• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,895 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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Friends no Matter where they are

At the lair, the Turtles, their allies, the Rainbooms, the Mutanimals, and Team Carmen were celebrating their victory over VILE. There was laughs, dancing, pizza, and Pinkie's trademark cupcakes.

Carmen who was sitting with Twilight and Leo was learning about one of their past adventures, “This Gotham sounds like a very dark and serious place. With a hero just like it.”

“Batman's not such a bad guy once you get used to him.” Twilight admitted.

“Despite how he comes off, he really is always looking out for the people.” Leo added.

Raph walked by and spoke, “Yeah. Took me and Applejack awhile to realize that.”

“Better late than never.” Carmen replied.

Zack and Ivy were speaking with Donnie and Casey about one of their own past incidents, “So Donnie got possessed by a mutant car?” Zack asked.

“Yeah. It was crazy.” Donnie admitted.

“And you had to outrace him, Casey?” Ivy asked.

“Oh, yeah. But we showed that hunk of junk who's the boss.” Casey boasted as he and Donnie fist bumped.

“I'll bet I could've raced circles around that Speed Demon.” Zack boasted.

“Well, we'll never know that.” Ivy nudged her brother.

Sunset was speaking with Shadowsan, “Your Princess Celestia sounds like a wise ruler and teacher.” the ninja man said.

“Yeah. Took me a long time to appreciate all she did for me regardless of how I felt about it.” Sunset explained, while remembering how she used to be.

“Time, age, and experience can change anyone be there good or bad. And it has certainly changed you, Sunset Shimmer. For that I am proud of how you stand today.” Shadowsan smiled.

“Thanks, Shadowsan.” Sunset smiled.

“Ok, gather around everyone!” Pinkie called, as the Rainbooms, the Turtles, and their friends gathered together.

“We got a new one coming out for ya.” Applejack spoke to their guests.

“In dedication to our new friends and allies.” Fluttershy added.

“And with us is a special guest.” Rainbow motioned to the Turtles.

“Do it, Turtlpella!” Pinkie announced making three of the turtles looked confused, “Mikey's idea.” Pinkie grinned, as the three turned to Mikey who smiled sheepishly. Nevertheless, the four turtles started beatboxing and making their own sound affects before the Rainbooms started playing at singing.

(Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego)

April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, the Dazzlings, and their mutant friends all took a verse while singing the chorus together or in pairs. Carmen listened and smiled knowing that song was the best way to described her.

“Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” the Turtles sang.

“Watch your back!” The Rainbooms announced.

Team Carmen applauded the groups performance, as Carmen spoke, “That was amazing. You girls really have talent in music.”

“Because we're awesome!” Rainbow reminded her.

“You sure are.” Carmen confirmed.

Later on, as the Mutanimals headed back to their lair, the group was in the dojo with Leo looking at the picture of their departed father. Shadowsan looked at the image and spoke, “If I know Yoshi, he would indeed be proud of what you have done for us.”

“We always aim to make him proud.” Rarity spoke up.

“And for that, I am always grateful.” came a voice.

They looked and saw standing in a corner was the departed rat master, “Sensei!” the Turtles and Rainbooms gasped.

“Father!” Karai gasped.

Splinter approached, “I know of everything you've all done these past few days. And I commend you all on your courage and bravery.”

Zack and Ivy were wide eyed, as Zack spoke, “Is that really a dead rat man?”

“Dude, we're standing in a room with a ghost.” Ivy trembled, as Carmen approached showing no fear.

“Master Splinter, I am honored to meet you.” she bowed her head in respect.

“Ah, the infamous Carmen Sandiego. I want to thank you for helping my family when they needed help the most.”

“In truth, sir. I thank them for having my back. You've raised some great pupils.”

Splinter smiled, before looking up and seeing Shadowsan, “Suhara.”


“It seems you've had more secrets about yourself than you led me to suspect.” Splinter noted.

“You know?” Shadowsan gasped.

“I know everything,” Splinter confirmed, “Despite your alliance with this VILE, in the end you truly proved where your loyalties resided by protecting Carmen. Even from the shadows.”

“Thank you, old friend. It is rather strange speaking to you like this, both as a mutant and as a spirit.”

“I know I myself am not who I used to be even back when I was alive. But I assure you I am still ever the man you knew me as.”

“Based off the stories your sons and students have said I believe it.”

Splinter nodded before turning back to Carmen, “Carmen. I commend you for taking the initiative to expose this VILE for all their crimes, as well as relying on the assistance of others. One shouldn't have to carry the weight of the world on their own.”

Carmen nodded, “I am lucky to have my team, just as your sons and students are lucky to have each other.”

Splinter spoke, “May you all continue to help each other good times and bad.” and with that Splinter disappeared.

