• Published 15th Sep 2019
  • 8,890 Views, 2,906 Comments

EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 100 - Forever Wondercolts

Sunset Shimmer looked out the window of the car that Mr. Kikuoka Seijirou was driving. He was from the Japanese government and a member of the SAO Incident Victims Rescue Force. He had personally come with her to ensure her release from Japan's legal custody was smooth and that she was truly safe to go home.

It was good to see the familiar buildings of Canterlot. She had almost forgotten what they looked like. When she thought about a city, she didn't think of Canterlot anymore. She thought of Mishe, Algade, or Selmburg.

On Monday she would see a doctor about continuing her care, with Kikuoka attending. The Japanese government agent had all of her medical records with him, although the important stuff had already been sent over. The doctor was picked by Kikuoka, not Sunset Shimmer, but she knew he had chosen the best the city had to offer.

Eventually, Canterlot High School came into view. It was a Saturday, and school had been out for a week, but they wanted to see her. There was some welcome celebration set up in the gym, but she didn't feel like celebrating anything. The flight had been fine, but long, and she still didn't feel her best. She was doing well enough to be sent home but it would require a lot more work for her to be back to where she was, physically speaking.

The car passed the high school and then turned down a side street to get to the parking lot. "Welcome Back" signs dotted the grass between the lot and the building. As they pulled in Sunset saw that the asphalt was chalked all over with a variety of meaningful words, phrases, and images. They led to a reserved spot, just for their VIP, Sunset Shimmer, her cutie mark covering most of the space.

Mr. Kikuoka put the car in park but didn't turn it off. "I wish the students back in Japan got this kind of welcome. I believe that, scholastically, we made the right choice. The Survivor School, as it has been nicknamed, while it will ensure that they can get the schooling they need and graduate primary school...it has a victim stigma. We can watch the mental health of each student, which is important because we don't understand all of what happened to your minds, only that it was traumatic. But that is the stigma, because there may be nothing wrong with any of you. I like seeing that you have a support network here, and one that is willing to engage with you, not just be there, and one that doesn't see anything but a friend finally returning home."

"I hadn't thought of that.," Sunset Shimmer quietly admitted. "I don't like the idea of having to finish school next year, but I will endure it like I have endured so many other things in life."

"Let's go inside," Kikuoka said, smiling at her through the rearview mirror.

Kikuoka got out after turning the car off and went around to her door. He opened it for her and was right there in case she needed help. Sunset stood up fine, but still used the car to help support her as she leaned back in to grab her crutches.

Sunset certainly needed them. Sitting as long as she had for the plane flight and then the car ride made her feel weaker. She had walked the isles of the plane when she could, but it wasn't enough. Once inside, she could sit down, and the others could come to her.

She began to slowly make her way to the gym. The pathway to the front doors was covered in chalk drawings and supportive images. She got halfway to them before she stopped.

"That is a troubled look from a heavy heart," Kikuoka said softly. "I know it, just like I know the one of physical pain. What is wrong?"

"It's a lot to juggle, just getting back," Sunset explained. "That, and I didn't keep up well with my friends. Since they got free and I didn't, I stayed quiet. They knew I was being taken care of. They just don't know the extent of how badly my body had deteriorated. I'm not looking forward to them finding out how much I kept from them. I didn't want to get smothered by them, even though I know it would not have been on purpose."

"I think they will understand," Kikuoka replied. "I've seen some bad injuries in my lifetime. Sometimes, a person needs to tackle it on their own. Family and friends can be great support, but they also can distract the person from healing or push them past their limits, or worse, make them feel like they are not progressing as they should because they remember who you were, and it is a constant reminder that you are not in the same place, which can lead to self-doubt and self-hatred. Of course, they rarely intend for that to happen, but love isn’t always felt in the same way it is intended.

"Just make sure you explain what you need, and draw a clear line as to what is helpful, and what isn't. And don't be afraid to redraw the line if you need to."

