• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 13,688 Views, 1,287 Comments

Short Hand - Andrew Joshua Talon

The myriad misadventures of a plucky human in Equestria.

  • ...

Sunday Clothes

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I had visited Twilight's Library for yet another session of scientific testing and examination, and I wasn't in the best kind of mood. Frankly, I felt like I was in a rut. Get up, work, be experimented on, go home, spar with Chewie, and sleep.

Equestria had been swiftly rebuilt by its inhabitants and a sense of normalcy had returned to the land. Already, it had become dull and tedious.

I sighed hard, the weariness feeling like a shroud around my bones and joints-Keeping my movements stiff and slow. I trudged into the library and saw... Spike.

The poor dragon looked about as bad as I felt, sitting on a stool with his elbows on his knees. His head was supported by his hands, as he looked down at the floor. His tail was limp, and I could see a few tears dripping down his snout. I forgot my weariness and knelt down in front of him. I reached out and rested a hand on his tiny shoulder.

"Spike? Buddy? What is it?" I asked. Spike sighed, and closed his eyes.

"I... I tried to ask Rarity on a date," Spike said. He sagged a bit more. "She... She turned me down."

"Oh, Spike," I said gently. "I'm so sorry."

Spike sighed harder, deflating like a balloon.

"I-I mean... She let me down easy, but..." The dragon almost curled up into a ball. "I mean... I've liked her for so long and..."

I nodded, and patted him on the back. I felt for the little guy, really I did. I mean, how could I not?

"I have been there before, Spike, believe you me," I said. The dragon looked up at me, sniffling a bit.


I nodded.

"Oh yes," I said. I held a hand over my chest. "I have had my heart shattered by girls a lot. Been rejected by girls who I loved. Been dumped by girls I was going out with."

"Does... Does it ever stop hurting?" Spike asked. I slowly nodded.

"It will," I said gently. "I mean, Rarity does care for you. She loves you... Just not the way you love her back. And that sucks, but... She still cares for you."

Spike slowly nodded, and closed his eyes.

"That doesn't help right now," he admitted. I let out a humorless laugh, and patted him again.

"Yeah, no. It doesn't help," I said. "Not a bit."

Spike let out another long breath, staring down at his clawed fingers. I hummed.

"You want to get out of here for a while? Have some fun?"

"No," Spike groaned. "I... I don't feel like I'll ever have fun again."

"Bull," I retorted, and Spike looked up at me in surprise. "Look, I know you're hurting right now. It's normal to feel that way. But moping isn't going to help."

"I don't know, I feel like doing a lot of moping right now," Spike mumbled. I wrapped my arm around him, and pointed at the door. I took a deep breath, and music swelled in the background.

"Out there, there's a world outside of Ponyville!
Way out there beyond this hick town, Spiky-boy!
There's a slick town, Spiky-Boy!
Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle
Close your eyes and see it glisten, Spiky-Boy!
Listen, Spiky-Boyyyy~!"

Spike closed his eyes, and listened indeed. He then opened his eyes, and hopped off the stool. I grinned back at him as I stood up, and we began to walk over to the closet. I opened up a door, to Twilight's lab. She was setting up her examination table, and looked up in curiosity. I grabbed some extra human clothes hanging from a hook, stuff from the Canterlot archives-A nice straw boater hat, and a blue suit with a red tie for me. I got a nice messenger cap and bowtie for Spike, which he put on happily.

"Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there! Get out the brilliantine and dime cigars," I sang, changing my clothes with far more grace than I usually did. Twilight watched, her face burning red.

"We're gonna find adventure in the evening air, Girls in white, in a perfumed night, Where the lights are bright as the stars~!" I continued, and I pulled Spike out and had us both drop down onto a couch. I held up imaginary reins, and we both bounced like we were driving a buggy.

"Put on your Sunday clothes we're gonna ride through town," I resumed, "In one of those new horse drawn open cars~! We'll see the shows at Delmonico, And we'll close the town in a whirl!"

"And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl~!" Spike and I both sang cheerfully, as we got up and strode out of the library.

The entire town seemed to have turned out for this musical number. And emerging from seemingly nowhere, looking quite beautiful, was Princess Celestia. The beautiful mare was dressed to the nines, and was beaming at us. Frankly, how she was here was beyond me, but I was caught up in the spirit of the music.

"Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out," Celestia sang, striding down the street with her entourage, "Strut down the street and have your picture took~!" She spun around, and we danced with her.

"Dressed like a dream, your spirits seem to turn about~! That Sunday shine is a certain sign that you feel as fine as you look!" Celestia sang. We turned about in a trio, and strode down the street as other ponies began to dance and sing with us. Somepony tossed us some parasols, and we began to spin around underneath them.

"Beneath your parasol, the world is all the smile~! That makes you feel brand new down to your toes~!" We sang, "Get out your feathers, your patent leathers, Your beads and buckles and bows~!"

We picked up the pace, right up to the train station with our throng.

"For there's no blue Monday in your Sunday! No Monday in your Sunday! No Monday in your Sunday clothes~!" We chorused loudly. We went through an entire, amazingly choreographed dance and musical number. I danced with the Princess, I danced with the Mayor, I danced with a happy Pinkie Pie. Spike danced with every filly in town it seemed, from a blushing Sweetie Belle to an upset Diamond Tiara.

A repeat of the chorus, and the train at last arrived. We boarded it happily, Celestia now taking the lead of the song.

"Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there
Put on your silk cravat and patent shoes
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
To town we'll trot, to a smoky spot where the girls are hot as a fuse~!"

"TOOT TOOT!" The train engineer contributed with the whistle.

"Put on your silk high hat and at the turned up cuff," we all sang,"We'll wear a hand made gray suede buttoned glove~!"

"We're gonna take Canterlot by storm~!" Celestia trumpeted.

"We'll join the Astors at Tony Pastor's And this I'm positive! Of that we won't come home~! No, we won't come home~!" We cried, looking back and forth at eachother as the train began to roll.

"No, we won't come home until we fall in love~!"

Spike's eyes widened in horror. The train abruptly stopped, squeaking loudly. The music ground to a halt. The little dragon jumped off the train.

"Oh no!" He shouted. "I forgot to file the library cards correctly! Twilight's gonna kill me!"

He scurried off. I watched him go, Princess Celestia's comforting presence next to me. Everypony else seemed very confused. I blinked.

"Princess," I began slowly.

"Yes my little human?" She asked.

"... What just happened?" I asked. Celestia hummed.

"A musical number. First time for you?"

I slowly nodded. "Yes."

"Well, it was a lovely song," Celestia said cheerfully, "one from your world?"

"Yeah," I said. Celestia smiled and gently bumped my shoulder with her nose.

"Want to go to Canterlot and have some fun?" She asked.

"... Sure, why not," I said.

I was dressed for it. And having a nervous breakdown would spoil an otherwise pleasant day.

I could always do that later.

And probably would.

- - -

After a truly fun filled day in Canterlot, I returned to Ponyville. And the moment I stepped off the train onto the platform, Twilight whisked me away to her lab. I bore with her intense experiments as stoically as I could, and answered her many questions.

"So this has never happened to you before?" She scribbled furiously on her notepad. I shook my head.

"No! Never! Hell, Princess Celestia told me about these spontaneous musicals. I didn't believe her-"

"Didn't believe her?!" Gasped Twilight.

I scowled at her. God, it was only a matter of time before she called her "Sempai" wasn't it?

"I was still processing the whole "randomly ending up on an alien planet with no way home" part!"

Twilight blushed.

"Oh. Sorry. Continue?"

I nodded.

"Anyway," I said, "once I saw one and asked her what the hell, she said it was possible I'd never get caught up in one. There is no real magic back on Earth after all."

"So it's only today you were in one..." Twilight mused aloud. I nodded.

"I have tried to start one before. Just out of curiosity. But again, never worked until now."

"After you were hit point blank by the Elements of Harmony," Twilight realized. I blinked and frowned, thinking on it.

"... So basically thanks to getting Rainbow Blasted, I... Have magic?"

Twilight hummed thoughtfully.

"Not a lot, but enough to interact with the musical geas on apparently every sapient creature on Equus. Ooh! I wonder if more exposure to magic would increase the effect?"

She smiled brightly at me. I stared back.

Five Minutes Later...

Twilight was standing outside my door, pounding away on it with her hooves. But thankfully, the lock held.

"Shepherd! Shepherd, come out of there!" She cried.


"But think of the possibilities!" She tried again.

"I am. No. Go away," I called back.


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Author's Note:

Just something to cheer us all up.

The song in question: