• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Asylum of the Draconequus

"So,” Logic Point said, looking over his notebook. Several guards were wandering around, investigating the crime scene (normally Octavia and Vinyl or Thunderlane would handle this, but the mares were on vacation and Thunderlane was on his yearly camping trip with The Question and Rorshach). “According to you, you were minding your own business, thinking about how great it was to have Princess Celestia alive and not a pile of ash, when Prince Bueblood flew in on a broom, cackling about how he was going to get you and your little dragon too. When Celestia refused to give him her ruby horseshoes, he got mad and threw a bolt of lightning that disintegrated the Princess." Logic Point glanced at Twilight. “That… is what you say happened?”

Twilight nodded nervously. "Pretty much."

Wall Breaker the 4th shrugged. "Seems legit."

Logic Point sighed. "Normally I would argue about how insane that story is and state that it was clear you were lying to us… but Prince Blueblood was a royal prick, so I am all for hanging him."

Twilight grinned. "Good! Now if you'll excuse me, I am late to my lunch date with Fluttershy... lunch date, that is silly! Makes it sound like Fluttershy and I are a couple."

"You aren't?" Logic Point said, only to get kneed by Wall Breaker.

"She needs to figure it out on her own... like Princess Celestia and the waffle maker."

“I’ll see you two at the execution!” Twilight said happily, trotting towards the door.

Logic and Wall Breaker glanced at each other, then hurried forward, blocking Twilight's path. "Princess, you can't go."

"But Fluttershy said if I was late I wouldn't get any of her cherry pie! I love cherry pie... especially when there is tons of cream on it!"

"How can she not... right, never mind," Logic Point mumbled.

"Princess Twilight, you are the only Princess left. Princess Cadence is in charge of the Crystal Empire and your mother is dead-"

"Luna isn't my mother and what do you mean she is dead?!?"

Wall Breaker waved off her concern. "Or she moved to Detrot, who cares? The point is that the author has clearly set it up that one of the recurring cold opening storylines will be you in charge of Equestria, just like Vinyl and Octavia being in A Game of Thrones, the whole Derpy’Doctor/Mary Sue/Dinky arcs and him getting his own Iron Man battle armor."

"What?" Twilight said.

“WHOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” defender2222 cried out as he flew past the window in his blue and gold Chaosbringer armor.

“Looking good, boss!” Wall Breaker shouted.

“Did I hit my head or something?” Twilight complained.

Logic shook his head. "Just ignore him... he does that all the time."

"Cue the title screen... I wonder what theme the author picked this time!"

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted
Episode 3: Asylum of the Draconequus

"Chocolate Rain!"

"Run faster!" Celestia screamed as the sixsome hurried down the halls of the asylum, the cries of the cliched filling their ears. "We have to find some way out of-Dramatic chipmunk! Tydal, kill!"

Tydal, instead of committing bloody murder, slowed down and patted the little furry creature on the head. "Hello, my fellow life brother. We are both part of the same ecosystem, so that makes us brothers in-EERRK!"

Chrysalis yanked Tydal away from the fuzzy critter. "Stop making friends with the cliches!"

"Yeah!" Cadence cried out. The group, realizing she'd never be able to keep up, had decided to simply roll her down the hallway like a bean bag chair filled with chunky soup... it was totally dignified. "How am I supposed to eat it if you are friends with it?"

"Want to see my video that explains why some historical event was staged by the government?" a fat, balding man with a dirty shirt and a camcorder asked, trying to show some pamphlets printed on recycled paper in their faces.

"All the politicians dance to the song played by bagpipes made of dollar bills, their notes built from the shattered dreams of the fallen," Shining intoned.

"See, he gets it!" the conspiracy theorist exclaimed.

Celestia shook her head at Shining's ramblings. "Where is his evil muffin when you need him?"

~Meanwhile, miles away~

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the evil muffin screamed as he flew through the air.

"Come back here!" Derpy screamed, her eyes blood red, a knife and fork clutched in her hooves. "GET IN MY BELLY!"

~Back at the plot...~

"Oh by the Creator, what are they doing?!?" Chrysalis screamed, watching as several ponies did a weird jig, much like how a colt might move if he needed to use the bathroom.

"I think it is called the Harlem Shake," Luna stated as they turned down another corner.

"PLANKING!" Cadence shouted, several patients having formed a ramp by lying still as a board (seriously, this was a thing?). The pink alicorn squealed as she rolled up the plankers, flying through the air and crashing through the floor.

