• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 55 - Skill Slot 11

Front Line - Floor 60

April 26 - Year 2

Bladescape sat on her bed, looking at the Skills on Argo's master list. It was the morning after they killed the Necromancer, she was now Level 80, and most importantly she had a new Skill Slot available. Unlike the other slots, she didn't know what Skill she was going to choose. She had promised Argo a few days before that she would choose something relaxing or fun. She promised to find an escape.

A knock came at the door. Bladescape didn't stop reading while she called that they could enter.

"You okay, Sugarcube?"

Bladescape looked up at Backbreaker. She was in her full armor, war hammer dangling from her hip.

"Yeah," Bladescape replied. "Why?"

"Fer starters, you missed breakfast. No food fights, but I had to tell Astro and Thunder when they could get seconds. And now I find you sittin' on your bed, still in your sleepwear."

"I lost track of time," Bladescape admitted as she glanced at her internal clock.

"That's what has me concerned," Backbreaker replied. "You don't lose track of time. What're you working on?”

"I hit 80 yesterday," Bladescape said, grinning despite her best efforts. "I'm trying to pick a Skill for my new slot. I have a promise to keep, but it isn't easy."

"What promise?"

"I promised Argo I would do a fun, relaxing Skill. But I haven't found anything interesting."

"When did you make that promise?"

Bladescape thought for a second. "Two days ago, when she visited us after the boss raid meeting. She was checking in about Knightstar."

"Ah," Backbreak said with a slight nod. "You guys 've always talked, but when did you get so close?"

Bladescape chuckled with a smile. "You were on your fishing break. Argo came to us to hide out. Remember when we did the Necromancer quest, and she was orange?" Backbreaker nodded. "She was orange because of Iliad's proxy attempt to stop her so he could get ahead. There was some other stuff that happened between them, which ultimately ended in him killing at least three NPCs so the quests couldn't be finished by her. That is why we didn’t have info on the Necromancer. She came to us to hide out for a few days and let things cool down.

"Doom and I helped her oust him for his crimes. We stepped out of the guild to lose our tags, disguised ourselves in the same clothes as Argo, dyed our hair, painted ourselves black so you couldn't tell us from Argo, and the three of us confronted him, in public, in front of players we know of who work the front lines, and we actually forced him into a full duel against Doombunny who was a stand in for Argo. It was this whole bait and switch thing. I actually forced his hand to accept the duel. He was left paralyzed, crying, admitting all he had done against her, the assault team, and other players. He was disgraced and blacklisted. Then we joined back up with the guild and Argo stayed a few more days with us, keeping a low profile. A nonexistent profile. She needed to hide while the rest of the players learned what Iliad did, but not her part in bringing him down beyond what we did publicly.

"Anyway, that is something that happened on your break. The others don't know exactly what we did. It wasn't discussed, only that we were helping Argo, and it is best if they can claim no knowledge of it."

"Got it," Backbreaker nodded. "And forgotten. Still, Sugarcube, you have that promise to keep. Take a few days off, try different Skills, and figure out what will help you relax. We need you at your best, but we don't need you to have another combat skill. Try bakin', or sewin'."

Bladescape raised her eyebrow at Backbreaker, the unasked question obvious to her friend.

"Okay, neither of those are your thing. But we have the extra metal, go bang out a sword, or try to make a breastplate, or throw out a line and catch a fish. Just go try stuff.

"I'll handle the guild. Between Astro and Kiefer, I'll have all the help I'll need. It's openin' Floor clearin' stuff. If we hit a field boss-"

“Don't tell me," Bladescape interrupted. "Just don't tell me. I'll take a few days to figure out what I will do to put my mind at ease. I won't get locked into combat."

"Good," Backbreaker smiled. I'll go tell the others and get them movin'."

"I'll get breakfast out, somewhere," Bladescape added.

"Good," Backbreaker chuckled nervously. "Cause I kinda forgot to make sure Thunder and Astro left food for you."

Bladescape chuckled. "It is not easy controlling them for breakfast."

"No it ain't," Backbreaker smiled as she left to get the rest of the guild moving.

Bladescape changed into a nice outfit Diemond had made her. She hesitated when she went to leave her room. She had said no combat, but she had run into Laughing Coffin once before, and that other gang. She grabbed her sword and armor and put them in her storage. Just to be safe.

