• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,331 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

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Day 5 part 2/A

Day 5 part 2/A

They had lapsed into silence and Twilight once again had a faraway look in her eyes.

“Hey Sparky I’ve told you a lot about my past, but you haven’t really told me much about yours.” Ethan said as they walked.

“Hmm?” Twilight asked (she was paying more attention to what Ethan said after last time)

“I mean what was your life like back home, did you have any friends?” Ethan asked.

“Yes I had friends.” Twilight said sounding slightly annoyed.

“Tell me about them then.” Ethan told her with.

“Why do you want to know?” Twilight asked him.

“Because if I have to listen to Butcher Pete one more time on this walk I think I’ll go insane.” Ethan replied with a chuckle.

“Okay then. I had five close friends plus Spike who pretty much acts as a little brother, if my little brother was a dragon.” Twilight told him.

“Cool, so what’re your friends like?” He asked her.

“They’re the best; I know that if I’m in ever trouble that I can call on them to see me through anything.” Twilight answered.

“Which would you want next you in a firefight?” Ethan asked catching Twilight off-guard. She was silent for a few minutes before answering.

“Rarity.” Twilight said.

“Why?” Ethan asked.

“She’s usually very calm and good under pressure, besides her family is old military and although she may hate dirt and grime I know for a fact that she’s been through basic training.” Twilight answered eventually.

“What’s her dayjob?” Ethan asked.

“She’s a fashion designer.” Twilight replied idly while her eyes scanned the area around them for threats (it was amazing how fast she’d begun to do it unconsciously).

“That’s a profession?” Ethan asked with a chuckle.

“Of course it’s a profession Ethan, we haven’t destroyed our world.” Twilight replied with a shrug.

“give it time, sooner or later I’m sure that you’ll manage to find someone to wage a genocidal war on.” Ethan told her with a smirk. Twilight glared at him. “I’m joking Sparky.” Ethan told her with a grin.

“You don’t joke about genocide Ethan; it’s a very serious problem.” Twilight scolded him.

“The way I look at it no one I know would be alive without it so technically I have friends thanks to the apocalypse.” Ethan told her. “And besides the Wasteland creates such awesome people.” Ethan added with a chuckle as he shot a raider with his magnum.

“And raiders.” Twilight told him archly.

“Yeah but without them I’d only have mutants and the Enclave to kill.” Ethan replied with a shrug.


“Okay this is it, we’re going to break through their offensive line and then lead a counterattack!” Sarah called over the sound of gunfire, lasers, and supermutant screams. The rest of the Pride nodded grimly as they readied their weapons and made last second armor checks. “This is we draw the line, not one more Brotherhood soldier will die today, are you with me?” the rest pride roared in approval as the metal gate of the Citadel rose open revealing a horde of supermutants who let out bestial screams as they charged. The Pride’s weapons began to glow as they prepared to unleash hell. This is of course when Ethan showed up.


Ethan announced himself on the battlefield in typical Ethan fashion.


“What was that?” Twilight shouted as Ethan put away the MIRV . A large portion of the supermutants near them had disappeared into a glowing green light that reminded Twilight of the light she’d seen when her spell had brought her to the Wasteland in the first place. A severed mutant head flew through the air trailing blood, the blood of course landed directly across Twilight’s face.

“That was the MIRV .” Ethan said a as he withdrew another large weapon from his bag and began to assemble it as the supermutants turned to contemplate the man in imposing powerarmor and the purple unicorn who was busy wiping the blood from her face in annoyance. “It was a bitch to get but it makes up for it by being one hell of a BFG.” He said as his hands rapidly screwed long tubes into the body of a gun that looked like the one that Fawkes had used, except this one was bigger. A supermutant charged them screaming in fury just as Ethan finished assembling the weapon. With a large (and slightly bloodthirsty) smile Ethan pulled down the trigger to his weapon and after a few second of warm up the gun leapt to life in a beam of orange light.

The mutant continued its charge until the beam slammed through its stomach leaving a wide gaping hole, twenty more mutants charged. Meanwhile Twilight had closed her eyes and activated the Princess’s spell. With a slight tingle Twilight felt her mind splinter into three equal pieces (One, Two, and Three) each one assigning themselves a position to watch over during the fight. One took up the designator and the plasma rifle which rose into the air and began to fire at the hoard. Two took over Twilight’s shield spells and projected a dozen small shields that began to spin around her deflecting bullets and laser rifle shot. Three did everything else, like talk and remember the fact that they could only keep up the spell for an hour at the most after which they would collapse in exhaustion.

“You know Ethan I’ve been thinking lately…” Twilight number Three began as she unleashed a hail of alien fire.

“Always a dangerous profession Sparky.” Ethan quipped as he cut another mutant in half with a beam of light.

