• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 16,019 Views, 910 Comments

The Winds of Change - CalmNQuiet

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle must rebuild their bonds in the midst of a changing world.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Thin tendrils of smoke weaved through the darkening evening sky as the last remnants of the SonicCraft burned out. The shattered, blackened pieces dotted the landscape as a frightful reminder of what might’ve come to pass.

Twilight tore her gaze away from the devastation in the distance and focused on the pegasus held tightly within her forehooves. Her near-death experience weighed heavily upon her mind. She never expected an attempt upon her life, and even though it didn’t come to fruition, she couldn’t shake the looming sense of dread for the days ahead.

“Twi?” Uncertain and filled with worry, Rainbow hoped the unicorn she carried aloft was still with her. Twilight said nothing, but Rainbow could see the signs of discomfort buried within the fearful irises of the pony she held tightly.

“Snap out of it Twi, it’s okay. I’m right here.” Unable to shake the trance with words alone, Rainbow drew Twilight close and sought to disenthrall her stunned companion with a kiss to the forehead. She quietly chided herself in the back of her mind for the sappy behavior, but nothing was too sappy for Twilight—especially in desperate times.

The warmth and tenderness of the kiss slipped through the barriers of Twilight’s bewildered mind like water until the sensation became a roaring current of emotion. Freed from her trance, Twilight sobbed in the safety of Rainbow’s embrace. Liberating tears: she cried until the dread washed away.

Years of composure crumbled as Twilight blinked away the last of her tears and smiled bashfully. “I must’ve looked like a foal.” The imagery threatened to overtake her again, but she pushed it away.

Rainbow simply smiled and shook her head. “It may be uncool to cry.” She leaned down and nuzzled at the corner of Twilight’s eyes, tenderly kissing the remaining tears away. “But it’s okay to cry when no pony can see you.” She paused and kissed Twilight gently on the lips. “And in the hooves of a pony you trust because she’ll never judge you.”

“But.” Rainbow’s voice darkened as she looked toward the glimmering gold and white spires of Canterlot near the edge of the horizon. “I’ll never forgive them.”

Twilight craned her neck back and looked through her teary vision. “The princesses?”

“That’s right. I want answers. And they better be good ones. Don’t you?”

“I guess, though I think I figured most of it out. I need to talk to Princess Celestia to be sure.”

“On it.”

Twilight’s stomach lurched for a second. A rainbow streak cut through the sky, aimed squarely at Canterlot.

“Wait, what about Applejack?”

Rainbow smirked mid-stroke and winked at Twilight. “Fluttershy happened.”

Twilight tried imagining Fluttershy taking down Delta Squad and Fixer simultaneously. The idea was too absurd. Failing to think of a plausible scenario, she prodded Rainbow for details. “What do you mean?”

“Fluttershy hugged Spitfire. I don’t know how she did it, but Fixer is pretty much a prisoner of his own squad now.”

“Wait, Spitfire was part of Delta Squad?”

“Spitfire and Soarin’! I was pretty surprised. I knew the wing-strokes looked a little familiar when I saw them, but it didn’t click until I heard her voice.”

Twilight frowned. “That’s kind of a huge coincidence. Wouldn’t the Minister know he was sending your former teammates?”

“I dunno. Maybe he doesn’t care about the Wonderbolts. Not many ponies did toward the end of our shows.”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t buy it. He’s been Minister for years. Personally appointed by the Princess before you and I were even born. Too many pieces are fitting together.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Twi, it sounds like you’re expecting some huge conspiracy.”

“And it just might be! I need to talk to the Princess. The sooner the better. She has to know something.”

“You know, you might be right, Twi.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“There’s two squads of Royal Guards flying a double intercept pattern toward us right now.”

Twilight glanced urgently to the left and right. The glimmering gold armor was impossible to miss in the setting light of the sun.

“Want me to lose them?” Rainbow asked cheekily.

“What?” Twilight exclaimed.

“I can outfly these guys blindfolded. Just say the word Twilight, and I’ll lose them.”

Twilight weighed in on the possibilities:

If the Director of Energy really intended to kill me and then use my death to scapegoat the current Minister into stepping down, then perhaps the Royal Guard is also under his sway.

