Shining Diamond

by Ponyman130

First published

Being trapped by diamond dogs, losing his cutie mark and his memory. Will things ever be the same?

"I'm not going to lie. Being trapped by dog monsters isn't a very pleasant experience. Especially if you get caught talking to the pony your trapped with, you get spear at your throat. Now, I got a plan to escape from here, but it won't be easy. I have to find a way to free the other pony trapped too because I'm such a gentlecolt and leaving them here is a death sentence. I'll deal with not having a cutie mark or any memory of myself later. Escape is my number one priority."

This is my first story so constructive criticism would be appreciated.

New Surroundings

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Chapter One

A radiant beam of soft yellow light bled through the rows of trees all around me. The soft rustling of trees sounded throughout the area. I was leaning on what I think was a tree. It wasn't very solid like a rock, but it was still hard. I looked above me. Gleaming juice-swollen apples dangled above me looking as if they'll drop any moment. My eyes drifted from the apples to the sky. I was momentarily stunned at how clear it was. Only a few clouds slowly strolled their way across the sky. The sun shone in the middle of it all only to be stopped by the apple trees surrounding me. My left ear twitched as it picked up the chirping of a field cricket. I unfocused from the world and just stared into the sky, taking it all in.

A fidgeting caught my attention and I turned my head. I small bird with a red breast landed on the branch of an apple tree. I observed the bird for a long while, watching it ruffle its feathers, sing to other birds and hop along to other nearby branches.

Suddenly, it turned and looked at me directly in the eyes. I jumped at the bird's sudden movement. The bird seemed to be staring into my soul. “You better run.” a voice said. I looked around to find the source. Nopony was here. When I turned to the bird again, I found it right in my face. I yelped and backpedaled until I hit the tree behind me. Its beak didn't move when I said to me “The shadows... They're gonna get you.” I was absolutely still. I heard the crunching of dirt behind me. Slowly, I turned my head around, heart beating out of my chest. In front of me was a tall dark furred creature with abnormally large arms. It wore a collar on its neck like a dog would, but this was no normal dog.

“Ah, a pony that isn't a prissy pants. We need more workers.” It said deviously. The dog started running towards me with a pick axe in its hand. Before I had the chance to scream, the side of a pick axe collided with my face.


Colors swirled into an in-tangible infinity. Bright yellows streaks twisted and turned over my head. Cyan blue dots darted around my body so fast it seemed like there were a million of them. Purple lines created shapes in a careful pattern. I was hypnotized at the colorful display. I heard the buzzing of the blue dots get louder which led me to notice they were getting closer. They were closing in on me! I backed up until I realized they were closing in behind me also. I was forced to stop in my tracks. The dots got so close they started thumping my muzzle.

My heart began to race again. Suddenly the blue balls shot upward with tremendous speed. Hundreds of whistles blew past my head all in under a second and combined into a fidgety blue mass. I screamed and started to back up. The yellow streaks floated closer to me. My eyes watched their every move. At the speed of light, they twisted around me and constricted me. It was crushing my chest. I struggled for breath while trying to push out a scream, but it only tightened around me. As I flailed against the yellow choking lines, I didn't notice the blue mass sprout tentacles and begin to approach me. I wouldn't have noticed it at all unless the purple line hadn't collided into the blue-tentacle mass creating a huge boom that echoed across the emptiness.

The blue mass swirled with purple, expanding as it did so. It kept growing until rainbow light started splintering across the outside. The now-not-so-blue mass exploded in a beautiful, yet bright, rainbow explosion. The yellow dropped me almost instantaneously and slithered away into the dark beyond. I collided into the hard black ground, fighting for breath. I started coughing which progressed into almost choking on my own blood. Blood spattered from my mouth and on to the floor. The blood compiled into a pool big enough to see myself. My dandelion yellow eyes focused on their reflection. They slowly looked down my head. My light brown, messy hair and my pumpkin colored coat were the only thing I could focus on. I struggled to hold myself help. My head felt like somepony was smashing it with a rock. My legs shook from the weakness. My sight started to darken as I collapsed on the ground. I coughed up more blood which spattered across my right foreleg. I couldn't stay awake anymore. I blacked out


“...One will be much better than the white whining one. She's only been here for one day, and her ceaseless talking is driving us crazy.” A voice around me talked.

“The other diamond dog pack's lackey ran away. A bunch of idiots they are.” A much deeper voice replied. I open my eyes and see black. Panicking, I turn my head only to try and see where I am, only to receive a flaring pain from my skull. What the hay? How did this happen? I thought. Then I remembered I was smashed in the head with a pick axe. This is probably more than a concussion I thought painfully. It was when I sank to the floor that I noticed I was in a corner.

“The orange pony started screaming out of nowhere in his sleep. Luckily, I was in the cave so no other ponies could hear him.” The screechy voice said. Screaming in my sleep? Well, I did have a terrifying nightmare. I thought. Stealthily, I shuffled around until I saw the speakers. I gaped at what I saw. It was two of those dog monsters sitting at a table guarding what I now notice to be crude iron- barred cells. I'm being kept prisoner! I panicked internally. I put a hoof to my head in shock. I immediately retracted it when I felt hot stickiness. I looked at it and there was a blotch of blood on it. I wasn't completely surprised to find my head bleeding after being hit in the head with a pick axe.

“We're keeping the other one down this hall, so they don't get any ideas.” The bigger of the two nudged my captor with his elbow and started laughing. Who is this other pony they keep talking about? Whining and ceaseless talking they said she so she's a mare. I wondered. My captor chuckled before getting up from his seat.

“The alpha wanted to see me about the capture. Make sure the pony doesn't go anywhere. The bigger one nodded. The other dog started walking away and that's when I saw my escape. A key swayed from his pants. I prayed to Celestia for freedom from this wretched cave. I watched my captor walk away with my only hope of freedom. I had to get that key. For me, for that other pony trapped in here.

I suddenly felt very dizzy and lightheaded. It must be from the blood loss I concluded. I lay my head down on the hard rock floor and close my eyes. I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I still had an awful headache. I felt my head and the blood dried. I didn't even know how long I slept for. I looked at the front of my cell to see a small pile of hay laying on the floor. I scooted over to it. I was so preoccupied about my capture I didn't realize how hungry I was. The small pile of hay was gone in three bites. I wanted more, but I guess slaves don't really need to be fed.

“So, your awake, huh?” a gruff voice in front of me said. I gulped and looked up. It was the same hulking dog from before. He had a brown coat and was wearing metal plating on his shoulders. He had cold yellow eyes that had no tenderness in them. “It's time to drag carts, pony.” He added extra disgust on the word pony I noted. “I wouldn't try anything if I were you.” He picked up a spear with a sharp point and carried it and the key to my cell in his paw. When did he get the key? The last time I saw it, the other dog had it. He unlocked the ancient cell door and he swung it open. I stood up slowly with my legs shaking. Once I got a steady stance I felt better. The dog dropped a huge worn out harness on my neck. My knees buckled, but I could stand it. “You have no head horn. You no find gems.” The dog grumbled.

“I can't.” I was surprised. It was the first time I talked in over a day.

“I go fetch the whiny one. If you move one step, I'll cut your hooves off.” I gulped and nodded. He waved his spear at me before wandering into the halls of the cave, eventually disappearing into the darkness. The harness was tight around my neck so I adjusted it so it wasn't sticking into my neck so much. In the dogs absence I got a chance to see what was on the table he was sitting at. A deck of cards, a ripped up card box, spear tips, a metal helmet, some kind of meat and a few gems. One gem stood out in particular. I gazed into it, getting lost in the pulsing blue that emitted from it. Eventually I heard footsteps coming this direction along with a clopping and I chinking sound.

