• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 720 Views, 3 Comments

Shining Diamond - Ponyman130

Being trapped by diamond dogs, losing his cutie mark and his memory. Will things ever be the same?

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Royal Consideration

Chapter 5

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I stared up at the white ceiling of the hospital. I would think I would be excited to be free and safe, but after I get released I have nothing. No home, no friends, no family. I wallow in my emptiness. Doctors came in and out, changing the fluid pouches and the blood pouches. I think I heard one them say it was a miracle I was alive. A few more minutes of blood loss and I would've been dead. I was either having the best luck or the worst luck. I escape. I step into a bear trap and almost die... Again. At least my room had a clock in it so I could tell how long I slept for when I phased in and out whenever my body told it was sleepy time. With each day, more strength returned, yet I still felt that emptiness. I asked of how Rarity was doing a few times. The nurses told me she was doing very well. That filled me up with a warm feeling on the inside. I had completed my mission of escape and I kept her safe and alive. The doctors have no records of me anywhere and it didn't help that I had no clue who I was. Maybe I'm not from here then. Anyway, nopony came to visit me anyway. Nopony to recognize me and call me “friend”, “son”, or even “dad”.

It was the same old routine everyday. The doctors and nurses checked on me, I read, I slept, stared out the open window for hours along with other miscellaneous things. Then I heard a strange conversation happening outside my door.

“How is he doing?” A light yet serious voice spoke outside.

“He's getting better Princess, but there are no medical records for him. Rarity said he has no recollection of his name or anything about himself after drinking a strange potion from the Diamond Dogs.” A male voice responded.

“May I speak with him?” The light voice responded.

“Of course Your Majesty, let me wake him.” The doctor said while opening the door. A light brown unicorn stallion with glasses and a white lab coat entered my room. “Awake already I see?” He said looking at me with a smile. “Well I got good news. You've got a visitor!” I pressed a button on the bed and it slowly rose. I was still to weak to sit up for long periods of time. A visitor? Maybe it's someone who knew me? I put on a happy face to mask my deep sadness.

“For me? I would be glad to see who.” I said looking as cheery as possible. His face brightened at my attitude. He left the room.

“You can head right in Your Majesty.” The doctor spoke with the door half closed. Okay, was Princess Celestia really visiting me? Why? All I did was save a pony. Maybe Rarity is more important than the average pony. I was shocked at who entered the room even though I knew who it was. Princess Celestia came to see me. Out of all the ponies in Equestria, she took the time to come and visit me.

“P..P.. Princess?” I stuttered. She smiled at me warmly.

“How are you doing?” She asked sitting on a cushion next to my bed.

“I've had better days Your Majesty, if I could remember them.” I said. My words slipped into sigh at the the end. She was intrigued at my answer. “I'm sorry to ask Princess, but why are you here, visiting an injured pony, when you have a whole country to run?” I asked. I hope I don't get banished for speaking so... common to her.

“Because you are a hero, my little pony.” She said to me. Confusion took over my face. A what now? Hero? Why was I a hero?

“What do you mean Your Majesty?” I asked very confused. She stood up and walked closer to me.

“Unknowingly, you saved one of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. A pony who represents an element of harmony who stopped Nightmare Moon and Discord destroying Equestria.” You know, when Rarity told me her name, I thought I reminded me of something. I brushed it off at the time I didn't think anything of it.

“A hero?” I questioned.

“Indeed you are a hero and I would like to thank you for all that you have done to save her.”

“Thank you for this honor Your Majesty, but I was only doing what I thought was right. That place was the essence of horror. Sometimes I felt lucky to have no memories of family or friends to hope for. That is what fueled me to escape, Your Majesty.” I spoke respectfully. She nodded throughout my very short tale. It felt good to talk and have somebody listen so intently.

“I cannot say that I have ever had troubles such as yours with your memory, but it was very resourceful of you to take advantage of a horrible situation as that.” Her words made me feel a million times better. As if, there will be hope for my future.

“Princess, how are Rarity and her friends doing? She spoke so strongly about them.” I asked. She smiled again.

“Ahh, considerate too I see.” She chuckled. “They are doing just fine. Their reunion was quite heartwarming I heard. They are all happy she was returned safe with minimal injuries.” I smiled, but then it turned to a frown considering all that's wrong with me. She noticed my sadness.

“What's wrong, my hero?” I smirked at the name for only a little bit. I had much bigger things on my mind.

“Princess, I hate to complain, but I have nowhere to go after I am released. I have no home, no friends, no income. How will I survive?” She still kept that smile on her face.

