“Oh dear, oh dear!” panicked Twilight. She had stayed up all night trying to find an explanation for the Princess about what happened. Pinkie Pie had opted to stay and help her find something. All she had found so far was teleportation from one side of the planet to the other, nothing about world crossings or anything of the sort. In all of pony history, there was nothing about world crossings involved. The only remote thing she found about the world crossings was something about time shifting and time convergence, but as far as she was concerned that didn’t matter at the moment. She was poring over a glossary of a book when there was a knock at the door. “Pinkie, could you answer that?” asked a twitching Twilight.
Pinkie nodded her head ferociously, and bounced over to the door. She opened to see the Princess and Dashie. “Dashie!” yelled Pinkie, who proceeded to tackle her best friend. She was greeted by a shove.
“I don’t know who you are, so BACK OFF!” yelled Dash, tears in her eyes. Pinkie’s poofy pink hair deflated, just like last time. “What happened? Princess, why doesn’t she remember me?” Pinkie whimpered.
“I don’t know Pinkie Pie, that’s what I have come here to find out, may we come in?” Celestia asked politely.
“Oh, sure, come on in.” Pinkie had said, back to her cheery self in no time.
“Twilight Sparkle, my pupil. What have you discovered in your studies? We may have a problem.” Celestia asked her student. Twilight hung her head low in shame.
“I haven’t found anything about worlds crossing over. The closest thing I found was that one pony had perfected teleportation and had gone from one side of the world to the other, but that was it. I’m sorry Princess, I let you down. What’s wrong with Rainbow Dash?” she questioned, still hanging her head.
“Let us worry about your investigation later; for now, Rainbow Dash’s memories are still about the man from the other world. It seems that the memory spell used on her was ineffective. What do you have to say?” Celestia asked.
At the sound of this, Twilight picked her head up immediately, concerned. She thought she did it exactly the same as she had done it during the Discord incident. “I dunno, should I try again?” she asked her mentor. Celestia nodded, and walked over and held Rainbow Dash. “Hold still, please.” Twilight was about to lower her horn to Dash’s head again, but this time Rainbow jumped away.
“Oh, no, not this time, the last time this happened you ruined my life! I’m not going to let you do that again!” yelled a furious Rainbow Dash. She squirmed out of the hold of Princess Celestia, and soared through an open window. She quickly glanced around, looking for somewhere to hide. She saw a forest not far off, and with memories of Daddy, she bolted toward it, hoping that he would be under one of trees like he was that one day long ago.
“Why doesn’t Rainbow remember us? And why does she still remember that man?” bounced Pinkie. “I thought when you used that memory spell it would replace anything that happened before?” She was bouncing around the room, looking through Twilight’s books.
“I don’t know, Pinkie, I thought the same thing. I still feel bad about the first time, but after I saw how scared she was this time, I just wanted to help. Now she is off in the Ever Free Forest.” Twilight let out a sigh of fatigue. She had been up for almost 24 hours, trying to find out what had happened to Rainbow when she had gone to the different world, and now discover what had happened with her memory spell. Princess Celestia had gone back to Canterlot to talk to her unicorn advisers to see what they could figure out. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were out in the forest looking for Rainbow Dash. Pinkie had opted to stay behind and help Twilight, much to the dismay of Fluttershy. “Gah, this is useless. There is nothing about world teleportation or memory prevention!” She had started skulking around the room in self-pity when Pinkie threw a book at her.
“How about this one? It’s called, ‘The Effects of Teleportation on Memory,’ that sounds promising!” said an ecstatic Pinkie Pie. Twilight just shook her head in awe.
* * *
“Rainbow! Where are you! It’s your friends! We’re here to take you home!” yelled Applejack. They had begun their search about an hour after Rainbow Dash had bolted away from Twilight’s library, and had been searching for a couple of hours since.
“Applejack, if she really doesn’t remember us, why would she be willing to let us take her? I mean, really, use that brain of yours,” snapped Rarity. And then, “I’m sorry Applejack, it’s just that being in these creepy, dirty woods has been really irritating me. Fluttershy, do you see anything?” Rarity yelled up to Fluttershy, who was following closely above the tree line, hoping to get a sight of Rainbow.
“No, nothing. In fact, I haven’t seen any form of flying animals since we got in here, this is really scary. Can we go back now?” Fluttershy said timidly. You could tell she was nervous. She was flapping her wings rapidly, her eyes were shifting back and forth, and her ears were flat against her head. “Besides, it’s getting dark, and it isn’t safe out here in the d-d-dark,” she gulped.
