• Member Since 2nd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 6th


wacky woohoo


Regret could sum up V's existence. Regret for what he'd done as a whole being, regret for what his other half had done, regret for causing so much destruction...

Regret for causing the split at all. But he played the hand he was dealt, and despite it all, death was not a wish he desired.

So, he merged once again.

And... He wasn't where he expected to be.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 7 )

“Yes Twilight, I do have a disability [Inhales] my IQ is too high….”

Managed to read whats posted so far.
Gonna be fun to see since I love Devil May Cry/MLP crossovers.

Wondering whats planned for Spike in this crossover anyway?

Also, why are there no character tags?

Hey, V and Twilight already know each other well, although now I'm intrigued to know what season they're in, before season 4 that's for sure, and from the looks of it the other half of V is in control, disturbing.

Comment posted by kykkoman4 deleted June 26th

Can't wait for more

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