• Published 22nd Nov 2020
  • 2,749 Views, 103 Comments

The Griffon of Paradise: The Full Account - Blitz the Dragon

A complete rewrite and expansion of the one-shot smut fic "Griffon in Paradise," this erotic adventure details Gilda's survival of a shipwreck, and her new life upon a mysterious tropical island.

Comments ( 13 )

So Twilight decided it was for the best interest of the world to leave that mystic island a forgotten land once more. However, since the map has recognized its location, it might re-appear again one day. Though I doubt the map would consider this a Friendship problem.

I think this version has a much better narrative than the original one. I could see the character development (corruption?) throughout the entries, and it did not feel rush.

Thank you! I'm amazed at just how big this got as I sought to smooth out the pacing to be more natural. Glad to hear you enjoyed this ride as much as me.

so is there going to be a sequel?

I... actually dig this ending. I'm not a fan of corruption, even if by a benign or friendly entity. I mean, this Spirit doesn't seem to care about others beyond its own need to be worshiped and spread its "gift." It worked out great for Gilda, who hated her life and was listless overall, but what about Rainbow Dash? What if she had gone to seek Gilda and happened upon the island? Would she cease caring about her Wonderbolts career? Or would Applejack just forget hundreds of years of family tradition and abandon Sweet Apple Acres to go live on the island? Twilight abdicate her throne?

My point is that this all sounds great in what I call "Porn World," where there are no consequences and all that matters is pleasure. A sort of hedonistic paradise(pun intended). But in the "real" world, a lot of ponies would cease being who they are and become something else solely due to the will of some Spirit with little to no regard for their lives.

Wow, I am overthinking this.

Anywho, great job, my friend! Usually not a fan of solely female clop stories something something dick makes it better and really not into excessive squirting, but this was very well written and erotic.

Thank you so much for your kind words and observations! You're not overthinking it at all, actually. You absolutely hit the nail on the head for the reason Twilight is suppressing information about the island. The Spirit wants to spread Its "gift" and is powerful enough to rewrite a creature's personality. It needs to spread and reproduce, almost like a memetic virus. That makes it an existential threat not only to Equestria, but the world in general.

While I was writing this fic, I kept thinking about the dark implications of completely rewriting someone's personality through corruption. When writing porn, I usually don't include it in an exclusive "Porn World," as you call it, and if something really over the top happens, I like to explore the real world implications of some of the wilder kinks out there. The epilogue serves that purpose here.

I was actually planning a second part to this epilogue that would be in a similar style to the prologue. It would have contained the contents of Princess Twilight's official statement denouncing it as a hoax, and a top secret transcript of a secure phone conversation between Twilight and Celestia, in which many of the points you brought up would have been included. I ultimately scrapped this part as unnecessary for getting the point across. After all, we must show instead of telling.

Finally, I can hardly tell you how much it means to me to hear you found this erotic. There's no better praise for my smut in my mind than from someone who was able to enjoy it despite it not being their kink.


Heh. When I was writing my story Rising To The Challenge, part of my goal was to answer common tropes in macro/growth stories. Like the person growing becoming a smug, self-important asshole who looks down on everyone and thinks they're just the best, or widespread destruction of property and the risking of lives, only for the person to feel no guilt over what they did and face no repercussions. And also the whole, "Okay, you're three miles tall and you covered half a continent in jizz. Now what?"

My brain just can't shut off, man. After I... erm, finish, I can't stop thinking about what the world is like after the end. I've always been fascinated by the idea that a story, or a movie, or whatever takes place in a dynamic world. That is, when Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin left for Mordor, life in the Shire continued. Tattooine didn't cease to exist when Luke Skywalker left. When that random stranger you struck up a conversation with in line at Starbucks leaves with his double shot venti iced mochachinno pumpkin spice latte, he doesn't vanish into the aether. Unless you ascribe to Solipsism, but meh.

So considering the real life consequences of sexy fetishy goodness is a lot of fun for me.

Hmm, I just might have to check that fic out, then!

Excellent expansion. As 10582330 says, once you step away from the porn logic, this is quietly disturbing tale of death through personality overwrite. Twilight handled this in a way that would make the SCP Foundation proud.

I believe Twilight has similar thought. That's why she decided to bury the (possible) truth. This mysterious Spirit was a big unknown factor and she obviously has zero experience dealing with something magic might not even has any affect on.

Comment posted by Blitz the Dragon deleted Jan 12th, 2021

Twilight made the right call. Thats all

I liked it but couldn’t get off to it.

Love the flickering part though.

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