In the Rain

by Firebawl

First published

We met in the rain, and our lives intertwined. We will have our adventures together. Our tragedies together. Our entire lives together, as friends we are, and friendship is magic.

I'm probably going to cancel this, sorry. Not enough time to do anything, and I've kinda dropped the idea. *sadface

If you want me to continue this, tell me in the comments and I may consider it.

Forging Friendship

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The morning breeze floated about as I walked through the forest. Small, colorful flowers covered the ground, giving the old woods a sense of life. The trail twisted and turned in front of me. When I approached a large boulder, I veered to the left off the trail. After scuffling through the underbrush for a moment, I heard the familiar sound of rushing water. In front of me, a small waterfall fed the creek that I would collect rocks in. Behind the waterfall was a small cavern. I crawled inside, met by a fire pit, a small table and chair, and a sleeping bag. This was my secret home in the woods. I went to check the nets I'd set up in the creek, and harvested a few small trout from it. Next, I placed them on a small cutting board made of a slab of slate. Using my flint knife that I had fashioned myself, I cleaned the fish and placed them over the fire. While the fish cooked, I pulled out my small laptop from by backpack. I turned on my internet hotspot and pulled up Youtube. I searched for any new MLP episodes as the smell of grilling fish wafted through my nose. I found a new one and played it. I hummed the theme song as I took the fish off the fire and sat down to eat. To supplement the fish, I brought an apple and a bottle of lemonade in my pack. I enjoyed my lunch and watched the episode. My internet started to go all crazy, and then it crashed. The hotspot module was new. I checked it, and it seemed fine. I decided to turn off my laptop and watch the episode later. Suddenly, I saw a small flash of light and heard some thunder. A storm must have broken my internet. I took a sip of the lemonade and listened to the calming rain. The fire provided light and warmth as I slid into my sleeping bag. I fell asleep quickly while the downpour rocked me to sleep.

I awoke to the scuffling of feet. As I got up, I heard a small whimper. The fire had died, and I could only make out a silhouette. The creature was four legged with a canine structure. Maybe a dog, or wolf. It probably sneaked in to the smell of my food. I was as silent as possible as I crept towards it, my knife grasped in my hand. The animal was cowering under the table, shivering. As I got closer, I noticed that it wasn't a dog. It had no paws and its head structure was all off, more human than a canine. It turned its head towards the entrance as thunder shook the sky. As it squeaked with fright, I saw something that didn't make sense. Wings erupted from it in a jolt of fear. This took me by surprise, and I jumped backwards a bit. It saw me. For several moments our eyes locked in a gaze at each other. Its eyes where bright yellow, and one drooped to the side a little. Both of us where frozen. After a second, it noticed the knife in my hand and squealed, hiding its head beneath its hooves.

"P-please don't hurt me..." I was taken aback by its... no... her speech. I simply stood there and studied her, my
knife still posed to attack her. Her body shape was like that of a small horse. The entire form seemed familiar, though my
brain had locked up due to shock. I knew this creature... I'd seen it before... but I couldn't grasp the memory. For a few
minutes, I stood motionless. Then, all of a sudden, my memory popped into place. Derpy. The next thing I heard was the dull
thump of my head hitting the earthen floor.

"Mister... are you okay? Hello?" Derpy said.

"Wuh... Wha... Ahh! I know you!" I yelled

"You sure mister? At least, I think you're a mister..." Derpy replied. "I don't remember you... In fact, I've never seen anypony like you in my life! You aren't even a pony. Kinda like one of those monkeys at Fluttershy's cottage."

"I know that name too... you're Derpy, aren't you." My mind was clearing up.

"Uh... Yeah, that's my name. My real name's Ditzy Doo, but everypony else calls me Derpy..." She trailed of and looked at the ground, a certain sadness in her tone.

"Why doesn't that sound so happy?"

"Oh, It's nothing. I'm not treated very well, but you don't care. Nopony does," Derpy sadly explained. "Well, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are nice to me, and that Doctor Whooves, but everypony else thinks I'm a klutz."

"Well, that's not very nice of them. You're a... mailmare, right?

"Yeah, I am. By the way, how do you know so much about me?"

"Oh, about that. It's a long story that I don't think you or any "pony" else would understand."

"Umm, okay... whats this stuff on that plate?"

"Oh, just some fish. That was my lunch."

"A little fishy? But... why would you eat a fish? They don't do anything!"

"What? Oh... of course, you ponies are vegetarian. Now how can I put this lightly..." I thought. "I am a species called a human. Our race can, and does, eat meat. In fact, it was one of our key elements in survival. We can eat meat and plants."

"Ah! Don't eat me!"

"Don't worry. I don't think any human will try to eat you. I'd never eat another sentient being, like you, even if my life depended on it."

"Umm, ok, as long as you don't hurt me."

"I think I'll finish my lunch, I fact. You hungry?

"I guess, as long as it's not meat..."

"Here, I have an apple." I handed Derpy the apple, and she voraciously wolfed it down. "How long has it been since you ate?"

"I'm not sure... it's been a while since I got lost, and all I've eaten is a bit of grass and a little bar of chocolate I found in that box over there."

"I don't have any more food, but I could go and get something from a dollar store," I pulled out a couple of dollars that I borrowed from my mother. "You wait here, and don't do anything. If you get thirsty, that creek outside is clean."

"Ok, thanks mister. By the way, whats your name?"

"My real name's Noah, but I like Nova. That's what my friends call me."

"Oh, and one last thing. How old are you? You're awfully tall for a monkey."

"I'm 16 years old."

"Ok, bye Nova!"

I left the cavern and headed towards the dollar store.


