• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 10,081 Views, 1,057 Comments

CMC Going Away - PonyJoel

Gabby Gums, once popular now shunned by everypony. No one in town wants to talk or compromise. With a last minute effort and a farewell, no one buys into it until it's too late.

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Celestia's Visit

Due to much-needed thinking of the Royal Guards and several meetings in Canterlot, Princess Celestia is on her way to Starlight's village. As before, she is taking the train there. She starts reading a book to pass the time. Discord has mentioned that Starlight has eyes and ears. That is how they knew of the arrival last week. Princess Celestia swore to keep the info hidden from anypony else. Princess Luna and Discord will be in charge of Canterlot for a day or two. Celestia doesn't know how long she'll be spending her time in the village. Her mission is to understand Starlight's villager's perspective of the Royal Guards and to connect with them.

Having Luna take over in Canterlot shouldn't be a problem. It should help her gain experience during the day.

Hours later, Celestia gets off the train. From afar, Mane Allgood and Night Glider are at the stakeout. Mane Allgood sees Princess Celestia and reports to Starlight from the radio.

"Starlight, this is Mane Allgood. I see Princess Celestia heading in the direction of the village."

"Again..?" Starlight sighs in response to answering the radio.

"Affirmative, she came alone," Mane Allgood confirms

"Return to the village with Night Glider."

"Will do," Mane Allgood puts the radio away. "Let's fly back to the village, Night Glider."

"Right," Night Glider nods and flies to the village with Mane Allgood.

Princess Celestia trots to the village. She remembers how to get there.

By now, they have seen me and alerted Starlight Glimmer of my arrival. I wonder if they use the table like that last visit?

Mane Allgood and Night Glider lands with the crowd of people outside of Starlight's house. She opens the window to give an announcement.

"Princess of the Sun, Princess Celestia will be arriving in our village in a couple of hours. She came alone."

"What does she want now?" Double Diamond calls out.

"Does she want to talk about the vault?" Party Favor speaks loudly.

"Is she trying to disband the conditions from last week?" Sugar Belle asks.

More ponies ask various questions about Princess Celestia's arrival. Everypony starts getting worried. The crowd gets louder until Starlight loudly shouts to quiet everypony down. After a few moments, everypony calms down long enough for Starlight to speak.

"Alright, let's set the table in front of the entrance. Have Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo inside with Lofty and Holiday. Let's also show the Princess of our best cuisines. Then, we will greet the Princess and see what she wants from us. Everypony, move," Starlight commands.

Everypony nods and starts setting the table in front of the entrance. Sugar Belle goes to her bakery and starts making food. Party Favor walks in to lend Sugar Belle a hoof with the catering. Starlight sighs and closes the door. She goes to her office to jot some questions for Princess Celestia.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia sees the village from afar.

The village is nicely decorated. I wonder if it is for me or a birthday celebration. Princess Celestia smiles, hoping that today's visit will be pleasant.

Princess Celestia descends to the entrance of the village. Everypony is ready to greet the Princess. Princess Celestia sees a lot of uncertainty faces with several ponies. She had a feeling that some ponies would have a hard time understanding her arrival. Starlight Glimmer breaks the ice.

"Princess Celestia."

"Starlight Glimmer."

The two made eye contact as they greet each other. Starlight is wondering if Celestia wants to talk of the vault and, Princess Celestia is wondering if Starlight and the village want to strip her cutie mark. Starlight takes a deep breath.

"Welcome to the village, Princess Celestia. May I ask, what do you plan on doing with your visitation in the village?" Starlight calmly asks.

"I'm here to talk and connect with everypony here in your village, Starlight. After hearing what Night Glider has said and Booster's story last week, I had my sister and Discord conduct an investigation of the Royal Guards' duties throughout the millennium of my reign."

"You have?" Starlight shocking replies. Several ponies were chatting with each other. They weren't anticipating this kind of reception from the Princess.

Princess Celestia nods. "According to my sister and Discord, they found more than enough evidence of the Royal Guards to be misguiding, blatantly disregarding most situations and unfortunate emergencies throughout Equestria. I want to apologize to everypony here that were heavily damaged by the lack of support from my Royal Guards," Princess Celestia sympathetically said with her head hung low.