But, he clearly stated he didn’t want to get the Royal Equestrian Air Force involved. The means he’s still concerned about the Princess’ influence. Plus, why send the Royal Guard when my death was practically guaranteed?

Only Applebloom knows about the wings Rainbow now uses. It’s highly unlikely the Director would predict Rainbow plucking me from the sky...among other things.

Twilight blushed at this thought.

These guards have to be friendly.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Rainbow, slow down and let them meet up with us. I think they’re an escort.”

Rainbow looked down at her dubiously. “You sure, Twi? Once they get too close, I’m not gonna be able to get us away without blasting them with a rainboom.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. The Princess is behind this.”

* * *

The prevailing winds swept down the mountainside over Canterlot and through the immaculately groomed coat of the Sun Princess. Celestia shivered. This was completely inexplicable considering her resistance to the natural elements, but she still felt the chill which ebbed and flowed through Equestria.

Standing silently upon the balcony of her observatory, she looked to the setting sun to the west. Once upon a time, she could spread her wings and soak in the warmth of her star. Now, it was little more than an orange haze through the brackish skies over Ponyville and the remains of the Everfree. The ashen clouds obscured her view and filtered the light from her.

Hesitantly, she spread her wings wide, stretching the appendages until the joints groaned in discomfort. Carefully tucking her legs beneath her, she settled down onto the plush carpet of the balcony. She closed her eyes and focused on the minute sunbeams tickling along each feather. She shivered again. Was the wind always this cold?

“Seeking absolution?” The melodious words interrupted her thoughts.

Celestia’s wings snapped shut against her back and she turned her head to see Luna standing silently behind her. She smiled wanly to her sister before turning back to the wide expanse of their kingdom. “Good evening, Luna. Did you sleep well?”

Luna frowned. “Well enough.” Stepping forward, she settled down next to her sister and draped a wing across the majestic form of the white alicorn. “The cold will not numb the pain, dear sister.” The sun crept below the horizon. “Nor will the lingering warmth free you of it.”

Her horn glowed imperceptibly in the dark and the luminescent moon peeked into the night sky. “Just as the moon could not numb me and the warmth of your sun could not free me.” Her expression softened. “Yet, hope remains. You set Rainbow Dash free to respark your faithful student. Surely, they shall bring about the release you seek. As she did for I.”

Celestia looked up to the stars slowly emerging as the glow of the sun subsided. “So, you feel I made the right decision?”

Luna shook her head and placed a hoof over Celestia’s. “Nay, decisions are what they are. The value of the actions they cause are not for us to judge.”

“You’re being unusually cryptic tonight, Luna.”

“Apologies. I was awoken abruptly by a magical disturbance.” Luna coughed and looked to Celestia. “Of your doing, perchance?”

Celestia sighed deeply and closed her eyes. “Indirectly, perhaps. Time will tell. I sent the guard to investigate. Until they return, I doubt I can shake the ache in my chest.”

Two precise knocks sounded from the door. “Your Majesties. The Director of Energy requests an audience. He says it’s urgent.”

Luna smirked and folded her wing away from Celestia’s back. “I wonder why he always waits until the sun sets. Do you think he fears you more than I?”

The Solar Princess chuckled. “A grave mistake on his part. We are both well aware of his meetings in locked rooms with curtains drawn, hidden from the sun and moon.”

Luna rose elegantly to her hooves and stepped off the balcony back into the observatory. “Shall we see what he wants?”

“We shall. Perhaps he’ll have something more than a long-winded list of reasons for why his organization needs expansion.” Celestia strode up behind Luna. “Thank you, Luna. I’ve missed your counsel immensely.”

Luna nodded to the guard and glided through the threshold into the hall. “You gave me little choice, sister. The sorrow you hide in your dreams would press any goddess of the night to act.”

“Luna! My dreams are personal!” Celestia exclaimed, the heat rushing to his cheeks in stark embarrassment. She looked to the doorway, but her sister was already gone. Taking a moment to regain her composure, she nodded to the guard gravely and proceeded to court.

The lone guard gulped and frantically tried to wipe his mind of the memory of what just transpired.

* * *

The Director of Energy stood in front of the dark, crystalline double doors awaiting the arrival of the Lunar Princess. He adjusted his suit and double-checked his documents. The two guards on either side paid him no heed.