"Thanks," Sunset said, flashing him a smile. "Inside probably won't be helpful, but it will help my friends. And in turn, it should satisfy a lot of them about my current, healthy, state and result in them better staying on the other side of the line."

"Wise idea," Kikuoka replied.

Bladescape took another step and got back into her familiar rhythm. She could make decent time with the crutches for support. Kikuoka opened the door for her and Sunset smoothly entered the building. They followed the hall to the gym doors. It was already loud, with music playing. The guests knew they were close, but not that Sunset had arrived.

Sunset entered the gym. It had been decorated with everything they could get ahold of. From balloons to banners, handmade and printed, streamers and festive tablecloths, it was all there. Except confetti.

Everyone was there too. All of her classmates, even those who had graduated, were there, as well as their families, friends, teachers, and other people that knew the girls. There were plenty of new faces too who had heard about them one way or another. The whole gymnasium was full of people.

It was getting overwhelming to see everything all at once. Her friends were around a table right by the door. Poly Stitch was with them as well and Spike popped his head out from under the table.

“SUNSET!” Pinkie Pie yelled, jumping up...


Two party cannons exploded, adding the missing piece to any Pinkie Pie party, Confetti. It also got everyone’s attention and the music was cut.

“WELCOME BACK SUNSET!” Everyone yelled in unison.

Pinkie Pie slid a microphone on a stand in front of Sunset and winked. Sunset hadn’t been planning on making an address. Not being prepared, she fell back on what Kikuoka had said outside. It was the perfect time to tell them what she needed.

“Hey guys,” Sunset started, a bit shaky. “I can't believe how many of you came out to greet me. It means a lot to me to have your support. So, thank you. I know, I am still on crutches. I'll see a doctor here on Monday, but I will probably need them for a little while longer.

"My body didn't handle the long time in the hospital bed very well. I was one of the worst cases physically. I'm getting stronger and better, each and every day, but it was a difficult battle after coming back to this world.

“I know you guys care, and you want the best for me, but a little wisdom shared with me taught me that it is okay to do a lot of my recovery battle alone. Your support is necessary, but just remember that I may be struggling with doubt or feel that I haven't progressed as far as I think I should. Just standing here, with you, is a reminder about how good I used to be, and how bad I am now, and there is a nagging feeling that I will never be what I once was, even though I know I'm not injured or debilitated in any lasting way. I just need to build my strength back up.

"So please, I know you can't do anything about that feeling, but just keep it in mind as you try and support me in my recovery."

"Darling, is that why you were so distant?" Rarity asked. It was quiet enough that everyone heard the question.

"Not in the beginning," Sunset replied. "At the start, I was having real physical problems and issues with mental clarity. But yes, as I grew stronger, but didn't progress like I wanted to...I just needed to tackle it on my own. You guys are great, but your awesome friendship can feel a bit smothering at times. And I mean that with the best of love and kindness to you all. I wouldn’t trade our friendship for the world.

“I don’t plan on any sports, but for the fall when school starts again, I should be able to do just about anything. I certainly shouldn’t need these crutches.”

“May I say something?” Celestia asked.

“Yes,” Sunset replied with a nod and shuffle back from the mic. “Of course, Principal Celestia.”

“Actually, it is Superintendent Celestia,” she replied, smiling kindly. “Luna is now Principle of Canterlot High. And as Superintendent, it does give me credit to do what is best for all of my students, no matter what school. Although, I didn’t do this lightly. Mr. Kikuoka, along with some assistance from members of Japan’s Ministry of Education, and with the backing of the school board, we have decided that each of you have completed the basic education requirements for graduating High School. You won’t need to go to school in the fall. All eight of you.”

Superintendent Celestia grinned. "We explored all of your files, records, and options available. You were required to complete twenty-two credits to get your diploma. Mandatory Grammar One, Two, and Three courses, and an advanced language course. Three maths, At least Algebra, Geometry, and a third, advanced math. You needed Biology with a lab as well, the same with chemistry. World History, Government, Economics, and World Geography. Physical Education, a secondary language, fine arts, and five extra credits.