Carmen spoke to the ninjas, “So that was Master Splinter, huh?”

“It sure was.” Leo confirmed.

“Nice guy.” Carmen admitted.

“The best.” Pinkie said.

The next day the ninjas were all ready to say their farewells to Carmen and her crew on a roof top, “So where are ya'll headed now?” Applejack asked.

“We go wherever there is VILE trouble,” Carmen answered, “Especially when Player decrypts more info on the hard drive.”

Player who was on her phone, spoke, “Yeah. And if you guys ever need help hacking drop me a line.”

“Well, wherever you go always remember you have friends here in New York.” Leo said.

“Thanks, Leo. You and your bros are one heck of a team.” Carmen said, as she and Leo shook on it.

Carmen spoke to the Rainbooms, “It was good getting to know you girls. Individually you're all amazing, but together there's nothing you can't do.”

“We're glad there's another thief who we know we can trust.” Sunset said.

Carmen turned to Rarity, “Say, Rarity. If I ever need any outfits for a certain occasion...”

“Say no more, Carmen, darling. I would be delighted to make you look the best you could possibly be.” Rarity said humbly.

“And if there is any time you may need a bunch of ninja girls or mutants, don't be afraid to reach out.” Applejack added.

“Noted. Same goes for you all if ever you'd need me.”

"We'll be sure to let you know." Fluttershy promised.

Pinkie approached and presented her a cupcake with red frosting and sprinkles, “Here, a special Carmen Cupcake I made for you.”

“Thanks, Pinkie. I'm sure it'll be delicious,” Carmen accepted it. She then felt something paw at her foot, and looked down seeing Spike whimpering a bit. Carmen smiled and got down scratching Spike's head, “Aw, I'll miss you too, Spike.”

“And we'll sure miss you, Carmen.” Spike said.

"Oh, group hug!" Pinkie announced as the Rainbooms pulled Carmen into a group hug, which the thief accepted without hesitation.

Casey, Karai, April, Keno, and Shini were saying their goodbyes to Ivy, “We'll see you around, Ivy.” April said.

“Watch your brothers and Carmen's back.” Karai said.

“You know it,” Ivy nodded, before turning to Casey, “Hey, Case. I never did apologize for knocking ya off the car when we first met.”

“Hey, you had your reason too.”

“So we good?” Ivy asked.

“You know it.” Casey admitted, as Ivy hugged him. Casey cringed a bit knowing how strong Ivy could be.

Zack was saying his goodbyes to the Dazzlings and Mutanimals, “So next time we're in New York, Bandit. You and I are having a little one-on-one match.”

“I'll be waiting.” Bandit answered, as they shook on it.

Zack turned to Slash, “And, Slash. You and your team are awesome just like the turtles and Rainbooms. We couldn't have done the job without ya.”

Slash smiled, “We're just doing all we can to keep the safety of this city.”

Zack then saw Aria approach him smiling, “Don't be a stranger now, Zack.”, she said before giving him a peck on the cheek, surprising the Mutanimals and her fellow Dazzlings.

Zack blushed in surprise, before feeling his cheek and smiled, “Awesome.”

Aria noticed Sonata smiling at her, "What?"

"Nothing." she answered slyly, making Aria roll her eyes.

Shadowsan spoke to the Turtles, “You all carry the honor and courage of the Hamato clan. And I hope you and your friends will continue to do.”

“You know it, Shadowsan.” Mikey answered.

“You keep looking out for Carmen, and not let VILE get away with whatever plans they have in store.” Leo said, s Shadowsan nodded.

Carmen turned to Fugitoid, “Despite being a cyborg you're more human than anyone in VILE.”

“Thank you, Carmen.” the robot said happily, and here a little something I've been working on for you.” Fugitoid slid a case over to her, “Some new gadgets and tools for you to use in your heists or facing other VILE operatives.”

“Many thanks.” the thief said gratefully.

As Bebop looked at Carmen, Rocksteady nudged him forward, and he walked to her, “So, guess this is where we part, huh?”

“Looks that way,” Carmen confirmed, “Anton... Bebop. Honestly I never expected I'd see you again. But I'm glad we had the chance too. VILE may have tried to groom us into becoming their obedient lap dogs, but we broke away and became our own people.”

“Even though it took me a while to be better.” Bebop sighed.

“And yet see how you've turned out.” Carmen reminded him.

“Yeah.” the mutant warthog nodded.

“I probably already know your answer, but any chance you'd wanna come along and help expose VILE?”

“Nah, that's your thing. I got my own thing here with my friends... My family.” Rocksteady and the other others felt touched.

“I figured.”

“But if ya ever do need another master thief, I'm just a call away.” Bebop assured her.

