• Member Since 16th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Snow Quill

Just a bat, sometimes writes, sometimes draws


‘What do you know of the mare Whoa Nelly?’

A question that Twilight never expected to be asked when Celestia was transferring the throne to her.

A question she wished she didn’t hear. A question she wished beyond anything that she didn't remember the true answer to.


Rated T for descriptions of implied and offscreen violence and death.

Written for Shaslan, who left this glowing review

that was rad I would never have beleived someone could take Woah Nelly and give her a dark backstory that covered immortal angst, state secrets, the burden of leadership and evil for the greater good but you did it
All my favourite tropes lmao

Cover art by me, if you are an author and would like cover art, send me a PM!

Chapters (5)

Tartarus hath no fury like a chicken scorned.

When a four legged servant dares to upset her Most Glorious Excellence and Matriarch of the Coop Beth, well, an example must be made.

(Aka Lightning Dust gets chased by a chicken)


Written as part of a shitty extended universe exchange for Red of a short story that is not currently on fimfic but this story is basically the same thing, trust me. Many thanks to him for giving me the opportunity to bring Beth to the greater world.

Cover art by me, if you are an author and would like cover art send me a PM!

Chapters (1)

Once again, Zephyr Breeze is feeling lost. The breeze is calling him towards a new destiny, a new purpose! If only he knew what that was supposed to be… 

After a chance encounter with the only changeling student at the School of Friendship, he decides to try and find himself at the changeling hive under Thorax’s guidance. 

There, a new danger roaming around the hive has him setting off on a new quest to try his hoof as a Monster Hunter… With Thorax’s grumpy older brother Pharynx. 

Even in these trying circumstances, these two may be able to find an unlikely friendship. And maybe, that friendship could even turn into an even more unlikely love. 

Written for the 2024 May Pairings Contest.

Rated T for mild descriptions of violence/fighting/blood/injuries and an offscreen death.

Cover art by me. If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a dm!

Chapters (9)

Cheerilee is a wonderful teacher. It’s what her students say, it’s what the parents say, and, most importantly, it’s what her cutie mark says. 

But what happens when one’s purpose, one’s whole meaning of life, is no longer there? 

What is a teacher without a class to teach?

What is Cheerilee now?

Written for Mushroom in the Quills and Sofa Secret Santa Gift Exchange of 2022.

Cover art by me! If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a dm!

Chapters (1)

The Hermit. The Wheel of Fortune. The Tower. 

A search for truth, an inevitable fate, and disaster. 

I know my fate, and sadly, it is not with you.

Cw for implied death

Written for Rice as part of a Christmas fic exchange from last year. 

Cover art by me! If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a pm!

Chapters (2)

The definition of insanity is said to be doing the same task over and over again while expecting a different result. 

I suppose this makes me insane. 

But I do not care.

Originally written for a Quills and Sofa Panic from 2020 where it placed second! Presented here with some editing/expansion.

Cover art by me! If you are a writer and would like cover art, send me a PM!

((Also now with a sequel, written by a friend))

Chapters (1)

It started with two families and a decision for a filly and colt to be brought together.

From the arrangement, a marriage was had and true love was farmed, growing into a family and a strong bond that would last for years to come. 

On quiet nights when it was just the two of them, Cloudy and Igneous put on an old record, dance, and reminisce.

Entry for the Ancestral-tribute Contest

Cover art by me! If you are an author and are interested in cover art, send me a PM!

Chapters (1)

These ponies will never understand us - because we don’t give them a chance - which is why we must MAKE them understand. We shall take back this night - it doesn’t have to be like this Nightmare! - and use it as our return!

“Stop it!”

”Not until we are together again, Princess.”

Written as part of an anthology for the amazing Zontan. Make sure to check out the other stories, compiled here in this group

Cover art by me! If you are an author and would like cover art, send me a pm!

Chapters (1)

It’s been so long since that day. Since I’ve had to live a lie. Of course, living a lie is what changelings are all about aren’t we? But this lie is different. 

I’m different. I want to change but I can’t. 

And everyone will hate me if they find out. 


Written for the second Quills and Sofas Anonymous Contest!

Many thanks to Mushroom for proofreading the final draft for me and for everyone in Quills who commented!

Cover art by me! If you are a writer and would like cover art, send me a PM!

Chapters (1)

After their 30 year flight class reunion, Lightning Dust decides to finally take up Rainbow’s offer of coming round the farm and hanging out at an Apple family reunion. 

There, she meets a hard headed mare with a no nonsense attitude and a hell of a song on her fiddle. 

Both are past the days of wasting time on a fling and are looking to finally settle down with that ‘special somepony’. The question is, is it going to be with each other?

Written for Red’s Fiddledust Contest.

(Please note that the Washouts episode did not happen in this universe)

Chapters (2)