"Before being trapped, Twilight had completed all of that. The rest of you had completed the math and science requirements, as well as Physical Education, and fine arts. You were missing Economics and Government, half of your secondary language credits, as well as two electives.

"From our understanding, you all are now proficient in the Japanese language, you had hands on learning for economics and government as you built, led, and kept a guild running for two years. A large one with many players requiring your guidance to keep them safe. You learned a lot of skills you can apply to life. We are certain that anything you learned over the past two years can have some valid application. It may not be the exact same realities, but both worlds function in a very similar way, and you learned how to navigate and deal with those challenges. We believe you can navigate any of this world’s challenges and properly handle them like adults.

"The school district has unanimously decided to grant you your Diplomas."

"Diploma or GED?" Twilight immediately asked.

"Diplomas," Superintendent Celestia said with a coy grin. "You won't have to put GED on your college applications, and the 'classes' you completed in game are graded as pass/fail. They will have a CR as the grade, standing for 'credit earned.' You retain your GPAs from the end of your Junior year. We also have gone to great lengths to discuss your unique situation with several good colleges and universities on your behalf, since you never got the usual student counseling of senior year. And at least one wants each of you."

Twilight Sparkle stumbled back and plopped into the chair Applejack had put in her path to catch her. “I won’t have to worry about college applications,” She said, relieved.

“Did any college express interest in all eight of us?” Applejack asked.

“Canterlot University did,” Superintendent Celestia replied. “But I think your time in school together has come to a close. Scholastically speaking, Twilight has better options. Some of the schools who were keeping track of her are still interested, despite the time difference, and that includes the scholarships they were going to offer her. Rarity has a better offer from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, including a full scholarship if she goes to their Business and Design dual degree program. Rainbow Dash and Poly Stitch, Canterlot University does do try-outs for their sports teams, and they do give scholarships to athletes that they accept from those try-outs.”

“Eh,” Applejack shrugged. “I was never sure about college. I don’t need a degree to run a farm.”

“We can sort that out later,” Sunset said as she moved herself over to a seat.

Fluttershy pulled out the chair for her and Sunset Shimmer sat down. She also took her crutches, to lean them against the nearby wall. Something caught Sunset's eye, and she caught her friend's wrist. Fluttershy stopped, thinking she wanted the crutches.

“What is this?” Sunset asked, referencing the bracelet on her wrist. It was a black snake with glossy finish that shimmered like Colorra would in the right light.

“It’s a reminder of a great friend,” Fluttershy replied. “A friend loyal to the end and who died to make sure I made it back alive.”

Sunset let go of her wrist. “I know you love all animals, but snakes are not something anyone would associate you with. They always think of bunnies. How is Angel? Is he here?”

“No,” Fluttershy replied with a shake of her head. Her eyes began to water, but she held back the tears. “He died. Back in October. Natural causes. He was nine years old. He lived a good life. I know that we both wish that we had seen each other one last time.”

“I’m...so sorry,” Sunset stammered. “I didn’t think about that possibility.”

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy kindly smiled at her. “I came to terms with it within a month of waking up. I had already realized he was getting old, and as the months went by in SAO, I knew the chances of him not being there when I returned were getting higher and higher.

“And no, I don’t have a new pet yet. We decided it was best if I got back on my feet fully before another pet. I have been volunteering in the shelter again, that has been nice.”

Fluttershy walked away with crutches. She was done talking and that was fine. She needed her space like Sunset needed her own. Sunset looked at her friends who had also sat down at the table. She was now afraid to catch up on their lives. They had skipped two years in this world. Sunset was less concerned about her time skip because her ties here were not as strong as the others. She was from Equestria, a traveler from outside this world who had gotten sucked up into another reality.

Her line of thought was broken by someone saying “hey.” Sunset looked over and smiled at Flash Sentry.

