• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 75 - Dawn of a New Era

Front Line Floor 63
June 28 - Year 2

Bladescape opened her eyes as her alarm went off. Once again, she had gone all night without a single dream. It was always the same whenever she “slept”. She closed her eyes and opened them, with time simply skipping forward.

This morning had one difference though. The ceiling that greeted her was not the same as she had grown accustomed to. It was the ceiling in the tower of their new castle. Yesterday had been a big moving day. The Wondercolts would have gotten help, but they were keeping the castle a secret, at least for two more days.

The merger was in a few hours and the day after, the crafters would come and pitch their design ideas in a heated battle of proposals for the creation of various rooms. After that, their location would be leaked outwards. By the end of the week, their new headquarters would be a well-known fact in Aincrad.

Bladescape sat up in bed and swung her legs over the edge. She sat there, looking around her new room. She had two floors to furnish. Currently she was calling the bottom floor her guest floor, and the top was her bedroom.

Other than her bed, her "bedroom" had her bathing facilities behind a privacy screen, her wardrobe, her armor stand, and her wall racks for Harmonic Salvation and Bajutsu. Several of the shields she had made were hung up as well. The thorned spear was mounted on the wall in the middle of the stairs. She would have to pass it each day, making it a good spot to serve as a reminder.

Her guest floor had her high-backed chair and her desk. The rest of her shields had been hung on the walls for decoration. Other than those items, though, the space was completely bare. She needed more to make it a real guest room where she could entertain. Her goal was a bookcase and some more seating, and then to move her desk up to the bedroom. She also needed a nightstand for her bedroom. She had been using her desk, but the larger room also meant that she now had the space to for more furniture. The idea that everything could have its own place and purpose now, instead of serving multiple functions, appealed to her.

Pushing off her bed, Bladescape put her armor on and walked downstairs. When she got to the dining room she saw that someone had set up the extra tables they had bought to cover the new numbers. They were cheap pieces, since they had very little cash available. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any chairs to sit on; they were still at the old HQ, ready to be used in the joining ceremony. Otherwise, the ten of them were all moved in.

Noise from the kitchen drew her attention. Bladescape walked in and found it was Joltron, not AFCK, who was making the noise as he made breakfast for them.

“Hey,” Bladescape said. “No AFCK yet?”

“Nope,” Joltron shrugged. “But I got it covered. It’s a simple meal, but we don’t exactly have any food in the cabinets here yet. We will be going after the ceremony when we have things finalized. I think AFCK is busy making a new cookbook. One for the new guild size.”

“How are you feeling?” Bladescape asked as she grabbed a muffin.

“It is as it is,” Joltron shrugged. He sighed. “I can’t say that I am thrilled, but I also can’t say that it will be bad. It probably is the right move. It will mean a lot of changes though. And my change to Cooking, is it going to be worth it?”

“We are going to be feeding a lot of players,” Bladescape reminded him. “It will be appreciated. It is appreciated. No matter if it is ten, eleven, fifty or a hundred, I appreciate it. And I would prefer it if we can rotate our cooks, so that you guys don’t have to cook every meal, but can spread the responsibility out. That would be optimal. Besides, you will still have plenty of time with AFCK.”

Joltron narrowed his eyes at her, questioning her with his glare.

“THERE YOU ARE!” AFCK exclaimed as she popped into the kitchen. “All done in here?”

“Almost,” Joltron said. “Help me get this to the tables so we can eat and get this merger going.”

Bladescape grabbed a tray of muffins and took it to the table. The others were there. Diemond was sewing and obviously behind in what she was doing. She had spoken to Lobelia and Shikiku about a few things. They had something special planned for the crafting guilds tomorrow and what would be their big reveal as the new Wondercolts.

Breakfast was quiet. Everyone had various things on their mind. Bladescape and Backbreaker were in their armor. Astro had opted for a nice dress. The others had nice clothes on. They hadn’t set a dress code, but they all knew the day was special and that they had to look their best, be it armor or fancy clothes. It helped that Diemond kept them well supplied with nice clothes, out the generosity of her heart.

