• Member Since 17th Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Aether Nexus

Probably sleeping, maybe napping.


This story is a sequel to Hearts and Shoes Day

A shocking revelation quickly ends any thoughts Anon had about enjoying a lazy morning, fortunately, he has ponies he can trust to help him see through his mare friends antics.

Sadly, he didn't have anyone to stop him from trying to one-up Ponyville's premier prankster.

Technically a sequel to my previous Anon and Rainbow Dash story, but reading it isn't required.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Apologies for marking this as incomplete, this is another one and done, though I will be writing more stories about Dash and Anon.

If you’re doing more just put it all in one spot to raise the word count and make it easier to find… instead of a bunch of sequels. :raritydespair:

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