A Minor Update · 7:52pm Aug 30th, 2023
Hello all, while I'm working on the latest chapter, I am doing some edits and fixes to previous chapters. A remaster I suppose, but my main goal is to fix up a lot of cringe writing I had in the past and make things much smoother. Iron out a few errors here, some grammar there, overall better characterization and just quality of life improvements. Feel free to look over what I edited and let me know how you guys feel with my remastered chapters. This will help me get back into writing much more
Find your Hollow Knight/MLP crossover story, was quite refreshing. But also quite saddening, to see that you've not updated for over a year. Alas, it was a nice read while it lasted.
Hey mate you you there? Are you Ok? (I tryed looking at your work on Fanfiction.net but your profile name didn't show any results)
can you make a link to your fanfiction list.
Thank you good sir. I am mainly on fanfiction where I post a majority of my stories but again, thank you.