• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 562 Views, 0 Comments

Vampire Fever - Brian Sheil

When a vampire fruit bat enters Megan’s house, she literally goes batty.

  • ...

Megan Goes Batty

The sun sets over the Williams family farm. In her bedroom, Megan puts on a blue T shirt and purple capri sleep pants, and gets ready for bed. Suddenly, a strange gray bat flies into her room. Megan got startled. She was trying to chase the bat out of her room.

Her parents heard the commotion and checked on the situation.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Mrs. Williams asked with concern.

“There’s a bat loose in my room!” Megan replied in panic.

They all see the bat. Megan’s father reacted. “I’ll get a cage I don’t use anymore.”

As Mr. Williams rushes out to get the cage, Megan grabbed a small net and got ready to catch the bat. “Okay, bat. I’m ready for you!”

Her mother watches with concern. “Careful, Megan. Bats can be very tricky.”

The bat starts flying again. Megan swoops down with her net. Suddenly, the bats zipped down to her.

“Ow!” Megan yelled.

The mother got concerned as the father swooped the bat with his own net, and placed it in the cage.

“That’ll hold you.” Mr. Williams said as he turned to his daughter. “Are you okay, Megan?”

Megan fell to her knees as she holds on to her neck. “That darn bat bit me!”

The parents saw the red marks on Megan’s neck.

“Oh my.” Mrs. Williams gasped. “Those marks scare me.”

Suddenly, Megan starts to shake rapidly. The parents were getting concerned. Before their eyes, Megan’s skin turned light gray. Her fingernails extended, her ears started to get pointed. Then, her eyes glowed red as two of her teeth became fangs. Finally, bat wings extended down her arms. She then hissed at her parents.

“Megan!” Mrs. Williams shouted with panic. “What happened to you?”

Megan then went outside, and zipped into the sky. The father watched with fear. “Looks like Megan is zipping off to Equestria!”

The mother was scared. “Keep that bat in that cage. I’ll grab Megan’s journal and write a message to Twilight Sparkle. She and the rest of the Mane Six should know about this.”

“Good idea. Who knows what Megan will do as a vampire.”

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Applejack and other ponies look at the trees of Sweet Apple Acres.

“Wow!” Starlight Glimmer shouted. “You sure know how to keep those apple trees healthy.”

“I sure do.” Applejack replied. “Me and my family are very proud of our crops.”

“As long as there are no problems like those vampire fruit bats.” Rainbow Dash added.

“That’s for sure, Rainbow.”

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle appeared. “Ponies, we have a problem!”

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Starlight asked.

“I just got a message from Megan’s mom. She said that Megan got bit by what sounds like a vampire fruit bat!”

“Uh-oh.” Applejack yelped. “That’s not good. My crops are in danger.”

“Anything else?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight continued her story. “She said that the father has that bat in a cage.”

“That’s good news.”

“I’ll head for Canterlot.” Starlight suggested. “Maybe I can ask Princess Luna to head for Megan’s house and retrieve that bat.”

“Good idea, Starlight.” Twilight praised.

Starlight used her unicorn power to vanish, and head for Canterlot.

“Keep your eyes open, sugar cubes.” Applejack informed. “No telling what Megan could do while she’s in this condition.”

“I’ll head for my castle to learn how to help our friend.” Twilight said. “Good luck.”

Twilight heads for her castle as Applejack and Rainbow Dash Keep their eyes open. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie happily hops around the apple trees. Just then, she saw what looks like Megan munching on an apple.

“Hi, Megan.” Pinkie called out. “What are doing here wearing your sleepwear?” She notices Megan’s skin being gray, and got worried. “Are you all right?”

Megan turned and hissed at Pinkie. When Pinkie saw the fangs and red eyes, she screamed and ran off. She ran into Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“What’s with you, Pinkie?” Dash asked. “Did you lose your confetti cannon?”

“Something’s wrong with Megan!” Pinkie answered. “Her skin lost it’s color, and she has fangs and wings like....like.....”

“A vampire fruit bat?” Applejack interrupted.