Diemond stood up from sitting on the edge of a table. “I will be on time, but I will meet you there. I have too much to do.”

“I have to bake for lunch,” AFCK added. “Joltron, shall we go to the kitchen?”

“I’ll make sure they make it,” Astro said. “Go do what you need to.”

“Alright,” Bladescape said. “I will be back there, prepping for the ceremony. I can’t sit around here.”

Bladescape walked out of the front of their castle. She stopped at the teleport plaza and looked back at the castle. She still couldn’t believe they owned it.

She teleported to what felt like home, Mishe. It would take time to get used to the new location, despite its perks. They would sell their old headquarters as soon as they were done with the ceremony. Backbreaker would lead the move of Geigi’s things to the castle with Shikiku’s help, while Bladescape would show Lobelia and Kamishi the castle, and Astro would sell their home. Diemond would leave right after the ceremony to continue working on what she needed to, but the rest would assist in the move. After everything was moved, Shikiku would sell Geigi Clan's old home and then officially join the Wondercolts and bring the money over.

Bladescape entered the empty greeting hall. It was weird seeing it so empty again. She opened the door to the guild hall and walked down the center aisle to her seat at the table. Two other chairs had been added. Lobelia and Kamishi would take their seats during the ceremony. Bladescape looked at the empty seats in front of her as she took her seat at the center of the table for the last time in this guild hall.

Bladescape wasn’t concerned that the merger was the wrong choice, but just looking at the stats of each member joining them, they were going to be undergoing a huge change. They wouldn’t be the same Wondercolts. They were currently calling the new group the Wondercolts 2.0. Same name, same ideology, but certainly a change in players and organization. Their medium guild was about to become oversized.

And they were still short Knightstar. Doombunny was stalling them, asking for some more time for the final pieces to be put together. It was best if Doombunny patched things up. The split had centered around her and Knightstar, and they would need time to sort some things out. All of the Wondercolts would need some time with Knightstar to talk over a few things. They all missed her, and this day only seemed to be highlighting their missing friend.

Bladescape pulled out the notes for the ceremony that had been worked out. It was nice and official, but succinct. Lobelia and Shikiku had worked out a good plan. It was better than just sending invitations to all the members. That was lackluster and it didn’t highlight each member’s importance to the guild as a whole.

Bladescape lost track of time, reading through it so many times she had it memorized. The others arrived and then Geigi Clan filed in through the open doors and took seats. Diemond and Astro were missing, but they still had a few minutes.

The clock hit 10am and they were still missing. It hit 10:01 and Bladescape stood up. “Forgive us. It looks like we have two behind. Diemond is busy doing her work to make each and every single one of you new armor to suit your roles. She is stressed, but enjoying it.”

The doors flew open and Astro rushed in with Diemond in tow. Diemond was in a different dress than she had been at breakfast. They rushed to their seats and Astro sat down next to Bladescape. She didn’t offer any apology or excuse, opting for them to just start.

Bladescape glanced at Astro and Backbreaker who nodded to continue. Bladescape looked at Lobelia. She had taken a seat in the front row, ready to go. She was poised, but her eyes gave away the fear behind her practiced pose.

“Lobelia,” Bladescape said, starting the ceremony. “Please rise.” Lobelia stood up and moved to the center of the room. “You are the founder and honored leader of Geigi Clan. It has rested on your shoulders to be their leader over the months since SAO started. The merger today is one to strengthen both guilds with a unity that will anchor us and take us to the Ruby Palace.

“Geigi Clan has a long and proud history. None of what we do today erases that. It only issues in a new era for you and your guild. Everything we do as Wondercolts from this day forth will be a shared history, accomplishments that neither could do without the other. We Wondercolts look forward to sharing our name and a home with you. We look forward to fighting beside you as one guild. You inspire us with your art, and we look forward to your contributions to the guild.

“We have gotten to know you and fight beside you before. And as guild leader, your skills and knowledge won’t go to waste. We don’t just extend our offer to join the guild, but for you to sit on the council as our fourth member. We need your expertise.