Starlight nods in understanding. Several ponies continue to chat with each other. Hearing the Princess apologize for her failed protection unit must have taken a lot of courage to say. Especially for those who are heavily damaged. Night Glider can forgive the Princess but, she'll never forgive the Royal Guards for not doing their job.

"I swear that I'll have the cults annihilated from Equestria. Then, I'll create a new-and-improved Equestrian Protection Unit. An upgrade of the Royal Guards since they failed to help a lot of ponies throughout the ages."

A lot of ponies show their appreciation with an Equestrian Protection Unit for the future. Some that were uncertain ease up and smile.

"With that said and done, I would like to connect with each of you today. I would like to hear your stories and experiences that caused heavy trauma. That way, I'll know how to build up the Equestrian Protection Unit and understand your pain. I want to make amends so everypony here can feel happy."

Starlight and the others move the table away from the entrance, allowing Celestia entry. Princess Celestia trots inside to observe the village thoroughly. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo couldn't help but leave Aunt Holiday and Lofty's house. Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter follow behind them in case of a threat were to come. Princess Celestia sees the CMC walking with Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter. She smiles, knowing that the girls are happy.

Throughout the day, Princess Celestia listens to everypony's tale. Wretched, cold, brutal, and horrid describes each story that everypony experienced. Some ponies suffer from abuse within their families. Several ponies had abandoning uses from friends and family. The Royal Guards failed to save some families from mafias, gangs, and uncontrollable forces of nature.

Party Favor tells his story of how the Royal Guards failed to save his town from a rocky avalanche. He tells Princess Celestia that help will be on the way to prevent a disaster. Instead, the Royal Guards showed up after the avalanche. More than seventy percent of the population was wiped clean. Party Favor lost his family in the avalanche. His family's calling was bringing joy and cheer, turning frowns upside down. He vowed to do just that in dedication to his family. As for the Royal Guards, they apologized for showing up late. The reason was they were called for a different emergency in Canterlot. Party Favor got teary. He looks at Princess Celestia and tells her that the Royal Guards' main priorities are in Canterlot as long as the wealth is in control.

Princess Celestia takes that to heart. She looks away a bit in shame.

Double Diamond tells his story. It's similar to Party Favor with the avalanche but with snow instead of rocks. On a ski trip when he was young, a gigantic dragon roars loud enough to cause an avalanche. Everypony was stuck in the resort as snow buried everything around. Everypony in the ski resort was freezing to death with the heating systems offline. Double Diamond mentions that the Royal Guards were coming to get everypony out of the snow. Only one showed up to alert his friends, family, and everypony else that reinforcements will be arriving shortly. Shortly turned into four days. Several ponies froze to death and starved to death. The Royal Guards finally came and got those that survived out. A lot of us questioned the reasoning behind the delay, while others complained that their loved ones are no more. The Royal Guards respond by saying any other information was classified and apologize for their delay. The reason why Double Diamond continues to ski is in remembrance of those who couldn't make it and live life to the fullest.

"I'm glad you chose to ski for those in remembrance. I am deeply sorry for how the Royal Guards has handled the situation everypony went through during that time."

"My dad, my grandparents, my brother, fell victim to the cold. Several fillies during those days became orphans. Several mares became widows. It was madness. The Royal Guards came after things settled down."

"I apologize on their behalf," Princess Celestia said. "Same goes for you, Party Favor."

"It doesn't matter, Princess Celestia," Party Favor sadly responds.

"Most of the villagers got screwed because of the delays from your Royal Guards," Starlight claims, speaking for everypony else affected by the late responses of the Royal Guards.

"Neglected and abused by the family for many years of my life," Sugar Belle said.

"Beaten mercilessly by my father," Booster noted.

"My friends continued to push me aside when I was growing up cause they got their cutie marks. I only had one friend left. His name is Sunburst. After he got his cutie mark, he abandoned me and went to private school. Have you ever felt alone cause you didn't have a cutie mark for many years?"

Princess Celestia shakes her head. Her life is far different than any other pony.

