• Member Since 14th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


What am I even doing?

Comments ( 81 )

I'm looking forward to see how this story plays out. I do wonder what's happening with the chapter numbering, and whether Twilight has any traveling companions. I'll just have to read and find out.

I love the story so far! Can't wait for the next chapters :>

You know it's gonna be good if it's about Celestia and Luna, I love it so far but I feel like disrespecting Luna's wish to be left alone will have unfathomable consequences, good job.

Interesting. Let's see where this goes.

I Read this story and thought of you

Oh poor Luna 😭

I'm in anticipation of heartbreak in this story, Celestia's choice to not fully banish her or outright kill her has lead to an inescapable painful demise for Luna that will likely be even worse for Celestia to stomach than the subsequent banishment.

i cant fucking wait to see whats gonna happen next

This is gonna be hard on Celestia isn't it.

Faking the avalanche and covering up the massacre was a scummy thing for Celestia to do, but the objectively correct utilitarian decision.

It's not to offend Celestia, and not to attack Luna.....but what she is doing for Luna is nepotism at its maximum power.

You know Luna's KD ratio is going to go crazy now. I feel if they cannot cure the problem it's this going to turn into how many ponies are going to have to go before Celestia has to do the right thing the hard thing.

What's wrong Celestia, being a politician not all it's cracked up to be?

When has it ever been all it's cracked up to be

"What I am about to show the four of you will not be discussed outside these doors or unless under my permission. You will not be forgiven if this is broken. Can I have your words that you will abide with this, no matter what you learn, see and discover?"

Not you will go to jail not you will face equestria's law You will not be forgiven celestia's standing all for hooves on business right here.

Careful Page, this is the sort of line of inquiry that gets journalists killed.

This Celestia doesn't seem as ice-cold and brutal as in other fics, but I don't think that you want to push her on this issue.

Luna's reaction, you won't let me live you won't let me die.

Celestia could have let her sister be happy but no matter which path Luna offer Celestia wasn't happy she refused to try to change anything and that was the end.

What's this Celestia more of your cover?

You have given him the carrot, Celestia.

Now give him the stick.

"Your disgusting sister will never make it, for whatever you have planned. I will make sure of that, Celestia." He once again turned to move away from her towards the carriage. This was it.

seems he forgot that he is in the same room as a pony who has survived wars and fought monsters and he is getting between her and her sister. he never stood a chance

That was like killing a fly with a cannon..... there is also the fact that he was an idiot.

What if Luna doesn't want to be saved maybe she just wants to rest.

Well... it's strong chapter.

I think you jumped over an important step during the previous chapter. here let me
I canceled the post I had written and gave it to the author. I don't want to distract him too much, if my material is good enough for him he will use it or maybe he wont.

Wow. It was wonderful and it's very appropriate. Celestia revealed her soul to the Emperor, and received such a cruel refusal and threat. As a result, she lost control...

Author's note.
I exceedingly like this extended version, and shall be revising the past two chapters significantly inspired by it. Most likely tonight. I do this because I want the best for you all.
My personal life is busy, but I still try to write daily for this. It was my fault for rushing such an important scene.
This comment has left me embarrassed for the potential I have been been falling short of. I apologize to the readers who've given this story a chance and ask them to give these chapters a reread when I am done.
Edit: Revision complete - credit added

Don't worry about it. Send me a message when you have finished to take whatever you want from my inspiration so that I can delete it afterwards.


I added a few bits of lore to make sense of this diplomatic exchange. Why?

Well, I thought since Pony magic was superior to every creature since the time of Starswirl, How come the decadent Griffin Empire possesses something Celestia herself is desperate to have? How come the griffin possesses something that Celestia herself cannot simply do with a simple spell? The griffins are nowhere near the equals in magic with the ponies 1000 years ago. They shouldn't posses a magical artifacts of any interest for Celestia.

so I made it up


Second Point: Griffin care more about gold than magic. The unicorns and Celestia should have accumulated all the magical objects of the land. What use is it for a griffin to possess such a powerful magical object? Do they care about magic?

and then I thought: They don't, not unless it's worth a lot of bits!

And if the Emperor was not such a fool, he could have been rich and alive.

Why did fate always seem to find a way to work against her. What had she done to piss off fate so much? It had worked its tendrils into finding every possible way to make her life hell. Even now, it dragged her further away from her sister. Every time she thought things would finally be improving, it continued to mock her. Celestia had lived a long life, but this rival of hers had never deigned to give her a chance, even after all this time.

Maybe if you were a nicer pony nicer things would happen to you.

Luna meant everything to her. Truly. She hadn't realized it, but somehow she had allowed herself to become no different than Nightmare Moon in the journey to save her sister. The worst part was that she knew deep down, if it meant saving her sister, she would do it again.