Everyone had already departed. Bladescape jumped to Floor 48. She was going to get Harmonic Salvation upgraded. Lisbeth should have the materials by now for her upgrade. She could then get breakfast while the enhancement was being applied and figure out what she should try first.

She was fortunate when she arrived to find that for once there wasn't a line waiting outside. She entered the blacksmith shop and found that while there wasn't a line, several players were already browsing Lisbeth's wares. From the noise, she was working in the back. A short while later, Second-in-Command Asuna came out of the back, laughing with Lisbeth.

"Thanks again, Lis," Asuna said. "I'll see you later."

As Asuna departed, the other players began to jockey for Lisbeth's attention. Bladescape asked without thinking as Asuna walked by.


Asuna's hand was on the door handle, but she stopped. She gave Bladescape an odd look. Bladescape immediately thought she addressed her wrong. "I mean Lightning Flash."

Asuna sighed. "Look, I wasn't giving you a look for the name. I was confused about you talking to me. We haven't exactly ever talked. But at the same time, we haven't exactly been mere acquaintances. Other than the sale, I don't know if we have been in the same room as each other without it being some form of meeting. Still, call me Asuna. After yesterday, well I heard how you handled my clone. And then I saw you handle the Commander's clone. I couldn't pick up my sword against it, not even to help you. It was too real. You are an active guild right there besides us in our quest to free everyone. And all of your members are top notch players who sacrifice yourselves for the good of us all."

"Thanks," Bladescape said with a smile. "And my friends call me Blade. I understand you not being able to help me, but that wasn't what I wanted to ask you about. I wanted to know what you do to relax. For fun? What do you, one of the top players, do to relax? I am asking because I don't have anything and everyone is afraid I'll crack. Rightly so."

"Oh," Asuna said, surprised. "Well I cook and sew. I'm very close to maxing out my Cooking Skill!"

"Nice," Bladescape replied with a nod. "Congratulations on that progress and I hope to hear that it wasn't much longer. I didn't take you for a cook though. Doesn't the guild have support players for that?"

"They do, but I don't live at the KoB headquarters like the Commander, or you guys do as yours. I'm one of the senior officers he insists that have a place of their own. The guild bought and furnished my place. So I cook often enough. I enjoy it. If I eat guild food, it is usually packed for us to use on the long days in the field."

Asuna paused. "And the secret to my success, skill wise, was Knightstar's guide."

"I see," Bladescape nodded. "I assume it was a third party buy, because that could be an interesting conundrum."

"Less so now," Asuna added. "But it could have been."

Bladescape sighed. "Well, cooking and sewing are not my thing. I would know. It's not like Diemond or AFCK would have a problem with it. Both of them would enthusiastically take me under their wing. Which is something I also kind of don't want."

Asuna nodded in understanding. "I have an unrelated question for you. What does AFCK stand for?"

Bladescape chuckled. "Atomic Fireball Candy. Apparently she had that candy right before setting up her character. It's this hot, cinnamon hard candy. And the K is either Knight or King. I lost track ages ago. It probably changes depending on the moment."

“I thought King was what her clone called her," Asuna said. "And she called her clone Atomic Fireball Candy Queen. Is she always so…"

"Distracted and bubbly?" Bladescape finished.

"That is one way to put it," Asuna replied.

"Yes, she is," Bladescape said with a chuckle. "I.R.L. she is just as bouncy as she is in here. Play a lullaby, she will either sing along, or fall asleep. The other day she made a decent amount of Col from showing off sand castle art she did at the sand crabs. She apparently made a detailed replica of the Town of Beginnings and other players were paying to see it. It doesn't take her long. She is either on point, or wildly off. We are a bit concerned, but she is brilliant. Recently, in an academic contest, she baked a cake in the home-economics challenge, and when she cut it in half, the Mona Lisa was there. That is who she is. Creative and strong."

“Interesting," Asuna replied. "Watching her kill her clone, and I saw her kill several others too, she is a fighting force to be reckoned with."

"Just don't be surprised when you get the odd parts, like when she got those pugilist gloves and thought they were gloves that shot lists and made a pew sound. Once you clear past that, she is quite intelligent and easy to work with. Mostly."

Asuna chuckled. "Well, good luck finding a hobby. There is a lot to do in Aincrad. I know you can find something. I have guild business to attend to, and can now that my sword is back up to full strength."

"Thanks," Bladescape replied. "Your time was appreciated. Good luck with the business. I have to drop my sword off to be enhanced."

