• Published 6th Jan 2024
  • 359 Views, 5 Comments


This is a tale of a guy that lives on an island a few miles out of the state of Rhode Island. He meets an unexpected visitor from another world and comes to terms that there are aliens in the galaxy. Lets see his story shall we?

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Ch. 7 The City of Angels, Part 2

Time: 10:28
Date: January 4, 2024
Location: Northwest side of Mount Lee, California, in a large bush
POV: Princess Celestia

It took a few hours for Rainbow Dash to get back with pictures of the natives, but only seconds for us to transform. So as we stepped out of the bush, still adjusting to our new bodies but were familiar enough to barely pass off as one of them, we were immediately spotted by 2 natives in strange getups, a beige shirt, green tie, green pants, and a funny green hat.

"Hey! Your not supposed to be up here at this hour!"

"Sorry," I said, "We got lost, can you help us find the exit?"

"Sorry ma'am, protocol dictates that we are supposed to escort you and your friends to a car, now come with us."

"Oh no," says Rarity, "I don't think we can go, were supposed to get home by morning, can you, perchance, let us go? We promise we wont do anything like this again." She added a few eye flutters for good measure, hoping that they will buy it.

"C'mon Dave, they seem nice, lets just let them go, just this once."

"No Josh, we might get fired."

"Ill get you McDonalds for a month."

"Alright, follow us, we'll get you home."

"Oh thank you! I wonder if we'll ever repay you." Rarity says.

"No need ma'am, free McDonalds for a month is good enough." So as we get led out of the area, through the gates, where the guards there in another strange set of clothes, this time blue everything and a funny blue hat, and into a "car" as they say, it really is a fascinating machine, four small wheels made of rubber, with a metal outer shell, and fabric inner, (i could only guess what the skeletal structure was made of) and It could get up to 120 miles per hour! Amazing, though they are small, we needed two for all of us, I could only wonder, how was Twilight doing, and where is she.


Time: 10:50
Date: January 4, 2024
Location: Bangor International Airport, taxiing to a small hanger
POV: Carl Votomopa

"So, this 'car' works on something called an internal combustion engine, running on something called gas? How does that work?" Twilight asked. She had been going on about this for about 10 minutes now, and I was getting a bit tired of it.

"I already told you, the expanding combustion gases push the piston, which in turn rotates the crankshaft. No, I cant tell you what a crankshaft is, though I have a manual I just remembered, which would've saved me 10 minutes explaining all this. Its in my bag, it should have everything you need." After she got to it, and subsequently started reading it, we pulled into the hanger, I turned off the plane, and put my coat on.

"Alright Twilight, get in the bag, and zip up tight, its gonna get cold."

"Okay, but do you have a flashlight? I wanna keep reading this."

"Yes, its also in my bag, though keep it at low light, I don't want anyone to get suspicious."

"Okay." After that, she got into the bag, I hear a series of clicks, and looked over to see a very faint light emanating from a very small hole at the top, though thankfully its small enough that no one will notice. As we walked out the hanger to the sounds of turbine engines and the smell of airplane fuel, I made a beeline to the gates to the outside, where a guy I knew was manning them.

"Oh, hey Carl. Here to see your friend again?"

"Of course Kevin, why else would I come here?"

"Good point. Oh, and you don't have give me anything, you've been here so many times you can just go right on through."

"Thanks man, your a lifesaver. This cold is the hurting kind of cold, and you know how much I like that."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, see ya! Hope you have fun!" I waved back yes, and continued on my way, while making a call to Mark.

"Hey, you here?"

"Yep, short term parking, you should know what color and type."

"Yeah, yeah, and do you remember what I told you? Do not-"

"Hint that I know who she is yeah I know."

"Good. Ok, see ya soon."

"See ya." I walked over to the short term parking lot, spotted his forest green Toyota 4Runner, walked up to it, and knocked on the window. He was on his phone, doing who knows what I didn't get to see the screen. He jumped a bit, looked over, smiled, and rolled down the window.

"Hey man, how ya doing?"

"Good how about you?"


"Nice, now can you unlock the door?"

"Oh, yeah, right sorry. Its unlocked now, come on in."

"Thanks." I get in, put my bag down with Twilight in it, then close the door, and Mark starts to drive us to his farm.

"So, where is she?"

"Oh, she's in my bag. Come on Twilight, its safe. I told him about you."

"Oh thank Celestia, It was getting cramped in there. Oh, hi! My names Twilight, though I think you already know that."

"Yeah I do," Mark said, "Anyways, I'm Mark, nice to meet ya." He holds out his hand which twilight takes, and they shake hand/hoof.

"Wow, I mean, I've heard so much about you from Carl, like, being a ruler of a country? How's that? And moving the SUN? Like, how do you move the sun? Its amazing!"

"Oh, Its nothing really, just a lot of boring bureaucratic work. But moving the sun, well, im going to say it in the words I explained it to Carl for. So, basically, I grab the sun with my magic, and pull it across the sky."

"Huh, nice. Wish I had the power to control the sun, I would be able to confuse the whole world."

"Heh, yeah. Well, anyways, what about you? What's your job? What's your life like?"

"Oh, its not really interesting, right now, Its just wake up, make breakfast, go feed the animals, go watch tv for a few hours, feed the animals again, go watch YouTube for a bit, maybe order McDonalds, go feed the animals dinner, eat my dinner, then go to sleep. That's all. I'm just a humble farmer. Though in the summertime its about the same, except with tending to the fields somewhere in between. Nothin' much."

"Hm, ok. But what are these animals like? I think Carl mentioned something about them to you, and how did you contact each other so quickly? I don't think you can send messages instantaneously by magic here, as you have none.

"Oh, its very simple, just a quick phone call, I wont elaborate on that because it takes a bit to long. And does anyone want music?"

"Yeah sure." I said

"I would like some." Twilight said

"Okay, here we go." He turned on the radio, then went to 94.3, where this song started playing:

"So, as I was saying, the animals are just animals-" And from that, stemmed a long talk about the animals of earth and the animals of equss, which lasted the whole car ride. I just tuned it out and listened to the music.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, I was grounded. Damm parents. Anyways, here's a new chapter, I hope to get you a new one sometime in June. Hope you enjoyed this! Bye! - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH author

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