• ...

Memes, the DNA of the soul!

Luna lay on her bed, eyes shot wide open to the size of dinner plates. Her pupils had shrunk to the size of a summer ant, and for the life of her, she couldn't stop shaking.

It wasn't excitement, nor was it fear.

It was absolute, unadulterated terror.

Phil Swift had torn Tirek in half, Armstrong beat the everloving shit out of Chrysalis, and Celestia - her dear sister - was sent to the hospital. They all had one thing in common; they were all-powerful, and two of the three had something in common as well; they were villains. She was a villain. She was once the feared Nightmare Moon, the mare on the moon, the Nightmare of Equestria!

"W-We... We just hope somepony doesn't lay a hoof on us, we are quite fragile..." Luna whispered to herself before imagining getting decked by Senator Armstrong himself. She winced at the thought and pulled her blanket close to her face. "W-well... It would seem th-that we must do our royal duties." Reluctantly, Luna slid off the bed and stood on the ground.

She opened the door to the hallways and saw multiple guards lining down the hallways. Luna sighed a breath of relief and closed the door after saluting the guards. The Lunar Princess trotted to the center of her bedroom and looked at her hooves nervously. "Nopony could possibly stop our guards... Right? We mean, they are the best of the best, they have years and years of experience! Nopony could ever-"

She heard loud heavy metal music. She heard the stories, she knew what was coming.

A flood of pain.




The muffled sounds of combat filled Luna's bedroom as she heard the chaotic laughter of a masculine voice as well as the terrified and agony-filled screams of her guards. Was that her fate? To be one of them? No! She wouldn't allow that to happen! She had to leave!

Luna turned towards her window, attempting to make a run for it, only to find it open. Resting on the railing of the window was none other than the sussy imposter, Monsoon of the Winds of Destruction. Luna stopped mid-run and saw the cyborg's form. Monsoon was looking out the window, looking down at the ponies of Canterlot, but more importantly; the night.

A smile adorned Monsoon's face as he turned his head to face Luna, their eyes locked together. "Going somewhere?" Monsoon asked as he pushed himself off the railing and landed on his feet. Using his magnetic powers, Monsoon shut the windows behind him and stood before Luna. He smelled the fear oozing out of Luna like blood from injured prey.

Prey, huh? I guess you could call her that.

"Who art thee?" Luna inquired, cautiously analyzing the biped.

Monsoon placed a hand on his hip and smirked at Luna. "I am Monsoon of the Winds of Destruction." He took a slight bow and approached. Seeing this, Luna took a step back. "And I think you know why I'm here..."

"Uh, no, no we don't." Luna looked at Monsoon strangely before continuing, "Thou kind of look like an imposter."


"An imposter from the hit game Among Us."

"Oh god."

"Thou art being 'sus' as the kids would say."

"Stop it."

"One would perhaps call thee 'Monsussy'."

"Shut the fuck up," Monsoon glared through his mask, the murderous intent stripped Luna of her words, leaving her breathless. "I've come to teach you a lesson, Princess."

"And what lesson may that be, Monsussy?" Luna glared at Monsoon.

"Would you stop calling me that?!" Monsoon snapped, and with a flick of his wrist, he used his gravity manipulation to apply force on the furniture. Making it snap and creak.

"No promises,"

With Luna finally shutting the fuck up, Monsoon cleared his throat and began to speak. "War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep into my psyche: that this world and all of its people are diseased." Monsoon began to pace around Luna, and the Alicorn simply stood in place and watched.

"So, did thou vent to get here?" Luna asked the Cybernetic Ninja, Monsoon gritted his teeth, but smiled and continued.

"Free will is a myth, religion is a joke. We are all pawns controlled by something greater: memes, the DNA of the soul. They are our culture. They are everything we pass on!" Monsoon declared, however, Luna tilted her head.

"Memes? Like, Among Us?" Monsoon nearly took out his Sais and lunged at Luna, however, he didn't forget why he was here in the first place and ignored her.

"Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair, all memes, all passed along." Monsoon stopped pacing around Luna and stood in front of her, "You and I aren't so different,"

"...So, we are an imposter too?" Luna asked.




"I feel like we've been here before," Monsoon muttered, clearly thinking back to Sundowner clapping Celestia. "In any case, I'm going to absolutely, positively, stab the ever-loving shit out of you. And I don't know when I'm going to stop."

"Wait, stab? So thou are an impo-" Monsoon lunged at Luna before she could complete her sentence and slammed his boot into her skull. With a loud CRACK, Luna was sent careening out of her window, letting the shards of glass drop to the grounds below. Luna quickly used her wings to steady herself and shook herself out of the daze.

Once she got back her focus, she first looked around to spot the splitting cyborg.

"Looking for someone?" Luna brought her attention above and spotted Monsoon balancing his foot on a pillar, his other foot placed gently behind the first. Luna saw Monsoon's silhouette as the full moon shone brightly behind him. "Now that your eyes have been realigned, allow me to spill your blood on the Stains of Time.

Monsoon took out his Sais and with an insane cackle, he slid down on the roof to descend towards Luna. Without a word, Luna flew down to the roof and balanced herself on the slanted battleground. Monsoon lifted himself high above Luna and dove down like a professional diver. Luna's horn lit up as she fired multiple rounds of magic bolts toward the cyborg. However, before the attacks could hit, Monsoon's body split apart each time.

"Oh, that's some bullshit!" Luna exclaimed before dodging out of the way and taking to the skies. Monsoon crashed down on the rooftop and broke the tiles. Monsoon looked up at Luna with a smile, he used his magnetic abilities to gather the helmets, chest plates, and horseshoes of the guards he killed. Monsoon slammed them together in different bunches, making seven balls of metal.

"Magnetic Power!" Monsoon shouted out as he fired off three balls of metal. Luna quickly dodged out of the way of the first one sent her way, then the next, and decided to be daring and teleport out of the last.

"Hah! Thou'll have to be quicker than that!" Luna declared with a grin that screamed victory, however, Monsoon chuckled eerily.

"Look again," As Luna turned around, a metal ball came back and slammed into her and shoved her against the walls of the castle. Luna bounced off the wall before another metal ball came up to meet her and crash into her gut, sending her to the skies. The three metal balls began to turn the Lunar Princess into nothing short of a ping pong ball. Monsoon began to laugh as he sent the rest of the metal balls into the fray. Luna was getting battered and crushed all the while Monsoon cackled.

"E..." Luna struggled as she was punted across the sky. "E...!"

Monsoon raised an eyebrow underneath his mask, "What? I can't hear you?" He taunted with a shit-eating grin.

"ENOUGH!!!" Luna boomed causing Monsoon to cover his ears and recoil from the loud sound. Luna's horn lit up and she blasted the metal balls to smithereens. Luna gasped for breath and wiped the blood from her nose, all the while Monsoon was laughing.

"That's the inner killer inside of you speaking, that's the animal clawing in your body, screaming and snarling, begging you to let them out!" Monsoon cackled as Luna glared at Monsoon.

"Thou... Is a prick."

"And you're a woman."

Luna glared at Monsoon and flew down to meet him on the rooftop, Monsoon took a step back to make room for her as she landed. And the two had a standoff with neither taking eyes off one other.

"Thou art a very sussy imposter," Luna commented, Monsoon clenched his sais and snarled.

"THAT'S IT!" Monsoon dashed towards Luna, and Luna felt something that she felt the terror she had before. Flaring her wings, she desperately tried to flee. But as she took to the skies, Monsoon leaped onto her back and flipped the Sais in his hands before stabbing into Luna's back.

Luna yelped in pain as she was repeatedly stabbed again and again in the back, however, Luna was still flying. Monsoon snarled and dug his Sais into her wings, tearing holes within them. Monsoon pulled and pulled causing Luna's wings to tear and tear. And as Luna's screams of agony echoed through the night, she crashed down into the streets of Canterlot. It was then that Monsoon got off on Luna.

"Now there's a pretty meme, exquisite!" Monsoon exclaimed, Luna, however, was confused.

"Wh-What?" Luna looked up at the splitting cyborg as he grinned down at her.

"You can't fight nature, Jack!"

"M-My name is not Jack...?" Luna was even more confused than ever before as Monsoon raised a boot over her head.

"Your memes have been cut off!"


Luna was in bandages and was placed next to her sister in the same room.

"Let me guess..." Celestia sighed.

"He's British."

A samurai had his sword rested on his shoulder and looked back towards the readers with a grin.

"Let's dance."

Comments ( 9 )

A samurai had his sword rested on his shoulder and looked back towards the readers with a grin.

"Let's dance."


Memories broken the truth goes unspoken...

"We think that it's time for Nightmare...To set up the moon!"

Chenges forms

not only do these psychopaths impose war on the state whose economy is not adapted for this. They now also kill innocent guards and attack the rulers of the country.
I am now waiting for the conditional Celestia to break down, turning into a Daybreaker with the power of a raging sun, to change the music for aggressive invaders

"Amogus" - Sussy Jack

...The di-sci-pliiiiiiiiii-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-iiiiiiiine!!!

My name is Monsoon of the sussy imposters.

What the fuck?


Monsoon isn’t British, he's Cambodian. Hints in the name.

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