The huge dog appeared from the hall holding his spear, the key and a chain. My eyes followed the chain until I found its source. I was stunned at what I saw. A white coated female unicorn with ribbon-like purple hair stepped form the darkness. She had three diamonds as a cutie mark also. She was shaking terribly as she was practically dragged along. Her eyes were red with dirt and makeup running beneath them, she was obviously crying. When she saw me she almost froze, but kept walking. Her beautiful blue eyes locked onto mine and mine onto hers. The dog didn't notice this small but meaningful exchange as he pulled her along. He turned to the white unicorn. “You find gems, he digs and carries them. No talking at all.” He twirled his spear to emphasize his point. She gave a slight nod and swallowed nervously. He walked around the corner and came back pulling a mine cart behind him. He hooked it up to my harness and pointed his spear forward into a hallway.

The mare began walking and I followed not far behind. Her horn glowed a soft blue and a look of concentration filled her face. Soon after, she stopped and marked an X into the ground with her hoof. I stopped, not knowing what to do right away. I was jabbed with the butt of the dog's spear. “Dig!” I immediately started digging. The soil moved surprisingly easily under my hooves. I kept digging until I saw a shine. I dug around it when I unearthed a gorgeous emerald the size of my head. The unicorn's magic engulfed it and she levitated it into the cart behind me. She began walking again without a word as if she saw these gems everyday.

This process continued on for hours. Walk, mark, dig, and walk again. As it went on, the loss of blood I encountered from the night before started to take its toll. I got weaker and more dizzy with each dig. The dog had to jab me a few times with the back of his spear to get me going again followed by something like “Get moving pony.” My legs shook as the unicorn marked another spot. I walked over to it and began digging. My legs wobbled as I scraped at the cold earth. I couldn't do it anymore. I gave it a last push until my legs gave out. A stomp pounded behind me. “YOU WEAK PATHETIC PONY!” He pulled back his spear and slashed it across my flank where my cutie mark was. I screamed as blood poured out. The unicorn stepped back and put a hoof to her mouth. Tears flowed freely from me and her. I dug quickly until I found the gem. She hesitated for a second before floating it up and into my cart. The monster shoved dirty gauze into the wound. “That's enough for today.” He grumbled. The cart was overflowing with gems and jewels. I limped along, following the dog. The mare walked behind me. Her eyes were red and puffy.

When we reached my cell he pulled off the harness. The white unicorn was staring at me while I looked at the ground. I was still crying from the pain, but it receded a small amount with time. He unlocked my cell door and opened it. I trudged into my cell. I was exhausted, starving and probably in shock. I lied in the back left corner with my head down. She stood still watching me even as the dog was walking away with the chain in his hand. The chain tugged at her throat lurching her forward. She gave me one last glance and I gave her one too as she trotted off into the darkness.

It was this night I vowed that no matter how long it takes. I will get out of here and I will save that poor mare. These monster will pay. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out cold.

Cave Life

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Chapter Two

I don't even know how long we've been in this cave for. There is no sun or clocks to know by. There is only darkness, rock, humidity and an awful stench. The only way I could judge time is by how many times I slept. I marked it in the corner of the wall, which is either covered by me or a pile of rocks I gathered out of boredom. It's not even an efficient way counting. It would probably be better to tell by how many times I'm dragged off to work.

Sometime during the first night of my capture, a dog mystic came to my cell. I couldn't see anything specific about her because she was wearing a cloak that covered her whole body. She removed a potion from a satchel on her side and stuck it through the bars of the cell, telling me to drink. Of course I hesitated at first, but when she threatened to cut my throat open, I was left with only a few options. With the little energy I had, I crawled over to her and retrieved the elixir. I downed it in one gulp. It was the first time I had something to drink in who knows how long. I was met with a very sweet and syrupy aftertaste.

It was a miracle in a bottle. In the matter of minutes, my head wound closed up. The haze that smothered my mind was lifted leaving clarity in its wake. The gash in my leg healed, leaving nothing but a scar where my cutie mark would be. I felt rejuvenated. It was a bit later when I noticed something odd. Whenever I tried to think of home or in fact, anything about myself, nothing came to mind. Also the elixir seemed to erase my cutie mark. The potion must have had some sort of sedative in it because I never seemed to panic. Maybe I was going insane, but worrying about my past won't get me anywhere in here.

Sometimes after the white mare and I get back from our slave labor, I hear crying and screaming coming from the white one's cell. The poor mare. Nopony should ever have to endure what we are. Especially a mare. I've noticed her emotions have been slipping away with each work session. That flicker of hope in her eye has long, but burnt out. Leaving only a cold emptiness. Some days she doesn't even look at me as if she was a drone of some sort. I can't say that I'm much different than her but I still have that hope of escape.


“Alright get to work worthless mules” said the guard who's name I learned to be is Rex. The same drill every day. I use the lack of a mix up in paths to try and find a way out. It's easy to tell when we get closer to the surface when the air gets a little less heavy and humid. I'm sure Rex knows that too because each time a look in the tunnel towards the opening he says “Eyes forward or I'll cut them out.” Which is usually followed by being poked with the tip of his spear. Which is when I continue to look back to the ground.

The halls in this tunnel seem endless. They twist and turn and always lead to another tunnel. We walked for a long while before finding more gems. The same routine again. Walk, mark, dig and keep going. I try to imagine that sometimes a treasure chest or a hole to safety lies beneath one of the X’s that the unicorn marks. Which leads me to think that I'm losing my sanity. Whenever I do feel myself slipping from reality I repeat the same phrase in my head. I'm trapped by horrible dog demons. There is a unicorn mare trapped with me. We have to escape. I have a plan.

I looked at the unicorn in front of me. A cutie mark with three diamonds adorned her flank. Maybe it has to do with her gem finding abilities? I thought. My eyes drifted to what I could see of her face. The light blue glow of her horn illuminated her whole face, making it easy to see the beads of sweat collecting on the back of her neck.. I stared emptily into the back of her head when a thought hit me. I never learned her name. During the large amount of time the mare and I have been here I never got to ask her about her name. Due to the fact that if I did talk, Rex would rip my vocal cords out. He wouldn't hesitate to do the same to her either.

We continued to search for more gems. This time when the unicorn sensed a nearby gem, her eyes widened the smallest bit before her neutral mask was put back on. She marked an X on the ground where the gem was. I began digging until I hit the gem. I brushed off its dirt coat and I was stunned at what I uncovered. It was the same kind of gem that I saw the first day of my abduction. Whichever way I looked, azure blue swirled around and flashed dully. “Why you stop dumb ponies? He shoved the mare over onto the ground to see what's going on. She yelped as she hit the ground. “You better have a...” Rex stopped mid sentence when he saw the gem. He swallowed and started to look nervous. He quickly unlatched the harness from me. “Follow me, NOW!” Rex ordered. I helped her back up as quick as I could. We didn't delay. The unicorn and I shared glances of confusion at the sudden change of emotion. His pace quickened with each step. What is so important about that gem? It must be very important to drive him to act this way. He glared back at us every few seconds, to make sure we weren't going anywhere. We weren't leaving just yet.

We reached my cell first. Rex shoved me and the mare into my small rocky abode. “Stay here.” He fumbled the key in his paw as he locked the cell door and took off on all fours. We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, she hugged me out of nowhere. I sat still, not knowing what to really so in this situation. She started crying into my shoulder. I patted her back gently. A little bit of snot started getting on my shoulder. “There, there?”I said not knowing what else to say.