"The reason why I created the village in the first place was to gain friends with those that suffered like me. Those who want a new beginning. A new way of living trauma and stress-free."

"Do you plan on stripping the Royal Guard's cutie marks?" Princess Celestia cautiously asks.

"If they stumble upon here, Princess Celestia, we are going to strip their cutie marks away. They have caused too much heavy damage to most ponies residing here. It's the law of my village in which everypony here agreed on."

"Will you someday give those a second chance?"

A lot of ponies burst into laughter. Then they shake their heads afterward.

"No disrespect Princess Celestia, there ain't no second chances after getting scarred up pretty badly," Booster said. "I may speak for those who were abused by family members for many years, giving them a second chance means they can inflict more on us or those around them. What we do here is justice cause the Equestrian's justice system sucks."

A good portion of ponies agrees with that statement with a simple nod.

"Instead of my father going to jail for child abuse, he was sentenced to community service and rehabilitation. After finding out it was me that reported to the local police, my dad beat the stuffing out of me in anger. So you are asking me to give him a second chance after he beats the stuffing out of me every day of my life when I was young? You are asking my friends in the village to give a second chance with those that brutally hurt us?"

Princess Celestia takes a deep breath. She is silent as she ponders. Booster's questions and remarks are altering the concept of how she sees ponies in terms of friendship.

"What you are asking of us, it's not possible. Even if you were to send the Princess of Friendship to solve this, there is no way the scars we went through can heal us. It's a heavy reminder of what each of us has endured to survive another day," Booster noted.

"There are cruel ponies that walk in Equestria. We are unfortunate to experience the worst kind," Sugar Belle claims.

"Also, the lack of support. The Royal Guards made us feel abandoned. Scared to wake up another day knowing it's Tartarus," Night Glider said.

Princess Celestia remains silent as more ponies open up. They tell her why they'll never forgive those that oppose them. Some become teary when it came to the Royal Guards. Princess Celestia is flustered with some many emotions. She tells everypony that she needed space and leaves the village a bit. Starlight uses the opportunity to consult with the Princess.

"Everything alright, Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia sighs heavily then turns to Starlight. "No. Everything is not alright," She looks up at the sky. "Lots of ponies endured heaviness in their lives under my watch. I knew that a few would suffer due to the Royal Guards and I being unable to because of other Equestrian crises. I never anticipated how many ponies would suffer during my reign. I never knew that the Royal Guards would take different priorities straight in Canterlot only. I'm a fool for ignoring protocols cause I believe the Royal Guards were maintaining order throughout all of Equestria. They made a perfect example of how clueless I was during my thousand-year ruling without my sister. I only feel shame. Shame in the sense that I let down a lot of ponies. That I couldn't be the one that granted them salvation after years of suffering."

"It's not entirely your fault, Princess. It's the Royal Guards that chose wealth and Canterlot over us, over most of Equestria."

"It is my fault. I failed in so many ways. Equestria is my land. I'm the Princess. I should be protecting and, instead, I'm doing Royal duties in Canterlot. Being the Princess is one thing but, letting a higher class take over as priority is another."

"What are you thinking, Princess Celestia?"

What seems like a few moments of silence it feels like an eternity. Princess Celestia looks at the sky, reminiscing her reign of what she deems right until the moment she decides to move. Then, an idea struck her.

"Princess Celestia?" Starlight said, breaking the silence.

"It's time. I need to renew myself as a Princess of Equestria. To become better and wiser. Not sit around with the Royals and the wealthy while making foolish decisions with Equestria's protection. Starlight Glimmer," Princess Celestia looks at Starlight.

"Yes, Princess?" Starlight responds. Her heart beats a bit faster.

"Would it be alright if I were to reside in your village?"

Starlight's eyes widen in shock after hearing Princess Celestia's request. She steps back a bit in shock as well. "Y-You want to live here..?"

Princess Celestia smiles and nods. "Yes. I believe by living among you and the villagers, I'll have the right mind to focus on the betterment of Equestria. Thus, I would be free from senseless royals, wealth, and be a better Princess. By residing in a new place, a chain of events can unfold for the better."

Starlight faints. Unknowingly how to respond and how the villagers may react once they hear of the Princess's request.

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