“Do you accept our offer to become a Wondercolt and to help lead the Wondercolts? And more importantly, do you pledge to us, with all present as witnesses, to uphold the values of what it means to be human. To be Loyal to your friends and guildmates. To be Honest to us all and other players. To be Kind and Generous to all. To Laugh with others and spread cheer. And of course, to Empathize with players as we share in the mutual and unique struggles of SAO. That is what it is to be a Wondercolt, to be the best human you can be. Do you accept and bind yourself to that ideology?”

Lobelia bowed low at the waist. “I do accept it. I pledge to be the best I can be to you and our guildmates and to set an example to all. I accept the position on the Wondercolts Council.”

Lobelia straightened up and opened her menu. With a few clicks she lost her guild tag. Bladescape pulled up her menu and extended the guild offer to Lobelia. Lobelia accepted it and the blue backed yellow horse head showed up above her HP bar. She was a Wondercolt.

“Welcome, Lobelia, to the Wondercolts and to our Council!” Bladescape declared.

Everyone clapped as Lobelia bowed again and then strode over to the table and took her seat beside Backbreaker.

“Kamishi, step forward,” Astro said. She had asked to induct Kamishi. Backbreaker would induct Shikiku.

Kamishi stepped to the front and bowed respectfully.

"Kamishi, it is a pleasure and honor to have you before us. I understand that this is to be your second merger."

Kamishi was obviously shocked as he lost his extremely formal posture. Astro had gone off script. "Yes," He said after a minute. "I, we, six of us men, merged with an early and struggling Geigi Clan. When we met them, we were the larger group, but our guild, Shinigami, decided to merge with Geigi because of who they were. We saw in them hope and light. We were six men swinging weapons with little purpose. They gave us purpose. Together, we soon grew exponentially because of Geigi Clan's ideology. It attracted many women, each strong, and a warrior in their own right.

“The art of being a human has, historically, been something for both sexes. But it is seen today as an almost exclusively female role. My grandmother was a true geisha for a while. I saw the honor and strength in Geigi Clan, and we decided we would be better off with them, under their banner. So we became them. That was something we never hid, but it stayed quiet. Until now, only a few players knew that history.

"I stand here in front of you today, ready to do that once more. Because although the name changes, the ideology is the same. To be the best we can be. To build true bonds of friendship that strengthen us and help make us the best person we can be. And to be the best we can for the other players, by placing our focus on the front line, pushing on it to clear this game. You are the same. I see the same light in you as I saw in Lobelia back then and still see in her today. I believe in you and your strengths. Joining you will only strengthen us all."

"Well put," Astro stated, a sly grin in her face. "I hope you realize that you will still be in the girl guild."

The words shattered the formality of the ceremony. However, Bladescape was interested in his nonverbal response. He was silent, tense, but not in a bad way. He was at a complete loss of words.

A male member stood up and bowed. "It is an honor to bear the name. I..."

Bladescape looked back at the silent Kamishi. He had tears in his eyes that were threatening to wet his cheeks.

Another male member practically jumped up. He didn't bow. "We are here because we believe in what the guilds stand for. We take that name as a badge of honor. There is no dishonor in it, for we know our strength. We are all confident in who we are as men and also in those we fight beside. Sex or gender does not define one's skill with a blade. The strength of the heart and the will of the mind do. Dunker knew that and understood it, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice for that honor."

"Well put," Astro said with a nod. "It had occurred to me to ask, because we will be going from two men, to nine. And what I see in you is the same I see in our men. In the face of battle, the nine of you stand steady. In the face of battle, you do not try to save us. Instead you let us be the strong, independent women we are. A warrior possesses many of the qualities that make up the stereotype of what it is to be a man. But that does not make us men. Your strength and resilience allows us to be women. You are men, and you allow us to be women. It is a great gift you give us. One that I doubt we could ever fully express our thanks for.

"Many may say that women have to be men in battle, or that being a strong woman means taking those manly qualities for themselves. Yet, we do not need to take what are your unique qualities, because we share many of them. What it means to be independent or a warrior or strong will differ between the genders, but what will not change is the fact that we need men to be men to succeed in being women. And just like us, you need women to succeed in being women, to be men yourselves.