Asuna departed and Bladescape walked up to the counter. The males were still fighting over Lisbeth, which was annoying her. Bladescape stepped behind the counter and pulled Harmonic Salvation out of her storage. "You have the stuff to enhance it as planned, correct?"

"I do," Lisbeth said, ignoring the guys and taking the sword. "I will get it done by tomorrow morning. Lunch at the latest."

"I'm on a rest break," Bladescape replied. "I'll come back around noon tomorrow to pick her up. I have a spare, if I absolutely have to use a weapon. A basic, low level blade, but the drugs I have on hand can compensate for that on the floors I'll be on."

Lisbeth nodded in understanding. She was almost constantly working on one or another of Doombunny's daggers. She had gotten used to the Wondercolts fighting tactics.

Bladescape departed so Lisbeth could deal with the customers and then side tracked herself from breakfast. On a whim, she went to see Rendil.

"Good morning!" Rendil extravagantly greeted her. "What brings a leader of the Wondercolts to me? Especially the one without a shield."

"I need a hobby skill," Bladescape explained. "I have a new skill slot and a promise to find something to help me relax. That is my current guild assignment. I don't have interest in armor, or cooking, or weapon smithing, but the Wondercolts don't have a shield maker. Not that I would be any use, and I know I can do the same skill as any of our other players, but I just dropped off my sword for enhancement, which won't be ready today. So I figured, you helped Diemond, which really helped us, perhaps you could give me a jumpstart on shield smithing and we can see if I even like it? I don't mind paying for your assistance."

Rendil smiled warmly at her. “I don't have any orders right now, so why not? I have a good stock of materials too. I can sell you what you need."

They settled on a price for her tutorship and Bladescape dropped Shield Crafting into her 11th Skill slot. They went into the back and Bladescape began to learn how to make shields. There were a variety of factors to think about beyond material, which was mostly centered on design, but design was rarely aesthetic and focused on function. She made a dozen shields under his direction, but by the sixth one she knew it wasn't for her, and so did Rendil, but she trusted him.

Rendil had her make the extras to give her a canvas to work on. They tried Heraldic Painting next, which also was a bust. Bladescape was not enthusiastic about painting designs on shields, even if she was a pretty decent artist I.R.L.

Bladescape sighed when they gave up on that. "I love playing the guitar, but an electric guitar. None of the instruments in SAO felt right. We tried that a while ago.”

"I can understand that," Rendil replied. "But let me show you one more thing."

Bladescape tried making applications on the shields. It was the same Skill as Heraldic Painting, just a bit different in how you went about the “heraldry.” Bladescape wasn't bad at it either, but it just didn't grab her attention. Painting as a Skill, having the system even partially determining the quality of her work instead of purely her own talents, was too different from painting I.R.L. for her to really enjoy it the same way. Maybe if she had started with the Skill at the beginning, like Diemond and AFCK. things would be different, but right now she was trying to relax, and all she was doing was make herself more frustrated.

"Thanks, Rendil," Bladescape said. "This was a good starting point. I appreciate the time. You were a great teacher."

"Hey, I didn't have anything else to do and you paid me. That is a win win for me."

Bladescape sighed. "I guess it's time to melt the shields down for salvageable metal."

"Keep them," Rendil encouraged. "They are good shields for just starting out. The only thing wrong with them is that you don't like making shields or painting them. You did a good job regardless, so keep them as a reminder of your success in the field, even though you decided to not pursue it. It shows you didn't waste your time or money. And for someone like a dedicated member of the Assault Team, as you are. Time management is key."

Bladescape grunted. "Alright. And you are right. They do prove I didn't waste my time. And they are good shields. I will put one up in my room for now. I don't have room for the other ones right now."

She bid Rendil farewell and got lunch. After that, she jumped to Floor 22 and tried Fishing. It was more boring than she expected, and the system made catching fish easier in game than in real life. So long as the bait she used was the right type for the fish she was after, bites were guaranteed. The hard part was making sure you pulled the fish in and didn't lose it. She tried longer for Backbreaker’s sake, but it was useless.

Bladescape wandered down to Floor 1, the Town of Beginnings. She went to see Mo. Mo had plenty of options for her. The most obvious one she gave was questing. She gave Bladescape a list of quests Mo wanted done, but couldn’t complete. Mo’s combat skills weren't high enough to handle the three solo quests she gave her. They were all primarily puzzle quests, but the areas they were in were still dangerous.

