• Member Since 12th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Been a fan of G1 ponies since i was a kid before G4 existed.

Comments ( 7 )

God Sandbar is so lucky! Those two are just so hot.

So, was it any good?

Sure is! I love how they humiliate him around the start, it’s so hot!

Both fillies licked each other's clit, they moaned in return into their partner's vagina which gave vibrational pleasures into their brains that just forced them to moan and lick more.

And as such the endless cycle started.
Not that anyone is complaining...

"Um..." he started standing on all fours and leaving their holes.
"What...?" Lighthoof panted.
"I did not cum..."

Time to fix that, girls!
Also, Sandbar can be proud of himself: Outlasting two mares at the same time is something not every stallion manages to pull off.

He blushed "Well, um... someone stole my stuff and threw it in here..."

Lighthoof + Shimmy Shake: "How rude! Maybe we should punish this thief later..."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I am still trying to get over the fact there are people actually enjoying my porn.

it's good but it definitely needs some proofreading, and also needs to give a bit more time to the girls' orgasms

Sadly, to be honest, this is one of the worst fics I’ve read in a long time… The story concept — what drew me to it in the first place — was decent, but the execution was very flawed and lackluster. The pacing was rushed, there were numerous grammar issues pulling me out of the story, and the prose was often awkward and stilted. I could maybe forget all of that if it was an otherwise good story … but it wasn’t. It seemed really perfunctory and by-the-numbers, with very little emotion and very little unique details to set it apart from other clopfics.

I don’t want that to discourage you, though. I know that this is one of your earliest clopfics. Everybody sucks when they first start — the people who get good at it are the ones who keep trying.

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