With little warning, the massive doors opened. The guard to his right nodded for him to move forward. He strode through the threshold into the throne room. A tingle passed over his body as he crossed through the doorway—magical enchantments to protect the princesses, no doubt. He swiftly crossed the distance from the door to the throne and bowed deeply before Luna.

“Your Majesty. I thank thee for awarding me an audience on such short notice.”

Luna chuckled and waved her forehoof. “Rise. You’ve no need for such aged language. I am quite versed in conversation both formal and casual.”

The director pulled himself up off the floor and nodded. “Apologies, Your Majesty. Had I known sooner, I wouldn’t have used it in our past meetings.”

The Moon Princess smiled one of those mischievous smiles which always irritated him. “Don’t be alarmed, Director. I hold no ill will toward you. I found it quite fun actually.”

He coughed uncomfortably. “Oh, of course.” He paused. This wasn’t going the way he expected. He cleared his throat and started over. “Normally, I’d wait until regular court hours, but something extremely serious has happened.”

Luna’s expression shifted and she nodded very gravely. “Oh, yes. I believe it woke us from our royal slumber.”

The director faltered, his words evaporating at his lips.

Luna snickered in her head. Bingo. Not wanting to give away this bit of information, she maintained her composure and pressed for more details. “What exactly has happened?”

The stallion shifted on his hooves. “I believe the Minister of Development just murdered Princess Celestia’s student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“This is a very grave charge, Director. I hope you aren’t making this claim empty-hoofed.”

Allowing himself a slight sigh of relief, he pulled out a series of documents. “I just received these from the SonicCraft carrying Twilight Sparkle. In flight, the craft’s auto-destruct mechanism triggered, resulting in a magical overload and explosion. The odds of survival are practically negligible.”

“Are you sure the Minister is responsible for this?”

“Absolutely. SonicCrafts are built to the highest standards. Only a direct report from the owner of the craft, in this case the Ministry of Development, would trigger the self-destruct measure.”

Luna glanced over the documents presented to her. It was all very convincing. An especially painful photo of a tearful Twilight in the bridge of the airship painted a dreadful scenario. Pushing the image away from both her presence and mind, she redirected her gaze upon the director below her. “You’re absolutely certain only the Minister could authorize such an action?”

“Positive, Your Majesty. SonicCrafts are the greatest crafts Equestria has ever built. Their safeguards and performance far exceeds any of its predecessors. Such a calamitous event couldn’t be triggered accidentally.”

His chest swelled and his head cleared. He was so close. Soon, he’d be able to install a new Minister which would answer to his beck and call. He cleared his throat and continued. “Furthermore, reports from the Royal Equestrian Air Force suggests the Minister purposefully disabled the magical communicators on board.” He sighed heavily. “Without a means of communication, the military procedure in place to override self-destruct triggers in the case of a misfire never occurred. Twilight Sparkle was probably consumed in the resulting explosion.”

Luna raised her hoof. “I’ve heard enough. I’m sure an official investigation will yield more details. She turned to the guard on her right. “Until then, assemble a squad and bring the Minister in.” The guard saluted and flew out of the throne room.

She turned to the guard on the left. “And please find my sister. She will want to hear this grave news, though it will bring her much grief.”

“That won’t be necessary, Luna.” Celestia stepped into the throne room from a set a doors in the back. “I was held up, but I managed to catch the majority of this official’s report.” She nodded to the director.

The director bowed deeply. “Your Majesty, I apologize for bringing you this—”

“Guards, arrest him. Mr. Silverhoof, you are accused of attempted murder, high treason, sedition against the crown, and corruption of the first degree.”

“What? Princess Celestia! I have served Equestria faithfully for six years!” The stallion reared to his hooves but was shoved back down to the floor by a pair of pegasi guards in full ceremonial armor.

“For your own ends.” Twilight stepped out from behind the doors and stood next to Celestia proudly. Rainbow followed without a word.

Silverhoof looked at Twilight and concealed his shock. Well played, Twilight Sparkle. Well played.

He looked to Rainbow at Twilight’s side and she glared at him. He shrunk back from the pure malice directed at him. Surely this mare would murder him if she had the chance.