“My sister.” she said to me while sobbing. I looked at her in shock. I didn't even think about her having a family. “She's only a filly. I can't die down here!” She continued to sob on me. I slowly returned the one-sided hug. “And my friends... Oh my... They must be looking everywhere for me.” She said, crying even harder now. Of course that hadn't occurred to me before either. If I had any friends or family they must be searching everywhere for me too. My heart ached a bit at the thought. No. Now's not the time for that. I thought. I pushed it out of my mind without a second thought. Eventually the crying and sobbing wore down. I was her wall to lean against in this time of tragedy. She talked of her friends and what they might be doing because of her absence. I reassured her that things were going to be fine.

“Fine? FINE! HOW ARE THINGS GOING TO BE FINE!” She screamed at me, while getting off of me. I didn't expect this reaction, but my expression didn't waver. Now was not the time to lose my cool. I had to be the strong one for both of us.

“I have a plan.” I stated alone. A confused look grew on her face as the aggression departed.

“A plan?” She asked. I smirked at the sudden change in attitude.

“Yes, a plan. I've been working on it since the first night of my capture.” That spark of hope flickered back into existence.

“What is it?” She leaned in to hear what I had to say. I sighed. It seemed so much clearer in my head, but to put it into words was a whole new challenge. The first step of my plan popped into my head: Getting out of the cell. Another thought just popped into my head the same moment.

“Do you know how to pick a lock with your magic?” I asked. Her eyes widened at the sudden question. She mulled her answer over for a few seconds before responding.

“I don't know an unlock spell, but I know my way around with a sewing needle.” Sewing needle? Maybe she's a tailor? I put my thoughts into words.

“Are you a tailor?” I asked.

“Yes, the very best in Ponyville.” She froze at the word Ponyville. Her home no doubt. Tears started collecting in her eyes. I braced myself for round two.

She exploded into tears, falling onto me as she did so. I didn't say anything this time. I patted her back and stroked her dirt-caked mane. I let her run her course. After what seemed like hours, the crying slowed down and a light snore filled its place. It was an odd feeling to have a complete stranger sob on you for hours and fall asleep on your lap, but I pushed that aside to the inappropriate-time bin in my mind.

I couldn't sleep during the time the mare was sleeping. I sat vigilantly in case Rex or another dog came to check on us. Sometime in her sleep she began to sing softly. “Smile smile smile...” A small grin escaped from me. I have to admit. The mare was quite cute, even in these dreadfully dirty conditions. I always seemed to get lost in those sapphire blue eyes. I shook my head. Nope! Not now. Too much to worry about. I began to think of the plan in my head. It was how I escaped from the problems around me. I have no memories of home, family or friends to worry about. I hate to say that it's a blessing, but from a lack of memory, it gives me a clear view of what's going on right now. With time, my eyelids grew heavy. I was mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. The adrenaline that must have kept me going was dwindling. I looked up at the roof of my cell. A small crack caught my eye. I've stared at that ceiling for hours at end. There was definitely not a crack there before. I craned my neck to see from another point of view, cracking my neck in the process. I let out a small groan and shuddered. My neck was strained from the position it was in. I yawned and smacked my lips. I grew more tired by the moment. Maybe a little sleep won't hurt. I resolved. My mind began protesting, but my body crushed all resistance. My head slowly sank to the cold earth. I closed my eyes and sleep came almost instantly.

I always hope that when I wake up, sun would blast my eyes, causing me to snuggle back under my blankets for protection. Or at least that's how I hoped I reacted to the morning sun. I haven't had that luxury for a long time. Nowadays I open my eyes to see the same darkness. An eternal night brought upon by Nightmare Moon.The cave always had a faint green glow to it, but its nothing compared to the power of pure daylight. I raised my head. A sharp pain shot through my neck. I grunted and raised my head slower. A stiff neck was an ordinary symptom of sleeping on dirt I learned. I looked to my right to see the white unicorn huddled against me. I smirked at her adorableness. She seemed to sense being watched as her eyes popped open. She blinked a few times getting her barrings no doubt. I quickly looked forward as to not let her know I was staring at her. She noticed her closeness to me and shifted away. I pretended to be surprised by the sound of of her shuffling and turned my gaze toward her.

“Sleep good?” I asked. She stretched her legs a bit before answering.

“Better than other nights. Thank you.” She looked at my face with a strange expression, seeming to be looking right under my eyes.

“Did you sleep at all?” Were the bags under my eyes that noticeable? To be truthful, I was half asleep right now.

“Yeah. Not much though. Couldn't sleep.” I explained, while standing up to stretch my legs. She gave me a suspicious look. She probably knew I was up most of the time watching over her. I walked over to the small pile in the corner of my cell. The pile consisted of rocks and a small amount of hay I've been saving in case things got worse. This isn't “worse”, but I figured it would be best if she got some food. I picked up the hay and gingerly dropped it next to her. “Here eat. It's been a while.” Hunger flashed in her eyes before disappearing.

“What about you? You need to eat too.” She split the hay in half with her magic and floated my half over to me. I could tell there was no overriding her decision. Both of our hay piles were gone in a bite, but it sure made me feel better. A small amount strength returned. I then realized how skinny we both were. Especially her. Her ribs were practically showing. I was probably the same. It's a miracle from Celestia that I have the strength and courage as I do right now.

We sat there quietly for a few moments before she spoke up. “Rarity.” Rarity? Was that her name or was she talking about the food? “My name's Rarity.” She clarified after receiving my confused look. And there it was. Her name. Rarity. A name that fits just right for her. I wish I could return the my name, but I was empty hooved. I had to think of something. Let's see. Orange coat, brown mane. Orange Brownie? No. Ah hay, I'll just say the truth. I took a deep breath, shuddering in the process.

“I don't know my name.” I said, lowering her head. She put a hoof to her mouth in shock.

“Oh my.” She whispered.

“One of those dog... things came to my cell after the first night. She gave me a potion that healed my wounds completely. It was great, but it wiped my mind of all memories of myself, my friends my family. Anything that had to do with me.” I started to choke up on the last sentence. Everything I once was. Gone. I don't even remember how I got here. I sighed, pushing the tears away. No weakness now. Rest after we get out of here. A think silence filled our prison.

“Those monsters. They're called Diamond Dogs.” Rarity spoke up suddenly.

“Makes sense.” I realized I was being blunt, but I didn't feel like being compassionate at the moment. She looked back at me.

“This isn't the first time I was captured.” She admitted. Now that caught my attention. “I was caught finding gems for my outfits, just like I was this time. Last time, my friends came to my rescue and I was out in under a day.” She shook her head, more tears appearing. “I went out too far this time. I hoped they would come, but as time passed, I lost all hope. Now, you have a plan and, and we're going to get out. Right?” She was crying at the end. She worked herself up so much during her short story. I did the only thing I could think of. I hugged her.

“Of course.” I said to her. She cried into my shoulder as she did a short while ago. As she drenched me in tears I was going over my mental checklist of the plan. Everything was falling into place. I realized now is the time. Our escape was within reach. My head shot up. “Now's the time.” I said. Her crying silenced.

“What?” She asked.

“Now's our chance to escape.” I said. I got up quickly and walked over to the corner which held my sharpened rock. I almost cut my mouth picking it up. A cold wetness plopped on my head. I looked up. The crack that I noticed a while ago grew. Water was leaking out. I thought back to where we are in the cave. The holding cells were on an incline compared to the rest of the cave. My brain was making sense of what was going on. Then like a puzzle piece fitting into the final space, I knew what was happening. The cave was flooding. We had to leave. We had to leave right now.


