• Published 17th Nov 2020
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Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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Minion Loyalty

The Regalia sat, parked, on the other side of the door to the central chamber. Nastasia, Rarity, and the others watched as Dimentio took his new, hideous form.

“Luigi…” Rarity whispered, swallowing hard.

“This is bad…” Lucy whimpered. “Very, very bad…”

“No, really!?” Mimi blurted. “It’s bad!?”

“We need t’...” O’Chunks took a breath. “T’ get in there and stop that traitor!”

“We can’t…” Rarity shook her head, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. “Unless Nastasia thinks her hypnosis will work, we’ve got nothing.” She watched as Blumiere and the Hearts were warped away. “And they just lost the Hearts. There goes that last-minute-savior plan.”

“Or it gives us exactly what we need.” Nastasia jumped back into the car. “Rarity, untie Mimi. Lucy, heal O’Chunks. I think we’re going to need all we can get.”

“...I’m deciding to trust you,” Rarity said, removing the restraints from Mimi. For the moment, at least, Mimi remained in her green girl form.

“Cura,” Lucy said, rejuvenating O’Chunks.

“Now…” Nastasia ran into the room the Regalia had been stored in, coming back out with a snowglobe-like object that held numerous magical sparkles and a green and yellow ring linked around each other. “This is a dimensional transponder. It was one of the many rather unreliable methods of dimensional travel before the Chaos Heart curse was enacted. That curse has been lifted. We can use it.”

“To do what?” Rarity asked.

“To go wherever Dimentio threw the Count.” She jumped back into the Regalia. “Everyone in the car. I have no idea what kind of time discrepancy we’re going to experience, so hold on tight, ‘K?”

Everyone put on their seatbelts.

Nastasia smirked. “Those won’t help much.” She shook the device… and they felt like they were drowning in water. They could see nothing, and the fact that they felt like they were drowning didn’t appear to be killing them… but it was suffocating, like moving through syrup in the opposite direction it was flowing. It was wholly unnatural.

But needed.


Tippi and Blumiere stood, alone, in the middle of the green cube that was Dimension D. Around them were the de-powered, useless Pure Hearts.

“Maybe… maybe we could…” Tippi trailed off.

“Our love is already tainted,” Blumiere said. “It is the reason all of this happened. The tragedy of love turned into hate… it is what brought this about. Restoring our bonds would have an effect on the Chaos Heart. It cannot restore the Pure Hearts.”

“But we have to restore them! We… we can’t let it end like this!”

“I know that,” Blumiere shook his head. “I know that better than anyone, but there is simply nothing we can do. We are trapped here, either until the Void consumes us or Dimentio releases us in the ‘new worlds.’ “

“Which won’t be good worlds. They’ll be designed by a madman! That… that’ll be worse than what we have now, not better!”

“Try telling that to him. He makes the Q look humble in comparison.” He tapped his scepter against the green wall, sighing. “We finally have each other… and all we can do is argue. Perhaps we should hope. Maybe… he will have mercy on us. If he gains what he wishes, he could craft you a new form.”

“I wouldn’t want that!”

“You wouldn’t?” Blumiere held his hands wide. “You wouldn’t want to be healed so you could spend eternity with me? In a world where we can be safe? Like I promised you?”


“It would be wrong… but my heart beats too strongly to not hope at the possibility.”

“I…” Tippi sighed. “I feel the same way. But that doesn’t change the fact that we need to stop him.”

“It is merely a hope for a silver lining if we fail. ...Though I still do not see what we can do in here.”

“We… can enjoy each other’s company for a while.”

“For the first time in a long, long while.”

So they sat down and talked. Blumiere talked of his quest to find her, and Tippi talked of her cursed wanderings through the multiverse. Of Nastasia, and of Merlon. Of how they both felt.

“I… I had hate too,” Tippi admitted. “I’m lucky I was able to forget the hate of my wanderings and forge new friendships without those memories. If I hadn't… I may have gone where you did.”

“You could never do such a thing.”

“Couldn’t I? You held life so dear, cherished it perhaps more than I did at times. And I was the one who refused to listen to reason first, you just kept me doing it.”

Blumiere chuckled. “All of this would never have happened if you just let me go after you tended to me that day.”

“You know I couldn’t do that. Utterly impossible.”

“Lies, but I’ll believe them.”

Tippi giggled. “...We let our love consume us, didn’t we? So much so that… that it led to here.”

“Should we not have sought each other out to the ends of existence?”

“Maybe not,” Tippi admitted. “It… it’s caused a lot of pain for a lot of people that aren’t us. Maybe… Blumiere, I love you, but… maybe we placed ourselves on too high of a pedestal.”