“That’s it! That’s it!”

“Twilight told us that Megan was infected by a vampire fruit bat bite.” Dash informed. “This could mean trouble around here.”

“We better find her before these trees are ruined.” Applejack said with concern. “Y’all know what happened when Fluttershy went batty.”

The three ponies wandered around the forest, looking nervously for the infected farm girl. Something occurred to Pinkie.

“Vampire fruit bats usually suck the juice out of fruit. Don’t they?” Pinkie asked.

“Eeyup.” Applejack answered. “When Fluttershy was infected, she sucked the juice out of a lot of apples.”

“I don’t see any dried up apples yet.”

“Pinkie’s right.” Rainbow Dash realized. “She said Megan was munching on an apple instead of draining the juice out of it.”

Applejack figured that Dash was right. “Maybe humans like Megan are affected differently.”

An apple fell from a far off tree. Just as the three friends approached it, Megan suddenly swooped down and grabbed the apple.

“When Twilight said that Megan went batty,” Rainbow said, “she wasn’t kidding!”

The three friends watched from a distance as Megan munched away. After she was finished, Megan took the seeds and spread them to an empty area of the orchard. Then, flew away.

“Seems like Megan is not like Fluttershy.” Applejack said. “Our human friend just eats the apple, leaves the seeds behind, and takes off.”

“I guess she’s satisfied after one apple.” Dash added.

“This makes two apples she ate.” Pinkie Pie said.


“Remember, I saw her eat one earlier.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot.”

Twilight Sparkle appeared with some useful information. “I just learned something that can help us.”

“What’s that, Twi?” Rainbow Dash wondered.

Twilight told her friends what she learned. “If any human gets bit by an Equestrian vampire fruit bat, the effects last only two hours. Then, the victim changes back to normal with no lasting effects.”

“Megan ate only two apples instead of devouring a whole orchard.” Pinkie informed.

“Instead of draining the juice from the apple,” Twilight continued, “he or she eats the apple whole. But, after only one apple, the victim is satisfied and takes off. Until he or she is hungry again.”

“That’s a relief.” Applejack said with relief.

Rainbow Dash was still concerned. “How can we stop Megan before she strikes again?”

Twilight Sparkle soon spoke up. “I got an idea. We’ll need a net, a cart, and an apple for bait.”

“My house is on the property.” Applejack said. “I’ll get what y’all need.”

As Applejack left, Starlight Glimmer showed up.

“Luna came back with the bat in the cage Megan’s father used.” Starlight informed. “We took the cage to a nearby forest, and released the bat.”

“That’s good news.” Twilight replied. “And, you’re just in time. We’re ready to set a trap for our infected friend.”

Later, an apple was placed on a grass covered net. The ponies look at their work.

“It’s all set.” Applejack said. “Once Megan finishes that apple, Rainbow Dash will pull the rope, and the net will lift her up.”

“Then, I’ll lower the net to that cart, and we’ll bring her back to Twilight’s castle.” Rainbow Dash finished.

Starlight takes a knife, and stabs the apple, releasing its aroma. “This will lure her here.”

“Okay, everypony.” Twilight said. “Out of sight!”

The ponies ducked behind bushes, waiting for Megan to show up. From a distance, the infected farm girl hid in the shadows. She smelt the aroma of the apple, extended her arms, and flew off.

When Megan arrived at the setting, she picked up the apple and started eating it. When she was done, she was ready to plant the seeds when they started to float. Twilight approached Megan as her magic took the seeds away.

Megan stood up and hissed at the Princess of Friendship. Twilight was ready for anything as Rainbow Dash is set to spring the trap. Just then, Megan slowly lowered her arms, and looked at the alicorn.

“Twilight.” Megan slowly hissed. “Is....that....you?”

Twilight nodded and signaled Rainbow Dash. The speedy pegasus pulled the rope, and raised the net, scooping Megan up into the air. Applejack arrived with the cart as Megan squirmed in the net. She was hissing panicky. “Ahhh. What’s..going on...around here?”