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Chapter 3

I panicked. No wonder why they haven't come for us. They left us for dead! What do two replaceable slaves mean to them anyway? I should have initiated the plan earlier. See? Look what happened when you got caught up in emotions! I cursed at myself. “We have to go now!” I yelled. “The cave is flooding. Who knows what the diamond dogs did to preserve themselves or keep us in here.” Rarity stood up disoriented. I didn't blame her. My sudden outburst wasn't, in anyway predictable. This was no longer a stealth mission. Picking the lock was no longer necessary. “Okay. We have to get out of this cell.” I took a deep breath. Panic and adrenaline causes accidents and clumsiness. We didn't even know if there was anyone in here. My thoughts were crowding with all sorts of possibilities and what-ifs. Rarity peeked out of the cell down into the passage to our escape.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think I see water at the bottom of the path.” Rarity called out to me. I looked up in surprise.

“Water is dripping from the ceiling. There must be a chamber above us that's filling with water.” I said. “Which means if we don't get out of here soon... The ceiling will crush us.” I said, slightly muffled by the rock in my mouth. I gulped at the possibility. No more games. Time to get moving. “I'll try and break the lock.” I said trotting over to the cell door. I spit the rock out of my mouth. I turned my back towards the door. I took a deep breath. In and out. 1... 2... 3! I bucked the door with all my strength. A loud clank and snapping was heard as I lurched forward, face scraping the ground. Heat filled my face like it was on fire. “BUCK!” I yelled out. Rarity rushed over to help me up. I faced the door. The locking mechanism was shattered on the ground, leaving the door slightly ajar. Ha HA! I thought through the pain. Rarity lifted the sharpened rock with her magic as we stepped outside my cell.

I walked over to the table that sat outside my cell the whole time I was here. I looked for something to use as a weapon. I looked at the side of the farthest chair. A spear leaned against it. I smiled. Fortune smiled upon us by bringing us another weapon. Unfortunately, I had no way to carry such a large weapon with just my teeth. I looked around for a solution. Hurry up there isn't much time! “Help me find something to hold that spear with. Or something to keep it in place.” I said to Rarity. She seemed reluctant to help me find something to kill someone with. Sweat dripped down her neck. I checked all around the dog's small post, but there was nothing I could find of use.

“A saddle! You could...” She blurted out. I looked at her to finish her sentence. “You could stick that spear on a saddle.” A great idea it was and I knew just where to get one. I rushed around the corner where Rex put the mine carts. I scanned the little room. Crude wooden carts with metal bands were stacked on each other three to four high. A pile of rusty harnesses lied on the floor. A saddle bag sat on the table on the left side of the room along with a few gems. I walked over to the bag. It was a large pink bag with three diamonds on the side. This must be Rarity's bag. The diamonds almost exactly match her cutie mark. I looked at the table again seeing if anything was worth stuffing into her bag. I saw one of the gems that caused Rex to become nervous. It was cut like an emerald would be. I placed it in the bag and closed it up, making it seem like this was how I found it. I don't want her to know I was going through her belongings. Their stuff meant so much to somepony locked up in a cave for weeks.

“Rarity, can you come over here?” I called out to her while picking up the bag. She ran into the room probably expecting trouble. I held the pink bag out to her. She instantly recognized it.

“You found my bag! I was wearing it when I got captured. My sister Sweetie Belle made it for me.” She ran over and pulled me in for a tremendous hug. “Thank you.” I nodded. It seemed more fitting than a you're welcome. She floated it on to herself and tightened the straps around her mid-section. “Wow, this used to fit just fine before.” She said. I chuckled at her comment. She glared daggers at me. I coughed into my hoof and went back to my saddle search. I searched three out of the four mine cart stacks for anything inside. They all contained pebbles and rocks. One stack left. I asked Celestia for a saddle to be in there. She must have heard my prayers because inside the worn, old mine cart was a beaten up leather saddle with straps on the side, perfect for hold my spear. A grin plastered over my face as I lifted the harness and placed it on my back. Rarity floated the spear into on of the holsters on the side and tightened it properly. I gave her thanks which was followed by a nod. Time to get moving. All set to go, we ventured down deeper in the cave.

Without Rex to guide us, the cave had an eerie atmosphere to it. Adding to it was the sloshing of our hooves in the foot high dirty water. Disgust filled Rarity's face as we trudged on. I heard a noise in the distance and whispered for her to stop. We stood still in the murky waters for a few seconds when a snoring filled the cave along with the sound of rushing water. She must have heard it too because her ears flicked at the sound. “Slowly and quietly.” I whispered to her. She nodded in response. We walked as quietly as we could with water up to our knees.

We found the source of the noise on a raised platform. A diamond dog fast asleep. How he could sleep in a time like this could only leave me wonder. Whatever the case, the cave was boarded up so the only way out was past him. Water leaked through the bottom of the barricade, causing our flooding situation. She levitated the sharpened rock from her pack already knowing what to do. She looked at me for approval. I nodded solemnly. She sneaked up to the beginning of the platform. The dog was facing in our direction, probably to make sure we weren't going anywhere. So much for that. I started to give out a count in a whisper. “Three. Two. One.” She closed her eyes as the rock plunged itself into the dog's neck. He was dead within a matter of seconds.

I walked forward toward the platform not looking at the dog. I hoisted my self up and rolled to get on top. I lent out my hoof to Rarity. She grabbed on. “Ready?” I asked her. She nodded. I pulled her up slowly. She was much lighter than I expected. Not that I was calling her fat! Maybe I got stronger or something. I pushed that out of my head. Arguing with myself was not a sign of good health. I have to get out of here and soon.

On the other side of the barricade the water was a little higher than before. We had to wade through the water to get around. I think I knew my way to the surface from here. A left, then a right and follow that path up. I thought. We wadded through the water until we reached an incline. The water got more shallow as we went up. As we climbed, a massive rumbling shook the whole cave. Rarity stopped walking.

“What was that?” Rarity asked. The sound of rushing water filled the halls.

“The ceiling collapsed behind us. We have to get higher or we could get crushed by the wave or the debris.” I said in a cool manner. That's something else that has been bothering me. No sense of panic has really affected me during our escape. Have I really become so transformed by my imprisonment that I'm starting to lose my emotions? Of course I'm not. I was emotional not even an hour ago and look where it got me? I'm talking to myself again.

“Are you okay?” Rarity asked me at my side.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“You were talking to yourself about emotions.” That little conversation was out loud? Dear Celestia, I really have gone mad. Anger filled my insides at the thought. All that troubled me began to boil up inside of me. Some of it began to boil over.

“No, I'm not okay. Having your memory taken from you and having new ones filled with torture, plans and imprisonment don't create a stable mind.” I said while walking. “Besides, if I got emotional during a time like this it could cost my life or yours” I pointed a hoof at her.“So... No, I'm not okay.” I ceased walking on the last sentence. This was building up inside me for a while now. It felt good to... Open up.

“I... I never thought of it like that.” She stammered, slightly horrified. I readied myself for more walking. I shoved aside my anger and everything else tied to it.

“Yeah, well things happen. Now, come on. I don't know how long this cave will hold.” I motioned forward. I tried concentrating from then on, on where we were going. The sound of pouring rain grew louder as we ascended.

“We're getting close!” Rarity said with joy. A little more spring was added in our steps.