"Chrysalis, Shining, get her back!" Celestia stated. "We leave no pony behind!"

"You can't order me around, I'm a queen!” Chrysalis sniffed, nose held high in the air. “Queen outranks princess!"

Celestia grabbed the changeling and shook her. "Do what I say or I will show you my Tydal impression!"

"...I will happily chase after the fat slug with the beatnik."

"Good choice." Celestia looked around wildly for some kind of exit while Chrysalis and Shining leapt down to retrieve Cadence. "Come on, we have to- there!" She ran to a door that had a glowing EXIT sign on it.

“Wait, what about leaving no pony behind?” Luna asked.

“Who cares about that, let's-"


"We've been Rick-rolled!" Luna screamed.

The singer grabbed Celestia and began to tug her towards the door. "No, get off of me! HELP!"


"Do you see her Shining Armor?"

"To see? To dream? I thought about all of these as I drank my coffee, the darkness in the cup reflecting the-"

"Nevermind, there she is." The changeling queen hurried forward, shapeshifting into Iron Will. "Ugh, even in this form she's too heavy!" The changeling strained to lift Cadence up, who was rocking back and forth like a turtle caught on his back. "Come on, do something to help-"

"SLENDER!" Cadence screamed.

"No, you aren't slender you are-" Chrysalis whipped around, eyes wide when she saw the tall, faceless ghoul rapidly approach. "CRAP!" She whipped around, shifting back to her normal form, and began to fire at the demon, only for the Slender Man to warp around them. "A little help!"

"Help those who can help themselves... or help none at all," Shining said.

“I…. huff… will….oh no… not another heart attack!” Cadence cried out. “Cake usually settles it down… someone needs to get me cake!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Great, I am going to die here... well, at least I will die pretty!"


"HELP!" Celestia screamed, trying to fight off the singer. She fired off a few bolts of magic but it did little against the cliché. Luna wasn’t paying attention, having been distracted by something shiny and thus removing herself from the list of potential rescuers. "Tydal, please!"

Tydal, however, had assumed the lotus position, eyes shut and the world tuned out. He focused on his breathing, feeling his soul lighten.

'That is it, Tydal', a voice intoned, 'you are nearing spiritual enlightenment… the mysteries of the universe will soon be unveiled to you. The meaning of life, the purpose of existence….'


'Let go of your anger... your rage...let go of your possessions, they weigh you down...'

"Tydal, please!"

'All that you need is yourself. Your friends... your family...you must let them go too…’

Celestia reached out. "Tydal... Tydal..." Celestia closed her tear-soaked eyes as she felt the singer drag her further through the door, one hoof all that remained that kept her from being sucked into the music video forever. "DADDY!"

The capricorn's eyes snapped open. "Celestia?" He turned, body trembling as he saw his little sister... his princess... his daughter... being grabbed against her will, tears falling from her eyes.

Godly energy poured out of him, lightning crackling in his eyes and steam hissing as he rose from his body.

'Uh oh. No, you must focus, you must… oh, just forget it!’

"AARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" Tydal screamed, leaping at Rick, teeth sinking down and severing the singer's arm. The capricorn quickly pushed Celestia behind him, roaring in fury as he glared at his opponent. Tydal's horns flared and he ripped a 2by4 from the wall and began to beat the cliche over and over, blood splashing on his fur as he pummeled the crooner. "NO-ONE-TOUCHES-MY-GIRLS!" His tail lashed out and he cut the musician's head off before whipping around, a sneer in on face. The other cliches backed away, terror in their eyes, as Tydal took a step forward, his magic grabbing onto Celestia and Luna and moving them behind him. "Whose next? Who wants to face Lord Tydal, God of the Sea, God of War? Because if you think for one bloody moment that I am going to let you hurt MY LITTLE GIRLS, you truly are mad! So, who wants to face me? Huh? Who? WHO WANTS TO DIE TONIGHT? BECAUSE THE LORD OF THE MAREATINE HAS COME!"

"He's back!" Celestia cheered, hugging her murderous, blood-soaked protector.


Chrysalis groaned, her knees shaking as she tried to keep up her attack. The Slender Man was simply too quick, dodging her attacks and gaining ground. "I... I can't keep this up!"

"I'll help!" Cadence said, legs churning. Sadly, they weren't touching the ground thanks to her massive gut. "Oooohhh."

