• Published 21st Sep 2023
  • 693 Views, 5 Comments

Apples & Carrots - Ms Rarity

Officer Judy hopps visits Ponyville whilst on vacation

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Chapter 1

"When I was a kid…I thought Zootropolis was this perfect place. Where everyone got along and anyone could be anything.
Turns out…
Real life is a little more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker.
Real life is messy.
We all have limitations. We all make mistakes.
Which means, hey, glass half full we all have a lot in common.
And the more we try to understand one another the more exceptional each of us will be.
But we have to try.
So, no matter what type of animal you are…from the biggest elephant to our first fox…I implore you…Try.
Try to make the world a better place.
Look inside yourself and recognise that change…starts with you.
It starts with me…it starts with all of us."

"Those were the words spoken by officer Judy Hopps of Zootropolis. The first bunny cop on the force who managed to crack her first case in 48 hours what the entire police force had covered for months to no avail.
She's an inspiration to us all!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she smiled wide on her chair kicking her hind hooves out in front of her with excitement, hugging the Equestria Times to her chest.

Twilight and the others watched in awe at the usually circluse mare showing a rare moment of emotional outburst as Fluttershy continued reading the article.
"Due to her outstanding speech after cracking "The fourteen mammals case' the Princesses have decided to welcome them to visit Equestria!"

Fluttershy was still smiling. "Yes, indeed. It just goes to show that no matter how small a creature is, it doesn't lessen their value. Officer Hopps was just seen as some dumb little bunny but she managed to do what elephant's and tigers couldn't achieve. She must be just soooo wonderful!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy before turning to the girls. "Uh-huh, well ah guess you'll be meeting her for yourselves in the next few days. Since all those break-ins at the farm we called in and asked for a botanical expert to help us hunt down the culprits."

Fluttershy stopped what she was doing. "You mean…that cute little bunny…is coming here…to Ponyville?"

Applejack drolled rolling her eyes. "Uh-huh."

Fluttershy jumped out of her seat letting out a meep. "Ohh my isn't this wonderful news! She can stay here with me and I can look after her and she can play with my little Angel and the other animals round here. Ohhh it's just going to be sooo wonderful!...." She stopped suddenly composing herself. "Ahem...yey."

"Errm Fluttershy…" Twilight nervously interrupted the sensitive pony. "How do I say this? Err officer Hopps isn't a bunny like Angel…she is capable of feeding and clothing herself…buuuut I'm sure that she'll be very grateful for you letting her stay here at the cottage with you!" She smiled nervously at Fluttershy hoping she hadn't upset her.

Fluttershy looked down at the floor a moment before perking back up. "I know that Twilight, I just think she sounds super cute and I think she'd like to spend time with my lovely furry friends…" Angel beat his foot in anger with his arms folded at her. "Don't worry Angel you'll be the first one I introduce her too." She swooped him up pecking him on the cheek making his body go limp in her grasp for a few moments as she gently nuzzled him. Angel blushed and broke free from her. He tried to be angry but was still taken back and hurriedly hopped off to his quiet place.
Fluttershy and the girls looked at each other in shock before bursting into laughter.

A few days quietly past….

Applejack and Twilight waited on the platform for the nine oh five A.M locomotive carrying officer Hopps to pull in.
"It's nine Oh two, where in the hay is this Ponyville Express?" Applejack spoke out in frustration.
Twilight smiled trying to ease her friends emotions. "You know Applejack, it's not due for another two minutes." Applejack rolled her eyes. "Now listen here, if it was on time that leaf on the track would be a rustlin' by now, n' see down yonder there's still no smoke from the engine's funnel."
Twilight smiled and politely coughed. "Ahem, Applejack…."
Applejack looked to see the leaf rustling on the track making her look sharp to the plume of smoke over the trees coming towards them.
Applejack blushed a smile to her friend.
"Ahem Sorry Twilight, ahm just so darn tense n' not tah mention the latest break-ins."
"Don't worry Applejack just a few deep breaths, you've got this." She gave her a reassuring shoulder nudge before continuing. "If this Officer Hopps is as good as they say, then she'll have this wrapped up in no time."
Applejack looked sheepishly. "Thanks Twilight, ah know, it's just so frustrating ya know."
Twilight broke the tension with a small giggle. "I do Applejack, I do."

