A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.
by BlackWing
100,396 words
· 943 · 71
White Box
Here in the White Box, the lights hurt my eyes.
by chrumsum
11,392 words
· 1,964 · 37
Le Retour
Kyle thought he was never going to see the ponies again... Well, he was wrong. VERY wrong.
by k12314
95,884 words
· 559 · 47
The Dusk of the Dawn
A story of a pony named Dawn who, with his sister, Dusk, travel the land to search for answers.
by Dusk775
19,890 words
· 12 · 3
Thanks for the fav
Thank you for the favorite on "What it means to be loved"
You guys are awesome, I'll try to keep it interesting. Let's pray for the best.