“Is it possible to be too proud of someone else?” Blumiere wondered. “...Perhaps…”

“I… If there was a way to go back, to do it differently…”

“We wouldn’t be able to.”

“Agh!” Tippi fluttered. “I feel so trapped! This… everything about this makes me feel wrong inside! That… the beauty we shared doomed it all. We were reckless, young, and… And we’ve got to fix it! We’ve got to fix what we’ve done!”

“What I’ve done, Tippi.”

“It was both of us and I don’t care anymore, this is my problem too! I’m with you, you’re with me, now we’ve got to get out of here!”

“And then what? Dimentio is invincible. Only the Pure Hearts can weaken him. Even then… his power is formidable.”

“And we can’t even get out of here, I know, I know…”

With a comical pop, a black car appeared with Nastasia, Rarity, Lucy, Mimi, and O’Chunks in it.

“Um… we’re here.” Nastasia said, adjusting her glasses.

“I want it on the record…” Rarity said, coughing. “That I am never doing that again.”

“We have to do it to get back, ‘K?”


“Nastasia! My minions!” Blumiere walked to them. “...And Rarity?”

“Coughing,” Rarity coughed. “Give me a minute, will process you later.”

Mimi jumped out of the car and rushed Blumiere into a big hug. “I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you too, my child.”

“Woah! You’re talking different! I like it!”

“Things have changed, Mimi.” Blumiere adjusted his hat. “Dimentio has betrayed us, as you no doubt know. We need to think of a way to stop him.”

“We just go back with you and you’ll slap ‘im to oblivion!” O’Chunks said. “That’s the Count I know!”

“He already bested me in battle,” Blumiere said, shaking his head. “I do not have all the power, O’Chunks.”

“But… you have us,” Rarity said, standing up. “And together we might be able to figure out a little something.”

Blumiere looked at her in surprise. “You’d pledge yourself to me? I… we face a common enemy a—”

“Shushamush!” Rarity hissed. “This isn’t just some ‘enemy of my enemy’ nonsense. I can see it in your eyes. You’ve removed the mask. Completely. I see in those eyes a man I would follow to the ends of the earth. You’ve done terrible things and I’ve imagined brutally eviscerating you with my blade seeeeeeveral times over the course of these last few months. But you have changed. So I give myself to you. Not to save the worlds, but because you deserve it.”

“You might be being a bit generous there,” Tippi said.

Rarity tossed her mane back. “You like it?”

“Oh. Right. Element of Generosity,” Tippi deadpanned. “Nevermind, keep being completely insane.”

“Thank you.”

Blumiere turned to the last person in the dimension—Lucy. “You… are no longer Lulu.”

“No. I’m Lucy. But I remember everything.” Lucy walked up to him, staring right into his face. “You were kind to Lulu. Through all that mad laughing and evil plotting, you actually cared about her. All of us.” She pulled him into a hug. “You always wanted to be proven wrong.”

“And we don’t care that you lied to us,” Mimi said. “Okay, well, I kinda do, but I don’t care right now! You’re hurting and everything’s changed so let’s just forget all that.”

“Yeh!” O’Chunks cheered. “Like Lucy said, yeh were always nice! ...Unlike some people.”

“Um…” Nastasia walked up, doing her best to ignore O’Chunks. “You have us, sir. All of us. Your loyal minions, ready to do whatever is ordered, ‘K?”

Blumiere let out a laugh. “ ‘K, indeed, Nastasia. Thank you.”

The red Pure Heart lifted off the ground, floating between them with its brilliant crimson light.

“The… Pure Hearts!” Tippi gasped. “They’re…”

“Revitalizing,” Blumiere laughed as the orange and yellow lifted next. “Love bears all things. Love believes all things. Love hopes all things. Love endures all things. This loyalty… it is a form of love.”

“Not the love of the good leader,” Tippi said. “It is… it’s the love of forgiveness, of understanding, and… it’s almost like that of a family.”

“One big happy family,” Rarity chuckled. “Of a bunch of people who tried to kill each other on a regular basis. This is amazing, best thing ever.”

“We have the Hearts,” Blumiere said. “That is enough to counteract the Chaos Heart. But what of Dimentio?”

“Um… I might have a solution on the Dimentio front, Count,” Nastasia said.

“Do tell. And please… it’s Blumiere now.”

Author's Note:

This will be the last double-chapter update...

...Because I have decided that, for the finale, this will be the WEEK OF WORLDS APART! One chapter a day until we complete on Friday! ARE YOU READY FOR THE CLIMAX EVERYBODY!?

I know I am!

Oh, and now that all/most of the things that happen in the main game have already occured and can't spoil you, I can finally share this great series of songs from the game with added lyrics. Truly awesome:

-GM, master of the ultimate show!

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