Well then... · 4:52am Apr 8th, 2014
Hey guys. Got some good news… and bad news…
Good news is that I'm better now… or had been 5 days after my last post. Lots of things happened. From laptop destroyed to internet crashing to MANY other things. Didn't expect it to last a month, but I'm back and "Returning Home" is back in secession.
Bad news… I have no editor to edit my stories now. My editor, LightningBass94, is on hiatus and hasn't send me my last chapter which made me believe he's gone…
1086749 oh...
1086712 Also just found out that my editor is in the hiatus, so I have no editor.
1086712 I just got my internet fixed, mate. I'm back and in business.
Are you done being sick? I'm bored waiting for new chapters for Returning Home.
1083449 *gasp* :D