As we continued through the cave we saw abandoned mine carts, equipment and floating supplies. The dogs abandoned this place completely it seemed. Except for the other one which was probably left behind as some sort of punishment. He was no longer a worry though. The cave rumbled ahead of us. Oh no.“The ceilings coming down!” Rarity yelled over the rushing water. And down it came. Rocks fell from above along with a torrent of water. My heart raced looking for a way to escape our imminent doom. I spotted a support beam that stuck to the wall. On that support beam was a small scaffold. It was our only hope. The water and debris rushed closer by the second. My head switched between the water and Rarity who was frozen in fear. I quickly picked Rarity up, who retaliated by flailing around. “What are you doing?” She yelled. I ignored her and heaved her on top of the scaffold. It groaned, but held. The beam was reinforced with steel so it wasn't going anywhere. The water was only meters away by now. I tried shimmying up the beam as fast as I could. Time seemed to slow down to a halt as I saw the water inches away. All this work, my plan, my escape. All so I can just die in the end. The water crashed into me. I was knocked out cold by the sheer force of the water. I heard a scream somewhere in the fading world. The last thing I saw was a blue light engulf me.


My eyes shot open. I spewed water from my mouth, gasping for air, taking sweet oxygen filled gulps. I lay there for a few seconds before coming back to my senses. I was freezing cold and drenched in water. I looked up to see beautiful blue eyes gazing into my own. White covered my vision along with a strong squeezing on my head. “You're okay! Thank Celestia You're okay. I thought you were gone, but... You're okay!” I heard Rarity say, muffled by my body. She released me with time. I sat up, still breathing hard. My saddle must have been washed away because I no longer felt it on me. It wasn't missed either.

“You saved my life.” I said in between breaths.

“As did you not only a few minutes before.” She countered. I guess I did. I thought nothing of it at the moment. Death was at my doorstep so I had no rational control over my actions. I looked over the edge of the scaffold. The water poured down the decline, but it was weak enough to begin walking again. I inched myself over to the side and jumped off. I landed with a thud, but was fine. I outstretched my forelegs to soften her fall. Oh, what I would do to be a pegasus. I could just fly up there and bring her down. I fantasized. She fell into my hooves. I buckled at the sudden change in weight, but I held and she got off.

I looked above us. I couldn't believe what I saw. An opening had revealed itself when the ceiling had collapsed. Rain poured through the hole in the ceiling. Luckily it brought down enough rock to make a make-shift walk way. My eyes never left the outside. I walked toward it like a moth to a flame. When I reached the rubble that lead to the outside world time seemed to slow down again. Each step felt monumental. Water droplets collided with my mane, getting the dirt out of it. Then it happened. My hoof planted itself on the grass that grew outside the cave. The soft green grass folded under my hoof. It was so soft compared to the cold earth floor of the cave. I didn't care that it was a hurricane out here. I was free. That was all that mattered.

I looked to Rarity, the same smile was plastered on her face. The smile of freedom. I looked to the sky. Dark gray clouds swirled above that smothered the sun. How I would long for the sun inside that cave. The sky itself was good enough for me right now. Trees blew in the distance. Leaves and branches were flung all about. I started walking toward the trees. That's where we would sit and rest. Rarity and I. Free at last. She walked, lost in the outside world as I was. I continued to look back at her as I walked. That's when her face became serious and she began to shout at me. I didn't hear what she was saying in my haze.The only thing I heard were my own muffled screams when a bear trap snapped shut on my leg.

Storm Before The Calm

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Chapter 4

I tried to warn him of the trap that lied in front of him. He was too lost in seeing the outdoors for the first time. Those diamond dogs really had it out for us this time. Especially him. They stole his memories from him and now they left traps all over the field to make sure we never got home. I rushed to his side as fast as I could. I looked frantically for a way to get it off. His screaming was heard by only me due to the storm's howling winds. Blood flowed from his right foreleg with nothing to stop the bleeding. Tears filled my eyes. I didn't know what to do!

“THE LATCH!” He screamed at me through the pain and tears. I tried not to look at the massive gashes in his leg, instead i looked only at the trap. Latch, latch, where's the LATCH! I mentally screamed at myself. Never in my life have I ever seen a bear trap before. “Behind...” He breathed hard, blood appearing in his eyes. “The locking... thing.” His head hit the ground. He groaned in pain as he paled. Blood now fully covered the trap. I got down to the same level. A little steel plate jutted from the side. This must be it. I thought. I slammed my hoof on the plate. The maws unlatched from his leg, locking back in place once again.

Large gashes surrounded his leg and I'm pretty sure his bones were broken. He sighed in relief. The rain washed away the blood on his leg before it even got a chance to linger. I looked around for a safe spot. The only place that was moderately dry was under a large tree to our left. I turned toward him. He was out cold. Or maybe it was worse. Let's get somewhere safe first Rarity. My magic enveloped him. He floated only inches off the ground. my magic was never meant for carrying a stallion. His weight was starting to take effect, my horn strained carrying him for a few feet. If only I had the magical strength of Twilight, then I could make it through. My eyes filled up with tears again. Eventually I couldn't stop the flow because I was putting all my effort into the spell to hold the stallion up. My horn popped and fizzled. The magic was weakening. It was no use. He was going to die and so was I. We were lost somewhere in the forest in the middle of a hurricane. My magic gave out and I released the breath I was holding. He dropped to the ground. I thought I heard something snap in his leg, but I don't really know. The magic exhaustion loomed over me. Slowly filling my vision with black. I failed. Now we're both going to die. Goodbye Sweetie Belle. Goodbye Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack and Fluttershy. With a last effort, I sent a magic flare into the storm. It was barely bright enough to see, but it was our last hope of survival. My magic burnt out completely. I was physically and mentally burnt out. The stallion next to me was probably in a coma. I grabbed my bag off my back and put it under my chin. If I was going to die, I was going to die with something Sweetie Belle made. The rain softened its assault on us. Before I went to sleep I swear I saw a brown figure come out from the woods.


I wasn't expecting to open my eyes again, with the blood loss and everything, I thought I was as good as dead. Darkness covered my vision. Had the diamond dogs come back for us after setting that cruel trap? Will my torture ever end? Horrible images flooded my mind of being back in the cave. I didn't realize how screwed up I was inside there. I was trapped behind my vision of escape I only remember what was top priority. Now lying, back in the darkness, all of the terrors that my subconscious was holding back rushed out like a broken dam. They played out like movies in my head. The constant beatings, the discrimination, my insanity, Rarity. All with no cushioning of past memories to ease the pain. I felt tremendously tired. I could sleep for days in this state. It'll probably be soon before they woke me up and dragged me off to work again. With the little time I most likely had left, I went back into my hazy sleep.

Again I woke up to see only darkness. But it was this time I started to question where I was. The cell that was my life for weeks, never had anything soft in it. Or heat... Or blankets... I raised my head with the little strength that had returned to me. A fire popped and cackled in the stone fireplace only a few steps away. A fireplace? Now I was confused. I rolled to my left with the speed of a tortoise. A sharp pain jolted from my right foreleg. It did not appreciate crushed under my body. With pain in mind, I began to observe my new surroundings.

We were in a small log cabin lit with gas lamps which were turned off at the moment. The only light in the whole house was the fire that waved in the fireplace. Across from me laid Rarity on a green loveseat with wooden legs. Beyond Rarity were two doorways, too dark to see what was inside. A shelf on top of the fireplace held a few picture frames which were again, too dark to see. A wooden coffee table, rich in floral designs carved into it, sat between the two couches completing a small little area to sit around the fire. On the table were two glasses of water with bendy straws in them. I was parched. I hadn't had a drink of pure water in... Hay I don't even know. I smacked my lips and leaned over to the table, without having to get off the couch. I nabbed the straw with my mouth. Cool, pure water flowed down my throat with a clean aftertaste. I sucked up all the water the glass held. I sighed in content.

“So you're not dead, huh?” A voice spoke from the darkness. I was too exhausted to panic. I cleared my renewed throat.