The Ponyville Express pulled up to the station belching out smoke and steam from its pistons cooling down as the passengers disembarked. As the smoke cleared along the platform, officer Hopps stepped out onto the platform smiling wide taking in the fresh air and the amazing views completely oblivious to Twilight and Applejack welcoming her due to her new Gazelle album blasting from her new iHopp buds.
Twilight and Applejack looked on at the long legged bunny wearing her pink checkered shirt and dark blue jeggings who was lost in her own little world oblivious to everything but the nature before her.
"Err Officer Hopps? Hi there I am princess Twi…." She paused rolling her eyes as her horn glowed removing the ear pieces from the young officers ears. Judy stopped startled a moment before eventually seeing the orange and purple ponies standing patiently for her.

"Ahem, I'm sorry about that officer Hopps." Twilight smiled sincerely before continuing. "As I was saying, I am princess Twilight Sparkle and this here is Applejack who's farm you'll be investigating. On behalf of princess's Celestia and Luna I welcome you to Equestria."

Judy looked at the strange ponies and smiled back. "Thank you for welcoming me, it's so beautiful here… can…" She started trailing off at the breathtaking view of the Smokey Mountains to her right and the Everfree Forest to her left. "Would you mind if I take some pictures as we go?"

"Please be our guest Officer Hopps. If you'd like to follow us this way we'll give you the tour." Twilight said smiling gesturing the way.
Judy smiled taking a picture of the platform and the Ponyville Express. "Please princess Twilight just call me Judy, I'm technically on vacation but when I heard about the case I snapped it up. You see I'm from Bunny Burrow so I was brought up on plant husbandry on my family farm. Soooo it's kind of my speciality."
Applejack looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. "You're a country girl? Ah thought you were just some fancy city cop. So if you're a born n raised country girl how you just speak like everypony else?"
Judy looked at her a moment. "Err 'everypony else?' Oh everybody else! Ha! Well I dunno maybe you can come visit me sometime and find out."

Twilight blushed "I'd like to apologise for Applejack she can be a bit brash at times but she means nothing by it. By the way, our friend Fluttershy says that you can stay with her at her cottage whilst you're here. She's a timid quiet pony so she won't be a bother."
Judy smiled "Ohh that's very kind but I wouldn't like to intrude, the ZPD have organised me a bunk in the Ponyville…"

Applejack bustled in. "Whut's that now? You're sure as hay ain't sleeping in no bunk, Ahm the one who asked you here and we already have a room set up for ya at the Apple family home. However, our friend Fluttershy insists you stay with her at her animal sanctuary, sugarcube. She's quite the fan of the famous officer Judy Hopps who helped solve the fourteen mammals case fresh outta the academy and she is just dyyy-ing to meet you in the flesh…so to speak." Judy blushed a smile as Twilight interrupted. "Yes she's quite the fan indeed she's been reading the article to us over and over again over for the past week and now she has it stuck to her kitchen cupboard for inspiration. In all honesty I think it's the most she's spoken to anypony since I can remember."

Judy stood proud concealing her blush. "Well it would be rude of me to ignore a fan. Are you sure she has room for me?"
Applejack chuckled. "Darlin' Fluttershy's cottage is an animal sanctuary, it's a little secluded slice of heaven with a pond surrounded in a niche of trees. Look at this way Judy, if it gets to much or it's not your thing ya can always head over to my humble home. We got plenty to share."

