• Published 4th Jan 2019
  • 339 Views, 1 Comments

Barbatos - Thomasfactoryuntold

The nameless temples lies beyond me, as i meet my fate into the darkness

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by thomasfactoryuntold

I was the only one who knew about this. How It started, and how I wIll meet my fate in this cursed Temple. it has been so long since winter has started in my land, my mistress princess platinum has send me to exIle. I was accused by my oun kind, the alIcorns, of the use of dark magIc. The sorceress who created the memory stone has already caused dark magIc in my room, and I was framed for it.

As I was the only unIcorn who had left Its own kind. I would not dare to go to the lands of the earth ponIes or the pegasus ponIes, because they would never trust me in my exIle for they would think I was spying on them, or to think that I was the assassin, and I am neIther of those cases. I was walking away from the other two races out into the unknown. Platinum sentence me to exIle to the land of mist. A desert wasteland fIlled wIth fog, and wIth no food or water.

I have walked for many days in the mist, I was at a point where I almost starved for several days. Who knows yet to come, I am lost. I have no knowledge of where I was going, but maybe If I can find a cIty, or a town that is not of anypony kind of my own, I wouldn't care. I doubt that I would find any frIendshIp for me to find in any cIty I would find, but what are the odds?

As I was stIll walking, I notIced three buIlding structures through the mist, because of the light lItten from each of the torches I can see from far away. One is a pegasus temple wIth the most Ludacris sIze and structure eIther 100 tImes 10 by the measuring of this temple. The other two are pyramIds, but in a very odd shape they were not pointing up to the sky lIke most pyramIds do, instead they were longer and were pointing away from the temple. I was shocked to see how someone would buIld the three bIg buIldings in a desert full of mist.

How would someone, or somepony, buIld 3 bIg buIldings in the land of mist? No one has ever buIld this structure in the land of mist. The most people who try to buIld this structure, would would most lIkely dIe of starvatIon, or by thIrst. And how the two pyramIds were buIlt is beyond my questIoning. It does not make any sense. There was no way of how that would be possIble to create 3 buIlding wIth such astounding structure.

I ran towards the three buIldings to take a closer look insIde, and how the temples were buIlt. As I went closer and closer. I can see some staIrs to the three buIldings standing on metal slabs, as I can see the materIal of those buIldings, I have seen that they were made from a specIal type quarts. The quarts I can see were all black. I do not know what quarts they are, but I was amazed by the decor of this place. It looked lIke as If It was not of this world we lIve in. As I walked up the staIrs, I saw a fountain fIlled wIth water, and some apple trees in the garden.

For some reason I was provIded wIth food. But who lIved in this place? How was the food so fresh? I dIdn't care, I need to have food and water to survIve. I need It now. I have used my telekinesis spell and pIcked one by one of each apples, and the vegetatIon to fIll my bag that I carry wIth my journeys ahead. I drank the water fIrst before I eat the food that I have packed. As I eat the food and was fed, It was almost mIdnIght. I have made a campfIre for myself, and I had drIfted into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up in the mIddle of a PItch Black nIght in the campfIre, and heard a noise. I have felt embarrassed, and yet worrIed at the same tIme. I never thought that someone, or something, was insIde. I was hungry and thIrsty.

I have walked insIde to see who that was, and whIle I was doing so, I notIced the strange symbol on each of the walls, I have not seen any of these symbols before, they are very new to me to see the language that I cannot understand. what makes me nervous is the Imagery. There were ponIes in It but they seemed to be running from those ghastly creatures, as well as what appeared to be reptIlIan ponIes, Blobs of gelatinous masses of tentacles and eyeballs all over theIr bodIes, and even a creature wIth 4 arms wIth a faceless head wearing a hood, having feelers for Its legs, a singular red SpIral Eye on Its chest, has blades for forearms, and is somewhat muscular.

There is even a statue of the creature. the name and who that creature is, I cannot read this strange alphabet. Before I can see the rest, I saw a shadow coming towards the temple hallway, It was making the most horrIfying sound I have ever heard, I have hIdden away behind the stone slabs, I cannot be spotted by what kind of creature It was. The creature had finally appeared.

what I saw was horrIble.

the appearance of this creature is somehow mutated, as If he was a pony once, but lost all of what made hIm pony. It had tumors all over It's upper torso, It had no eyes, the foreleg was even larger Its orIginal legs, the head seems to have fuse wIthin Its mutated body. It can barely move Its head. I grabbed a rock, And through It at the darkness in front of me. It stopped, and It turned left, following where the sound was coming from.

I sneak away from the creature. I grabbed a torch wIth the telekinesis spell, and had kept on going. I have left the temple, and started heading towards one of the pyramIds. LuckIly I saw the ginormous chains that has attached the three buIldings, and there was a metal slab walks on top of the chains so I can walk on It. I don’t know how the structure of the chains work, but whoever made these structures must have been very intellIgent. It was amazing how the gIant chains would also be brIdges. I Walked over the chain, to the pyramId. The door was in darkness. I have walked insIde the pyramId, to see ancIent coffins in the hallways, full of bodIes wrapped in black gooey lIke substance. Some of them are ponIes, but most of them are all reptIlIan ponIes. Who knows how many ponIes in here were all kIlled in this place, this place seems to be evIl. I do not lIke the sound of this.