“It’s good to have you back,” He said, a bit nervously. He was even scratching the back of his head, a telltale sign he was unsure of something.

“Flash visited you almost weekly!” Pinkie Pie barged in. “Isn’t that sweet? Well, that is until they took you away to Japan, then he couldn’t visit you.”

“Yeah, it was sweet,” Sunset replied, smiling at Flash. “I wish I had more to say to that. For two years, my goal was to keep my friend alive and beat the game so we ccould all go home. I sort of forgot what was back home. I was blinded to everything but my goal. Now that I am here, I don’t know how to be, uh, normal.”

“It’s okay,” Flash said, smiling at her. “I don’t know what I expected either. I was sort of hoping you would know.”

The two of them laughed, a bit uneasily.

“Look, Flash,” Sunset said, stalling out for a moment. “Look, it’s a bit of a weird day for me. I just got back, I came straight from the airport, I apparently have graduated, and I know I have another hundred plus people who want to say ‘hi,’ so my attention isn’t focused well. After Monday, when I meet with my new Doctor, I will have a better sense of where I am, and what my life is going to be like living here again. We will meet up after and talk.”

“Okay,” Flash Sentry shrugged.

“Wait!” Sunset exclaimed as he turned away. He looked back. “I didn’t get to say thank you for visiting me. It is really comforting to know that I had someone looking out for me while I was trapped.”

“Yeah, sure,” he stuttered.

“New people to say hello!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she twirled a laptop around so the screen faced Sunset. On it was Isoroku, AKA Kiefer, Soshi, AKA Joltron, and Nanami AKA Lessa. “You finally get to see them in the real world! Well, it’s over a screen.”

“Good to see you again,” Sunset nodded. “How’s school?”

“Horrible,” Nanami groaned. “But we are not the only couple. Asuna and Kirito are a definite thing even in school. At least we keep ours on the down low.”

“You know them?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Wait, I mean, I know you know them, but how do you know this world them?”

“Pinkie?” Sunset asked. “How do you think they got in contact with you in the first place?”

“Uh?” Pinkie said, getting lost in her thoughts.

Sunset spoke to all her friends at the table. “Asuna was in the same hospital as they took me to. I took longer to heal. She went back to school, but I got a few visits from players we knew. A good group of the survivors have rallied together over there, so they were able to track me down in person and visit me.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie wishes to have a word with you!” Trixie said from behind Sunset.

Sunset looked at her and saw that more people were wanting to drop by the table and say “hi.” She turned her focus on where it should be, the friends and people who were here to celebrate her recovery and return to them.

A while later, a mini graduation ceremony happened, where the eight of them officially got their fake diplomas. The real ones would be given out after the party. It made for a fun moment with great pictures being taken. The whole city was going to see the photos in the Sunday Newspaper. They had not liked having anyone swept up in the SAO incident.

When everything started winding down Kikuoka came over to the table with Sunset’s crutches. “I hate to break up the fun, but it is five in the afternoon. We need to get you home.”

“Oh, right,” Sunset said, turning her attention to the matter that she had been avoiding.

Final wishes were said and a lot of applause for support as Sunset left.

In the car, as they turned onto the street, Kikuoka spoke up. “That seemed like it was a fun afternoon.”

“It was,” Sunset admitted. “A bit odd at times, but it was positive. But why that smile?”

“I know about your living situation, and now that you are a legal adult, well the Japanese Government doesn’t like some of the loose ends the SAO incident created, particularly with our foreign players. I was waiting to tell you, but the government has given you a scholarship to attend Canterlot University for four years. That includes food, books, room and board, everything you will need. Your friends have already been getting stipends to assist financially, but they will be either receiving extensions, or scholarships, depending on their choices.”

“So basically a bribe to get us back into normal society?” Sunset asked with a wry smile.