“Not yet.” I whispered hoarsely. The shadow voice chuckled and stepped into the light of the fire from one of the doorways. A dark brown stallion, much larger than I was any day, with a jet black mane and beard stood in front of me.

“Your lucky your little marefriend there...” He gestured toward Rarity. “Sent out her weak magic flare when she did. I was out to find out what that quake was from across the field when I saw a blue light soar into the darkness of the storm. Found you two passed out in the middle of the field, so I brought you back to my cabin.” The brown stallion finished. I would be dead again if it weren't for Rarity. The moment she released the latch on the trap I felt myself slipping from this world. Wait a minute. What did he say?

“Marefriend? No, no. Just uh... Acquaintances.” I said with little effect. He stared at me with a dull look in his eyes.

“Sure.” He stated alone. “Anyway, I fixed your wound up for ya. Any longer and ye wouldn't have made it back to the cabin.” He added. I looked at my right hoof. It was clad in a pressure bandage and a lot of other bandages. It was a miracle I survived all this. “What were you doin out there anyway? In the middle of a hurricane and all.” He asked. I laid back down on his couch, mulling over what to say. I decided to be as straight as possible. I was getting tired and probably just survived the impossible for other ponies. I took a big long sigh.

“We we got captured by Diamond Dogs. We were beaten, overworked, underfed and many other horrible things. The rumbling that you heard was probably the cave their cave that collapsed providing us freedom. Caught in the moment of my freedom I stepped in a bear trap the dogs put down as a last effort.” I was tired. I didn't care. He was quiet for a long while. I bet he wasn't expecting that.

“Do ya always talk so smart like that?” He asked with a smirk on his face. I gave a slight smile. I guess I was being a little technical. Maybe I was a scientist or something in my past life. “Anyway, name's Iron Oak.” Ugh. I've been dreading this moment ever since I saw this stallion. He tells me his name and I would say mine, but there's my problem. I don't know my name. I started to laugh a little. He gave me an angry look. “You think my name's funny?” I ceased laughing immediately.

“NO! Your name is not stupid. I was laughing at the fact that I can't tell you my name.” I laughed nervously.

“What do you mean, can't tell me your name?” He threw back at me.

“Well, I would if I could, but I lost my memory after I drank some potion a diamond dog gave me. Took away my memory and my cutie mark too.” Iron Oak grew silent again.

“That would explain your lack of a cutie mark then.” He said flatly. Did he always avoid the main point? “Well, after being enslaved by those diamond dogs, you must be hungry.” My stomach growled like a manitcore at the thought of food. He busted out laughing. “That's enough of an answer for me.” He said between laughs. I didn't find it all that funny, considering I was the one starving. After all I've been through I thought he would at least be a little sympathetic. It seems like he doesn't even care after I told him what happened to me.

“I would love something to eat.” I said to him. He turned around and headed into what I think is the kitchen. The sound of gas being released filled the room for only a second before a whooshing sound and then light. I sat up slowly and glanced around the room. A few minutes later he came out with a steaming bowl of some stew. He placed it carefully on the coffee table as to not spill any of the bowls contents. A smell of herbs filled the air. My mouth was watering in an instant. “My wife made this for you two in case you woke up and were hungry. She makes the best stew a pony could ever have.” He said. He must have saw the ravenous look in my eyes before saying, “Don't eat too fast now. This stew is rich in all sorts of stuff. Don't wanna overload yer system there.” He added while walking over to the fire for a seat. He had a point. It took a lot of self control to not plunge my face into the scalding hot stew. I picked up the spoon from the bowl and skimmed some broth off the top. As soon as I put in it my mouth a burst of flavors bounced all around. Just tasting actual food brought back more strength. “Holy Celestia.” I said to nopony in particular. Iron Oak let out a small laugh.

“So you got quite a mouth huh?” He said. I laughed too. The next spoonfuls were full of carrots, celery and a few flower petals.

“Tell your wife when she wakes up that this is the best thing I've ever tasted.” I said between spoonfuls.” It really was the first thing I've eaten something that wasn't a tiny pile of hay.

“Sure, but she ain't sleeping.” I lifted my head to look at him. “She flew out in the storm to Ponyville hospital for a medical chariot.” He said. I was so mesmerized by the soup, I didn't think of what's to come next. “She left about an hour ago, should be back soon. As soon as I dragged you two back she insisted to go to Ponyville.” I sighed. I'm was getting tired of Oak's passive nature. I plopped the spoon in the empty bowl.

“We've been through... More than any other pony should and your acting like nothings wrong?” I said angrily. He gave me a deathly stare.

“You looking for my pity?” He glared even harder. “Pity's not gonna get you nowhere. You gotta be tough. Bein babied ain't gonna help you. Now, the least I can do is get a sense of normalcy back into yeh.” He said while he looked into the twisting flames.

“And I have to thank you for that. I haven't laughed for real in... Hay I don't even know.” I saw his cheek bones rise.

“It's what I do.” He said alone. Only the sound of the crackling fire filled the room.

“When I'm at Ponyville hospital...” My head sunk into the feathery pillow. “You better come for a visit.”

“Gladly. Get some rest now. You deserve it. Dealing with Iron Oak for half an hour is a trial in itself.” He said while standing up. I brought the blanket closer to my face and snuggled into the couch. “Don't get too comfortable now.” He walked into the kitchen and turned off the gas lamp.

“Thank you Iron Oak and your wife too. I would be dead if not for you.” I said. He grunted in return. Not much for "your welcome" I guess. With fresh food in my stomach I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


This time when I woke up I was moving. Not like sleep walking, but the thing I was in was moving. I raised my head. A yellow mare with a hat with a red cross looked at me. “Where are we?” I asked. I was on a stretcher this time. I leaned my left foreleg on the bars around the edge to a better view.

“We're on our way to the Ponyville hospital. Don't worry your safe now.” The yellow unicorn said. Safety. A thing I have yet to feel. I never felt “safe” since my memory was stripped from me. So I guess I never felt safe, considering I have to start my life over. My head hit the stretcher. I was still very weak. To my left Rarity was still asleep. Geez. How long could that mare sleep? We were both exhausted I concluded and dragged my thoughts to this town called Ponyville. I had nothing to imagine of this Ponyville place. I didn't know if I even lived there or not. Hopefully somepony would recognize me at some point. All I really have now is my knowledge, which I learned I had a lot of, and Rarity. Hopefully she won't just abandon and forget about me. No. She wouldn't do that. I saved her life. If it wasn't for me she probably would be dead. I stared at the fluid tube pumping water into my veins. Angry thoughts flew inside my head. Then Rarity stirred. The angry thoughts halted. I looked out the chariot's window. She raised her head and looked around. She found the same yellow mare and asked her the same question.

“Where are we?” Rarity asked. The yellow mare chuckled.

“Don't worry. We're on our way to the Ponyville hospital.” She said. Rarity froze. A smile appeared on her face that grew larger and larger each second. She was shaking with excitement. “Woah, calm down now. We don't want you to break anything else.” The hospital mare warned. Rarity was so wound up in the thought of going home she didn't hear the rest of the medical mare's sentence. Me? I just stared out the chariot's window. I had nothing to look forward to at this Ponyville, well except proper medical help. “Hey, uh, orange one.” I turned to look at her. “Your friend Iron Oak said he'll get there as soon as he could.” The thought of someone I now know being there for me calmed me.

“Thank you. Can't necessarily call that a good thing though.” I said laughing. She gave a slight smile before putting on a stony face.

“Who's Iron Oak?” Rarity asked. She was asleep the whole time, no wonder she didn't know who he was.

