• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 396 Views, 1 Comments

In the Rain - Firebawl

We met in the rain, and our lives intertwined. We will have our adventures together. Our tragedies together. Our entire lives together, as friends we are, and friendship is magic.

  • ...


As I exited the door, I heard a plea for help. I looked up and saw Derpy being harassed by a couple of jerks.

"Hey, it talks!"

"Wonder what it'll say if I punch its teeth out!"

One of the idiots socked Derpy right in the mouth, and her nose started to bleed. She struggled and managed to buck one of them in the face, but she was being held down by the other and her attack didn't have much force. The assailants grabbed Derpy and slammed her to the ground, punching her repetitively in the chest.

"Ya friggin pony thing! I'm gonna rip your arm out!"

I grabbed my baseball bat and slammed one of the offenders in the head, knocking him unconscious. The other grabbed my baseball bat and threw it to the ground. I wrestled him to the ground, but he easily knocked me over. I took several punches to the chest before Derpy got up and bucked him in midair, sending him flailing to the ground. I then took my knife from my pocket and placed it over his throat.

"Go away." I commanded.

The jerk woke up his friend and they ran back to where they came from. After that, I carried Derpy back to my house and put her in the spare bed. I cleaned and dressed her wounds and then pulled out my horse encyclopedia, but it said nothing about treating broken ribs in a magical Pegasus pony from a different universe. I simply decided to have her lay flat on her back and rest under a heating pad.


The next morning, she woke up with a horrible pain. I brought her some vegetable soup and called my friend Gavin, a practiced veterinarian.

"Hey Gavin, any idea on how to treat broken ribs in a horse?"

"Sup Nova. I think that there isn't much to do but wait. Just let it rest and heal. How big is this horse?"

"Umm, about 6 hands."

"Wow, must be a Shetland Pony. Just give it some time and it'll be fine. Bye!"

Gavin hung up. I went over to Derpy and told her to rest for a while, and she fell back asleep. She was still tired from the fight. I got 3 bucks from my wallet and went to the supermarket. I then purchased a box of muffins for Derpy. When I got home, she was awake, but no longer in pain. the swelling had gone down and she said she felt good now. I gave her a muffin, and she seemed a little happier. I took the TV from the living room and placed it in the spare room so Derpy could watch. I turned it to Nickelodeon, and she seemed to enjoy Spongebob, so I left it at that. I sat in a chair next to the bed and started reading a book. When night came, I put an air mattress in the spare room and slept in it.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I am running low on inspiration for today. Tomorrow should be more fruitful.

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