“Unofficially speaking, sort of, officially, no. They are grants, scholarships, or even a few stipends. The task force wasn’t able to rescue any of the trapped players. In the end, all we could do was ensure safe transport to a hospital without losing internet connection. When the bulk of the players woke up, they either needed to go back to school, or get a job. Most had been dismissed from their jobs. How else do you think someone like Mr. Tsuboi got such a good job after a few weeks of rehab?

“It was a liability for any company to take him on, so we encouraged companies to hire survivors, usually quietly, who could do the job the company needed, but typically lacked the experience level they wanted to hire at. Most of our players were young adults, with many just starting off their adult life after college. Governments do what they need to do to keep their people happy and in good health. And it was in everyone’s best interest that the survivors get into good stable jobs and find some form of normal life again.”

Sunset snickered. “Have you heard him complain about that job?”

“No personally, but it was reported,” Kikuoka replied while keeping his eyes on the road. “But he knows where it came from. And he has a future there. It is a job he can grow and excel in, and it was in his field he studied in university.”

“That’s good,” Sunset sighed. “Where are we going? I’m not entirely familiar with this part of town.”

“I said room and board,” Kikuoka replied. “I picked out a nice place for you near the university and near the doctor’s office. It’s also on well-established bus routes. And since you will be on crutches for a little while, I got you a first-floor apartment that is usually reserved for handicap individuals. The laws here are good, to ensure they have a place they can rent, but you also need a little extra space and room to move. I know it won’t be long before you are without the crutches, but still…” He shrugged to finish what he was saying.

They pulled into a nice set of apartments and then into a parking spot. It was at the end of the unit, and with the way the building was set up, there was a sloped roof above the apartment, but no one could live there. It had to be for maintenance and other amenity access.

Kikuoka opened the car door and helped her out. He grabbed their suitcases from the trunk and led her to the door. Inside the apartment were boxes and furniture. Opening one, she saw that all of her stuff had been boxed up and moved here, and anything she needed furniture wise was purchased. All on the dime of the Japanese government.

“You really know how to take care of people,” Sunset commented.

“Thank you,” Kikuoka replied as he sat down on the couch. It was brand new. “Your legal guardians plan to come over tomorrow. They wanted to not overwhelm you, especially since you were heading to the school. They helped get this place set up. They care a lot for you, and I know they will say it, but they will always be ready to help you if you need it. Everyone thought moving you here would be for the best.”

“You footing the bill is nice,” Sunset added. “But thank you. I don’t know if there is a best, but I won’t waste the opportunities you are providing me with.”

"I know you won't," Kikuoka smiled. "That is why I have no trepidation about any of the things we are doing to help you get back on your feet. While you get settled, I'll order us a pizza. I can spend a few nights on the couch with no worries. I have slept in worse places and for far longer. And until you are cleared Monday, I want to be close in case you need me."

"Thank you," Sunset smiled at the Japanese government worker.

What exactly he did outside of being part of the SAO Incident Victims Rescue Force, and working for the Ministry of Internal Affair's Telecommunications Bureau, Advanced Network Division, also known as the Virtual Division, hadn't been stated, but Sunset was fairly certain he had a background of either law enforcement, or their self-defense force.

There wasn't much in her suitcase. She had a decent set of clothing that she had gotten out of necessity; all of it paid for by Kikuoka. She had fought hard, but she had won the battle to keep her NerveGear. The Japanese government had ordered their recall and destruction. Most players had their units confiscated. Waking up late helped her keep hers, especially since she agreed to have its processor removed so it could no longer function. That was the deal she had struck with Kikuoka to keep hers.

However, the real prize in the suitcase wasn't from Kikuoka. Tsuboi Ryoutarou, Klein, had gotten her a going home present. It was a very good copy of the kimono she had worn as the Wondercolts' Kaisho. The style wasn't the difficult part, it was the pattern of some of the fabrics. Sunset doubted they had the right pattern on hand, meaning they had to make a limited production run of it, which not only took time, but would have cost more. However he did it, he had gotten her a very special gift. And it came with no strings attached.