The net was lowered on to the cart. Tying the top of the rope net so Megan doesn’t get away, Starlight Glimmer pulled the cart to Twilight’s castle with the other ponies walking with her.

“Sorry, Megan.” Starlight said with concern. “This is for your own good.”

Later, at Twilight’s castle, the friends discuss about Megan’s condition.

“Do you think she’s going to be okay?” Starlight asked.

“I think so.” Twilight answered. “In fact, she’s getting better already.”

Rainbow Dash got confused. “Explain?”

“Like I said earlier, the effects last for two hours. During the last thirty minutes, the effects slowly wear off. Then, Megan will be fully back to normal.”

“That’s probably why she was trying to talk normally when she was netted.” Starlight stated. “It’s a good thing Rarity and Fluttershy are spending the weekend in Manehattan.”

“You said it.” Pinkie added. “Fluttershy would get bad flashbacks if she saw Megan like this.”

“Speaking of which,” Twilight said, “Applejack and I are going to check on her right now.”

Twilight and Applejack made their way to the guest room where Megan was kept in. Megan sat quietly and sadly, with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles tied together. This way, she won’t hurt others or herself.

Her skin is back to normal, the wings on her arms and her red eyes are gone, but she still had the fangs and pointed ears. As the two ponies walk into the room, Megan looked at them with tears in her eyes.

“How are you doing, Megan?” Twilight asked.

“I feel terrible.” Megan answered sadly. Her voice is still scratchy, but has cleared up a bit. “I can’t believe I invaded Sweet Apple Acres.”

“It’s not your fault. The vampire fruit bat that bit you influenced you to come here.”

Tears continued to flow as Megan gets more upset. “But, but I probably ruined all of those apple trees. I’m so sorry!”

Megan started to cry as Applejack approached her.

“Don’t cry, honey.” Applejack said as she was giving Megan a hug. “The crops aren’t ruined.”

“They’re not?” Megan yelped, trying to calm down. “How? I thought vampire fruit bats devour whole orchards.”

“Not in your case. You only ate three apples. Including the one we used to trap you. All of the trees are intact.”

“Applejack is right.” Twilight added. “There wasn’t any damage at all.”

Megan felt a bit of relief. “Wow. I guess everything’s okay.”

Twilight got very curious about something. “Where did that vampire fruit bat bite you anyway?”

“It’s where most vampires bite their victims.” Megan answered.

Twilight looked at the farm girl, and saw the marks on her neck. “I get it. Right on the neck!”

“I’m afraid so, Twi.”

Twilight gave Megan some good news. “Don’t worry. In about fifteen minutes, the effects will fully wear off. Then, you’ll be able to go home.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” Megan cooed.

As the ponies left the room, Applejack turned and saw Megan still a little sad.

“Something wrong, Meg?” Applejack wondered.

“I still feel bad about invading your home.” Megan replied. “I really am sorry.”

“Nothing to worry about, Megan. You’ll be okay. We promise.”

Megan starts to feel relaxed, knowing that Twilight and Applejack are right. Later that night, Megan was back in her own home. Her mother looked at her neck.

“Good. No red bite marks.” Mrs. Williams said with relief. “All the effects of that bite are gone.”

As Megan went to her bedroom, something was bugging her. “I wonder why I zipped over to Sweet Apple Acres while I was influenced by that bat.”

Her mother has a thought. “That bat came from Equestria. And, the apples of Sweet Apple Acres are among the juiciest apples around. You were probably drawn to their aroma.”

“I never thought of that. Good thinking, Mom.”

Soon, her father came to talk to Megan. “I’m impressed that Princess Luna gave me back this cage. Probably thinks it’s more useful than I thought.”

“Well, dad,” Megan replied, “you did keep that bat locked up in there.”

“I guess you’re right.”

The mother and father left the room as Megan got into bed, turned off the light, and went to sleep. She slept peacefully, knowing her vampire nightmare is over.


Author's Note:

My inspiration was the episode in which Fluttershy became a vampire bat pony.

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