He searched the room frantically and focused on Luna. “Princess Luna! Surely you must see reason. The Minister is behind all of this. I have done nothing but focus on the improvement of Equestria during my tenure as director!”

“Nay, Silverhoof. My sister and I have watched you for several years. I’m sure my sister has good reason for these charges levied against you.” She turned and looked to the Solar Princess. “This is your battle. Would you like to end it?”

Celestia smiled. “Take him away.”

* * *

Rainbow paced across the room impatiently. She paused and looked over to Twilight quietly reading a book next to the fireplace. She snorted and resumed her pacing. Getting no response, she flicked her tail and complained bitterly. “How can you be so calm? You just stared down the pony who tried to kill you!”

Twilight closed her book slowly and glanced at the groove worn into the carpet from the pacing. Shaking her head, she smiled and scooted over on her cushion and patted it lightly with her forehoof. “Want to sit down? I’m sure Celestia and Luna are questioning him now.”

Rainbow’s wings rose in protest, but the spot on the cushion looked very comfortable. Sighing, she settled down onto the cushion next to Twilight. “I still don’t understand why you’re so calm,” she growled. “The princesses better not let him off easy, or I’ll find him and I’ll—”

A delicate magenta glow surrounded Rainbow’s wing and gently tugged it over Twilight’s back. The feathers gradually settled comfortably on the unicorn’s haunches, the pinion tips tickling over the cutie mark.

Twilight smiled. “I’m calm because I feel safe with you.”

Without making eye contact, Rainbow pulled Twilight closer with her wing. “Of...of course you are!” she stuttered out with a blush. “I’m just worried about you sometimes.” She did her best to keep up the bravado, but her voice betrayed her and cracked partway through. This earned her an adorable giggle from Twilight, which only deepened her blush.

The tittering faded gradually as Twilight nuzzled into Rainbow’s neck. “If it makes you feel any better, I was worried as well. Especially after you flew off to get Fluttershy and didn’t come back.” Twilight trembled underneath the wing. “I was scared, too. I thought I’d never get to see you again.”

Rainbow sighed and stroked her wing slowly over Twilight’s back. “I know. I’m sorry, Twi. I got caught up in some sort of freak sandstorm. I might not have made it back if Little Strongheart hadn’t found me.” The drastic change in mood lowered her voice until she was nearly whispering. “I was scared too when I got back and you were gone. I didn’t want the train station to be the last time I ever saw you.”

She smiled adoringly at Twilight. “So, the next time I saw you...I couldn’t hold back any longer.”

Twilight blushed in return. “I don’t think I could’ve waited any longer myself.”

Two sharp knocks at the door hampered any further conversation. As the door opened, Rainbow pulled her wings in and folded them neatly at her side. If it weren’t for the slight tickling sensation at her backside from the wing-braces, she would have forgotten they were even there.

Celestia stepped into the room. Her eyes met briefly with Rainbow’s and she regarded both ponies with a nod. “I see you two have settled in well with one another.” She crossed the room gracefully and settled down on a set of cushions in front of Twilight and Rainbow. “I’m sure you two are eager to hear about the proceedings with Silverhoof?”

An uncomfortable pause.

“Princess?” Twilight ventured forth cautiously, her voice barely above a whisper.

Celestia smiled, a hint of sadness mixing with her pride for the two ponies before her. “You’ve done a remarkable job, Twilight. Silverhoof hasn’t confessed any wrongdoing, but the evidence you’ve obtained in conjunction with my findings will put him well within the reach of the law.”

Twilight responded with a slightly bashful smile of her own. “Thank you, Princess. I’m not sure what kind of pony would resort to murder, but I’m disturbed by the possibilities.”

“And that’s not just because he tried to kill you!” Rainbow interjected with a growl. “I’ve seen that kind of attitude before. And frankly, it stinks.”

“Your assessment is correct, Rainbow. Luna will be dealing with him personally while I dismantle his organization. She seems to have developed an odd sense of humor when it comes to troublesome ponies. I’m sure he will learn a valuable lesson under the watchful eye of my sister.”

“Princess...” Twilight inhaled a small breath of courage. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

A sigh.


“Twilight. Before I continue, may I ask you a question?”

