• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2019


I am an freelance artist and writer. I love MLP:FIM and enjoy reading some of the stories other Bronies write.

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Found 10 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 83,799
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Rainbow Dash is thrown into a strange world where nopony seems to remember her, and after some searching finds out why on a small weathered gravestone. Lost in a world where she doesn't exist, she has to find her way home before an evil consumes the foundations that holds the universe itself together.

Chapters (1)

An old hermit wizard is taken to Equestria and must find his way home. But by either bad luck or the terrible humor of an ancient god he is stuck in the body of a cute pink filly.

Chapters (1)

What makes a country? What makes a culture? Let's dive into Equestria to see why ponies are the way they are.

I'm writing this fic to try and explain and expand why I think Equestria is the way it is.

Chapters (1)

After finding hints to an ancient, library, Twilight leaves home to attempt to discover what Star Swirl couldn't... the legendary 'Vault of Origins'. This lost library is supposed to hold the histories of the Pre-Windigo Exodus civilizations and perhaps the origins of Ponykind themselves... but will she be able to survive the dangers that guard the Vault?

Chapters (2)

Pulled into a strange world where myth and legends are real. Unable to communicate to the native creatures here, or even able to move for that matter... How is a human supposed to adapt to this strange world, or even manage to keep his sanity when he is encased in stone.

Chapters (19)

Ditzy worked hard to feed her little filly, but didn't make enough for them to live comfortably. But when a creature came out of her wall and gave her a magic muffin, her life changed forever.

How will these changes affect her life? Will it change how others will see her? Is she now considered a threat to the Royal crown?

All she wanted was the best for her little filly Dinky, but she is worried that she bit off more than she could chew...

Chapters (1)

After getting their cutie marks, the three crusaders go their separate ways but they try and keep in contact through letters to each other. This story is following them as they grow up to face the best life has to offer, and the worst...

[This story was originally written back during Season 2. It has been edited to add in some elements from the newer seasons, but the story itself has not changed.]

Chapters (7)