• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago


Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.

Comments ( 8 )

If they want to mine stuff in a difficult area they would need a railroad. It's the only efficient way to get lots of stuff out of an area and railroads also have played important roles in diplomacy. While ponies use airships it's clear the backbone of their transportation system are the railroads.

It was a fair deal

It doesn't really seem that way to mee. I mean they are THEIR crystals and the ponies just take half. I would think the ponies should also provide stuff the dragons can't get for themselves.

Will you do all the princess?

Up to the client :twilightsmile:

quite the good start for much more to come.

“Well, we will have to respect their traditions.” Celestia sighed, rubbing her temple for a moment. “Luna, you’ve been awful.

Damn, Celestia, chill! :pinkiegasp:

Thank you, I hate when I think I wrote the sentence but my fingers didn't. The proper sentence for that was.

"Well, we will have to respect their traditions.” Celestia sighed, rubbing her temple for a moment. “Luna, you’ve been awfully quiet. What do you have to say about all this?” Luna wasn’t looking at the documents, letting them lay flat on the table.

I had a feeling it was either “awful quiet” or “awfully quiet.” Either way, it’s the funniest typo I’ve seen. Just picturing Celestia saying “Luna, you’ve been awful.” Out of nowhere is hilarious.

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