• Published 12th Jan 2019
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Undead Robot Bug Crusaders: Unusual Lives - Banjo64

The continuing misadventures of the Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

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Chapter 6: Oh yeah. Almost forgot about her...

“So… any idea what Scootaloo was so worked up about this morning?” asked Sweetie Belle as she and Apple Bloom made their way to the clubhouse.

“Ah think Ah might, but if Ah’m right then Ah don’t know why she’s worried. It’s not like we didn’t see this comin’,” said Apple Bloom while gesturing to the newspaper on her back.

“Oh, yeah. That. You don’t think she forgot that Blue Monarch told us this might happen, do you?” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“Ah think there were a lot of things that happened that day she was tryin’ to forget,” replied Apple Bloom with a shrug.

“Yeah, that’s true. Celestia knows she’d rather we forget about the noodle incident,” said Sweetie Belle with a giggle.

With smiles on their faces, they reached the clubhouse.

“OK, we’ll let her speak. And if this really is about the news today, we’ll just ‘forget’ to remind her. Because considering what’s been happening lately, I think she’s under enough stress right now, and could use a break from the teasing,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Right. Best not make her feel like a complete moron just because she panicked a bit,” agreed Apple Bloom.

Alas, their efforts proved to be in vain.

Soul Eating Bug Monster’s Kangaroo Court: Cleared of all charges?!

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at the newspaper’s front page in surprise, then looked at Scootaloo in disbelief.

“Really, Scootaloo? I mean, really?” deadpanned Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo let out a sigh.

“Chrysalis has been declared legally insane. I promise she’s not just being set free,” said Scootaloo.

“Oh, we know that. What’s on the newspaper isn’t the problem here,” said Sweetie Belle.

“The problem is that ya brought us a copy of The Daily Turnip to tell us this,” explained Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. The Daily Turnip is a conspiracy paper and everypony knows it. But it’s the only newspaper I get at my house, and I’m not wasting my valuable allowance on a different one,” replied Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared an uncertain look. They were still somewhat concerned about Scootaloo's choice of citation.

“Look, my aunt just likes having something to harmlessly complain about with her friends. She doesn’t actually believe a word that’s put on these pages, and neither do I. And besides, I only really brought this to prove I’m serious. I figured I’d just tell you girls everything myself,” reassured Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom gave an awkward cough, while Sweetie Belle awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

“OK, seriously, what’s the issue here?” demanded Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo deadpan glares.

“Pun not intended,” she quickly added.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh. So much for sparing Scootaloo’s dignity.

“Scoots, you know our sisters are subscribed to Equestria Daily, right?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“And Ah brought mah sister’s copy with me. Chrysalis is on the front cover, so ya didn’t really need to bring that stack of wasted paper and ink,” added Apple Bloom, pulling out the newspaper in question.

Scootaloo opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. She then looked at the conspiracy paper in her hooves, and tossed it into the trash can.

“Great. I revealed that I get a garbage newspaper at my house for nothing. I’m not living this down for some time am I?” she grumbled.

“Considerin’ ya share a hivemind with Twitch, Ah’d say most likely not,” answered Apple Bloom, rather unhelpfully.

Former Tyrant Chrysalis Trial Concludes: She’s Completely Insane

After several long months of debate, the groundbreaking trial of Chrysalis, former royal changeling, finally came to an end yesterday with rather shocking results: The defendant has been declared clinically insane and cleared of all charges.

“It is not the result we were hoping for, but not one entirely unexpected,” admitted Edge Worth, head prosecutor, “I think we could all agree that it was apparent [Chrysalis] was far from being of sound mind from the moment she stepped into the courtroom.”

Chrysalis, the mastermind behind the infamous Royal Wedding Invasion, had been accused of conspiracy, attempted usurping of the crown, impersonating royalty, several instances of foalnapping, massive amounts of property damage, and numerous other offenses. And yet, despite countless eye witnesses and evidence against her, she is to be admitted to an insane asylum instead of prison.

One must then ask, how could this come to pass? The answer lies in changeling law.

As a quick reminder to our readers, over the course of the trial, it was brought to light that Chrysalis, in addition to her crimes against Equestria, had also broken countless changeling laws including unlawful bearing of title, unlawful genetic manipulation, unauthorized imitation, and many, many others.

The issue lies in the single changeling law that Chrysalis did not violate during the invasion: the injection of changeling venom.

“Our venom, while not necessarily life-threatening, does contain traces of the elements that resulted in our…

Continued on Page 2B

...current, love consuming forms,” explained Dr. Glass Jar, changeling physiologist, “In sufficient doses it can be somewhat corruptive to ponies. Needless to say, we do not tolerate [changelings] spreading our curse among others.”

Indeed, a quick glance at changeling laws will reveal just how seriously they enforce this intolerance. Any changeling who dares inject their venom into another being outside of extremely complicated circumstances is to have their arcanic tissue removed.

But why should this matter, as Chrysalis, despite her many crimes, did not perform this heinous act? Because she intended to do so during the Wedding Invasion, as she unwittingly confessed in the middle of court proceedings just a few days ago.