“We gotta’ keep searchin’. If she really doesn’t have her memory back, then she has no idea what’s in these here woods,” Applejack stressed to her friend. “Let’s think about her position here. She has a happy life with a great man for 15 years, and then six ponies trot into her house, tell her that she needs to leave, and, more or less, ponynap her back here. Now don’t get me wrong, I think she is better off here, but is it what she truly wants? Anyways, she wakes up the next morning to find herself somewhere completely different, without her old memories, and does what any other pony would do, panics. Also, I don’t have the darndest idea as to why she doesn’t have her old memories, so don’t ask.” grunted Applejack.
“Continuing on, she manages to escape the strange place, the cloud palace mind you, and runs right into one of the ponies that ponynapped her, the biggest one of all, Princess Celestia. Now, obviously, Dash doesn’t have any idea who Celestia is, but goes with her to see Twilight under the assumption of help. They get there, and she gets, what probably seems to her, assaulted by Pinkie Pie for the second time in days. I’m sure that disturbs her a bit, then she hears Celestia tell Twilight to try and change her memories again. Now, don’t tell me that wouldn’t make you shiver in your galoshes. She freaks out, and runs to the nearest place that reminds her of her home, the forest. She has no idea what is out here, so Fluttershy, until it is actually dark, we keep searching. I don’t even care if she remembers us right now or not, I just want to see her safe and-” She was cut off by a large explosion.
Anyone who was reading chapter three, after reading some comments of my chapters being too short, I took the liberty of adding some extra words so please be sure to check that you read all of it. Thanks everyone for reading and following, and for the criticism
Nice, terrorists.
I sense a sonic rainboom... I hope Dashie gets to go back home. To Earth, I mean, not Equestria. I know that she belongs in the latter, but she wants to be in the former.
hmmmmmmmmmmm, this is a great continuization of my little dashie
lol look at the word i made up......
keep it coming....keep it coming
Are you posting more chapters?
It's short, but loving it so far.
Oh god... this story is gonna be so awesome!
The chapters are kinda short though... -tracks-
Love it so far. Just hope Rainbow Dash gets comfortable in Equestria, with all her friends...
I know she wants to be on Earth so badly, but the thought of her sitting there alone with her dad just wounds me. At least in Equestria, she'd have friends to play with all the time.
please continue this, i swear this is opening up the wounds left by my little dashie, the only piece of fiction that i shed manly tears over, even "marely and me" wasnt as sad, i hope you do the series justice.
just got out of my little dashie and i'm looking forward that this story will ease the pain.
i sense something about a certain human being transformed and dragged to a different world.
Now now Talow, don't try guessing you will have to wait like everyone else for the next chapter
Great chapter, I hope Dash gets to be with or see her father again. Only time will tell
i want a little dashie..
or a fluttershy. but thats irrelevant right now. honestly i hope she goes back with her daddy.
I like it so far, but I'm a little confused, why would she panic if, in the first one, she accepted the fact that she had to go back? I guess I could see the memory spell erasing the entire incident of her departure from Earth, but I don't know. Sorry if I'm sounding a little critical but it seems like a big plot-hole to me. Once again, sorry if it rubs of on you wrong, I'm just curious.
here you have:
As the wise saying goes:
"Don't cry because good times are over. Smile because they happened."
Rainbow's dad respected this saying in the original story, as so did Rainbow Dash. But now, they are both tangled up on their sadness as they hang on to a reality that no longer exists. Prisioners of chaos.
I know that without the chaos there wouldn't be a story to tell, but for me, My Little Dashie shouldn't have a sequel; it's perfect as it is.
(Still, I don't hate it. Keep writing.)
I think... we're getting some Discord later on and this is really cute. It almost perfectly goes with the actual story MLD even though they are a little short still
I'm reading this on the 25, but it says it was published on the 26. Are you a Time Traveler?
No, you're in different countries
loved the story and love it's possible endings, now I can't help but wonder about what is the best that could happen, I mean, the best for WHO, Equestria needs it's elements of harmony reunited, and her friends want Dash back, but Dash can't help but feel alone and threatened (at least now).
Her friends should note that unless some MAJOR magic is casted, their relationships won't ever be the same.
I'm excited and waiting for the next one!
Thanks to everyone for supporting me thus far, I will try to incorporate all questions you guys may have into the story, like the comment above about dashie freaking out. I tried to make it more noticeable when applejack is talking to her friends. Thanks everyone, another chapter should be up by Wednesday.
87866 *Sigh* Too cliched.
Done to death. I mean, have nothing against transformation itself, I am actually a fan of it.
But every story I have seen thus far has the human protagonist abandon their human roots.
It is as if the human body is a walking time bomb that needs to be jettisoned as soon as Celestia possible.
87873 I cried so hard in these three chapters...
i demand MOAR! that is all.....