Twilight was at a loss for words. This was completely unexpected and absolutely absurd. Her princess and mentor never asked for permission before. An uneasy lump formed in the back of her throat. She tried to form a response, but nothing came to mind. After a long awkward pause, she managed to whisper out, “Please.”

If Celestia needed further confirmation, she didn’t show it. Instead, she reached forward and gently laid a forehoof across Twilight’s own. “Do you think I’m infallible?”

Another shock. Twilight glanced down at the forehoof upon her own. She never felt more unsure in her life. “Yes?” Her voice wavered in uncertainty. She corrected herself: “I mean, I’m not really sure. But, I’ve always trusted in your judgement.”

Rainbow watched the interchange between student and teacher intently. Something about Celestia’s behavior seemed off—almost as if the princess knew more than she was letting on.

Then it hit her. “You knew.”

It made sense. At least, it made sense on the most basic level. A surge of emotions took hold of her body as she leapt to her hooves. “You knew Twilight might be in danger and you didn’t tell her!” Her wings flared involuntarily as the anger coursed through her. “This was just some chess game to you, maybe years in the making!”

Utterly startled, Twilight grasped at Rainbow’s neck and tried to pull her back down. Celestia asking for permission was one thing. Now, it seemed she was on the verge of watching Rainbow physically assault royalty.

The forehooves around Rainbow’s neck barely registered in her mind as the words poured from her mouth. “That’s why you discharged me early. You knew I’d go back to my friends the moment I had a chance. You wanted me involved. You wanted Twilight to get involved. You wanted to force their hooves into something drastic!”

Twilight tried harder to pull Rainbow back, but it was impossible. She looked to Celestia for guidance but was shocked to find tears dripping down slowly onto the carpet below. She blocked Rainbow’s view of Celestia and hugged her tight. “Rainbow, let the Princess explain!”

Rainbow stumbled back and dropped to her haunches with Twilight in tow. She grasped Twilight by the cheeks angrily and pulled her down to eye level. Their eyes met and her body froze. She could see the fear and desperation in those eyes. Something she never wanted to see. The fight drained from her body and she slumped over against Twilight.

Twilight held her breath and waited.

“Twi...I’m okay now. Sorry.”

Twilight breathed out a long sigh of relief. Sinking down into the cushions, she closed her eyes and waited for her heart to stop racing. As she waited, she mentally made a checklist of all the things to remind Rainbow not to do in the future. Opening her eyes, she readied her lecture, but as she opened her mouth to speak, their eyes met.

The words died before they left her lips. Rainbow looked absolutely crushed. She realized the anger stemming from Celestia’s inaction was only half the picture—it might have torn them apart forever.

She gently leaned her head against Rainbow’s shoulder. It tensed at her touch but did not draw away. Gradually, the muscles relaxed. She considered reassuring the pony at her side, but it seemed unnecessary. Her head resting gently against Rainbow was more than enough reassurance.

“Princess, I think we’re ready now.”

Celestia cleared her eyes and nodded behind a practiced mask of composure. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ll be frank. Rainbow Dash’s assertion is correct.”

Twilight drew in a sharp breath. She’d never expected Celestia to knowingly put any of her subjects in danger. The implications were unpleasant even if they were reasonable. A disconcerting chill trickled down her spine as she worked over the innumerable scenarios which threatened to overwhelm her.

Luckily, it seemed her discomfort wasn’t lost upon the pony she rested against. A warm blue wing wrapped around her side and pulled her in close. She breathed out slowly and smiled, a silent gesture of thanks.

Celestia lowered her head sadly and continued. “I promise you, Twilight, I never intended for you to come under any harm. I took great pains in ensuring the situation was in your favor. I trusted in your consistent resourcefulness and in Rainbow’s unfailing devotion to a cause.”

“I nearly died. How could you prepare for something like that?”

“History often repeats itself. I did what I could.”

Rainbow snorted. “It couldn’t have been much. Since, y’know, it kinda ended up with Twilight falling to her doom surrounded by flaming shrapnel.”

“I hoped you would be there for her.”

“And I was! I always will be!” Rainbow shot back.

Celestia smiled. “I never doubted you. I’m sure Twilight feels the same.”

Rainbow blushed lightly as she felt Twilight nod and nuzzle in a little closer.