“...nothing would have stood in my way! Not even the Princesses once they were reduced to my loyal servants! If only I’d bitten them sooner…”

This likely slip of the tongue turned the courtroom on its head, for more than one reason. Many changelings in attendance were infuriated while many ponies were terrified, and court was temporarily closed for the day. However, a few hours later the Royal Medical Service revealed a rather surprising twist to this development.

“After consulting with changeling experts, We’ve reaching a rather amusing discovery,” said Dr. Direct Stylus, royal surgeon, “Because of the nature of changeling venom, and what we know of alicorn biology, we have reason to believe that even if [Chrysalis] had injected the Princesses, the venom wouldn’t have been able to overcome their alicorn immune systems. There was simply no way her plan would have worked.”

Needless to say, Chrysalis become somewhat of a laughing stock after this was brought to light. Her invasion plan was doomed to fail even if she had not been defeated. However, this also brought to light a new problem.

“If her plans were so poorly coordinated, and yet she was so certain of her own victory, she must clearly be either delusional or utterly foolish,” commented judge Karmic Justice, “Either way, it makes it very difficult to see her invasion as an act of war. Rather, it seems to just be the wild flailing of a confused soul lashing out in anger.”

This was further reinforced by the fact that Chrysalis’s hive was but one of many. And if Chrysalis was unable to properly plan such an important detail as how to permanently subdue the Princesses, how could she possibly have been prepared for some of the other major hurdles that it appears she never even considered?

“The fact is, even if she had managed to somehow conquer Canterlot, we’d have mobilized our forces to overthrow her in a matter of hours,” explained Queen Ptera, “Our combined military forces outnumbered her army almost three to one, and she was using her entire hive population during the invasion. If she honestly thought we would just sit back and let her rule Equestria, I can’t bring myself to view her as anything other than insane.”

A sentiment that proved to be shared by the legal committee and the judge, as the final verdict shows. Following the trial, Chrysalis is to be committed to the Barking Ham Asylum located in Gothic City.

While some may be disgruntled with Chrysalis avoiding a guilty verdict, considering the facts put before us it is rather difficult to imagine any other direction this case could have ended. And regardless of the legal proceeding, many of us shall sleep easy tonight knowing that such a dangerous individual is now permanently behind bars. And a padded cell.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked up from the paper with confused looks on their faces.

“Changeling venom doesn’t affect alicorns?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo shrugged.

“Well, I guess not. We’ve never really had the chance or reason to try it on an alicorn, so… yeah,” said Scootaloo.

“Geez, and Ah thought Chrysalis was washed up before Ah read this. Now Ah actually feel kind of sorry for her,” said Apple Bloom.

Her friends stared at her.

“Kind of. Ah still hate her guts for crashin’ the weddin’ and what she did to Thorax and the others, but Ah just can’t help but pity such a sad and pathetic mare,” explained Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, I guess I see what you mean. It definitely makes sense why the officials decided to put her in an asylum instead of jail,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Speak for yourself. She made changelings look like monsters right before we were planning on revealing ourselves. We’re not forgetting what she did anytime soon,” said Scootaloo with a huff.

“Fair enough. By the way, what the hay is up with changeling venom? Ya told us it can turn somepony into a changeling with enough of it, but ‘traces of the elements that resulted in our forms’? What does that even mean?” asked Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo let out another sigh.

“It means that if you filtered our venom, you’d find trace amounts of smooze in it,” answered Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at her in horror.

“Just a little bit. In fact, it’s so little that you’d still need gallons of the stuff before it’d even start to look purple, let alone affect ponies like the real smooze does. And even then, it’s really more cheap knock-off smooze than anything. It doesn’t even form eyes or mouths, no matter how much you collect. And like I said, you need a lot of changeling venom to cause the transformation,” reassured Scootaloo.

“OK. Ah kind of thought that was the case, but Ah just wanted to make sure. Ah mean, gettin’ that icky stuff pumped into ya sounds nasty. And considerin’ the whole war with those ghouls and how they want to get their hooves on that gunk...” said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, I see what you’re getting at. Don’t worry, we’re not walking bottles of smooze. The only way those creeps are getting their hooves on enough of the stuff to really hurt anyone is if they get it from the source, and we’re not letting that happen. Not now, not ever,” explained Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief.

“You have to wonder though, why’d Chrysalis try to take over Canterlot in the first place? What the hay was going through her head?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t know, Sweetie Belle. The only thing we know is that she had an attitude problem long before she went rogue. Maybe something’s just wrong with her head, but I guess we’ll never really know,” said Scootaloo with a shrug.

Meanwhile, in Gothic City…

Chrysalis struggled against her bindings, but was once again forced to give up and catch her breath. The straight jacket and muzzle were simply too strong for her to break. These pathetic ponies might be utter fools, but even she had to admit that her current situation was not going to be easy to break out of.

No doubt her naive brethren had helped them prepare this (admittedly rather comfy) padded cell as well.

