflameking · 343 views · #importent

Important Update for non cannon story · 9:57am Apr 14th, 2020

So I have decided a few worlds I could send lorenzo's empire to for a non cannon entry into my 'a new empire' series, if ya'll would be kind enough to give me your opinions on it please.

The universes I have selected are

Mass Effect

Halo (before the human cov war, or just after it began, idk yet)

COD Infinite warfare (I don't like cod, but this one is what helped me design lorenzos ships in terms of looks, sort of a mix of some of theirs and halos)

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I made a map of the Empire · 10:08am Apr 5th, 2020

I made a map of the Empire in MC paint I had no other way to make it since I suck at art lol and wanted your opinion on it so far, it is by no means, complete, but I wanted your opinion of it so far

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I want your opinion · 9:18pm Feb 26th, 2020

I do plan to send lorenzos empire to a version of earth as a mini non cannon section to my 'a new empire' series, if I do, should it be a fallout earth? yes? no? why or why not? and if so, what one? 3? new vegas? 4? those are the only ones I will consider since I have only played those 3 games, tell me your opinion, what one you think from the 3 games, and why you feel that way

Report Shadowflameking · 244 views ·

Nuka Cola Flavors And Ideas! · 11:13pm Feb 21st, 2020

These are all the current Nuka Cola flavors produced by Lorenzo's Nuka Cola company! If you want, suggest a flavor idea and I'll likely add it, cause I'm bored

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Idea · 8:01am Feb 16th, 2020

a friend of mine has given me some ....random ideas, to say the least, and one of them involved the anthro discord being with luna, and then celestia finds out and tries to find an immortal male, the only other one of which happens to be lorenzo, I've made a counter argument against that, and explained why lorenzo can't just take celestia to his equis the main reason why when I made the herd as requested, I didn't choose her but he countered my 'if celestia is not in that world, their

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Report Shadowflameking · 313 views ·