• Member Since 5th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 7th, 2021

Chronos Cat

I write, I draw, I travel through time (well, I travel forwards through time, anyway).

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Comments ( 9 )
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2342743 Oh you should never feel shy about commenting, we're glad for any and all imput

2342721 Thanks, though I've actually been part of the group for a while now, I just haven't had anything to say. (Actually I could have sworn I made a post or two last winter, but I can't find them, so maybe I didn't get around to it.)

Hello! Welcome to our Nudist Group!

Thanks for adding my fic to your library.

You are most welcome! I hope that you'll jump right in and enjoy the stories and the community here on the site.:twilightsmile:

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