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Equestria was in chaos. Giant bunnies were terrorizing ponies, lions were being annoying, and pegasi were being forced to endlessly fly through rings. Away from all the danger, the Elements of Harmony and Santa Christ were all in Twilight Sparkle’s library, attempting to find a way to stop the Nerd’s reign of power.

Twilight was frantically searching through a book, which listed descriptions on many magical artifacts. She was looking on the page for the Alicorn Amulet, unable to make any sort of conclusion on removal if the necklace part was destroyed. She threw the book into the air in frustration. “Ugh! It’s useless! I can’t find anything to help us!”

Pinkie Pie got very sad. “So, that means Hearth’s Warming Day is gone?”

Rainbow Dash got up into Pinkie’s face. “Think, Pinkie! It’s not just Hearth’s Warming Day! This Nerd went above and beyond his original plan! He’s going to completely ruin every day of the year!” Upon hearing this news, Pinkie began to cry.

Santa Christ went to comfort Pinkie. He looked over at Twilight. “Excuse me, Twilight, but what is this Alicorn Amulet?”

“The Alicorn Amulet is an ancient artifact. The legends say that it was crafted by an olden tribe, in the form of their gods. It enhances a unicorn’s magical ability, originally intended to help with their difficult daily lives. But it corrupts the hearts of whoever uses it, and they began using it for hexing rituals. Eventually, it had to be sealed away for being too dangerous. The first time we saw it, it was being used by a rival of mine for revenge. How the Nerd got a hold of it, I don’t know.”

Santa Christ stroked his magnificent beard in thought. “So it’s a gem that enhances magical ability…I know exactly what the Nerd is using it for. He’s using it as a homemade Malachite’s Hand.”

When he saw that all of the ponies and Spike were confused, he explained. “Malachite’s Hand is a gauntlet crafted by the medieval sorcerer, Malachite. He created a jewel to place on the gauntlet that granted him unlimited magical power. It was lost to time until summer last year, when a group of adventurers discovered it and faced Malachite one last time. Since then, the original was destroyed. The Nerd saw a chance to make one for himself and conquer your world.”

“So what’re we waitin’ for,” Applejack asked. “Let’s go find him, and take him down!”

Santa Christ shook his head. “I’m afraid that if he has magic that strong, none of you will be able to take him on head to head. I’ll have to take him on alone.”

A voice called out from behind them. “No, you won’t.”

Everyone in the room turned towards the doorway, to see three alicorns standing there. While Santa Christ only recognized one of them, the rest knew all three, and Twilight called out. “Celestia! Luna! Cadence!”

Cadence jumped forward, and began to do her dance with Twilight. “Sunshine, sunshine…”

Luna interrupted them. “Now is most certainly not the time for this. I believe we have far more important matters to attend to?”

Celestia nodded. “That’s right. You two will have to meet up when this problem is solved, when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance. So, as I was saying, you don’t have to do this alone, Santa Christ. As alicorns ourselves, we possess magical abilities beyond any normal unicorn. I think that between the four of us, we should be able to put up a worthy fight against the Nerd.”

Santa Christ smiled, knowing that these ponies knew the true meaning of Christmas, standing by each other’s sides and keeping them safe. “Well then, let’s not waste any time. Let’s show that Nerd the forces he’s awakened!”

The three alicorns teleported themselves and Santa Christ out of the library, going to the fight they planned to finish.

The Nerd smiled. “So, you’ve come back for round 2?” He turned back at the new group that was facing him. “I understand that you ponies are all idiots, but this takes it to a whole new level. Do you understand the ultimate power I have in my hand? I could squash you like the bugs you are.”

Cadence corrected him. “That’s the Changelings you’re thinking of. Normal ponies like us are not related to bugs in any sort of way. But don’t go around thinking that we’re normal ponies!”

The Nerd stopped, his brain halted by what Cadence had just said. He hit himself in the head to get back into a working state of mind, hurting himself in the confusion. “So, anyways…” He got back into his menacing voice. “It’s high time you all lost the (haha no) happiness and love that you cherished so much! ONCE I GET RID OF THE (calm down) CENSORSHIP!”

Cadence used her love magic on the Nerd to bring out the good in his heart. The visual representation of her magic, a cartoon heart, came out of her horn and flew towards the Nerd. Mildly annoyed, he grabbed it and crushed it in his fist. “Were you really too stupid to guess? I’ve got no good in my heart!”

