As I sit in my chair, I can’t help but glance back at where my Dashie was just lying only minutes ago. Where she was lying before Celestia and the other ponies stole her away from me. I almost snorted aloud. No, where she was lying before her friends came and took her home. I feel a pang of guilt for being so selfish. This stage always comes in a parent’s life. Ha, just listen to me, I sound like a person who had raised a child. Well, actually, isn’t that what I am? Great, first I was selfish, now I’m being extra critical of myself. Of course that’s what I did. Dashie was no different than any other human other than her looks. She talked, she wrote, she played, she loved… I cringed at that thought. I could feel tears coming on again, slowly dripping down my cheek. She was my child. No matter how she looked, I raised her to be the best person she could be, no matter where she lived, and I should take pride in that.
I glance back out the window, comforting myself with that pride. The window is cracked, and I hear birds chirping. ‘Heh,’ I think to myself. ‘Too bad Fluttershy isn’t here; she might enjoy meeting these new birds, this new world with the new creatures. Oh wait, never mind, the animals here are no different than the ones in their world… in Dashie’s world. Clouds are starting to form overhead, rain, I assume. I stand up to shut the window, but as I rise, a leaf blows in through the window. I follow it with my eyes, dancing and weaving through my living room, landing on the rug that the ponies were seated on not moments ago. I shut the window and I turn to face the room.
Other than my book of photos, there are no memories of Dashie left. I sink back into my depression. All thought and emotion other than sadness escapes my body. Just standing there, I collapse in on myself, remembering all that I could about my little girl. Her first bath, her first words, her first flight. Her cutie mark and the broken windows that came with it. At that thought I smiled a little, but it is quickly wiped from my face. I don’t know how long I stood there, just remembering.
When I came too though, I was sitting in Dashie’s recliner and the roar of water hitting my window helped to stir me. I got back up and approached the window and leaned on the sill, staring over our yard; my yard, I guess. The rain drops sliding down the window made me feel even gloomier. No, not gloomy, angry. I got so angry I could scream, so I did. I yell at the top of my lungs for as long as I can hold it. It felt like just seconds of a yell, but it was almost a full minute. The yell finally is muffled by a yawn. The yawn just provokes more anger, ‘how can I be tired at a time like this?’ I think to myself. I think of the episode of My Little Pony where Fluttershy becomes a model, and how she kicks her vase. I look around for the nearest vase, found one. The crashing sound reduced my anger some. I sigh in despair, and bang my head against the window. I told myself that I wouldn’t be angry. I told myself that I would be happy for her. After all, every parent must say goodbye to their child.
I turn back to the dark, empty house and I start walking. Something I haven’t done since the day Dashie found out where she was really from. I walked all over the house, up the stairs, and into our rooms. Seeing the office put a hole into my heart, and I had to shut the door to keep from crying again. I pulled out my key, and locked it shut. I didn’t want to go in there ever again, and for that matter no one should. Ha, that would require me having someone over. I proceed into my room and fall onto my bed. I feel empty, and I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. So many questions left unanswered. Will she remember me? Did she keep her things? I’m sure there were more but I’m too tired to remember. I let myself drift off to sleep.
That was beautiful. I like your writing style, and you've managed to pull off continuing the story. I just want to thank you for offering some solace to the readers of that story...
Good job!
Before reading: I'm somewhat skeptical at the moment... While I hope that this is good, I must say that making a sequel to "My Little Dashie" is a bit... though. Many people will expect a lot from this, but I hope that it will somewhat fulfill its purpose.
I. Will. Be. Back.
After reading: Not bad, not bad. I must admit that this is pretty good. While the style of writing is a bit different from the original, it certainly sounds like it. The only thing that I didn't really like about this, is actually because of MLD itself. Seeing as he actually came to terms with it all and admitted that his life was now changed for the better, and then reading this, makes it all seem like he didn't change at all.
But enough of me being a reviewer, I HAVE only read a single chapter so far, and it didn't exactly disappoint me, so I look forward to reading the next chapters and seeing how it all works out.
Chapters are short and sweet, the story flows nicely, and you don't cram the emotion,but stretch it out out over your writing...
Whats not to like?
I commend you on your bravery by the way! Making a follow up on such a popular fic isn't something to be sniffed at- but in my opinion you put in the effort and came out with a very nice story!
Why, if I'd hadtear ducts I'm sure id be bawling them out this very instant!
Just started reading. I hope you got permission to write this.
at first i was like:

then i was like:
Whoa. You? I would've never thought to find you here.
Well, actually I would have.
And I agree with you. It seems almost like Robcakerun53 is the one writing this.
sad story so far
but i gotta admit when he was remembering the episode where fluttershy kicked the vase and he started looking for a vase i couldnt resist but laughing
ahhh im such a horrible person
It's just too sad. it makes me wanna cry sooo hard. But I love it and can't stop reading it.fluttercry.applecry.
It's just too sad. it makes me wanna cry sooo hard. But I love it and can't stop reading it.