"Cadence..." an ethereal voice said. "Cadence..."

The pink alicorn turned, watching as the blue force ghost of Starswirl the Bearded appeared. "An old pony I've never met before!" Cadence exclaimed. "What can I do for you?"

"Use the lust, Cadence," Starswirl said.

"What?" Cadence said, brow furrowed. "But...but I was only a nympho because of my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."

"You are wrong, Cadence. You have an addictive personality.... first you were addicted to tiaras, then being a good babysitter, then folk music for some reason, then sex, and now food. Sex, though, is your strongest aspect... your time in the caves didn't give you PTSD... it revealed your true nature... your true strength.”

"It... it did?" Cadence whispered.

"Yes... use the lust, Cadence... it is your destiny!"

The Slender Man reached out, only a few feet away from Chrysalis. "I'm almost out of juice... now would be a good time for you to be slutty!" the changeling cried out.

"That's my secret, Chrysalis," Cadence said, her body vibrating. “I'm always slutty!" She began to glow red hot and then, with a burst of energy, was revealed to be once more slim and sexy. And with that she grabbed Shining and tossed him behind a couch. "Time to screw the beatnik out of you!"

Chrysalis' eyes glowed a bright green as the love energy filled her. Slender Man took a step back in fear as the goddess of drama trembled, her tail twisting into a scorpion’s stinger and a set of sharp pincers burst from her sides. Her wings became razor sharp and her teeth sharpened till they rivaled a shark’s. "Say hello to 10%, Slender!" Chrysalis snarled, spiky armor forming along her body as she pounced.


"GRRRUUUUBBA!" Luna cried out as Tydal forced her mouth over the drinking fountain spout, his horns glowing as he drew the water out so that it was practically bursting from the spout.

"Tydal, are you sure-" Celestia called out, firing a blast at an annoying orange.

"Need to purge her system!" Tydal shouted, finally lifting her up. "You sober yet?!"

"Uh...huh..." Luna gasped

"Good... because if you ever get hooked on drugs again I will give you a time out until you are 3000 years old!"

"Yes sir," Luna said weakly, tears in her eyes. Tydal smiled and drew the sisters to him, hugging them both.

"Ok, I am happy too," Celestia said, "but we need to find-"

"SHAZAM!" Shining Armor screamed in joy.

"...I think Cadence snapped out of it," Tydal stated. Sure enough, the pink alicorn flew around a corner and raced towards them, Chrysalis (back in her 1% form) and Shining Armor just behind her. The captain was trying to free himself from his turtleneck, with poor results. "Shame, I liked you as an insufferable fool."

"Nice to see you back to being a monster, Tydal," Shining snarked, pointing to Tydal’s blood-soaked tail. "Anypony have any ideas on how we get out of here?"

"Oooooo!" Cadence exclaimed. "What if we set off a big bomb and ran away from it as it exploded... in slow motion!"

Luna frowned. "That might be the most cliched thing of all!"

"... so I shouldn't have set the timer 3 minutes ago?" Cadence asked, shuffling from hoof to hood.

The asylum rumbled, the squad trying to keep their footing as the building pitched and rolled. Celestia’s eyes widened as jets of flames burst out of the floor.

"...MOVE HOOVES!" Luna roared, the squad racing down the hallway, the others hurrying after her, passing by cliches who were trying to figure out what to do. Walls began to crumble all around them and the floor under their hooves cracked.

"Shining!" Tydal called out, his horns glowing as he caused every pipe in the asylum to shatter. A great wall of water rushed up from behind them, taking out everything in its path. "Force field!"

"On it!" the captain called out, creating a hollow basin which the group leapt in, the whitewater rocketing down the halls. After a hard right they found themselves staring at something they hadn’t seen since their arrival: a window. "Princesses!"

"Luna?" Celestia said, charging her horn. "After you."

"Beauty before age," Luna teased, the sisters firing a blast of energy that took out the window and the wall, revealing blue skies.

"Here we go, darlings!" Chrysalis exclaimed as they burst out of the asylum. The changeling shifted into a massive dragon, the other five landing on her back just as the explosion went off, reducing the asylum to rubble. All of them lit up their horns, sending everything they had at the fire blast, redirecting it out of their way. "This is the part where we say something witty!"









"God damn it Nappa?" Cadence offered.

Celestia shrugged. "Meh, close enough."

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