“You don't need to worry about friends, I'm sure you already have a group of them wanting to meet the savior of their friend. As for your home arrangements, I will see what I can do. Do not fret little hero. You have suffered far beyond anypony should in my Equestria. So rest now.” She stood up at the end of her sentence. A bone in her leg popped, surprising her for a second. I snickered at her response. She looked back at me. “Let's keep that between us.” She said smiling. On her way out the door I called out to her.

“Princess!” She stopped and looked at me. I cleared my throat nervously for rudely calling for the princess to wait. “Thank you for telling me such reassuring words and that I don't have to worry for my future.” She gave me a warm smile again.

“You're welcome my little hero. Don't worry, I will be back to see how your doing. Now excuse me...” She cleared her throat. “I have a sleepy sister to wake up.” I smirked as she walked out the door with a last wave at me. I was paralyzed in shock. Princess Celestia. Came to me. To title me a hero and see how I was doing? Heh, looks like things are looking up for me. I was so excited I didn't notice the doctor enter the room again.

“After your little court with the Princess are you feeling up to another visitor?” He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. This must be one of Rarity's friends. Or maybe an actual pony who knew me. He went out the door saying “Alright, go right in.” to my visitor. In the door came a light purple unicorn mare. Her mane was a dark blue with a purple and pink highlights. Her eyes were purple too. I smiled at her as she walked by the side of my bed.

“Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said to me. It's awkward when somepony says that to me because it's common courtesy to say your name back and... I don't have one.

“I would return my name if I had one.” I chuckled a bit and so did she.

“Rarity mentioned that you had no memory...” She paused. She was probably thinking of what to say next. She rattled her head getting back on track. “I want to thank you. For bringing Rarity back home.” Even though this was the second time I was thanked I still had to think of what to say. This Twilight Sparkle was no princess.

“I couldn't just leave her there.” I said. I still didn't know what to say really. We sat in silence for a while. She looked around the room as well as I. It was very awkward.

“So. What did happen to your memory?” She broke the silence. Now this was much easier to reply too.

“On my first day of my capture, I couldn't work up to the dog's expectations so he sliced my leg really badly.” It was weird describing what really happened in there. These ponies wouldn't understand the pain I went through. Tears started welling up in my eyes. The more I went back to those memories the more I didn't want to go back. She must have noticed.

“You don't have to answer. It was a hard time, you should just rest.” She said slightly nervous.

“No no. It's fine.” I said sucking up the tears and sniffling. “After I was thrown back into my cell I slept for a long time. Then I woke up to this... Diamond Dog alchemist or something. She demanded I drink the potion which I did. It healed my wounds wonderfully, but it also wiped out my memories and what was left of my cutie mark.” The words were sinking in.

“Do you...Do you know what color it was? Type of vial? Taste? I have a friend that works with potions who lives right outside of Ponyville.” She asked me. I thought back again to that horrible night or whatever it was. I dug deeper into my mind, blowing past the small blockade that kept the horrors of the cave from coming through. That was not a smart idea.

As soon as I crossed the mental barrier, my mind flooded full of memories from the cave. The day I was beaten until I couldn't move because I didn't haul enough gems back. When I heard Rarity's cries for her friends in her sleep. When I talked to myself as if I was talking to somepony else. My eye twitched as I stared in the distance. I saw no hospital room anymore. I saw the darkness of my cell closing in. My heart rate sped up through the roof. The purple unicorn, her name didn't come to mind, ran to the door and yelled something. Was she alerting the diamond dogs? Only seconds later did a group of dogs enter the room equipped with spears. I shrunk into my bed as small as I could. There was no hope. They were here to take me back. I can't trust anypony anymore. They ran towards me with their spears pointed at me. No not here to take me back, but to finish the job. My heart pounded harder and harder with each of their huge steps. My pupils shrunk to the size of a cherry. Time seemed to slow down. I didn't notice one of the dogs inject me with something. I thought they would want me to be awake for my death. My heart beat slowed down to only a few beats every few seconds. My head hit the soft bed. I should cherish the last bit of comfort I will ever have. The now very wavy dogs began chattering, but I couldn't grasp what the were saying.

“I don't... Want to go back...” I pushed out. The exhaustion overwhelmed me and I was out like a light.


When I felt that I woke up I didn't open my eyes. My head was pounding like it was hit was a sack of bricks. I didn't dare to open my eyes and see the darkness of the cave again. I can't avoid the inevitable so one eye popped open. I was still in my hospital room. What? What about the diamond dogs and my cell? Maybe I'm not as sane as I thought. My other eye popped open. My room was dimly lit compared to the usual brightness. It must be night time then. I always fell asleep before they announced it was time for the patients to sleep, so I never saw this tranquil period of the hospital. My eyes drifted to the window but a large dark blue shape obstructed the moon light. My eyes drifted up to see a large dark blue pony sitting at my bed side. I jumped back in my bed with a yelp. The ponies turquoise eyes grew at my sudden movement. Wait a minute. Is this... Is this Princess Luna? When my heart slowed down a few beats I regained my posture.