Celestia seized the opportunity to continue explaining. “Luna and I noticed Silverhoof’s particular brand of enthusiasm when he took over the modernization of Ponyville. Effective, but lacking in empathy. As his influence grew, so did his ego. I’ve seen it happen countless times over the generations.”

She rose swiftly to her hooves and nodded to the pair. “Come with me. This will make a lot more sense in just a moment. And I believe our transport should be prepared by now.”

They walked through the halls of the castle rapidly. Celestia added an additional quip of information along the way. “Considering your recent experience, we’ll be taking the armored train to Appleloosa.”

After a long flight of stairs and two sets of heavy-set iron-grated doors, they entered a large cave deep beneath Canterlot. An armored train several car-lengths long rested in the subterranean station. It hummed pleasantly in resonant magical energy. The smokestack lay dormant, lest it fill the cave with choking ashes.

A single pony waited for them on the station platform.

Celestia broke into a grin when she spotted him. “Minister! I’m glad you could join us. I hope Luna’s guards weren’t too rough on you.”

The aging unicorn bowed deeply before he straightened up and rubbed his side woefully with a hoof. “They were very convincing when they dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night.”

This elicited a chuckle from the princess. “Well, we do have to maintain appearances. You look absolutely horrendous.”

“No thanks to you, Your Majesty. If I wanted a job in acting, I would’ve joined the troupe in college. The only thing that made it all tolerable was the cider you kept sending to me.”

Celestia smirked and gestured to the Minister with a hoof. “Twilight, Rainbow, meet Trail Blazer, the current Minister of Development and my old friend.”

The pony in question took off his hat with a flourish and winked at Twilight. “It’s good to see you again, Twilight. I think the last time we met, you were a little filly shadowing the princess all the time.”

Rainbow frowned. “Don’t act so friendly. As far as I know, one of your airships nearly killed Twilight. Your agents have harassed us at every turn, and I hold you responsible for the gunk in the sky.”

“And for that, I’m very sorry. I did what I could to assist you, but my options were very limited. I passed along your letter to Celestia once Fixer departed. He was a safe choice because of his propensity for slow procedure and Silverhoof’s innate trust in him.” He sighed. “The sky...is tragic.”

Celestia raised her hoof. “Please, this is not entirely your fault. You stalled Silverhoof for years. A lesser pony would have Appleloosa in shambles already. And I suspect your choice of Delta Squad made a difference.”

She gestured to the open door in the train carriage. “Let’s continue this discussion on the train. I’m sure Twilight and Rainbow have many more questions which need to be answered.”

* * *

Twilight yawned widely and stretched her rigid limbs. She polished off her third cup of coffee for the night and exchanged a rueful smile with the Princess sitting across from her. “So, that’s all, huh? Three years of monitoring, setting up contacts, and indirectly hindering Silverhoof.” She rolled her eyes back facetiously. “Ending with my near-death and a very angry pegasus.”

She stroked her hoof over the multi-colored mane of the pony napping beside her with a smile. Rainbow stirred slightly and mumbled something sounding like her name, but it was too soft to be certain. “Was it worth it?”

Celestia stared into her tea for a long time. “No, I don’t think it was. The damage has already been done. He will be held responsible, but punishing him won’t make things right again.” She smiled sadly at Twilight. “And I’m sorry for what I put you through. Perhaps if I focused less on holding a pony responsible and focused more about holding myself accountable, you never would have been harmed at all.”

“I understand, Princess.” Twilight smiled thoughtfully. “I’m sure Dashie will too once she has some more time to think.”

The train groaned to a halt just as the first morning rays of sunlight glimmered through the slatted blinds of the royal stateroom. Twilight perked her ears as she looked in disbelief at the light. “We talked all night.”

“I’m not surprised. You were always a very inquisitive pony.” The Princess chuckled and rose gracefully to her hooves. “Though, if you’re not too tired, I’d like you to accompany me through Appleloosa. I need to tie up a few loose ends.”

“I’d love to, Princess. This coffee is amazing. I barely feel tired at all! Let me just wake up Dashie.” Twilight placed both her hooves on Rainbow’s shoulder and rocked the sleeping mare back and forth gently. “Dashie? Wake up. We’re in Appleloosa now.”