After her clothes were put away, Sunset checked her phone. She had a new email. It was from Ryoutarou. He was checking in with her after the flight. She reported that she was fine and how the party went.

Then she joined Kikuoka out in the living room. He hadn't moved from the spot on the couch, but it was obvious the pizza had been ordered and he was just waiting on it to arrive.

"What is usually good to watch on TV here?" Kikuoka asked.

"I don't know what is even on anymore," Sunset chuckled. "Plus, the bulk of my time in this reality was not spent in front of a TV. I had a school to conquer. I had plans. And when those ended, I had new plans. I would usually play the guitar rather than flip through TV channels."

"Yes, I guess so. That was wiser. Have you heard anything from Equestria?"

Sunset could not cover up her shock as she was taken aback by the question. "Um…" she stalled. Then she went with the truth out of desperation, "No. I have not."

"I was wondering if that peculiar girl, Princess Twilight Sparkle, would show up."

"She is probably very busy," Sunset replied. "How did you find out?"

"She told me," Kikuoka shrugged. "On one of my visits to check in on our foreign players, I caught her trying to understand the technology of the NerveGear, in an attempt to free you. I had to stop it, because her methods would have set off the trap and killed you. She gave me some fascinating reports, but it has been a while since she sent me anything."

"I am sure she will turn up soon enough with me back," Sunset replied. "Not that I am any more important than the others, but she does have to maximize her time."

"Being a princess isn't easy," he replied.

“No, it is not,” Sunset chuckled.

A knock came at the door and Kikuoka got up to get it. It wasn’t the pizza. Rainbow Dash barged in, slipping out of Applejack’s grasp.

“Sorry,” Applejack said. “We couldn’t keep her away.”

“Nice pad,” Rainbow Dash said.

Sunset rolled her eyes and chuckled. “What is it Dash? What is so important that it couldn’t wait for a later time? Like Tuesday?”

“Because we are missing it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She opened her backpack and pulled out a DVD case. “This is a new game, but they won’t let me play! They said it has to be a group decision. With SAO over, a new VR game engine was released, free, known as The Seed. An amazing game called Alfheim Online has risen up using that. You get to fly and can cast magic. And the hardware, the AmuSphere, is safe. It was designed with safety features that specifically block anything like SAO happening again. We have to get in on this!”

Rainbow Dash actually got down on her knees to beg. “Please say we can play. The others said we either play together or not at all. They are waiting for your decision.”

Sunset laughed.

Applejack spoke up. “You don’t have to say yes. Dash is bein' dramatic as usual. I'm sure it’s a fine game, but we have ALL been through enough.”

“SAO players can port over their data,” Dash added, still on her knees begging.

“I know,” Sunset shrugged. “And the flight engine is pretty awesome. I don’t think it should be an all or nothing choice. It should be up to each of us individually, because we all had different experiences with SAO, even though we basically did everything together.

“Still, Dash, ALO isn’t an easy game. There is no assist for combat, no Sword Skills, and the spells require a lot of memorization to use. And only character data gets ported over, not the equipment. Anything you had is gone. Forever. Just like SAO.”

“You sound like you have played already,” Twilight said, narrowing her eyes at her.

Sunset dipped her head in a nod. “A few of the other survivors in Japan pitched in to get me an AmuSphere unit. I have it with me. I couldn’t do anything for a long while in the hospital. ALO was an escape from the boringness of just laying in a bed and a way to get away from the physical pain of my rehab.”

“Who pitched in?” Rarity asked.

“Klein and Agil mostly, since they had jobs,” Sunset shrugged. “And yes, I met both of them in real life. They visited once or twice. Agil is as giant as he was in SAO.”

“So can we play?” Rainbow Dash begged.

“I won’t stop you,” Sunset replied. “I will be playing when I have time in between school. I’m going to be in college classes this fall. Although, a warning; they released New Aincrad into the skies above ALfheim. New Floor Bosses, but a lot is the same. Those who wish to join can assist in conquering the floating castle. All One-Hundred Floors this time.”