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It was 10:00 PM when I got to the store, but luckily, it was still open. I went inside and started browsing the isles. I picked out a jug of milk and a couple of muffins. I think Derpy likes muffins... The cashier was a grumpy woman who clearly wanted to go home. I payed for the groceries and left the store. I walked back towards the entrance to the forest. As I got to the cave, I heard
splashing and laughing. When the creek cave into view, I saw Derpy wading around in the water.

"Hey Derpy! I got some muffins!"

"OH BOY MUFFINS!" She dashed directly to me and I gave her one. I poured the milk in some cups I had in my cavern and we enjoyed the milk and muffins by the fire. Afterwards, I decided it was about time for us to sleep. Since there was only one sleeping bag, I let her have it and pulled out a dusty blanket from my box of things. We then slept soundly to the breeze whistling outside.

I woke to dawn like normal, though Derpy was still sound asleep. I put my blanket back into its box and went to get some fresh air. The rain had stopped, but the creek had flooded, exposing a new layer of rocks. I found one with orange and red stripes, and placed it in my pocket. I picked a few more and took them back to the cavern. Derpy was awake now, pouring herself some leftover milk that I had saved in my cooler.

"Morning Derpy," I said

"Morning Nova,"

"Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to see my house. It's a 5 minute walk from here."

"Sounds fun! Can we get more muffins soon?"

"Umm, I guess. I'll have to find my money first, though."

I let her finish her milk, and then we set off to my house. As we walked, Derpy skittered here and there, smelling each flower and investigating each mysterious boulder and log. She seemed like quite the curious pony. A crow cawed above us, and she flew clumsily up to investigate. Derpy and the crow stared at each other for a moment.

"I think I'll name you Steve," Derpy exclaimed to the crow.

"Caw!" replied the crow.

"Yup, you're definitely a Steve. C'mon, Steve! Follow Derpy!"

Steve tagged along as we continued to walk. He dove from branch to branch, inquisitively observing us. Eventually, we came to my house. I unlocked the door and took off my shoes. Derpy trotted in and looked around. She examined all the strange contraptions in my house, like the Thermostat and DVD player. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until I found Cartoon Network. Derpy stared at the TV, mesmerized as Adventure Time started to play. She sat down on the couch and started to watch. As Derpy was occupied, I went into the kitchen and made a couple of PBJ sandwiches for breakfast. I then poured a glass of orange juice for each of us. When I walked in to the living room, Derpy was investigating the TV remote, and had just learned how to change the volume.

"Would you like some breakfast?"

"Thanks!" Derpy gobbled her sandwich and sipped her juice as she continued to watch Adventure Time. As I put the Orange juice back into the fridge, I found a note my mother had left.

On business trip. Be back in a week. Love, Mom

I went into my room and turned on my desktop computer. I checked my email. I had a couple of messages about carpet cleaner and one newsletter from some group I never remember subscribing to. I deleted them all and went back to the living room to check on Derpy. She had walked out to my backyard and was investigating my trampoline. She got on and noticed the bounciness. She started to jump.

"Weeee!" Said Derpy "This is fun!" She bounced and bounced around, laughing the entire time. When she was done, she started flying in midair and dropped to the ground. She then uncomfortably trotted over to me.

"Do you have a bathroom?"

"Uhhh... yeah. In the hall to the left." After a few minutes, she came back out and laid down in the sun. I went in to the house and turned off the TV. I then went back outside.


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As I exited the door, I heard a plea for help. I looked up and saw Derpy being harassed by a couple of jerks.

"Hey, it talks!"

"Wonder what it'll say if I punch its teeth out!"

One of the idiots socked Derpy right in the mouth, and her nose started to bleed. She struggled and managed to buck one of them in the face, but she was being held down by the other and her attack didn't have much force. The assailants grabbed Derpy and slammed her to the ground, punching her repetitively in the chest.

"Ya friggin pony thing! I'm gonna rip your arm out!"

I grabbed my baseball bat and slammed one of the offenders in the head, knocking him unconscious. The other grabbed my baseball bat and threw it to the ground. I wrestled him to the ground, but he easily knocked me over. I took several punches to the chest before Derpy got up and bucked him in midair, sending him flailing to the ground. I then took my knife from my pocket and placed it over his throat.

"Go away." I commanded.

The jerk woke up his friend and they ran back to where they came from. After that, I carried Derpy back to my house and put her in the spare bed. I cleaned and dressed her wounds and then pulled out my horse encyclopedia, but it said nothing about treating broken ribs in a magical Pegasus pony from a different universe. I simply decided to have her lay flat on her back and rest under a heating pad.


The next morning, she woke up with a horrible pain. I brought her some vegetable soup and called my friend Gavin, a practiced veterinarian.

"Hey Gavin, any idea on how to treat broken ribs in a horse?"

"Sup Nova. I think that there isn't much to do but wait. Just let it rest and heal. How big is this horse?"

"Umm, about 6 hands."

"Wow, must be a Shetland Pony. Just give it some time and it'll be fine. Bye!"

Gavin hung up. I went over to Derpy and told her to rest for a while, and she fell back asleep. She was still tired from the fight. I got 3 bucks from my wallet and went to the supermarket. I then purchased a box of muffins for Derpy. When I got home, she was awake, but no longer in pain. the swelling had gone down and she said she felt good now. I gave her a muffin, and she seemed a little happier. I took the TV from the living room and placed it in the spare room so Derpy could watch. I turned it to Nickelodeon, and she seemed to enjoy Spongebob, so I left it at that. I sat in a chair next to the bed and started reading a book. When night came, I put an air mattress in the spare room and slept in it.