“…your god must really love stupid things, just look at how many he made!” She finished with a shout as her alien bolt blasted through an oncoming mutant. The other two parts of Twilight congratulated Three on her witty comment as they went about the business of killing muties.

Ethan glanced at Twilight who was in full glowing eyed magical unicorn mode and chuckled, it looked like he was going to win that bet with his wife about who could get the oddest but most deadly companion. Then he returned to unleashing a deadly stream of lasers into the mutants. Heads were cut off, as were arms, and of course the occasional leg as Vengeance purred in his grasp. An overlord unleashed its own gatling laser on Ethan but his armor absorbed the shots and used them to power the external shields which were busy deflecting assault rifle fire as the mutants attempted to destroy him with sheer weight of numbers.

Meanwhile Two was having the time of her (metaphorical) life, she’d discovered that she could redirect the oncoming bullets so that instead of just bouncing off harmlessly they instead bounced off at an angle so that they shot into the mutants scouring large red holes in their fleshy green frames. Two scrunched up her (once again metaphorical) face as a overlord opened up on her with its gatling laser the beams smashing into her shields, it seemed that the beams were traveling at a different speed then normal bullets or normal laser. Two frowned (metaphorically) and searched for a way to turn the beams to her advantage, she found it and after a few seconds of intense thinking put the technique into action. The overlord’s face was sliced off as Two refracted his own gatling laser away from herself.

Ethan had decided that it was time to give Vengeance a rest and instead reached into his pack and withdrew his ever trusty heavy incinerator. With a (slightly crazy) laugh he unleashed the burning balls of napalm at the mutants. The first two ranks of mutants died a rapid death as the burning napalm slipped over them coating them in the burning liquid charbroiling them. The ones behind them fared no better as the convection and heat from the other flames rushed around them causing their skin to blister and burst while they choked on the searing smoke. Three noticed this and immediately told Two too cover their nostrils and mouth with smoke proof shields, Two scoffed and said that she’d already done it. A loud roar suddenly shook the battlefield and a behemoth charged towards the two warriors who had already amassed an absurdly high body count. Ethan motioned for Twilight to cover him as he put away his incinerator and drew his MAC (otherwise known as Isaac).

Isaac was originally a tesla cannon but Ethan and Cassandra had decided to combine two of their favorite weapons (the tesla cannon and the gauss rifle respectively) and they’d transformed a simple tesla cannon into a monstrous beast of a weapon that was twice as large as the original frame. Instead of normal ammo the MAC took specially designed balls of solid steel that were charged electrically before being subjected to the power of four intense magnets and being shot out of the head of the weapon at immense speeds capable of tearing through up to twenty feet of solid concrete. Unfortunately it was extremely impractical to use normally because the only way it could be fired without the recoil killing the shooter was in a suit of extremely heavy powerarmor, even so it would knock Ethan off his feet when he fired it.

The behemoth drew closer screaming its rage and fury as it prepared to crush Ethan and Twilight beneath its mighty fists. Ethan calmly entered VATS and lined up a headshot. He pulled the trigger with a grin as the extremely fast ball of steel shot out of Isaac’s barrel even as it sent him flying backwards. The electrified ball smashed into the behemoth’s face sending out an incredibly bright flash of light as it cut the mutant’s head in half and sent shockwaves crawling over the giant as it fell into the other mutants crushing several dozen and passing on electricity to still others. All three of Twilight’s minds suddenly stopped what they were doing for a split second and entered VATS so that One could line up a better shot, Two could catch Ethan, and Three could just marvel at the destruction that Ethan had wrought with a single shot.

Ethan winced expecting to hit the ground but was instead happily surprised to find that he was instead wrapped in Twilight’s magic. With an grin Ethan hopped forward and drew out one of the Blades of the West that Cassandra had loaned him and charged the mutants with an almost bestial roar. He reached their lines and immediately chopped one of the mutants in half with a powerful strike. He turned to the right and slashed another mutant in half (this time separating the upper and lower body instead of a down the vertical center). Another mutant rose up charging with a super sledge and Ethan sliced through the metal handle with practiced ease before decapitating the mutant.

Twilight meanwhile had become a purple whirlwind of death as all three of her minds worked in perfect harmony to create an unstoppable killing machine. Of course all three recognized that the second that the battle was over Twilight would feel disgusted that she’d taken so much life, but for the moment those thoughts didn’t concern them. Two unleashed a surge of magic that swept mutants away as magical energy ate away at their flesh. Three caused them to jump back rapidly as a missile streaked towards the ground in front of them and Two supplied a forcefield to absorb the force and heat of the explosion.