They would require combat, specifically if you failed the puzzle, so Bladescape decided to wait until Harmonic Salvation was ready. Even though it had combat, questing was uniquely different from combat. She was puzzle solving or playing through a story, not grinding for XP or Col. Although, some of the XP and Col rewards were worth the hassle of the quest. Why Mo wanted the items was not discussed, but it would give Bladescape an edge on Mo to leverage her if need be.

Bladescape finished the day in the backyard, throwing daggers while she waited for the rest to get back. Her success with the shields and painting them were praised by the others, but they also understood it wasn’t for her. AFCK decided to hang the shields up along the stairs to show them off, which was fine with Bladescape.

After dinner, Bladescape hung out with Diemond. It had been a while since they had actually sat and chatted. Diemond was working on a specific line to sell at her next sale, a single day only sale, but she was still able to devote most of her mind to Bladescape.

“You gave it an honorable go,” Diemond encouraged her. “Honestly, working on these clothes doesn’t exactly calm me. It keeps me sane, but it presents its own insanity. I couldn’t not make clothes in our current state either, as the creativity just flows naturally and needs an outlet, and I enjoy some of the challenges and keeping my skills sharp, but very little of it is relaxing. I am stress sewing most of the time. It does the trick, but it isn’t a vacation like BB when she goes fishing.”

Bladescape sighed, frustrated. “Thanks. That's good to know. We will keep an eye on you, just to be safe.”

“Keep it on all of us,” Diemond said. “Although, I can barely keep myself together. I can’t watch out for you, BB, and AFCK, let alone the others. We have to practice our own self care first and foremost. And that is still sewing for me. Skill or not, self care is important.”

Diemond stepped close to Bladescape and whispered in her ear. “Don’t tell anyone, but Thunder goes to a spa on her days off. And I know she paints her toes. Her attempts to keep it a secret are rather adorable. I can always tell when she gets back because she has that spa sparkle about her. And her fingernails are polished and have a clear coat on them.”

Bladescape chuckled at the idea of how much damage that information could do to Thunderborne if that secret was discovered. If they were not in a death game, she would needle her just to get a response from her. But now wasn’t the time for that kind of friendly teasing.

Bladescape let AFCK know she was going to sleep in late. AFCK promised to have something in the dining room for her. She insisted on making her breakfast. Bladescape retired early.

After waking up late, she enjoyed the cold breakfast AFCK had made her. It was topped off with a Sunset Shimmer themed cupcake. AFCK always knew what to do for her friends, at least when it came to cooking and treats.

Lisbeth was done with Harmonic Salvation. Bladescape paid for the work, set the next order, to Lisbeth’s annoyance, and took the blade. She had added another Sharpness Enhancement order. Harmonic Salvation was now +12. Bladescape had 28 more attempts to enhance Harmonic Salvation left. Hopefully they would all take so the blade was a fully finished product at +40. Her goal was to have it maxed by the boss fight on Floor 70.

Technically, the blade was now Harmonic Salvation 2A4D4H1Q3S, or 2 Accuracy enhancements added for improved critical chance, 4 Durability added to make it a hardier blade, 4 Heaviness which increased the chance of breaking the opponent’s weapon or armour, 1 Quickness which helped the speed of attacks, and 3 Sharpness which increased the weapon’s damage. Blunt weapons used Toughness instead of Sharpness.

With blade in hand, Bladescape teleported to a city on the 51st Floor. The first quest for Mo was there. Bladescape headed to the palace and inquired about the quest to trigger it. She had to rescue a princess, solo. It sounded simple enough, except you had to solve one puzzle. If you failed, you fought a high-level shape shifting witch. To date, 68 attempts had been made on the quest, and all had failed. No one had been able to beat the witch because it was a solo quest. According to Mo, Kirito had passed on the quest, leaving Bladescape Mo’s only hope at getting the item called the “Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric.” Mo’s goal for the dish was unclear, but there was more at stake than just the dish. It felt like it was a part of a larger quest.

Bladescape made her way north, to the ruins on the Floor. As she left the safe zone, an NPC called out an offer for renting a horse. Bladescape stopped and turned, looking at the chestnut horse he had saddled and ready. The ability to rent a horse was extremely common. Most towns had at least one stable, more if it was the main settlement. Most players ignored them. Horses were tough to control in the game, or so she had heard.

