• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 6,450 Views, 248 Comments

Librarian Twilight Tries To Befriend A Newcomer To Equestria But He's Geralt The White Wolf And Doesn't Really Get Friendship - SoloBrony

Geralt of Rivia finds himself in the Everfree Forest, with little idea of how he came to be there. Realizing he's far from The Continent, the White Wolf sets out to do what he always does - seek witcher's work. Boy is he in for a surprise.

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Witcher Geralt Didn't Drink THAT Much Last Night

In a dark corner of a dark forest, there awoke a curiousity. A pony, far from civilized lands. A pony who did not know he was a pony, or how he came to be a pony, or indeed how to be a proper pony. But he needn't fret, since he would not, indeed, be a pony for long.

Geralt fretted. Geralt fretted deeply. The witcher groaned, rubbing his head.

"Hell of a hangover," remarked the bleary pony, "I thought I'd cut myself off early, too..."

Grass. The scent of grass and dirt. Geralt's feline eyes snapped open, and he glanced around hurriedly. Seeing no threats, he paused, listening and smelling for signs of disturbance. Detecting nothing, Geralt carefully rose to his feet...

... only to fall on his rump.

"Oof! What the devil? Did I throw my... back... out?"

Geralt paused in his speculations to stare at his feet. No, not feet; hooves. Carefully, slowly, the witcher analyzed every inch of his body.

I'm... a pony. I've been turned into a pony. With...

Geralt carefully felt his facial features.

... abnormally large eyes. Hmm, my hair's the same... and my gear's been shrunk and refitted to match my equine form.

Geralt drew a deep, slow breath, and sighed.

Guess I pissed off Yen again. Damnit, I look like the stuffed unicorn we had.

Geralt paused, and gently felt his forehead.

Nope, no horn. So much for that.

Geralt groaned, and slowly rose to his hooves, shaking a bit where he stood.

And here I thought balancing on four legs would be easier than two. Alright... now where am I?

Geralt glanced around at the trees, the shrubs, and the sky.

Let's see... definitely not Temeria... not Nilfgaard...

The more Geralt surveyed the plants, the more he came to one, inescapable conclusion.

"... This isn't the continent. Hell, it's not even the Skellige Isles."

How the hell did I end up off of the continent? Not even Yen could teleport me THAT far, even if she was furious. I think.

The witcher grimaced and rubbed his head, hoping that he could grasp some memory of the night before, but to no avail.

Damnit. Nothing to be done for it; I should get out of here and look for civilization. Assuming this land is even settled...

With that optimistic thought, the witcher unsteadily trotted through the forest. He carefully analyzed the plants as he did so, and caught sight of small animals - rodents, birds, snakes, and other vermin - and noted mentally that they were species familiar to him.

Hmm... things here aren't as different as I'd assumed. Did I end up in some quiet, bizarre corner of Temeria, perhaps?

Those thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt by the sudden vibration of the medallion around his neck. Geralt glanced around, and his gaze came to rest on the blue flowers in his path. As he leaned towards them, the medallion's agitation increased.

Magic. Hrn. Best avoid these, then. Definitely not a species I recognize. Best to remember it; it may be useful for alchemy, or it may be a hazard. If there's a local cunning wench or wizard, I can ask about it.

Geralt carefully cut a path around the blue flowers, and got fully fifty paces further before his medallion hummed again - but not before his ears warned him of the monster's approach.

Strange. Is that monster moving through a timber pile...? Or is it making that sound?

Geralt hesitated, straining to listen. There was a definite clattering of sticks and logs, but though he very briefly entertained the idea of a Leshen or other relict, he quickly discarded the idea. Still, whatever approached sounded distinctly unnatural. He carefully crept backwards into the bushes, not eager to be seen, only to hear a growl emit from behind him.

The pounce was sluggish, even by Geralt's standards. The witcher, despite his unfamiliar form, had hopped forward and spun on a hoof, wheeling to face the new threat, before it had even left the ground. Instinctively, without a moment to consider the uselessness of the gesture, the witcher reached for the silver sword on his back, thanking his lucky stars he'd decided to wear both today, rather than leaving the silver with Roach as he often did. The sword sang from its sheath, and the witcher squared off with the creature before him before realizing what had happened.

I'm human again.

What the hell?

The creature crept out of the bush towards him, and Geralt got his first proper look at the monster; some sort of wolf-like creature, made entirely of branches, logs, and brambles. It snapped its jaws menacingly, until it slowly raised its head to realize that the witcher stood more than twice its height.

Geralt smiled horribly, shifting his silver sword in his grip and circling.