“He's the one who found us.” I said looking at the ceiling of the chariot. “He said he saw a small flare go off and that's how he found us.” I added. The excitement of home was shoved aside momentarily as she recollected what happened.

“It was the last thing I could think of before my magic burnt out. I surely thought you were dead.” She said probably looking at me. I sighed again.

“Not yet.” I stated. I bit the corner of my lip.

“Sounds like you managed to skirt around death a few times then.” The yellow mare said. I nodded in response.

“More than a few. Those dogs really had it in for me.” A small tear began to bubble up in my eye.

“I'm sorry for all that happened.” She said looking down.

“Thanks, but I'm here now. Even if I have no memory, I'm still alive.” I forced the tears back. The chariot was quiet except for the flapping of wings and the pattering of rain on the chariot.

“You two should get back to sleep. We'll be back in no time.” The medical mare told us. The stretcher wasn't as soft as Iron Oak's couch, but it was softer than the ground. I snuggled into the blankets and turned to look out my window. The sky flashed with a bolt of lightning, shifting the chariot to the right, throwing the nurse off balance. “Not to worry.” She said readjusting her hat little nurse hat. “These pegasi have flown through worse.” Watching the rain fall outside was very relaxing. I shut my eyes and blocked all memories of the cave behind a mental barricade. Things will be different now. No more pain or torture, that's all behind me. It's time for a new life, but not before trying to recover my old one.

Royal Consideration

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Chapter 5

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I stared up at the white ceiling of the hospital. I would think I would be excited to be free and safe, but after I get released I have nothing. No home, no friends, no family. I wallow in my emptiness. Doctors came in and out, changing the fluid pouches and the blood pouches. I think I heard one them say it was a miracle I was alive. A few more minutes of blood loss and I would've been dead. I was either having the best luck or the worst luck. I escape. I step into a bear trap and almost die... Again. At least my room had a clock in it so I could tell how long I slept for when I phased in and out whenever my body told it was sleepy time. With each day, more strength returned, yet I still felt that emptiness. I asked of how Rarity was doing a few times. The nurses told me she was doing very well. That filled me up with a warm feeling on the inside. I had completed my mission of escape and I kept her safe and alive. The doctors have no records of me anywhere and it didn't help that I had no clue who I was. Maybe I'm not from here then. Anyway, nopony came to visit me anyway. Nopony to recognize me and call me “friend”, “son”, or even “dad”.

It was the same old routine everyday. The doctors and nurses checked on me, I read, I slept, stared out the open window for hours along with other miscellaneous things. Then I heard a strange conversation happening outside my door.

“How is he doing?” A light yet serious voice spoke outside.

“He's getting better Princess, but there are no medical records for him. Rarity said he has no recollection of his name or anything about himself after drinking a strange potion from the Diamond Dogs.” A male voice responded.

“May I speak with him?” The light voice responded.

“Of course Your Majesty, let me wake him.” The doctor said while opening the door. A light brown unicorn stallion with glasses and a white lab coat entered my room. “Awake already I see?” He said looking at me with a smile. “Well I got good news. You've got a visitor!” I pressed a button on the bed and it slowly rose. I was still to weak to sit up for long periods of time. A visitor? Maybe it's someone who knew me? I put on a happy face to mask my deep sadness.

“For me? I would be glad to see who.” I said looking as cheery as possible. His face brightened at my attitude. He left the room.

“You can head right in Your Majesty.” The doctor spoke with the door half closed. Okay, was Princess Celestia really visiting me? Why? All I did was save a pony. Maybe Rarity is more important than the average pony. I was shocked at who entered the room even though I knew who it was. Princess Celestia came to see me. Out of all the ponies in Equestria, she took the time to come and visit me.

“P..P.. Princess?” I stuttered. She smiled at me warmly.

“How are you doing?” She asked sitting on a cushion next to my bed.

“I've had better days Your Majesty, if I could remember them.” I said. My words slipped into sigh at the the end. She was intrigued at my answer. “I'm sorry to ask Princess, but why are you here, visiting an injured pony, when you have a whole country to run?” I asked. I hope I don't get banished for speaking so... common to her.

“Because you are a hero, my little pony.” She said to me. Confusion took over my face. A what now? Hero? Why was I a hero?

“What do you mean Your Majesty?” I asked very confused. She stood up and walked closer to me.

“Unknowingly, you saved one of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. A pony who represents an element of harmony who stopped Nightmare Moon and Discord destroying Equestria.” You know, when Rarity told me her name, I thought I reminded me of something. I brushed it off at the time I didn't think anything of it.

“A hero?” I questioned.

“Indeed you are a hero and I would like to thank you for all that you have done to save her.”

“Thank you for this honor Your Majesty, but I was only doing what I thought was right. That place was the essence of horror. Sometimes I felt lucky to have no memories of family or friends to hope for. That is what fueled me to escape, Your Majesty.” I spoke respectfully. She nodded throughout my very short tale. It felt good to talk and have somebody listen so intently.

“I cannot say that I have ever had troubles such as yours with your memory, but it was very resourceful of you to take advantage of a horrible situation as that.” Her words made me feel a million times better. As if, there will be hope for my future.

“Princess, how are Rarity and her friends doing? She spoke so strongly about them.” I asked. She smiled again.

“Ahh, considerate too I see.” She chuckled. “They are doing just fine. Their reunion was quite heartwarming I heard. They are all happy she was returned safe with minimal injuries.” I smiled, but then it turned to a frown considering all that's wrong with me. She noticed my sadness.

“What's wrong, my hero?” I smirked at the name for only a little bit. I had much bigger things on my mind.

“Princess, I hate to complain, but I have nowhere to go after I am released. I have no home, no friends, no income. How will I survive?” She still kept that smile on her face.

“You don't need to worry about friends, I'm sure you already have a group of them wanting to meet the savior of their friend. As for your home arrangements, I will see what I can do. Do not fret little hero. You have suffered far beyond anypony should in my Equestria. So rest now.” She stood up at the end of her sentence. A bone in her leg popped, surprising her for a second. I snickered at her response. She looked back at me. “Let's keep that between us.” She said smiling. On her way out the door I called out to her.

“Princess!” She stopped and looked at me. I cleared my throat nervously for rudely calling for the princess to wait. “Thank you for telling me such reassuring words and that I don't have to worry for my future.” She gave me a warm smile again.

“You're welcome my little hero. Don't worry, I will be back to see how your doing. Now excuse me...” She cleared her throat. “I have a sleepy sister to wake up.” I smirked as she walked out the door with a last wave at me. I was paralyzed in shock. Princess Celestia. Came to me. To title me a hero and see how I was doing? Heh, looks like things are looking up for me. I was so excited I didn't notice the doctor enter the room again.

“After your little court with the Princess are you feeling up to another visitor?” He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. This must be one of Rarity's friends. Or maybe an actual pony who knew me. He went out the door saying “Alright, go right in.” to my visitor. In the door came a light purple unicorn mare. Her mane was a dark blue with a purple and pink highlights. Her eyes were purple too. I smiled at her as she walked by the side of my bed.

“Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said to me. It's awkward when somepony says that to me because it's common courtesy to say your name back and... I don't have one.

“I would return my name if I had one.” I chuckled a bit and so did she.

“Rarity mentioned that you had no memory...” She paused. She was probably thinking of what to say next. She rattled her head getting back on track. “I want to thank you. For bringing Rarity back home.” Even though this was the second time I was thanked I still had to think of what to say. This Twilight Sparkle was no princess.

“I couldn't just leave her there.” I said. I still didn't know what to say really. We sat in silence for a while. She looked around the room as well as I. It was very awkward.