The man in the story... He had something beautiful, something great... Rainbow Dash... Even though it was 15 years, it was still too little time... Just like reading this fan fiction:
It was so amazing, so moving... So cool... So awesome, that it could never have existed. Nothing this moving could ever be brought into our lives again that was quite like this.
And like the man in the story... From the moment he found Dashie (us finding the story) to the time she had to go (when we finish the first installment), he knew it would have to end...
But I only shed one tear, and that was when I read the letter that Dashie left behind for the main character.
So if you find yourself crying tears other than joy, just ask yourself: What would Dashie want you to do? She'd want you to hold onto your memories of her, and always remember her... But live the rest of your life as good as you can with the gifts she brought out in you as a person whole you had her.
I will never forget. <\ --><-- \3
As a concerned programmer, I find your system lacking in the since of "who is this pony?" is way to easy to crack. All that is required is a copy of the url, a simple cleanup of all html surrounding it and then take pony_pony and replace _ with " ". If you would be a dear and add slightly more security it would be greatly appreciated. I have used a test program method described above in visual basic to easily create a troll spammer. perhaps something that sets the filename to random # string and then sets the image name to that string in php? Now for on topic.
I will be hopefully reading this tonight. Many tears were shed on the first, and I hope to do so again on something else.
remember, /images/characters/pinkie_pie.png!
I'm working on my own sequel (in the form of the guy's diary)! Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
Should I be disgusted with myself if I smiled at the end of My Little Dashie? And no Tears?
good start btw
i read MLD earlier today and didnt shed manly tears.
so im gonna read all the good dashie fics and see what happeneds.
Mad World - Gary Jules.
Play this in another tab, while reading this.
im almost crying after reading this and remembering the original
Tears went through my eyes the hole story I SALUTE YOU amazing skills a good equal I read it all but I won't spoil it for the new readers :-)

TROLLestea is the only way to describe the awesomeness
Tears went through my eyes the hole story I SALUTE YOU amazing skills a good equal I read it all but I won't spoil it for the new readers :-)

TROLLestea is the only way to describe the awesomeness
Tears went through my eyes the hole story I SALUTE YOU amazing skills a good equal I read it all but I won't spoil it for the new readers :-)

TROLLestea is the only way to describe the awesomeness
Oh god I started crying again I'm re-reading it waaaaaa its sooooo sad and happy
................................................................................................................THAT WAS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1354912 Read one word. Instantaneous effect...

Launching Sobbing.exe good story I do think the chapters need to be longer tho
I promised myself i wouldnt cry again, but its happening
.....It's only the first chapter.....

HERMOSO sin duda, estoy llorando a mares
, pero me alegra saber que todo termino bien sin duda esta secuela me curo la gran herida que dejo la primera que no pude sportar el llanto
, pero ahora veo una gran luz de esperanza 
Hey everypony, if anypony sees this can they help me? I just started reading on this site and i really want to make some friends!
So if anypony can send me a message to show me the ropes id be really grateful!
2035394 Just Be Calm,Collected,Understanding And Let Haters Hate.
I just finished reading the whole thing. I quite enjoyed it. Though the ending kinda puts me in the same position of finishing the original: What happened next?
But overall very nicely made. 
Can visit dashie in his dreams? Lets find out
1988964 same hear bro
Awesome -clap clap- just PLAIN AWESOME
This is shaping up to be fantastic!
Even though the memories of the story do give a sad feeling.
Um.. Is this music is proper to this chapter?
Remembering this story just hit me like a ton of bricks. This sequel looks promising!
that gives me inspiration for a pretty horrible fic. Fluttershy goes to Australia.
Look at all the pretty creatures!
First chapter and already lost 13 tears
IT'S A NEW RECORD! YET, THE ANGER HAS RUINED THE... emotional... feeling.
Well, CoD Ghosts for now 
I wonder what's the next chapter's gonna be. For now, gonna read My Little Dashie again. *reads My Little Dashie*
Hmm, I don't recall seeing living wolf made out of wood on Earth. I don't think a regular wolf was ever shown in Equestria either. I wonder if they have regular, non-talking equine there that they ride or work in the field. Still a very good start though.
Nice start,didn't cry yet.although I did have the.aww why u do.dis?moment,cause I remember the sadness.of my little dashie.(excuse the random period,auto correct' s bully :(