Ethan had switched to unarmed combat, although that may not have been the best term for it. Ethan’s powerarmored fist swung at a mutant’s skull and smashed it to a pulp. With a calm pivot Ethan turned and jabbed his fist into a mutant’s chest crushing several ribs as he did so. Then with a chuckle he activated one of his personal favorite modifications on the armor. He sent a flying strike at a supermutant overlord who came barreling towards him but stopped an inch away from the mutant’s face. The mutant looked puzzled but it didn’t have time to think about it because seconds later Ethan extended his middle finger. There was a quiet click that only someone with incredibly sharp hearing could have heard and suddenly a thin streak of high intensity energy shot out of Ethan’s middle finger cleanly creating a small circular hole in the middle of the mutants head.

“God I love this armor so much.” Ethan said with a chuckle.

“Admire yourself later kill mutants now.” Three shouted at him as she leapt backwards to avoid an oncoming mutant. Ethan let out a chuckle as he grabbed Jack the Ripper from his waist and sawed his way through a supermutant’s chest starting low and moving up as he demolished lungs and ribs.

“You know I was going to make a full length sword version of this but Cassandra said it would be useless.” Ethan told Twilight conversationally as he sliced his way through a mutants neck in a tremendous shower of blood.

“Ethan I’m kind of busy here.” Three said as she sent a group of mutants flying with a wave of force, when they hit the mutants behind them both parties’ bodies exploded in a shower of gore.

“To be honest I also wanted to mount a chainsaw on my laser rifle but Cassandra talked me out of that one too.” Ethan said in a light tone as he sliced through a mutant’s stomach. They had be walking through the mutant ranks as they’d been killing and with a slight start Ethan noticed that they weren’t far away from Sarah Lyons.

“It took you long enough!” Sarah shouted over the overwhelming sound of gunfire.

“Sorry I was busy getting kidnapped.” Ethan shouted back as he sawed through a mutant’s arm.

“Why does that always happen to you?” Sarah shouted as she blasted a hole through a mutant’s head.

“I’ve been wondering that too.” Ethan replied with a shrug as he gave a mutant the finger.

“What the hell happened to her?” Sarah asked jerking her thumb at Twilight who was currently redirecting the flow from two gatling lasers so that they cut deep holes through the mutant lines.

“Some new spell or something.” Ethan replied with a shrug as he unhooked Vengeance from his back and turned it against the mutants cutting down dozens before he switched to his Tesla cannon.

“So Ethan when exactly are you going to give us the schematics for that armor?” Sarah asked conversationally as a missile flew by them and impacted against the wall of the Citadel with a boom.

“Sarah you wouldn’t be able to produce a suit why would you want the schematics?” Ethan asked with a chuckle as he sent stream after stream of bright blue light at the mutants, it was an old argument between the two of them.

“That armor is a technological marvel Ethan and the brotherhood should at least be allowed to try and create their own suits.” Sarah replied with a small amount of venom while she unleashed a rapid burst of laser fire into a mutant’s chest. Twilight’s body suddenly went ridged and she flopped to the ground into unconsciousness. The spell had eaten up all of her magical and physical energy far faster then she’d been expecting so she ended up lying in front of a charging overlord.

“Dammit Sparky!” Ethan shouted as he sprinted forward and smashed his fist into the overlord’s chest sending it flying away from the unconscious mare.

He scooped Twilight up with one arm and ran back towards the Pride who were holding their own against the mutants. “Sarah I need to get her somewhere safe, do you think they’d open the gate for me?” Ethan asked and Sarah nodded silently while she concentrated on killing the overlord charging towards her. Ethan nodded and sprinted towards the gate of the Citadel he knocked on it using a specific pattern and it raised just enough to allow him access. He was greeted by a slightly wild-eyed initiate.

“Take her inside and put her in my bed, oh and make sure the scribes don’t dissect her while she’s out.” Ethan said with before pushing the unconscious mare into the initiate’s arms and sprinting back onto the battlefield.

“Ethan we can’t keep this up much longer there are just too many of them!” Sarah shouted as she shot a mutant’s head off.

“I’ve got a plan.” Ethan replied as he pulled out a small target locating device and pointed it at the approaching mutants. “You may want to cover your ears.” Ethan advised with a chuckle before he painted the center of the mutant army in a red light. A few seconds passed and nothing happened, then there was a slight whistling sound and when Sarah looked up she saw a few dozen large missiles streaking in from the sky.

“Where did you get that?!” Sarah shouted as she watched the missiles descend.

“In one of those old satellite towers, some idiot ghoul was trying to get it to blow up the Citadel.” Ethan called back right before the missiles hit the ground and detonated.

The world around them suddenly became obscured by a great flash of light and a deafening shockwave of noise. When they could see again they discovered that the supermutant army had been reduced by around six hundred mutants and the few who were left alive had already begun to flee.

“And my wife says that she has the deadliest artillery.” Ethan said with a chuckle.

-Level up 11
-bloody mess added