Judy's eye's widened at the thought of the tranquil cottage in her minds eye. "That…that sounds just wonderful guys thank you! And thank you Applejack for setting up a room for me at your home it's a very thoughtful gesture"
Twilight and Applejack smiled warmly watching the bunny cop taking everything in. "It's mah, pleasure sugarcube. You ever need anything you just give a holla we always help everypony out around here."

As the two ponies walked on Judy noticed the pictures on their flanks wondering what she made a mental note to ask them later as it seemed to forward to ask since she'd only just met them and she could see their…well, what made them mares. She blushed at their nakedness bringing flashes back from The Mystic Spring Oasis back home. "At least they're not spread out on show like Nangi" She shuddered at thought to herself.
The path was opening up ahead and Judy started to hear the bustling crowds in the town. Twilight and Applejack both turned beaming stopped and turned to her. "Welcome to Ponyville Officer Hopps!" Judy gasped at the sight of all the various ponies going through their normal everyday routine. There was so much to take in Some wore clothes, others wore glasses all of them were friendly and on the move. She smiled looking at the various mane and tail styles and the rainbow of various colours as they all flashed before her eyes. All of a sudden her head swirled sending everything swirling as her legs buckled Applejack caught her quick. "You okay there Judy?" As if on cue there was a growl from her stomach.The two ponies giggled helping Judy back to her feet. "Sounds like someones hungry, you miss breakfast? I think a visit to cupcake corner is in order." Judy brushed herself down trying to get back to it. "I'm fine thanks I'll..." Twilight gripped her in her magic. "You are not fine, your ears are droopy. C'mon cupcake corner it is, Princess's orders." Judy gave a tired smile. "Are you pulling rank on me? Very well your highness? Well who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth, lead the way!" Twilight smiled as she released Judy from her magic onto Applejacks back before heading to Cupcake Corner. "Yeah and I'm buying!" Twilight added. "Yeeehaw!" Applejack called out. "Hold on there cowgirl!" She continued as they cantered to the bakery.

As they got closer Judy could smell Cupcake Corner before it came into sight. "Ohh my that smells good..." Judy swooned as the smell of the fresh baked goods almost lifted her off her feet as her nose pulled her towards the bakery.
Inside Mrs Cupcakes greeted them with a warm welcome. "Well hello dearies, what can I get you today? Oooh I'm sorry who's your new friend here?" Applejack stepped in. "This is mah friend Judy from outta town n' she's come to visit me while on vacation." Mrs Cakes placed a small bag of goodies down on the counter along with a to go mug of carrot juice. "Well that's just lovely deary, here Judy this is for you...on the house. Welcome to Ponyville." Judy's nose twitched as she leaned toward the food on the counter from Applejacks back. "Aw Mrs Cakes, that smells sooooo good! Thank you so much that's really kind of you." Mrs Cupcakes smiled "Oh it's nothing dear, enjoy it." Judy snapped the bag up and started with the slice of carrot cake. Twilight and Applejack giggled watching the little bunny devouring her sweet treats. "Wow Judy, you really were hungry. Mrs Cupcakes I'll have another three of those to go and Applejack and I will take our usual please." She smiled placing the bits down on the counter. "Alright then y'all ready? We got some ground to cover, so we best get movin. Thanks again Mrs Cupcakes." She said turning for the door. Judy was sprawled out across Applejacks back. "Thank you, you're the best!'" She called out as Mrs Cupcakes smiled as she waved them off.

Comments ( 5 )

This is a good start to a very good story. Write more when you can.

(I started writing this for the competition earlier in the year but missed out due to work and instead of it just sitting on my desktop going to waste I thought I'd share it)


What competition was that?

I can't quite remember much about it, as the competition began around January? I remember it stating to choose one character from a choice of either Judy Hopps, Rain, Lola bunny or two other characters, who's names have slipped my mind. However you could only choose one in which an mlp characters could visit their home or vice versa.
And thought it would be just perfect for Judy to visit Apple Acres mixing a little business with pleasure.

I hope you do chapter two one day. This story is really good ms rarity!:heart:

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