"We will most likely continue to be called the girl guild, but we can only be that because of the strength you provide us. A strength that anchors the Wondercolts and which anchored Geigi Clan and created a firm foundation for the girl guild to be built on top of.

"So to you nine, I want you to understand that we are what we are because you are who you are. You are our forgotten members, butare the key to our great success. Likewise, you are not forgotten by us, only by those outside of the Wondercolts. Wars have been started and fought by men over women, but women would not be able to be strong and independent without men. Men who are Trustworthy, Loyal, and Brave, but also Kind, Helpful and Cheerful. Men who are Clean, not just in external image, but inner image, and men who are Reverent. Your loyalty to be the stereotypical male only succeeds when you are reverent enough to allow us the ability to be women and accept us as such, cherishing those qualities as the priceless gems they are.

"And so I look forward to all of you joining us, and I want to remind Kiefer and Joltron how much they mean to us, and how much they have already done for the Wondercolts. Our success will be more than tripled because of the upstanding men in our guild."

All of the women clapped. Most broke from the formality of the ceremony to cheer and yell. The woman around the men slapped them on the back or shoulders to show their support and thanks.

Bladescape, Backbreaker, Lobelia, and Astro just sat and calmly clapped. Astro knew she had pushed against the formal seal they had placed on the ceremony, but it certainly was worth it.

Joltron and Kiefer were both visibly shaken to the core by the kind words. They knew they were key to the strength of the Wondercolts, but hearing it declared in that manner was something they were not prepared for. Lessa couldn't get Kiefer to kiss her on the lips because he was so distracted.

Although they didn't know their new male member's nonverbal body language yet, Kamishi was quite obvious. He had been able to withstand outright tears, but his cheeks shined with the droplets that escaped. He kept his composure to stay ready for the next part of the ceremony, and because he knew the price of being a man in a girl guild. Of the nine who had died, he had been in a party with six of them at the time of their deaths. And another one of those nine was a close friend: Dunker.

None of them were ever his fault and he was never blamed by anyone or even by himself. He often got the tougher assignments. He had even saved several other members from death because of his heroics and relentless attacks against the enemy. Players died on the front lines regularly enough that it was a difficult fact to avoid. The Wondercolts were blessed to not have had to bear that burden. Now they risked it even more as a larger guild.

Astro continued with the ceremony. “I extend to you, Kamishi, the offer to join the Wondercolts and the offer of being our fifth councilor. You have been instrumental in leading Geigi Clan, despite not having a role then, and you will be instrumental in leading the Wondercolts.”

The menu popped up in front of Kamishi as soon as he exited Geigi Clan. He accepted it and walked to the last chair, beside Astro. He was poised and strong once again, without the hint of tears in his eyes.

It was Backbreaker’s turn. “Shikiku, step forward please.” Shikiku did. “Shikiku, you have been a major player in craftin' and maintainin' the image of Geigi Clan, and likewise, you will be instrumental in craftin' the new image of our unified guilds. You know the art of bein' human to the highest degree. Leavin' Geigi Clan is not easy. You were a foundin' member. You have been offered a role to assist the Council as a specialist, helpin' us to hear the issues from all the members. Do you accept our invitation to become a Wondercolt and pledge to continue upholdin' the same art you have been craftin' all this time?”

“I do,” Shikiku said, bowing low at the waist.

“It is the judgement of the Council to accept your word,” Backbreaker said. “However, your official joining will happen later today after everythin' is moved in and you have control of Geigi Clan’s assets, and then you can smoothly bring them over.”

Shikiku straightened up and took her seat again.

Bladescape took control of the ceremony. “We have several things to go over. If your name is called, please rise where you are unless otherwise directed.” Bladescape glanced at the written ceremony to make sure she was where she needed to be. “Will Delton, Jade, and Ithilien please not just stand, but come forward?”

The three of them came forward and lined up. They bowed in unison. “The three of you have stated that you no longer wish to fight in Aincrad anymore. I understand the difficulties of this world. We all do. None of us blame you. I am thrilled to learn that you want to be Wondercolts still.