"Thought you had a helpless pony, but now that you've a man to contend with you've lost your nerve? Feel free to run; my legs could use a stretch."

The creature hesitated and took a step backwards, but Geralt knew it was just stalling. His smile grew wider as he heard another of the creatures creep behind him. In one fluid motion, just as he heard it leave the ground, he spun, arcing the flashing silver through the air and the creature as one, splitting it apart straight through the jaw. Lifeless lumber clattered to the ground as the witcher was already upon the first wolf, hacking its head from its shoulder before it could process the death of its counterpart.

The witcher swung his head left and right; not to look, but to listen.

Five. No, six. Six more. They've picked the wrong fight.

Not eager to blunt his silver sword against hard timber, the witcher sheathed his weapon in anticipation of drawing his steel sword, only to find himself on the ground. Confused, helpless at a critical moment, the witcher rolled, feeling the sluggish and awkward nature of the motion. He saw vicious green eyes emerge from the forest first, which bounded towards him with ferocious speed.

Pony again... silver! The silver restores me to my true form! I've become a shapeshifter!

Geralt let out a leonine roar as he whisked his silver sword back out of its sheath, swinging from his back on the ground and slamming it down on the creature's head, which split in half. The rest of the creature's body blasted apart from the shockwave. Geralt rolled to his knees and a hand, but too late; another of the wooden creatures had bitten into his ankle, and yanked him hard, forcing him onto his belly. In a flash of inspiration, Geralt released his silver sword, and watched his leg suddenly grow smaller and shorter, zipping out of the creature's jaw.

Then the witcher grabbed his sword again, giving the creature a mighty kick to the face. The impact snapped the creature's wooden neck, sending it to the ground, lifeless.

"Come on, you bastards of pine and spruce. I'll need firewood for camp tonight."

Geralt heard another creature moving for his arms, and pulled them out of range at the last moment. His sword was under the creature, at a useless angle for a strike, so he leapt forward instead, tackling the creature and hauling it from its legs. He carried the momentum, driving it backwards until he shouldered it into a tree, smashing its back with a horrible snap. He pulled back just far enough for the creature to slide down, and then kicked it across its jaw, sending its head flying.

Slow, stupid, and fragile. If not for their numbers, these creatures would be easy for a strong-armed peasant to dispatch.

Two more of the creatures bounded at Geralt, one from the left, and the other from the right. Neither found their mark; the witcher swung his silver sword at the one on the right, catching it in midair and swatting it aside like a bug. The other slammed into an invisible shield, shattering itself, as the witcher held his hand up in the sign of Quen. The witcher slowly turned to face the remaining two, who seemed hesitant to charge him.

"Well? Come on; your friends are waiting for you in hell."

Geralt inched closer, waving his silver sword menacingly. The two wolves looked at each other, and to the witcher's surprise, approached him barking and snapping their jaws. The witcher considered, and then laughed, holding a hand aloft and weaving the sign of Aard. A shockwave ripped forward, hurling both wolves up and backwards, slamming into each other and a tree, falling in an quaint pile of firewood.

The witcher sighed, and gently loosed a small silver chain from his belt, and tied it around his wrist. Satisfied, he slowly sheathed his sword, and inspected his hands.

Still human. Alright, that's settled. Silver it is. If there are creatures like these running about, there's bound to be witcher's work in a nearby settlement.. if I can find a settlement.

Geralt considered for a moment, and then remembered a curious story about a cat and a fox. Smirking, he glanced over the trees in the area, and found a tall, strong-looking one, which he swiftly climbed. Scanning the horizon, he saw smoke in the distance.

There. North-northwest. Damnit, witcher, if you hadn't been so distracted by your transformation you'd be in civilization already. Could have even gotten paid to take out those things.

Geralt slid down the tree, and confidently started striding to his destination, but a loud rumbling behind him gave him pause. Slowly, he turned around, only to see the bodies of all of the wolves he had slain slowly pulling together in one gargantuan pile.

Oh. So that's how these fragile things survive.

Geralt strode up to the huge ball of timber, which was slowly taking the form of a wolf, with a sneer.

"I don't have time for this."

The creature slowly opened its eyes, only to see a witcher holding his hand up in the sign of Igni. Then, a bright flash, and nothing more.

Geralt rolled his eyes and set back off for the town, until he suddenly stopped, mouth agape.

"Timber... timber wolves? Did some insane mage make a monster out of a pun?"

That thought would plague the groaning witcher all the way to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Do you want to tell him about the buzzards who really buzz, or should I?