• Member Since 14th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Scriblits Talo

Publishing Stories of varied pony content Weekly:} Hear them read at : https://www.youtube.com/@QuothScrib


"The artist knew her work well.
Every note was perfectly placed, and for the piece being played not a single technical mistake existed…but there was no feeling to it, no artist's fire."

" It had seemed a great idea at first, to send a hoof full of Equestria's most curious ponies into deep space and see what happens."

It wasn't a good idea and now...

"The only semblance of company left was memory and the echo of her strings."

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 5 )

So random ponies were selected or accepted to go into space?

That is a very dumb thing to do.

Comments are welcomed , I love taking the thoughts of my friends in to consideration.

116676 probably Pinky's doing to be honest
But what do I know, I just wrote this part, the rest is up to y'all 🎉

I like it. It's nice.

This was interesting.

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