“That’s not true,” Santa Christ said. “Even in the way you’ve done it, everything you’ve done has been for the benefit of humans everywhere. You’ve gotten angry to protect others from the games that made you rage so much. Don’t you remember what happened when ROB attacked the world?”

“I didn’t do that to protect anyone, I had my own score to settle with that robot. You all just got lucky. I’m done listening to what you have to say, it’s time to finish this.” He pulled his arms off to this side, and thrust his palms forward together. “Hadouken!” A blue fireball shot out, hitting Santa Christ. He fell to the ground, stunned, forced to watch the battle.

Luna yelled out, “Charge!” The three alicorns all ran towards the Nerd, each using their different magical abilities to fight. However, none of them were able to stand up to the raw power they were against. Even when Luna created a miniature black hole, he just froze it with concrete.

As the fight commenced, the alicorns’ fight began seeming increasingly hopeless. The Nerd was countering and reversing any attack he was thrown, and forcing them back. He performed a ground pound move, stunning the three. Going in for finishing blows, he punched Celestia in the face, suplexed Luna, and grabbed Cadence by the throat, choking her.

Santa Christ, still on the ground, knew he was all the hope that was left. He stood up, and, without saying a word, reached into his robes and pulled out his gun.

The Nerd jumped back in shock and threw Cadence at the other princesses. “Since when is Santa packing?”

“The name is Santa Christ.”

The Nerd pulled out his Zapper, and the two of them fired, shots colliding. The collision created more force than any of them had expected, tossing snow in the air. The Nerd waved his hand to clear the snow, just in time to see Santa Christ leaping forward, punching him in the gut. Stunned, The Nerd called out for his last hope to win. "Prepare to face the wrath of Super Mega Death Christ 2000..." He was interrupted by Santa Christ pulling the Power Glove off his hand, rendering him powerless.

The Nerd knew that he had been beaten, and held his hands up in the air, surrendering. “Alright, you won. I won’t bother these ponies again, just bring me back to Earth.”

Santa Christ put the Power Glove on, and waved his hand, sending out waves of colored light across the skies of all of Equestria. As every pony saw the lights, all of the troubles the Nerd had caused disappeared. Ponies began to cheer for the victory, not knowing who it was that saved them.

The Nerd was handcuffed and his mouth was covered. Everypony in Ponyville was cheering for Santa Christ. He thanked the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses, bearing gifts for the good work they had done. Of all the ponies, Luna was most pleased about the present she received, a Sega Genesis.

Using the Power Glove, Santa Christ opened a portal back to Earth. Fluttershy, in her first words to him, tried to get him to stay. “Do you really have to leave? The Hearth’s Warming Day celebrations are only a few hours away.”

“I’m afraid so. All the time I’ve spent here means that I’m late to deliver the Christmas presents. I’ll have to miss Mr. T’s party, and I don’t want to miss out on his delicious pancakes.”

Luna smiled. “I wouldn’t worry about that.” She fired a beam of magic into the portal. “There, your night should last for a few more hours now. It’s the least we could do for everything you’ve done for us.”

“Thank you very much! But it’s time to depart. Come on, Nerd.” He pulled the Nerd into the portal, his voice becoming more distant as he traveled between dimensions. The last words they heard from him were “Happy Hearth’s Warming Day! Ho ho ho ho!”

“And that’s how Santa Christ Saved Hearth’s Warming Day!”

Twilight Sparkle finished her story, leaving three very confused Cutie Mark Crusaders attempting to process what they had just heard. Sitting next to them was Spike, who was looking very bored. He leaned over to the filly sitting next to him, Sweetie Belle, and whispered in her ear.

“See? This is why we don’t let Twilight drink eggnog.”

Comments ( 7 )

This was... Beautiful...


My life would be an empty husk of what might've been, if I never read this. Thank you. Thank you so much.

well was a great short story but still loable

Oh my god! This was brilliant! 10/10, 7/7 asses! That last sentance!:pinkiehappy:

Take this banal forces of political correctness! Remember Derpy!

How did this story come back into the public eye? I was trying to forget it. It's...better now that it's not my only story with an overall negative rating, but I was still hoping it would just fade.

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