Bladescape had the Col, so she paid for the rental and put her foot in the stirrup. She had ridden some of Applejack's horses before, but never very far or fast, and it felt just as odd now as it had then. She was comfortable, but there was the lingering knowledge that she was a pony riding a horse. That idea was just wrong, but she gripped the reins and kicked lightly with her heels like she had been taught at Sweet Apple Acres.

It took a bit to figure out the quirks of the system that didn't quite line up with the Real World and get a move on. By now, she could have been halfway to the ruins, but she kept going, prodding it to move. She was supposed to be in control, but she also understood the mind of a horse. If it was anything like she was as a pony, it was stubborn and would require a firm grip and force to do what she needed it to do.

It was a frustrating learning curve, but she soon began to enjoy the ride. It took her far longer to get to the ruins than walking, even without the Sprint Skill, would have taken.

Once at the ruins, she dismounted. Her leg got caught in the stirrup and she fell off the horse as she tripped on the dismount. She stood up and dusted herself off while the horse whinnied, almost as if it was mocking her. She tied the reins to a post and walked into the ruins.

There were a few bandits she easily dispatched on her way to the only tower still completely standing. She got there and entered the hole that had been broken into the wall. She found herself in what was, long ago, a grand hall. The once brilliant carpet resisted the decay of time as best as it could.

She entered the next room in an attempt to find the stairs. Instead she was in another hall. On the far side was a throne and on it was a woman. Lining the walls were tables. On them were all types of items of various materials.

“Welcome,” the NPC said. “What brings you here?”

“I seek the princess,” Bladescape plainly replied.

“To win her, you must pass my test,” the woman said, not moving. “Bring me the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric, and you can have her.”

Bladescape glanced back and forth at the tables. Not everything on them was tableware. Some were great treasures, others weapons, and still more were simple items. Pieces of Col were also scattered about.

“I give you a warning,” she suddenly said. “Bring me the wrong dish, and you will face my true form, and the princess will remain forever beyond your reach. Taking any object other than the dish will trigger my anger as well. Even touching the sacred items will trigger my wrath. So, do you wish to proceed?”

Mo had warned Bladescape that there was no known way to tell what the dish looked like. Bladescape didn’t think it would be this difficult to decide. She had thought there would be a few obvious choices, not a hoard to search through. Bladescape was outwitted from the start. She began to walk up and down the tables, first picking out the tableware from the rest of the items, an important step since touching any of them was prohibited.

The witch began to tap on the wooden armrest of the throne. It immediately began to do its job, drilling into Bladescape’s mind, making it harder for her to concentrate and making her feel rushed. She forced herself to calm down and continued.

“It is a simple task,” the witch said, startling Bladescape. It was more pressure.

Bladescape tried to turn things in her favor. “What does the dish do?”

“Whatever you desire to eat, it will be found there.”

Bladescape grinned. That was the key. She had to desire to eat something so strongly she would find the dish. Except she wasn’t hungry.

Bladescape wracked her brain, trying to decide what she wanted to eat. It couldn’t be a full meal, or even a normal thing. AFCK could now cook most of what they wanted, at least by taste. There wasn’t anything lacking in the food and flavor department for the Wondercolts.

Bladescape snorted as she remembered the one thing AFCK had not been able to replicate: Ice Cream. Bladescape stretched out her hand, fingers almost touching the nearest bowl. It was silver and intricately carved in a geometric pattern. There was no response so she pulled back her fingers. She skipped the next few items, looking for any pattern. Bowls and plates were made out of gold, silver, tin, bronze, wood, and clay, and they came in a variety of styles from plain to painted, or etched, gilded, and jewel encrusted. There were no obvious stand outs.

Bladescape paused as her eyes caught sight of a jar. It was a ceramic piece with a lid sitting beside it. Laying against it was a silver tiara. It was a trap because of the tiara and it needed the lid to complete the dish, which few other items had. Bladescape moved her fingers to almost touch the jar.

“Is that your choice?”

The sudden question made her flinch and her fingers hit the jar’s rim. Bladescape pressed them in, making sure she didn’t let go. If she did, it sounded like it would be an automatic fail. She carefully picked up its lid and used it to edge the tiara away so that she could pick the entire thing up without touching it.

Bladescape faced the witch, narrowing her eyes. Now that she had the item in her hand, she could be angry. The witch had tricked her into taking the dish. She should not be as surprised as she was. She put the lid on it and then prepared to calmly present the dish to her.