Rarity let out a dramatic sigh. "Despite all of the bad, we did have our share of fun in virtual reality. Plus, it will give me new mediums to learn. So why not? Even if this game has magic, I am sure I will manage. And in between my classes as well. I looked at the offer from the school. It is substantial and it is exactly what I need to succeed in the fashion industry."

"We all know Dash is in," Applejack said. "I guess I'm in. I'll miss my old shield though. I guess I'll have to make my mark again on Aincrad."

"This time, I will open my own bakery!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Oh, why not?" Twilight shrugged. "I'll be with my friends. Always."

They looked at Fluttershy. She glanced around and clasped her hands behind her back. "Colorra isn't a fan of flying. Or cat ears and a tail."

"If you are concerned, we get it," Twilight said. "I'm not sure how much I'll play. School will take up a lot of time for me."

"Well..." Fluttershy said, stalling.

Kikuoka started to laugh. He had sat back down on the couch while Rainbow Dash was begging. “I see you already ported your character over.”

“Mhm,” Fluttershy nodded. She looked at her friends, most were shocked. “I had already done it before Dash found out about ALO. I didn’t think you all would want to go back.”

“So Fluttershy has been playing and you wouldn’t let me play!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, frustrated. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Fluttershy. “And you didn’t say anything?”

Fluttershy shrugged back. “You guys told Dash she couldn’t play unless we all agreed, but that was after I started, so I kept my mouth shut. But yes, I have been playing and Colorra is enjoying ALO and all the new creatures she gets to fight. Not the flight part, but she is learning to tolerate it.”

“The snake charmer lives on,” Sunset grinned coyly.

“After Angle Bunny died, I needed someone to hug,” Fluttershy explained. “And then I found out about ALO, so I ported over. Before the game was temporarily shut down and then transferred ownership. Colorra was the only thing I got to keep from SAO. All my items were trashed. But it still is a comfort to be able to pop on and say ‘hi’ to her."

Sunset Shimmer stood up, a bit uneasy on her feet, and put her hand out. "Wondercolts forever?"

Fluttershy's hand was first in, with her snake bracelet out plain and visible. Her grin said it all. Dash's was second, then Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight. Pinkie Pie shrugged and then put one hand on top and one hand on the bottom.

In unison they all yelled "WONDERCOLTS FOREVER!"

Thank you for reading EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad! It has been a wild ride, from maybe 20 chapters, to accidentally hitting the triple digits as I tried to tell the story right. Onto the rewrite! A TRUE Alternative Universe version, EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace! There is a whole lot of fun to be had on the last 25 Floors. There is a lot more fun to be had in a real mashing together of the two worlds. And don't worry, Kirito, Asuna, Agil, Klein, Lisbeth, Silica, Heathcliff, and the others will be there, fighting for their freedom and the freedom of the other players. Floors 1 to 100, here they come!

Track the story and/or follow me so you will get updates on when Ruby Palace is getting released. My editor and I are already in the swing of things to get it out as soon as possible. If you have any ideas/comments/suggestions/etc. about Ruby Palace, send me a message. Some of you have taken me up on that. Also, the release will come with more wing banners. I have 13 total now. Hehehe

Fine, I know you guys are going to ask. No, I don't plan on an ALO story. I don't have a good plot line for one. The crossover plot is much stronger and more diverse and will be plenty of fun. Plus, it is a base from which I really could do something with ALO or GGO or any other setting, no guarantees though. But you guys will want to know what races the girls would be in ALO.

Sunset: Salamander
Twilight: Undine
Rainbow Dash: Sylph
Applejack: Salamander
Pinkie Pie: Gnome
Rarity: Leprechaun
Fluttershy: Cait Sith

Author's Note:

There is a second teaser in a blog. Following/Tracking this story, or me, will allow you to be up to date when I am able to release it, as well as future teasers and updates.

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