“Thanks.” Carmen said, as the former VILE students hugged like old friends.

When the broke, Carmen spoke to her hacker, “Player, books us a flight.”

“Way ahead of you, Red.”

As Team Carmen stood together, they took their leave as the ninjas of New York and Rainbooms watched knowing only time will tell should their paths with Carmen ever cross again.

Bebop watched and thought to himself, 'Good luck, Carmen Sandiego.'

A day later at ACME HQ, Chief was speaking to an operative standing in the shadows, “What do you have to report?”

“The Rainbooms are back home, Chief.” the figure spoke.

“Good. Continue to keep an eye on them as much as you can.”

“I will.”

“I know it's a lot to put on you, but despite being our youngest operative you are one of the best.”

“Thank you, ma'am.”

“You're dismissed for now, Special Agent Sweetie Drops.” Chief said, as the figure stepped into the light to reveal it was Canterlot High student Bonbon wearing the Acme uniform and glasses.

“Thanks. I got a date tonight, that I do not wanna miss.” she said, before taking her leave.

Meanwhile in Canterlot city during nighttime. At Sunset's place, Fugitoid was currently in recharge, while Sunset was on her bed in her pajamas and writing in her notebook.

'Dear, Princess Twilight, the girls and I are home again from our trip to New York. Our mission was a success and VILE won't be causing problems in the city for a long time. And we couldn't have done it without our new friend Carmen. You'd really like her. We're not sure where she's going next. But no matter where in the world, she'll always be ready to thwart any criminal scheme. Can't wait to hear more from you. Sunset Shimmer.' she finished writing in the journal.

Author's Note:

And there you go. Another one in the books. I'm not doing the season nine story yet until I learn and see some of the other stories done by others are completed.

Comments ( 30 )

I just got an Idea! How about you do a story where The Shredder brought back from the Dead by dark Equestrian Magic, brought back all of their old enemies while the Rainbooms and turtles celebrate the anniversary of their CHS?

Hey Boss, here's a thought. You think ACME might contact Leo and the others when they assault VILE castle?

They might, at least if they could make it there fast enough.

That was a nice ending. Awesome job, you really know how to end stories in a great way, great job. Keep up the awesome work in these stories. Another story come and gone

True. Just asking out of curiosity.

Another wonderful ending. And I’ll try to finish up Shell Shock

Take your time, Double T.

Guess I wasn't the only one who had that thought.

I kind of expected Player to give intel/foreshadow about the next adventure that would link with the series, like either "To Steal or Not To Steal" or "The Stockholm Syndrome Caper". But this was a nice ending to a Radical story and I can't wait for what the future holds!

also forgive me, my mouth is too parched for a spit-take but,...


Mr. Wildcard i have problems because its very difficult write Applejack accent in my history with the phantom thieves of persona 5

THat's how it ends?
Revealing how Bonbon's a agent?
I'm only askin out of confusion since it seems like it was already revealed that when you showed her sneezing that one chapter.
This is a great story, I hope to read more.

I have a request for the next story: Can it be having them meet Sly Cooper in his world? make an Equestria Ninjas fix where they meet Sly Cooper would be cool, and can you Please imagine with me the potential for The Contessa to make a comeback? Imagine her forcing Penelope into a hypnotic, spice induced state where both her and Bentley’s intelligence and knowledge was stolen/abused for Cyrille Le Paradox’s scheme for time travel. But the only reason The Contessa was on board to work for Cyrille was because she wanted to get back at Bentley. He was the one responsible for ripping Sly, Murray, and Carmelita out of her control. She had some interest in getting back at Sly too, but Bentley was her main target. If only Thieves in Time was written better. Penelope and Bentley did not deserve what happened… And there was so many cool opportunities WASTED.

A great ending to a great story! keep it up!
Your saga continues!

I would be interested in a story like that since Sly and THIS Carmen share the same Thief code of Motive.

I wonder: Will you do another Equestria Ninja Girls with this time the Ghostbusters ? Thank you for the answer. For your inspiration for this story, you can use the synopsis of the comic book series TMNT meets the Ghostbusters.


Where the heck is Carmen San Diego?


Don't you know the theme song?

Not when it's Where the Hell is Carmen Sandiego. If it was Where in Time or Where in the world, I'd understand


Is it on Netflix?

can you do the the lion guard season 3

Of course it is. After all, Carmen Sandeigo is a Netflix Original

For fans of the 1994 series (Spoilers for the final season):

Imagine this fight, with Carmen Sandiego replacing Batman:

Shredder: "Any last words?"

Carmen (smiling): "Cowabunga"

Good Story ^^ and i'm curious of what if Sly Cooper meet mlp and tmnt ?



Guys, change the words. Children could be reading these.

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