• Member Since 28th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2022



Rainbow Dash invites Applejack to take a trip to Florida with her. What kind of Adventures will these two get into on the way there?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Why do you have ( ) at the start of when someone speaks? That's what the " " are for.

It's because of how I write/type
I write/type words so close together sometimes that I
Didn't want the people reading my storys to get confused or frustrated.
Honestly idk I never really thought about it LOL 😆


#2 · June 23rd · · ·

any recommendation how to solve this issue.? Can any one please help?

[url=CENSORED-SPAM-LINKwww.mymilestonecard.run/]Official Website

I have a recommendation! Don't post SEO spam links.

Why do people say "I can speak to that issue” when they mean "I can talk about that issue with some authority"? When did people start doing this? I always thought you speak to a person (or to people) and you speak about an issue or subject.


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