“Princess Luna?” I asked. She cleared her throat and adjusted her posture.

“Yes, it is I.” She returned.

“W... What are you doing here? I stammered.

“My sister told me of you. Thou are suffering from hallucinations?” She asked directly. Princess Luna didn't have the friendly atmosphere as much as Princess Celestia did.

“Yes Princess, but this was the first time.” She listened intently. She must have picked up on my tense body language.

“Please thou does not-” She cleared her throat. “You don't have to be so formal. This isn't a court.” She said in a kinder less strict tone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She smiled at me. “There now. Now I know you don't want to go back to those memories, but do you have any idea why this hallucination may have occurred?” She asked me. “Don't worry, if anything happens, I know how to deal with personal demons.” I smiled back at her.

“It was when this unicorn, a friend of Rarity's...” I couldn't think of her name.

“Twilight?” She suggested.

“Yes Ms. Twilight.” She smirked at what I called her. “She asked me about, about the potion that I drank that got rid of my memories.” I said. “When I began to remember the cave, memories flooded my mind and I all became real.” I added. She listened for every word just like her sister, except Princess Luna had a more concentrated face than her sister's. Her face was conflicted with a few different emotions as if she was fighting to decide something until she came out with it.

“Do you mind if I go into your mind and try to see for myself?” She asked. I would rather her not, but I'm not going to deny Princess Luna who believes this might help me.

“Go right ahead Your Majesty.” I said. She looked a little shocked at my immediate response.

“Are you sure? I don't want to go anywhere that you might disapprove of. This is your mind after all.” She insisted. I laughed a little and she gave me a confused look.

“I don't have anything to hide Princess. I don't have anything in there, but the cave and so forward.”

“Very well then. I will put you out so you don't feel anything.” She said with a tang remorse. Dark blue magic conjured from her horn and flew into my head. I was out before I hit the pillow.


When my eyes opened up again only ten minutes have passed. Princess Luna's eyes regained focus as she looked at me with sadness. My curious expression only seemed to make it worse.

“I... I've seen enough.” She said with what I think to be a small tear in her eye. I suddenly got worried. Was what I've been through a lot for even a Princess who's been alive for centuries to handle? Her eyes became very compassionate. “You, my friend.” Friend? “Have endured more than you ever should have and you are now here and well.”

“Well is a strong word Your Highness.” I added. She gave a slight smile.

“You have even maintained a sense of humor through torture that would have killed many others.” I swallowed nervously. “I give my utmost consolation to you. And please, call me Luna.” She feels bad for me?

“Luna. I was only doing what I thought was right. I don't think of myself as much more.” I said.

“You have lost so much, yet you remain so positive. How?” She me. Now I was really surprised. I had to think for a second for what to say.

“I am not always so positive Princess, but ever since Princess Celestia visited me earlier, she gave me hope of the future. What good will remaining in my horrible past bring me?” I said.

“You are right little pony. Maybe, even somepony such as I, can learn something from you.” She said. I sat quiet. “Your leg.” I lifted it up slowly and turned it around. “Would you like me to fix it?” I placed it down on my bed, but not without it sending a stab of pain through me.

“That would be wonderful, but I can't ask you to do that.” I said. Her horn glowed with dark blue magic that engulfed my hoof. Instantly the swelling went down and I could feel the bone reconnect back together. It was a very eerie feeling. The tissues healed up perfectly. It even gave me back much of my strength. The dark blue magic evaporated and my right foreleg plopped onto the bed without a spot of pain.

“Consider it a small gift for all that you've been through.” She gave me a wink while she stood up. I was more shocked than ever. I swear, if I keep getting shocked like this, something bad's going to happen. “I will come back when I can to see how your recovery goes. Also I will see what I can do about your memory.” She said to me while walking to the door.

“Thank you, Luna. It was nice to have someone to... vent to.” I said to her. She stopped with her hoof in the door.

“Oh, and get a name for yourself hero. I'm sure you will have no trouble with finding one. Farewell, and goodnight!” She said with a wave. I gave a small wave back as she shut the door with her dark blue magic. I was alone again. With Princess Luna gone, I began to wonder. Why the first name basis? What did she mean by, “Maybe I can learn something from you?” I sat for about an hour going over possible answers until my brain began to shut down for the night. I let out a big yawn, smacked my lips and scratched my back. I leaned back into the sterile smelling pillow and looked out the window until my eyes began to close. Deciding my name will come in a little while, I still have to meet Rarity's other friends and Iron Oak. With peaceful thoughts in mind, I drifted off to sleep.

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