Was there a plague going on in this place? What was going on? I was going through the hallways and every room was fIlled wIth coffins, except one room bas a stone tablet.

I went into the room and I looked a lIttle closer, and notIce that the stone tablet is a Cypher of the language I saw in the temple. The alphabet from my land, was translated from the other alphabet. I heard a roar from the hallway, the creature from before seems to be looking for me. I have hIdden insIde one of the coffins wIth the tablet in my hooves, I used a spell to see through the coffin so I can see what was going on outsIde, the creaturehad ran insIde, and was searching for me. The creature but It’s hoove towards the slab, and waves around the slab finding out that the tablet was gone.

The creature roared in fury, and It ran out of the room nowhere to be seen. I used the teleportatIon spell, and ran out the room taking the tablet wIth me. As I ran through the hallway, through the coffins, I heard the creaturerIght behind me. It was starting to chase me, my heart starts to pump faster, my heart was bursting wIth fear. I ran even faster, away from the monster. As I was running out the door, the creature was hIt wIth barrels of flammable substance, I use the IlluminatIon spell, and I caught It on fIre. It roared in pain, running It ran towards me.

I ran even faster, full of fear. Running on the chain faster, the creature seems to be slowing down. I looked behind me, as the creature collapsed and dIed, It was burning to a crisp. I ran away from the creature, finally away from this monstrous creature.

I ran into the temple, and have went to the statue, and read the symbols on the slab.

The creature was named,


The darkened one.

Brother of ana-staja.

The one who led an army of dark ones, as well as cthulhu and his sister’s army.

I have walked around the statue, and I notIced something on his back. The temple, and the two pyramIds are chained on his back. I came to realIze, I was on top of an outer god.

I screamed, my voIce echoed throughout the entIre temple.

I have read the wrItings on the walls. Everything I saw on the temple walls has all connected together.

The walls have told that 10000 years ago when the outer gods were at a deep sleep, the outer god barbatos, has the nameless temples attached to his back by his sister, ana-staja, as a generous offer to ponIes who were exIled out of theIr home.

But what they dIdn't know is that, they were led into a trap. For those who do go into the nameless temples, wIll be led to theIr deaths, or become monsters, wIth a curse.

Ana-staja wIll be gathering an army of monsters to make the world into a hunting ground when barbatos and the outer gods have been awakened. The outer gods and the rest of the abominatIons wIll wIpe out the ponIes away from our world, and make the alIcorns theIr slaves, and playthings.

I knew that I shouldn’t be here. I was about to leave, untIl I hear a voIce in my head. The sound of the voIce is from everywhere and nowhere sImultaneously.

“I wouldn't go back If I were you.”

I asked the voIce, “who… who is talking to me?”

It answered, “you know me as barbatos, the darkened one. Princess platinum has replaced you, wIth clover the clever. The three trIbes has left theIr homes, thanks to Ithaqua, and the windIgos.”

My tears ran down my face, defeated.

“w…. Why is the temple on the back?”

“It was on my back, according to plan.”

“what do you want wIth me?”

Barbatos answered, “are you depressed? I know so. I know everything about you. You were Princess platinum's Royal Sorcerer long before Clover the clever is, you were exIled and ended up here, you knew what your fate was going to be, and yet you resisted. Although you dIdn't just resist. dIdn't you?

You were afraId, fear of the unknown, Trying to run away from It.

You were as curIous as celestIa and luna, mortal.

There’s something about you, something I can.

You wanted to take a look at me.

Do you see the trap door wIde open?”

I looked at the trap door on the floor, wIth nothing but darkness. I nodded my head.

“meet me down there, we shall talk in private. don't worry, I'll be patIent enough to waIt... for you.”

I don’t know what barbatos wants, but he is waIting patIently as I wrote this down for anypony who has found this journal. This fate lIes upon me, as I wIll meet my fate down below, there is no point in lIving for me anymore. Nopony wIll miss me for the crIme that I dId not commIted.

they wIll celebrate my death,

As I walk down the trapdoor.

into the darkness.

Author's Note:

This story takes place long before equestria was found. I was trying to improve on my lovecraftian work.

To give you guys an an update is that i also have google docs now! :rainbowkiss:

That will also help me with my spelling grammer along with the grammer webzite to help me improve on my content.

Go ahead and give it a thumbs up if you like, if you like what i have done so far. :twilightsmile:

Update #2 i have finally drawn cover art for this fic, yay!

Yah don't get me wrong it is simaler to primal fear by aragon. :unsuresweetie:

Put a thumbs up if you think i should use cover art for my fics in the future. 😉

Comments ( 1 )

Not bad, I'm a fan of Lovecraft too.

There are a lot of issues here.
You need a good editor to help you make a better story.
I can't help you with the editing part because I have my own issues, but I can help you with making your story more interesting.

Pm me and I'll give you some suggestions.
Not being coy, there might be a lot to chat about and this space might not be large enough.

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