“As I have been told, you want to uphold being the best human and player you can be, and to uphold our values, while being our support staff. You have chosen to not end your fight for your freedom by taking up a support role. Perhaps the most important part of the role you are pledging to be is cooks. You have each scrapped a non-combat skill to take up Cooking. We will get to come back to warm meals because you three have chosen to do the little things and help keep our morale and spirits up. You will help us keep our swords and weapons swinging on the front lines. I want to say thank you, and then I ask that you, by accepting this invitation, swear to uphold the values of the Wondercolts and proudly wear our colors and symbol.”

The three of them gave verbal confirmation as they each left Geigi Clan and then accepted the Wondercolts offer.

“Will Tariq, Pell, Yori, Chok, and Rancor step forward please,” Bladescape asked. They assembled. “You are the other five men in Geigi Clan. Rancor joined up later, but the rest of you were with Kamishi. All five of you have had long and illustrious careers in Geigi Clan. We previously covered the importance of our male guildmates in the girl guild, shortening this highlight for you, but that is a good thing.

“So, will each of you swear to uphold the values of the Wondercolts, to never stop being the best you can be and helping others to be the best they can be, and to be the gentlemen you are?”

They all bowed and gave their oaths before stepping out of Geigi Clan and accepting the offer to be Wondercolts.

“For the ladies who are joining us, please stand when your name is called. Alemar, Aka, Babs, Eowyn, Harari, Helia, Kate, Koco, Kogitsune, Koroua, Mozu, Noi, Pythia, Rime, Satureja, Shintia, Suiko, Suisei, Tate, Ulelisa, Vay, Yuniver, and Ziora. The twenty-three of you have decided to join the Wondercolts. I ask all of you to affirm your oath to the ideals of the Wondercolts.”

One by one, they bowed, gave their oath, exited Geigi Clan, and then accepted an invitation to the Wondercolts by one of the other Councilors since Bladescape was busy hearing their oaths.

“Thank you, please sit,” Bladescape said when it was over. “Now, we have six left. Will Artimi, Geinos, Giselle, Houhu, Mjolna, and Valencia please come forward.” They lined up in front of the council and bowed. “You six are uncertain if you want to join the Wondercolts. Friends are important, and I know the Wondercolts are not a guild known for going easy on the front lines. We want you to join us, and we understand your concerns. We are extending the offer of the trial period for a reason.

“At any time you can affirm your stay or step out, but we ask that you give us your word in three weeks. We will be getting accustomed to each other for a few days, and then begin a mass training event. At this time, three weeks won’t get you to the level quotas we have set, and they probably won’t get you much training other than raw levels. You won’t get to fully experience our day to day, but I hope in that time you can find a home with your guildmates, old and new.”

“That is fair,” Valencia said with a bow. “The ability to try and see is appreciated. None of this is easy.”

“It certainly is not,” Bladescape agreed. “But while you bear our mark and colors, will you affirm your allegiance to being the best human you can be? And being the best to others and helping them be the best they can be?”

Each of them affirmed their agreement to the situation, accepted the invitation, and then sat back down.

Bladescape addressed everyone. “First off, Diemond, you can go. I know...and she's gone.” Everyone chuckled at her dashing out of the room. "She certainly has a lot to do to equip all of us,” Bladescape reminded them. “It is a pleasure to have you joining us. I look forward to the new Wondercolts and sharing that experience with old and new friends. Now, we will cover a few things now, and then have a meeting in the evening to cover a few new things and remind you of a few others.

“First off, our new headquarters is at Thorn Island. We had to do a quest to unlock it, which is why you have not heard of it. It is on Floor 61. Backbreaker and Shikuku will be organizing the movement of your belongings to the new headquarters. It shouldn’t take us long. Lunch will be grab-and-go, out in the dining hall.

“Tomorrow we will have a bunch of crafter teams over. They will be designing and presenting their proposals for various rooms. You will get a specific list and cost of what the guild will cover for your personal rooms. You won’t have to share a room.