The pegasus stirred restlessly and flexed her wings. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found Twilight staring down at her. She cracked a grin. “Heya, Twi. You’re a comfy pillow.”

Twilight giggled and blushed. “And you’re a warm blanket. How are the wing braces? They’ve been on you a while now.”

A wing stretched out and hugged Twilight around the side. “Perfect. I can barely feel them.” She rubbed her eyes with a hoof and looked around blearily. “I guess the Princess wants us to come along for whatever royal business she has planned?”

Celestia opened the door to the stateroom. “That’s right, Rainbow Dash. I’m sure Applejack and Fluttershy will be pleased to see you and Twilight are unharmed.”

* * *

The town quickly became abuzz over the unexpected arrival of the armored train from Canterlot. It didn’t take much time for the station to be filled well beyond capacity by curious ponies. Twilight’s friends assembled right outside the heavy plated door of the train and waited expectantly. Braeburn swallowed nervously. “Well, this sure is somethin’. I hope we aren’t in trouble.”

Fixer allowed himself a smile. An armored train from Canterlot suggested the military was going to step in and restore some order to his town. He tossed his head back casually and adjusted his suit. “Oh, I’m sure I’m not in trouble. But you ponies are. Canterlot doesn’t deploy its military on a whim.”

The hiss of steam escaping from the locks on the door forced every pony on the platform back a few steps. A clear and eloquent voice echoed from the train interior. “Indeed. Canterlot does not.” Celestia strode out with her held high. Every single pony present bowed simultaneously by the awe-inducing entrance of their Princess.

She maintained her posture and neutral facial expression as she swept her gaze across her assembled subjects. “I have heard disturbing reports of unrest, fires, and even sedition against the crown.” She directed her gaze at Fixer and continued. “I will be perfectly clear. This is absolutely unacceptable. Equestria’s stability and growth depends on trust and harmony.”

The slightest of smiles flickered upon her face. “I am here to restore that trust and harmony.”

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as the ponies looked to each other with a mix of confusion and concern.

“Agent Fixer. Please come forward.” She smiled passively as he approached. “It seems you’ve been named as an excellent example.” Two guards stepped out from the train and stood on either side of Fixer at attention. “An excellent example of causing unrest, starting fires, and possible sedition against the crown.” She nodded to the guards. “These two fine stallions will escort you to your room.”

“What!” Fixer cried out in disbelief. “By who?”

On cue, Twilight and Rainbow stepped out from within the train followed by a very tired looking Minister of Development.

Fixer’s jaw tightened. “So, the Director of Energy set me up.” He lowered his head and nodded sadly. “I’ll come quietly.” Without another word, he walked slowly into the armored train.

Celestia snapped a letter out of the air with a flick of her horn and unfurled it. “Furthermore, I decree Appleloosa Acres a Historical and Protected site within Equestria as suggested by Twilight Sparkle.”

The energy in the crowd started to grow as the assembled ponies started to catch onto exactly what was happening.

“In addition, to restore trust and harmony between Canterlot and the fine citizens of Appleloosa, no oil refinery will be constructed in Appleloosa unless the town sees fit to start its construction.” Celestia smiled widely and winked at Twilight. “I thank all the citizens of Appleloosa for remaining resilient in the storm.”

Twilight and Rainbow rushed out into the crowd amidst cheers and cries of jubilation. They embraced Applejack, Fluttershy, Applebloom, Big Mac, Braeburn, and Spike in a massive group hug. A cacophony of voices intermixed with the cheering of the crowd as old friends reunited.

“Oh, girls, it’s so good to see you all again! And Spike, I’ve missed you. I hope you and Fluttershy have been getting along.”

“How’d the MMW’s perform?”

“Twilight! I thought I’d never see you again. I was going to write a letter to Celestia, but then this Fixer guy showed up—“

The Minister allowed himself a slight smile as he watched the exuberant scene. “It’s really something, isn’t it, Princess Celestia?” He brushed a hoof through his mane as a cool morning breeze tickled through its graying hairs. “It’s nice to feel a breeze that doesn’t chill me to the bone. I think I’d like to stay here.”

He turned and bowed deeply before the Princess. “If I may be so bold, I’d like to resign my post as Minister of Development. I’ve held onto its responsibility for far too long.” He straightened up and glanced over at Twilight and her friends. “And if these are the ponies following in my stead, I think I can resign without any reservations.”

