• Member Since 14th May, 2022
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Scriblits Talo

Publishing Stories of varied pony content Weekly:} Hear them read at : https://www.youtube.com/@QuothScrib


"It was the longest stretch of open desert in all of Equestria. Orange sands stretched on, as far as the eye could see, merging with the blue of sky, along the clear shimmer of mirage.
It was unequivocally certain. Nothing like this had ever been attempted before.
Many thought it impossible but if any pony could, she was the one."

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Did you get the story title from another story?

Not that I am aware of, and not intentionally, although being that nothing is new under the sun, and in that it is a relatively simple concept, it has likely been done before. The title was chosen for its simple explanation of the content, Rainbow's dash.

A nice little story. The group X becomes an alicorn would like it.

And then Rainbow Dash went VROooomMM vrOOomMMMm VRoooOMMMM and then everyone was like 'OH NOoooOo' but there was this giant rainbow that went KABOOmmMM BoomMm boOomm BanGGgg BoOoom WhooosHHH then Rainbow become an Alicorn and everyone was like 'YAY you go girl!' and then everyone celebrated and ate cake.

😆 Thank you for the comment,
I figured I could leave the cake eating to the imagination

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