The thought of her kin sent Chrysalis into another fit of rage, causing her to thrash about once more.

Those delusional traitors! The love filled ponies filled her with anger, but those cowards made her want to tear out her own mane. How could they be so stupid? So hopelessly caught up in the lies of the past? She had been on the edge of total victory! If she’d just had the support of even one of those brightly chitined morons who called themselves queens she’d would have ruled Equestria for sure!

And no, she did not blow it at the last minute. That was something only amateurs did.

But those fools just had to cling to the delusion that had consumed their species since their creation. They still honestly believed that they belonged among the lesser ponies. That they were still to bear the burdens of their suicidal predecessors. That they should even acknowledge the existence of the so called “All-Mother.”


Exhausted once more, Chrysalis was forced to lay still again.

Why would anyone hold any affection for the one who had abandoned them? Who had left them too weak to fend for themselves so they could all be wiped out? Oh, they harped on and on about how the “Queen” had never intended for the Age of War, but Chrysalis knew better. She knew better than all of them. After all, the only ones who freely gave away something as valuable as love were utter fools.

And what a fool their creator was. “Oops! I accidently made the world a big bulls-eye for dark forces. Oh well, these things happen. Guess I’ll just leave you all to die and try again somewhere else. Here, take my worthless daughters to the afterlife with you as proof that I never cared. Have fun!”

Probably said that word for word, too.

Chrysalis growled.

Oh, how she hated that &#^$@. It was because of her that the changeling’s ancestors had locked themselves into a mountain. And now they were corrupted, cursed to never feel love aside from that taken from others. The gnawing emptiness within Chrysalis tore at her very soul, and the same was true for all changelings.

You’d think that’d be enough for the others to see the truth of the matter, but no. They insisted that the Queen still wished the best for them. That she’d made an honest mistake and didn’t want to leave them. Some even went so far as to claim that one day she would return and restore them to their true forms.

Chrysalis let out a spew of foul language at the thought.

What did that $&@^% do to deserve such blind devotion?! Perhaps those stupid ponies could cling to such delusions with their childish understanding of the world, but changelings? Who had been cursed because of that moronic creator? No, they had no reason to have any faith in that #&$%@!

They were changelings! Corrupted beings! No matter how much they harped on about their now-extinct ancestors, insisted they were still ponies, or attempted to forge ties with the others, the fact remained that they were monsters! They were meant to feast on the fools who still worshipped that &$#@% they called mother!

Chrysalis’s ranting was interrupted as her nose began to itch. Cursing, she struggled to scratch it through the muzzle.

And what about Chrysalis, the only changeling with the guts to accept the cold truth of the world? The one who’d proven that you didn’t need some stupid traditional rite to become a queen? Who had raised a massive army of servants in such a small time? Where was her recognition and applause? She deserved everything those fools directed to that false goddess!

But no, instead here she was, locked up in a padded cell. Her arcanic tissue had not been removed, but it was the only thing that hadn’t. Her ability to forge hive connections was gone. The other queens had taken all of her servants from her. And worst of all, they had removed her ability to lay eggs. She was alone now, and would remain so until the other changelings were finally convinced of the truth.

And Chrysalis was going to prove it to them. After all, while the %#$*@ who was once called Queen wasn’t here anymore for Chrysalis to convince to “demonstrate” her mortality, the &%$!& had left behind two easily recognized children. Children that, despite the obvious lies their doctors claimed, were not above the corruptive power that flowed within Chrysalis.

She was going to convert the Queen’s daughters, demonstrating once and for all that their “All-Mother” was a fraud, unworthy of their acknowledgement, let alone their worship. And when they came face to face with such evidence, her kin would be forced to accept the cold truth. And then, with their help, nothing would stop Chrysalis from ruling all of Equis!

Chrysalis permitted herself a cackle.

She would escape. These pesky walls couldn’t hold her forever. And when she did, she was going to get her revenge. They may have taken her servants and her ability to make more, but she didn’t need a hive. She had the greatest of dark powers flowing in her bloodstream. She was the rightful ruler of the world. And she would rule it one day, of that there was no doubt.

The changeling and pony watching Chrysalis through the two-way mirror shared an awkward look.

“She does realize we can hear her monologuing even through the muzzle, right?” asked the pony.

“I don’t think she even realizes she said all of that out loud. I can’t believe she buys into the whole “Queen Abandonment” conspiracy, but I guess that would explain a lot…” said the changeling.

Author's Note:

Ugh, that article... well, at least I know I'm never getting into journalism. Apparently sensationalism is not in my skill set. Even I think I relied too heavily on references in this chapter...

And what is Chrysalis talking about? Age of War? Abandonment conspiracy? Man, if only there was a spin off that went into detail about the lore I've been teasing at for years now...

Oh wait, there is!

And here's a link to it.

I'm certain that the reason it's gotten so little attention compare to the rest of my URBC stuff is because no one knew I wrote it, and not because people think I'm incapable of writing decent lore. Heh heh heh... (goes to sulk in the corner).