And yet the entire thing is your fault.

Celestia, on days like this ponies like you. . .

. . . should be burning in Tartarus.

This isn't love Celestia this is obsessive arrogance isn't this what letter Nightmare Moon in the first place wake up, I'm honestly hoping that Luna figures out everything that's happened until Celestia that she'll never love her.

I actually want to hear more of the backstory like what led to all of this tragedy, and what led to Celestia breaking her promise

Okay that's the one redeeming quality Celestia has had in this story is that she was honest with Twilight.

Twilight, what the Hell? Why are you do blindly devoted to this terrible ruler? I am sorry, but Luna is not worth any of this. Thousands of innocent ponies and griffons are going to die. Cities and towns are going to be destroyed. How dare Celestia lie to the entire world and start a war over one pony. It doesn't matter that it's her little sister. Luna would never want this. Now the entire griffon race is going to suffer because of Celestia. I hope Celestia's crimes are revealed to the entire world by the end of this, and she is either killed or thrown in Tartarus for her atrocities.
It really makes me sick to see Twilight making excuses for Celestia.

Too bad Twilight is too weak minded to call Celestia out on her selfishness. Do griffon lives just not matter to these ponies?

Celestia disgusts me to my core, and so does Twilight. You would think Twilight would feel bad about Rainbow Dash's life being at risk because of Celestia.

It looks like Celestia is broken... Well, she understands that she has done bad things... She's in pain and confused. I'm not trying to justify the things that happened because of her. But I can understand her. She lived for a thousand years with the idea of reuniting with Luna, and the cruel words of the late griffin Emperor burned out her brain... As a result, things happened.
In addition, it is worth noting that griffins are not unfortunate victims. They ruthlessly slaughtered several settlements of peaceful ponies. I can't feel sympathy for griffins...
Well, I wonder what happens next. You're very good at describing the moral contradictions going on in the characters' heads.

Celestia will burn in Hell for all of this. How did we even get here? Wasn't this supposed to be a story about Celestia making up for what she did to Luna? But now it's about Celestia committing genocide against the griffons. This will bite her in the ass when she needs Gallus to stop Cozy Glow.

Let Luna pass on.
I hope she goes full Nightmare on Celestia after she is brought back against her will.
Also, I predict there will be a coup against Celestia when the truth comes out.

There better be a planet sized fist of pure karma heading for Celestia's genocidal face by the end of this.

Oh, I was sure Dire was dead. This is unexpected


Celestia's genocidal

I think that not everything is so clear.
The Griffins didn't know about the false version of Celestia yet, but they were the first to declare war. The Griffins believed the words of an eyewitness who may have been compromised/too scared/misunderstood the situation. It's very strange. Seriously, Celestia had an impeccable reputation as a peacemaker. This should have made the Griffins think twice and conduct a thorough investigation, but they didn't. It looks like they just needed an excuse.
Next, the griffin troops immediately attacked the border pony settlements, killing all civilians. (If I remember correctly, they also had plans for the rest of Equestria's population). At that time, the pony army was fighting exclusively with the griffin army. I can't count griffins as absolute victims.
I think the problem with Celestia is that she initially tried to hide the existence of the Moon. Yes, it could cause a public scandal. But I'm sure most ponies would support Celestia. The Griffin Emperor's pride would not have been harmed, and he would have helped too. And if he refused and started threatening, then it could be officially regarded as attempt on Luna. After the failure of the negotiations, Celestia would have untied her hooves.

The fire exploded outwards from her, rising and rising.

Daybreaker? Well, it was sudden. It looks like a deus ex machina or something.

The princess, who by all rights should've been exhausted and reeling, grit her teeth. Body massively destroyed. The look on her face burned into his mind the moment he saw it. It was of pure hatred and anger.

Celestia in a whisper:
– You should.... should... You should’ve gone for the head.

The best possible ending here is Celestia is arrested and Luna takes her place.

Why was Luna banished again, oh that's right because Celestia was afraid she would hurt the ponies of Equestria trying to achieve her goals, now Celestia is doing just that only worse.

How is that better if she still technically gets what she wants and sits in her jail cell happy with how things turned out.

Princess Celestia had thoroughly plotted out the exact magical dimensions of a summoning circle over the town of Oblatio.

Oh, shit...

She was going to use her magic to rip off a tiny portion of her own soul and convert it, the densest life energy she knew of, and store it into the Sanctuary here and now.

I was just thinking about it. Well, she took a small part of it. But how about giving it all away if the main plan fails? You just want to save the moon, don't you? To prove it. You won't have to take other people's lives. Give up your life force. Perhaps this is too big a sacrifice.

Arrested by who ? A bunch of Traitors to the Crown?

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