She began to walk to the throne. Something was bothering here about the quest. She stopped several paces away.

“Well?” the witch asked. “What are you waiting for?”

Bladescape picked up the lid and peaked inside. The air inside wafted out, nipping at her nose. It was very cold inside. The frozen cold of ice cream. She had the right dish.

Except the quest was to rescue the princess, with the dish as the reward. There was no way giving it to the witch would allow her to get it back.

“Why didn’t you find it yourself?” Bladescape warily asked.

“It is not my task to complete, but yours,” She smiled back. “It is your test, to see if you are worthy.”

“And if I take it and walk?”

She smiled coyly, like a spider enjoying her trapped prey’s struggle against the unyielding web. “You want the princess, don’t you?”

“I want the dish,” Bladescape replied. “Why should I give it to you? I have what I came for. The quest reward was listed, including the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric.”

The witch stood up. “I can’t take it myself, the Cleric’s magic is too strong, but if I am handed it, it is mine. The princess in the tower holds the power over it, thus keeping me from taking it. Hence our trade."

Bladescape slowly knelt down and set the jar on the ground. As she stood she drew Harmonic Salvation.

The witch snorted. “Do you intend to fight me instead of giving it to me?”

Bladescape calmly explained her logic. “No matter what I do, I don’t see how I can get the dish and the princess. It is a trap. A clever one. No matter what the other 68 players chose, they would always fail.”

Her smile was wiped away and Bladescape grinned instead. “I don’t think I introduced myself, princess. I am Bladescape, leader of the Wondercolts.”

“Very clever,” she spat. “I was locked away by my own father for disobeying him. I loved a man he disapproved of. Instead, he told him to find the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric, and that it would open the door to my tower. When he came here, he was attacked by my father’s men and slain. Instead of going home as expected, I decided to disguise myself as a witch, who held the princess captive and who also wanted the very dish my love was sent to find for my hand. The knights who killed my beloved were not ready for my skill. I kill all I can to make my father suffer for his crimes.

“Of course, now that you know, I can’t let you leave.”

Bladescape had been waiting for those words. She leapt the last few feet, over the jar, swinging her sword. The blade glowed green and swung true. It slipped through thin air as the witch princess transformed into a frog, dropping below her blade’s path.

Immediately she became a snake and struck. Her fangs failed to pierce the dagannoth plate. Bladescape savagely kicked her, sending her flying across the room and thudding into the wall where she transformed back into her human form, dazed. Bladesaped launched a throwing pick before she could move, pinning her with a paralysis effect.

Bladescape walked over to her and put the tip of Harmonic Salvation against her throat.

“Wait!” She screamed. She couldn’t move and she knew it was over. Bladescape nodded though, and she continued. “I know where my father has hidden many things. Tudwal’s Whetstone is one and so is The Halter of Eiddin Klydno. I know their secrets.”

Bladescape recognized both of those names. They were the main reward of the other two quests Mo had given her. If she knew, then the quests were certainly connected in some way.

“Tell me and I will sheath my blade,” Bladescape said, digging the tip into her throat for added assurance.

“The whetstone's secret is that it is coarse. It isn’t smooth. It is a block of coarse, blue granite. To get past the guard you must answer his three questions. The first is always the place you were born. He knows if you are telling the truth or not. The second is the weight of my father’s crown. The weight is the empire he rules. The last question is whether white or black better. It is a trick question. The answer is that they are a duality and cannot exist without the other. Therefore, neither can be better than the other, for that would upset their balance.”

“And the halter?”

“You must ride a horse through the yellow gate. But be careful, for a knight is on the other side, already charging at you. To pass through is to be skewered on his lance. The knight’s mount is using the halter. He must be beaten to claim it."

Bladescape sighed. She pulled her blade from the princess' neck and sheathed it. She turned around to get the jar while she slipped her hand to her throwing picks. The paralysis had worn off, and the deal wasn’t that she would get to leave with it.

As Bladescape had predicted, the witch launched herself at her, shifting into the shape of a dragon. Bladescape flipped two picks at her, forcing her to shift to a hawk instead to avoid the picks. Harmonic Salvation rang out clear as she was drawn and sliced through the hawk before she could change again. The pieces shattered. The princess witch was dead with such a simple trick, it was almost hard to believe. However, it was a puzzle quest, not a kill quest.

Bladescape sheathed Harmonic Salvation and picked up the jar. She put it in her inventory and went in search of her horse. She found the horse where it was left and she began to ride to the major city.

