• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 875 Views, 11 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - A Flutter of the Heart. - Rixizu

A Galaxy Ranger story. Fluttershy realizes she has feeling for Trixie, the leader of the Galaxy Rangers and wants to confess how she feels. If only things were that simple...

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A Flutter of the Heart
by Rixizu

Lemon Hearts squealed as she read through her pen pal’s letter for the third time. So much had happened in Ponyville in the last few weeks she almost couldn’t believe it! Corona turning a new leaf, something out of H.P. Lovehoof turned ponies into zomponies and tried to destroy the world, and Trixie’s new assistant turned out to be an evil shapeshifting spy! She would have to talk about to Twilight later. She was in the middle of most of the action, right? It boggled the mind that her old childhood friend had become a superhero, but then again there was always something special about the bookish unicorn.

Lemon regretted not living in Ponyville where all the action was. It wasn’t anything like boring snooty old Canterlot. She doubted anything interesting happened here in over a millennia. She so wanted to move down to Ponyville, but she couldn’t. Her job and obligations in Canterlot made that impossible. There wasn’t much of a demand for professional party planners in Ponyville. Despite the drudgery of Canterlot life, she enjoyed her job. Plus, she got to meet so many cool and interesting celebrities.

Lemon pulled out the news clippings Rainbow Dash had provided her and inserted them into her Galaxy Rangers scrapbook. Her roommates thought her childish being so interested in the Rangers. Well, nuts on them. She could do what she wanted to thank you very much. Next, she applied the picture of Trixie's cool new hairstyle. Now the Red Ranger had a short punk-like mane and she looked awesome as usual. Trixie somehow had lost it during her fight with the evil shapeshifter. That mare sure knew how to be stylish. She hoped Trixie would keep it.

She sighed as she put her scrapbook away and glanced out the window. These days it seemed to her that Canterlot had a certain greyness as if all the color had been drained out. The spires that pointed into the sky seemed more like gravestones. To her, it didn’t seem like the crown jewel of Equestria ponies promised it to be. Dear Luna, did she always look at Canterlot like this? Maybe she needed a change after all. While Ponyville was out, there was always Manhattan. All sorts of interesting things were said to be happening there. It would be too bad she would have to leave Minuette and Twinkleshine, though if she worded it right she might convince them to come along with her.

A knock at the door broke her out of her thoughts. “Coming!” She put the scrapbook away and made her way to the door. The rest of her roommates were out at the moment.

At the door was an old unicorn. He looked a little familiar, but she couldn’t place him. He had strong rugged features and surprisingly buff for an old guy. The suit he wore was expensive, but from his baring, she knew him a pony used to being in charge and giving orders a noble most likely. His most distinguishing feature was his powerful piercing eyes. He evaluated her in a single look. The old guy must have liked what he saw because he smiled at her. It wasn't a warm smile, but one a pony might give for a job well done. Lemon wasn’t sure what to make of this, but she’d met stranger folks in her life and gave her best professional smile. Maybe he wanted her for a job.

“May I help you, sir?" Lemon asked.

“Yes, I believe you may.” The stallion replied. “You are Lemon Hearts, correct?”

Lemon nodded. “That’s right.”

“May I come in?” The stallion asked. “I have something at length I wish to discuss with you.”

"Sure." Lemon led in him in her townhouse. "You're in luck. With the Gala coming up, there had been little demand for parties. My schedule is open at the moment. Would you like some tea or coffee? Mister?”

"Coffee would be fine." The stallion sat on her couch. Lemon thanked Luna she cleaned up last night. It would have been so embarrassing if the place was a pig pen. He waited in silence as Lemon brewed him a fresh cup and sipped at it as he waited for her to sit across from him. She expected him to give his name when she prompted him to. Oh well, she guessed he would get to it later.

“Is the coffee to your liking?” Lemon asked as she sat down.

“Very much so.” The stallion replied. “But this isn’t about planning a party Ms. Hearts. I have a different job in mind for you.”

Lemon blinked in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been searching for somepony special.” For some reason, he looked at the toy morpher on her purse. She had found it a couple of months ago. Despite her best efforts, she’d been unable to find out who made. Poor Rainbow. She wanted one so bad.

“Somepony with the power to change the world.” The stallion gave her a strange smile.

"That's not me," Lemon said with a wave of her hoof. What was with this guy? She wasn't anypony special.

“I disagree Ms. Hearts.” The stallion’s face became serious. “Don’t you feel it too? That something is about to happen? That the world might face something catastrophic?”

Well…” Lemon paused. She also had a strange feeling lately. An incoming dread that blanketed her in darkness. It made sleeping difficult. She thought of it as just fried nerves or stress. Nothing that bad couldn't possibly happen, right? No, that was just crazy talk. Yet…

“What do you expect me to do about it?” Lemon asked. Her eyes widened when she finally placed the stallion’s face. “Archduke Fisher.”

"Just Fisher please." Fisher laughed. "A disgraced pony like me doesn't deserve such titles."

Lemon’s mind raced. Some time ago, Fisher had plotted against the Galaxy Rangers and even created his own morphers. The plot had failed and Luna stipped him of his title and most of his power and wealth for doing so. It turned out to be an elaborate scheme to get Trixie and her friends stronger, or at least that is what Fisher claimed. Even without his title, however, he was still one of the most powerful ponies in the world. The destruction of his morpher when Trixie defeated him drained him of his youth. Nopony knew why. What Fisher was talking about hit her like an avalanche.

“You need me to fight, don’t you?” Lemon said in almost a whisper. “Like Trixie and Galaxy Rangers?”

Fisher brightened at the mention of Trixie’s name. “Yes, it took me a long time, but I finally found the last member of our little group.”

No, it couldn’t be. Her morpher couldn’t be…

"I see you realize just what fell into your hooves Ms. Hearts," Fisher said, "or should I call you, Pluto Ranger?"

Comments ( 1 )

Ooooo! Thicken, the plot does!

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