• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 1,179 Views, 13 Comments

Containment - Ninjachris01

Warning! The site is experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid level containment breachesThe life of a "special" individual. Enjoy.

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Comments ( 12 )

Your grammar could use some work but otherwise I want to see where this is going. Continue.

Pretty good grammar is wack but I can ignore keep it up


If there are any mistakes please point them out to me.

well thats intresting


As the door opens I step forward and open my hand in a grand gesture. "WELCOME! NOW FUCK OFF!" "Hello again SCP000. As pleasant as always I see. Please take a seat." A long time ago I realized the futility in fighting these tests so I cheerfully walk to the chairs and sit at the table. "So Geary, whatcha want to talk about." This may be overkill but it's too late to go back. "Well I came hear to preform some tests. Now would you please right down the word food." Passing me my note book and quill, I get to work. There still testing my general summoning skills. What is summoned is never the same since the request is not specific.

Hear should be here, preform should be perform, right should be write (you make this mistake almost constantly throughout this chapter), and there should be they're.

Whatever. They would have realized what I was doing and would tackle me before I finished writing the word Nightmare. That plan would fall between writing "bomb" and writing "death himself". In other words at the bottom of my list. "Awwww! Why can't I -". "FOCUS SCP000! Know I'm going to ask you to write down the words Friendly Watch." "Is that another one of your Ds?" "Yes and please refrain from calling them that."

Know should be now and should have a comma.

You wrote wrighting. I don't even know how to respond to that.

Whatever. They would have realized what I was doing and would tackle me before I finished writing the word Nightmare. That plan would fall between writing "bomb" and writing "death himself". In other words at the bottom of my list. "Awwww! Why can't I -". "FOCUS SCP000! Know I'm going to ask you to write down the words Friendly Watch." "Is that another one of your Ds?" "Yes and please refrain from calling them that."

Mr. Black a.k.a. Scp-001 object class Safe Euclid Keter: *sticks head through wall* "You rang?"

I believe I fixed them.

You forgot to make the n in now Upper Case. Other than that and when you said he'd been there a thousand years instead of having done a thousand tests I can't find any other typos.

This is well done my friend, I look forward to seeing what our warper friend here does next, I would give advice but I would need more information on his limits before I do that. Other than that I look forward to what comes next my friend.

Decent starting chapter. But i'm here to give some criticism!

Firstly: I dont know it this is because i'm reading on a phone, but you have paragraphs where to characters speak in the same paragraph. It isn't terrible, but stsrting an entire new paragraph/line for another character speaking makes it a lot easier to read.

Personally (this is just my own personal opinion), I wouldnt use full caps for entire words. I feel like when someone does, it attracts the attention to the word itself and not the sentence. But, its just personal preference for me!

Now, stories about SCP is a little difficult since the lore of SCP is wide. You're doing a decent job, but just be wary. A lot of people dont like stories that mess up the lore of their favorite stories. Dont let them get to you- just something to remember.

Keep writing! There were lots of grammar errors, but nothing a quick read cant fix. Keep going! Ill follow the story.

Thank you.

Criticism is good since There's always room for improvement

For sure!

Also: I just remembered I have a lot of spelling errors in my critique. Typing on the phone isnt mt forte.

Keep writing!

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