If she was going to have to face a charging knight while on horseback, Bladescape had to become better at riding. She worked on everything she could think of, particularly making tight turns so she could get exactly where she needed to attack from.

The extra time spent on the horse meant that it was sundown by the time she was back at the palace. This time she strode through it, past guards who were trying to stop her. She ignored them and threw open the double doors to the throne room.=

“What is going on!” The king yelled, standing up and grabbing the hilt of his sword.

“I come with news of your daughter,” Bladescape declared. The guards halted their attacks and she was beckoned in further. Bladescape got all the way to the throne before she spoke again. She bowed and then gave him the news. “Your daughter died, ages ago.”

“What!” he exclaimed.

“The witch killed her, and lured more to their deaths by telling you she had possession of her. With each kill, she became stronger.”

“And the Dish of Rhygenydd the Cleric? Did it even exist then?”

Bladescape lied. “I never found out. She attacked me because I had figured out her plan. I killed her though, and that is how I learned what she had done to the princess. Her bones were in the tower’s top room.”

“I see,” the king sighed. “That is dark news indeed. I must mourn my daughter’s passing. Please, go.”

“Sir? My adventures lead me many places. Places that require a sharp sword. I could use a better whetstone than what I currently have. Do you know where I can get one?”

He looked at her, trying to pierce through to her soul. “I will gladly give you my personal whetstone in exchange for Tudwal’s Whetstone. Speak to my clerk about the details. I have to mourn. Leave me!”

Bladescape quickly walked out, head held high. She got the details from the clerk and headed to the teleport plaza. She teleported to the Town of Beginnings and sprinted to Mo’s.

The door was unlocked, the lights were off, but Mo wasn’t inside. At least, not by first glance. “Mo!” Bladescape called. Mo operated out of a shop, which meant they typically had hours set by the owner to keep others out. After the third time she was getting concerned. Mo had many special things hidden away. An unlocked shop was unwise.

A bookshelf along the back wall swung open and a tired Mo walked out with a yawn. She was wearing a sleeping outfit Bladescape instantly recognized. Diemond had made it. It was what AFCK wore, except it in a soft grey blue.

“I have the jar,” Bladescape said, opening her menu.

Mo stretched and yawned loudly as she ignored Bladescape and walked to the back room. She came back with a box. Bladescape had the jar in her hands.

“Put it in here,” Mo said firmly. She wasn’t joking. She obviously didn't want to touch it.

Bladescape put it inside and Mo immediately shut the box up and took it to the back. When she came back out she gestured to the sitting area. Bladescape sighed and sat down on the couch across from her.

“So, you got the dish. And the rest of the reward?”

“The quest is still opened,” Bladescape stated. “The witch was the princess. That is the short version. I figured it out in time and killed her. But she did confirm her treacherous switch.”

Mo leaned forward, elbows on her knees as she toyed with a bracelet on her forearm.

“I was afraid of that,” Mo finally stated. “That was the first quest on the list. Do you have another?”

“Yes,” Bladescape replied, trying to keep Mo from seeing all her cards. Bladescape was appropriately wary of Mo’s intentions.

Mo stopped playing with the bracelet and pulled her menu up. She locked the shop’s door with it and stood up. “I will be right back with some tea.”

It was a short wait for the tea. Bladescape nodded for her to continue as she took her own cup and sipped the hot and calming tea.

"I was not sure if it would be finished or not,” Mo stated after taking a sip. “The Glass Tower Quest is a large quest with lots of smaller ones inside. I have gotten references to it, but I can’t figure out how to trigger the overarching quest. I couldn’t beat the witch if I failed. I made a calculated choice withholding that information. But you outsmarted her, there is no point in trying to match wits with you.”

“What is the Glass Tower Quest?” Bladescape asked.

“It refers to the Arthurian Legends and Merlin’s magical glass tower where he kept the 13 most powerful items in the kingdom. Items of great power, as odd as some of them might be.”

“Like a dish that makes whatever you want?”

Mo snorted. “Hardly. Try a coat that fits any sized man of high stature, and will never fit a man unworthy of it like a commoner. Or a knife that would serve for 24 men at a table. I don’t know all of the legends exactly. What I know I had to drag out of a few players with some hefty coin. And that doesn’t mean all of the items will be a direct copy.”

“I’m no good at this,” Bladescape sighed. Knightstar was who she needed, but at this point she couldn’t go to her. It was still too early to reach her guarded friend.