“Canterlot will be much lonelier without you, Trail Blazer.” Celestia spread her wings wide. The sun was warm and bright here. “I’ll be hard pressed to find another pony dedicated enough to me to play a double agent for several years.” She relished the sunshine for a little longer before she graced the former Minister with a smile. “I hope you can find peace here in Appleloosa.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

* * *

Ponies gathered excitedly on the Apple Family Homestead for a long-delayed harvest celebration. Even Princess Celestia relented and postponed her return to Canterlot to take part in the festivities. Rainbow handily cleared the skies for the occasion, her glinting wing braces attracting a great deal of interest and praise for Applebloom—much to her embarrassment.

Applejack placed a tray of fresh pies on the table in front of a very tired looking Twilight. “Hey there sugarcube, how you holding up?”

“I’ve been better. I’m exhausted. I stayed up all night talking to the Princess.” Twilight glanced over at Celestia jealously. Somehow, the Princess showed little sign of fatigue and was amiably chatting with Sheriff Silverstar. She lowered her head onto the table and groaned. “I really need to cut back on the coffee.” She held her hooves up to Applejack. “Look at me! I’m shaking!”

Before Applejack could respond, Rainbow landed next to Twilight with a thump. “Hey Twi, those wing braces are awesome! I just dropped them off in the shed.” She spied the pies on the table and grinned at Applejack. “Are those fresh? I’m starved!” Reaching forward, she snagged a pie in her hooves and dug in Soarin’ style. She prodded Twilight in the side with a wing and nudged the pie to the side. “Want some, Twi? It’s really good.”

Twilight looked up at Rainbow. A smile slowly spread across her face as she broke out into a giggling fit. “Dashie, you have pie bits all over your muzzle.” She wrapped her hooves around Rainbow’s neck and pulled her close.

Applejack’s mouth dropped. Twilight was slowly licking off the stray pie from Rainbow’s muzzle. The pegasus blushed up a storm as she tried to unsuccessfully wriggle free. “Uh, Twilight? What’re you doing?”

“I don’t know!” Twilight exclaimed between licks. “I’m delirious with exhaustion. I have too much caffeine in me, and I’m hungry.” She trailed her tongue along Rainbow’s cheek teasingly. “I’m fixing the last problem right now.”

Rainbow’s eyes darted around in a slight panic. “Ah—heh...er, AJ, i-is that guest room still open?”

“What?” Applejack recomposed herself and nodded. “Oh. Sure is!”

“I think Twilight needs some rest before she starts licking pie off every single pony she meets.” Rainbow grabbed Twilight and hoisted her up onto her back. With a free hoof, she wiped the remaining pie bits off her face.

“I don’t think that’s why she—” Applejack sighed as Rainbow ran off with Twilight before she could finish. “Oh well. At least I got me another thing to tease Rainbow about the next time we get into a shoutin’ match.” She chuckled to herself and trotted back toward the crowd to mingle.

Rainbow made her way into the guest room and gently lowered Twilight, half dozing, onto the bed. She took in the sight of the sleeping pony contrasted by the beautiful sunset streaming in through the window and smiled. Turning to leave so Twilight could get her rest, she heard her name.


Twilight stretched her hooves out toward Rainbow and did her best puppy-dog look. “Dashie...”

Rainbow sighed and smiled. She trotted over and climbed onto the bed. Snuggling up against Twilight, she nuzzled the unicorn’s mane. “It’s okay, Twi. I’ll keep you company. I could go for another nap—it’s been a long day.”

“Thanks, Dashie...”

Twilight closed her eyes and drifted off almost instantly.

Rainbow leaned down and kissed Twilight gently on the forehead. “Sweet dreams, Twi.” She closed her eyes and entered dreamland with Twilight. They were safe—together.

Author's Note:

This chapter wraps up the Appleloosa arc. I know there are a lot of details in this arc which I can still address, but, I will have to do it in the form of side-stories. The next arc will be focused in Las Pegasus, a city of glitz and glamor. Pinkie, Rarity, and Scootaloo will all be making major appearances. As always, I am deeply grateful to my editor and you all, my readers. Thank you for reading!