I hope she stays in Equestria. While she may love her other home, in Equestria she can truly live.
I hope she can meet her Dad again, I'd be sad if she doesn't. Fus Ro Moar!
Guys, I'm his assistant writer, helping him come up with ideas (in also his younger brother) so I'm going to try to clear some things up. The reason for the anger is because they are both suffering from a loss and the 5 stages of loss can happen in any order, so even though they both have went through acceptance, they've both also gone through bargaining, so they still need through depression and anger which is what you are seeing.
you show this to rob yet? i wonder if he read it I'll ask him when i see him in chat :) I'm about to dive into it in a few mins and by the reviews i see I'm excited
88417 well not rly reviews i mean comments XD
i derped
I'll admit, I didn't have high expectations going in with the word "sequel" in it, but after reading the first chapter, the feelings I felt in the original came back up, and the stories seamlessly integrate to me. I'm crying to this story as well. Where My Little Dashie taught the value of love, this sequel is giving much-needed closure for the readers. I think that you're doing a fantastic job so far. Keep up the excellent work, and I think it definitely took a bit of courage to try to expand on a widely-adored fic. You have a brohoof for that
i always wanted to see this story progress tracking
Hmm, this just gave me an idea for another similar story.
What if 2 years after 'my little dashie' the conversion bueruo's are opened up?
(is this a good idea? Feel free to make it if you think so
P.s. <3
*clap clap clap* This is getting real good, real fast!
If you, as a reader, can submit to not everything adding up to MLD, like what they felt and so on, this is a really good read.
Keep 'em coming!
i saw how many views there were. 1337 that is this story. KEEP GOING!!!!
Why. WHY. did you make Applejack say RD? Make her say Dash. Seriously, nopony in the actual show EVER says RD...
Season 2 Episode 3: Lesson Zero, 8:50 in. Applejack refers to Rainbow as RD.
Admittedly this is the only time this abbreviation is ever used, and so should be done sparingly. But if anypony can use it, it's Applejack.
I have to say, the execution of this chapter was handled much better than the previous one. Keep up the good work!
That said, there are one or two small points I'd like to mention:
1) "World crossings"? I'm not quite sure "world" crossing is the best choice here; since MLP: FiM has some things occur which simply aren't possible in our "world" (e.g. pegasi flying with such small wings), and different worlds tend to have similar laws of physics, maybe a better choice would be "reality" or "dimensions" crossing? Still, it's your call.
2) The only remote thing she found about the world crossings ...Don't you mean "the closest thing", because that's the only thing that she found that was relevant to "world crossings"?
3) And then, “I’m sorry Applejack." (cutting quote short here) "And then" isn't an appropriate choice to lead-in a quotation because there are no "speaking" verbs there; maybe something like Rarity sighed. "I'm sorry Applejack." instead?
4) Fluttershy said timidly. You could tell she was nervous. She was flapping her wings rapidly, her eyes were shifting back and forth, and her ears were flat against her head. First, don't suddenly use "you" unless you have a good reason to; the sudden injection of the reader into the story throws the reader for a loop. Second, you don't need all these descriptions of how nervous Fluttershy is; from her characterization, we know that she's afraid of the Everfree Forest. Plus, her next sentence (with the stuttering) gives us a good picture of how nervous she is.
5) Minor style note: books in the MLP: FiM universe usually have alliterative or punny titles. Maybe change the title of "The Effects of Teleportation on Memory" to something more alliterative?
But this chapter is much better than the previous one. Keep up the good work!
Ok there is one major thing you need to do with this chapter. Break up Applejack's dialogue abit. As is we get this brick of information all in one go which is a bit much. My second point here is more subjective so just keep that in mind. I just think Applejack being the one to exposite all that is a bit weird. For one she isn't exactly the most in-tune to other ponies feelings if Twi's first sleep-over is any indication. Technically Fluttershy would be a better one to make those links as she's the most sensitive of them all to that sort of thing, but the downside there is she's not a talker so it'd seem really out of place all that info coming from her. I'd say break it up in between the three of them, Fluttershy to how Rainbow would probably feel, Rarity to probably guessing what she was thinking and Applejack to balance the two out with her special brand of down-to-earth logic.
My first thought at the end: OH SHIT, CREEPER!
Sad to see this story. The last one made me write a poem, but why didn't Twilight just go see doctor whooves.
The Worlds crossing over made me think of Worlds Collide by Aviators
you know, i was planning on sleeping, but when i read the end of this chapter, I had to keep reading

‘The Effects of Teleportation on Memory'
It was under E!
87725 This... Is what I expected, surprisingly.
This is... no words. My Little Dashie is writing I never could've dreamed of and this is an excellent continuation.