“You are better than me,” Mo stated. “But I know this, the original legends state that Merlin is sleeping there in the glass tower with the items. But if they are spread around Aincrad, I am certain that the tower itself holds more. We just need to collect the items for Merlin. He will show himself when the time is right. Those 3 quests I gave you are the first three in the Glass Tower Quest.”

"So, I have to find these items and hope we can figure out how to get into this tower?"

Mo nodded. "Some of these items, the ones not listed in the quests but are in the legends, are items of great value tactically for this game. A sword, a concealing cloak, and potentially others. Merlin, or the tower, or whatever, might have things we can trade for as well."

Bladescape sighed, setting the empty teacup down on the table. "So, you expect me to continue these quests for you off of the idea of a maybe for potential magical loot?"

"Very nice use of the triple vague words," Mo congratulated her with a smile. "I know, it was a nasty trick, but you said you were looking for a hobby. I offered questing to you. Did you enjoy it?"

Bladescape grumbled. "No. I didn't."

"But you are hooked with no idea what else to do and without a skill to choose for what, your 9th slot?

"10th," Bladescape said, purposefully triggering her trap with false information.

"Be my pawn for the next few days, and I will make it worth your while. Somehow."

"An interesting offer," Bladescape replied. "Does your pawn get full disclosure?”

"Of course. What little it may be."

"How about that amulet as a reward? The one we are not to speak of."

Mo narrowed her eyes at Bladescape sparring with her in a test of willpower.

"If that trinket is all you think you are worth, I will spare it."

Bladescape grunted, acknowledging her defeat. "I have to know I can trust you. I need that assurance. Then we can divvy up the rewards, or swap, when this is done."

"Deal," Mo coyly grinned. "But in full disclosure, I am warning you, I deal with the rarest of the rare. And while I try to pass those items on to those who need it, I don't give up most of what I get. I don't trust many players and for good reason. Some items I have would destroy the balance of the game as players truly turned on other players. There may be items that I won't tell you what they are for, or lie about, because of their nature."

"I remember," Bladescape replied. "I trust that we can agree on those items. I am giving you a huge advance on my trust."

"I know," Mo solemnly replied. "But, what do you need for your next task?"

"Two things," Bladescape grinned. "Riding lessons, that will be for the Halter quest, and then directions to where Tudwal’s Whetstone is."

Mo nodded. "I know someone who can help you learn to ride. And I know where the stone is said to be held. You can only take one stone out. If it is the right one, it is yours. If it isn't, it turns to dust and the way back in is blocked forever to you.

"Go home and rest. Tomorrow will be a tough day learning to ride."

Mo sent Bladescape a friend request. It was a good gesture towards their mutual trust.

Bladescape accepted the request and stood up. Before she took a step she asked a question. "How many necklaces are there with a tiny teleport crystal on them?"

Mo snorted, holding back as much as she could. The bite was still strong. "I had to give the only one to Argo. It was an exchange I couldn't pass up. At least she is reputable enough to be trusted with it."

"And she has legitimate reasons to be using it," Bladescape added.

"She was burning through a lot of crystals to get the information for the bosses," Mo stated. "But that wasn't why I traded her for it. That item is an unspeakable one."

"Follow-up question," Bladescape asked. "The Beast Tamer's Charms. Are they one of those dark items?"

"A dark grey," Mo admitted. "But it is with a white player and a member of the Assault Team at that. She deserves them, but I know you understand the power behind those charms."

Bladescape silently nodded and finally headed for the door. She teleported back to Mishe. It was late, but she wasn't expecting to find Backbreaker at the guild hall table. She was asleep, or had been until Bladescape had opened the doors. She snorted awake.

"I have a quest project," Bladescape immediately stated. "I'll be off the front lines for a few days."

"Okay," Backbreaker shrugged. "We can handle it. Astro stepped up nicely and Kiefer is doin' well too. But I'm here to let you know Doombunny wants to talk to you, privately, about Knightstar. The topic of how to get her back came up. None for them sounded right."

Bladescape sighed. "We will talk right after breakfast. I need sleep."

Backbreaker just nodded as she stood up to go to her own bed.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 80 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry -- ?
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 73 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 76 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 73 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 75 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts -- ?
Lessa: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search -- ?
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

Author's Note:

The Asides are now in a story, not in a blog! Link to the Asides.

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