Two of a kind · 7:00am Jan 12th, 2014
I have something to say. i am a man of many Comments yet sometimes i can seem confusing in the way i say things. That why i got some help from two new helpers.
Meet Wild.
Whats up mates ah be mighta glad ta meet ya.
And Wisp.
Greeting it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Thanks for favoriting Kingdom Hearts: Spike's Rising
Thanks for the fav
thank ya!
Hello Wild Wisp, my name is Serenity Speedster. I noticed that you added my story, Danganronpa: Despair for Equestria, to your favorites. If it isn't to much trouble, could you please tell me what you liked about my story and if you have any advice for me going forward? If you do, it would be greatly appreciated.
~Serenity Speedster
2235281 I've read many fanfic's over the years, and ALL your story's have the two thing's ANY fanfic needs, Believable characters and believable encounters. While most fan fiction over simplify or over complicate those two elements, you create story's that can Truely capture the essence of the show's. But you MAY want to work on your Gramma a bit (tho I'm one to talk, my grammar and punctuation is abysmal) it's not bad but it will increase some people's options on your story's. All in all you create story's that can actually grab readers attentions. So keep up the good work, also I would try to find an editor/proof reader just in case.