“We will be building a unit structure of Niso and Shicho officers to run the other parties that don’t have councilors in them. Those choices are not settled upon yet and will be soon enough. Our parties will have two standardized groups, BluCon and YelCon. Various locations like the guild hall and dining hall will have plaques that we can put the color condition up on.

"BluCon is our standard, everyday condition and you will fall into your BlueCon parties under the officers leading them. YelCon is stacked to have the heavier hitters in a few parties for specific dungeons or boss raids so that the rest of you can go about your normal business while we do that. We will have party colors for each condition so that you know what squad is yours. RedCon is another condition and it means that parties will be chosen by the council that morning and WhiteCon means everyone has the day off. We will refresh you on that later. What matters is that you will know exactly where you belong and what you are to do that day, as well as who to go to for questions. Simple and easy.

"That is the basics of our new organizational structure. I will be head of that as your Kaisho. Backbreaker will be our Issa, or Colonel. Astro is our Lieutenant Colonel, or Nisa. Lobelia is our Sensa, the Major. Kamishi is our Captain, or Ichii.

"We have some other positions to make note of. Kiefer is going to be our training officer and lieutenant, our Nii. He will be in charge of making sure we stay up on our level quotas, and more importantly, run routine training sessions so that we don't need to do a long grind ever again. Heading up our kitchen will be Itamae AFCK. She will organize the other cooks as she needs to. Diemond is our Armorer, with Lessa, Rime, and Helia as our equipment repair team.

"Shikiku will be our Socho. Her job is to be there for you. If you have a problem with senior staff, bring it to her. If you have any concerns with the guild, we would prefer it if you took it to your BluCon Niso. They will either have the answer or take it up the chain for you. However, she is our bridge. Shikiku is going to be your voice to the Council, not as a councilor herself, but as an advisor to us. As the guild’s council, it is hard to see things from our position, so She is your advocate.

“I mentioned training, but before that, we will be taking a few days off. I know most of our new members have been flying under the radar, off the front lines, and that is fine, but we have decided to build in an adjustment period. That period will allow us to get to know each other, have some fun, and order the furniture.

“We have enough room at our new headquarters that the council authorized a soccer league, or football league for most of you. We have a small pitch lined out for 4 on 4 teams. We will be accepting players of any skill level to have fun in a team. And it won’t be just a one-day thing. We plan to consistently have games in the evening and even a playoff to see who is the best team.

“Those will be our three days off. Tomorrow the designers come, the day after the soccer league will be finalized and most likely started, and then the third day will be any other matches as our final break day.

“Then we will start training and gaining level quotas. Your levels fall between 58 and 64. Ours are between 74 and 85. The first quota sets the bar at 75. I have information on a new training location that I will be scouting before we start, and hopefully it will mean quick leveling. We have a few plans to ensure that the quotas are filled with speed and precision. It won’t be easy, but we will give you the best support possible to quickly reach those quotas, and then that you get trained on your squad tactics so we can continue to roll forward. Only a few of us need to worry about Floor 75’s boss, but that Floor will be exponentially more difficult so we all have to be ready for it. I expect our lowest members will be above 80 by the time we hit Floor 75.

“Now for the last thing, everyone needs to pick up their chair and take it to Thorn Island. Otherwise we won’t have any chairs to use.”

That got a good laugh from most everyone. Bladescape stood up, signaling the end of the ceremony. Shikiku headed off to the Geigi Clan headquarters to make sure they could get in. Her chair, and Diemond’s were grabbed by others. Kamishi grabbed Backbreaker’s since she was going to carry their council table.

They exited, but the others let the council go ahead of them on the teleport plaza. If Mishe was more populated, their exodus would have drawn a crowd, but it was the middle of day. Anyone around was out hunting, not hanging around in the city.

Lobelia and Kamishi joined Bladescape. They all called for Thorn Island and were enveloped in blue.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 83 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 75 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 78 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 75 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 78 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 73 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce
Lessa: Lvl 72 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics
Joltron: Lvl 75 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

Author's Note:

1: Thanks for being patient since school got in the way of releasing this chapter on my schedule.
2: A third commercial break will be coming soon.

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