“So. What did happen to your memory?” She broke the silence. Now this was much easier to reply too.

“On my first day of my capture, I couldn't work up to the dog's expectations so he sliced my leg really badly.” It was weird describing what really happened in there. These ponies wouldn't understand the pain I went through. Tears started welling up in my eyes. The more I went back to those memories the more I didn't want to go back. She must have noticed.

“You don't have to answer. It was a hard time, you should just rest.” She said slightly nervous.

“No no. It's fine.” I said sucking up the tears and sniffling. “After I was thrown back into my cell I slept for a long time. Then I woke up to this... Diamond Dog alchemist or something. She demanded I drink the potion which I did. It healed my wounds wonderfully, but it also wiped out my memories and what was left of my cutie mark.” The words were sinking in.

“Do you...Do you know what color it was? Type of vial? Taste? I have a friend that works with potions who lives right outside of Ponyville.” She asked me. I thought back again to that horrible night or whatever it was. I dug deeper into my mind, blowing past the small blockade that kept the horrors of the cave from coming through. That was not a smart idea.

As soon as I crossed the mental barrier, my mind flooded full of memories from the cave. The day I was beaten until I couldn't move because I didn't haul enough gems back. When I heard Rarity's cries for her friends in her sleep. When I talked to myself as if I was talking to somepony else. My eye twitched as I stared in the distance. I saw no hospital room anymore. I saw the darkness of my cell closing in. My heart rate sped up through the roof. The purple unicorn, her name didn't come to mind, ran to the door and yelled something. Was she alerting the diamond dogs? Only seconds later did a group of dogs enter the room equipped with spears. I shrunk into my bed as small as I could. There was no hope. They were here to take me back. I can't trust anypony anymore. They ran towards me with their spears pointed at me. No not here to take me back, but to finish the job. My heart pounded harder and harder with each of their huge steps. My pupils shrunk to the size of a cherry. Time seemed to slow down. I didn't notice one of the dogs inject me with something. I thought they would want me to be awake for my death. My heart beat slowed down to only a few beats every few seconds. My head hit the soft bed. I should cherish the last bit of comfort I will ever have. The now very wavy dogs began chattering, but I couldn't grasp what the were saying.

“I don't... Want to go back...” I pushed out. The exhaustion overwhelmed me and I was out like a light.


When I felt that I woke up I didn't open my eyes. My head was pounding like it was hit was a sack of bricks. I didn't dare to open my eyes and see the darkness of the cave again. I can't avoid the inevitable so one eye popped open. I was still in my hospital room. What? What about the diamond dogs and my cell? Maybe I'm not as sane as I thought. My other eye popped open. My room was dimly lit compared to the usual brightness. It must be night time then. I always fell asleep before they announced it was time for the patients to sleep, so I never saw this tranquil period of the hospital. My eyes drifted to the window but a large dark blue shape obstructed the moon light. My eyes drifted up to see a large dark blue pony sitting at my bed side. I jumped back in my bed with a yelp. The ponies turquoise eyes grew at my sudden movement. Wait a minute. Is this... Is this Princess Luna? When my heart slowed down a few beats I regained my posture.

“Princess Luna?” I asked. She cleared her throat and adjusted her posture.

“Yes, it is I.” She returned.

“W... What are you doing here? I stammered.

“My sister told me of you. Thou are suffering from hallucinations?” She asked directly. Princess Luna didn't have the friendly atmosphere as much as Princess Celestia did.

“Yes Princess, but this was the first time.” She listened intently. She must have picked up on my tense body language.

“Please thou does not-” She cleared her throat. “You don't have to be so formal. This isn't a court.” She said in a kinder less strict tone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. She smiled at me. “There now. Now I know you don't want to go back to those memories, but do you have any idea why this hallucination may have occurred?” She asked me. “Don't worry, if anything happens, I know how to deal with personal demons.” I smiled back at her.

“It was when this unicorn, a friend of Rarity's...” I couldn't think of her name.

“Twilight?” She suggested.

“Yes Ms. Twilight.” She smirked at what I called her. “She asked me about, about the potion that I drank that got rid of my memories.” I said. “When I began to remember the cave, memories flooded my mind and I all became real.” I added. She listened for every word just like her sister, except Princess Luna had a more concentrated face than her sister's. Her face was conflicted with a few different emotions as if she was fighting to decide something until she came out with it.

“Do you mind if I go into your mind and try to see for myself?” She asked. I would rather her not, but I'm not going to deny Princess Luna who believes this might help me.

“Go right ahead Your Majesty.” I said. She looked a little shocked at my immediate response.

“Are you sure? I don't want to go anywhere that you might disapprove of. This is your mind after all.” She insisted. I laughed a little and she gave me a confused look.

“I don't have anything to hide Princess. I don't have anything in there, but the cave and so forward.”

“Very well then. I will put you out so you don't feel anything.” She said with a tang remorse. Dark blue magic conjured from her horn and flew into my head. I was out before I hit the pillow.


When my eyes opened up again only ten minutes have passed. Princess Luna's eyes regained focus as she looked at me with sadness. My curious expression only seemed to make it worse.

“I... I've seen enough.” She said with what I think to be a small tear in her eye. I suddenly got worried. Was what I've been through a lot for even a Princess who's been alive for centuries to handle? Her eyes became very compassionate. “You, my friend.” Friend? “Have endured more than you ever should have and you are now here and well.”

“Well is a strong word Your Highness.” I added. She gave a slight smile.

“You have even maintained a sense of humor through torture that would have killed many others.” I swallowed nervously. “I give my utmost consolation to you. And please, call me Luna.” She feels bad for me?

“Luna. I was only doing what I thought was right. I don't think of myself as much more.” I said.

“You have lost so much, yet you remain so positive. How?” She me. Now I was really surprised. I had to think for a second for what to say.

“I am not always so positive Princess, but ever since Princess Celestia visited me earlier, she gave me hope of the future. What good will remaining in my horrible past bring me?” I said.

“You are right little pony. Maybe, even somepony such as I, can learn something from you.” She said. I sat quiet. “Your leg.” I lifted it up slowly and turned it around. “Would you like me to fix it?” I placed it down on my bed, but not without it sending a stab of pain through me.

“That would be wonderful, but I can't ask you to do that.” I said. Her horn glowed with dark blue magic that engulfed my hoof. Instantly the swelling went down and I could feel the bone reconnect back together. It was a very eerie feeling. The tissues healed up perfectly. It even gave me back much of my strength. The dark blue magic evaporated and my right foreleg plopped onto the bed without a spot of pain.

“Consider it a small gift for all that you've been through.” She gave me a wink while she stood up. I was more shocked than ever. I swear, if I keep getting shocked like this, something bad's going to happen. “I will come back when I can to see how your recovery goes. Also I will see what I can do about your memory.” She said to me while walking to the door.

“Thank you, Luna. It was nice to have someone to... vent to.” I said to her. She stopped with her hoof in the door.

“Oh, and get a name for yourself hero. I'm sure you will have no trouble with finding one. Farewell, and goodnight!” She said with a wave. I gave a small wave back as she shut the door with her dark blue magic. I was alone again. With Princess Luna gone, I began to wonder. Why the first name basis? What did she mean by, “Maybe I can learn something from you?” I sat for about an hour going over possible answers until my brain began to shut down for the night. I let out a big yawn, smacked my lips and scratched my back. I leaned back into the sterile smelling pillow and looked out the window until my eyes began to close. Deciding my name will come in a little while, I still have to meet Rarity's other friends and Iron Oak. With peaceful thoughts in mind, I drifted off to sleep.