• Published 1st Jan 2017
  • 559 Views, 1 Comments

Princess Luna and spiders. - RoyalUnicornJohn1994

Princess Luna is afraid of spiders.

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Princess Luna, in all her regal form, trotted towards her bedroom, satisfied with herself. It had been another night with pleasant dreams, almost none nightmares to get rid of, and a beautiful night.

Yes, life was good, she convinced herself as she trotted by a window, watching her moon still shining fully on the sky, while slight pink and purple tonalities started to form on the horizon, signaling the end of another night just around the corner.

Mere moments after, she found herself at the doors of her bedchambers, nodding to her personal guards with a serene smile, thanking them for their hard work. Both guards nodded back, both of them realizing their princess was in a good mood, even when her night was about to end. Luna watched them as they retreated, happy for them to be as happy as she was.

When one’s an alicorn, one can use magic for almost everything, and opening doors was one of such things. Luna smirked; she was in a good mood, after all. She raised her hoof towards the doorknob, fully intending to open it.

Her eyes widened, her pupils becoming mere pins, her breathing stopping while her voice got stuck on her throat; not because she forgot anything important, not because she suddenly remembered that she ate Celestia’s last piece of cake.

No, nothing of that.

That reaction was because her hoof almost touched a small furry living being with four pairs of legs, as well as four pairs of eyes. Those cold and lifeless eyes that simply stared back at her, the being moving only its huge fangs while it stared at her.

Luna considered for a moment pushing her hoof with all her strength towards the door, not bothering with all the bills the castle would do to replace a simple doorknob. It would do a greater good than just letting this little pest run freely through the entire castle.

Her eyes blazed with fear and fury while her voice returned with vengeance, breaking every window in the castle as she used literally all her strength to force her hoof down upon the immobile creature. Not only the doorknob was destroyed, but the whole door was sent flying off its hinges.

Poor door, only Luna’s most hated enemies had suffered such destiny in past ages. It had been installed mere weeks ago upon request of the very same princess who had punished it for the simple sin of allowing a spider to rest upon it.

If that would have been truly a sin, then Luna would have snapped her own leg off the moment she saw the spider safe and sound now resting comfortably upon her royal shoe.

This time, Luna didn’t freeze as she saw that. On contrary, she actually screamed as she flailed her hoof around, trying to shake it off.
“Your highness! We heard you shouting an-”

The poor guard couldn’t even finish his phrase as his face was smacked back by Luna’s flailing hoof, who was still in full panic mode, while the spider in her hoof looked at its surroundings with a cold and calculating gaze.

The other guard, seeing his fellow comrade down, tried to intervene.
“Your Highness, please calm down!”

Unfortunately for him, Luna didn’t calm down. instead, she turned towards him quickly, almost followed by the sound of a whiplash.

The poor guard met his comrade’s destiny, not by her hoof, but her voice, as he was sent flying backwards, instantly being pushed into the opposite wall.

Celestia was beginning to wake up, smiling as she instantly got into her first task of the day: raising the sun. She opened her balcony window, expecting to see her dear sister already on her work of lowering the moon.

When she gazed at the sky, she became concerned as she saw the moon still shining fully into the sky. Her worries only grew when she turned her head towards Luna’s room, seeing every window broken, almost as if a battle had been raging on as she slept peacefully.

With a mighty flap of her wings, she pulled herself towards the place, fearing the worst. Once again, her fears spiked as she saw Luna’s room, instantly noticing all her furniture in a state that would make Discord proud.
“Luna!?” Celestia shouted as she suddenly noticed a pony curled in a corner. “Luna?”

Celestia started to walk slowly towards her.
“… Spiders… Spiders…”

She realized that was the only thing Luna was saying. Yet, as she closed in more, Celestia noticed something else.

Luna was giggling.
“He… hehe… ahehe… We finally caught thee, little pest… little spider pest… ahehe…”

Too afraid to close in, Celestia used her magic to turn Luna around, instantly noticing the poor stated she seemed to be in; in her magic, the object that had seemingly drove her crazy: a small grey furry spider, totally immobile, not even moving its fangs like before.

In fact, it was trembling with what Celestia wanted to assume, was fear.
“Oh, Tia, Tis good thou art here. We wanted to propose a new law towards thee.” Luna said, still with her crazed tone. “We propose to ban every spider of every species from living in Equestria!”

The way Luna shouted it, as if it were a life or death matter, surprised Celestia. She had seen several cases of many phobias around Equestria in her time, but this must have been the worst case of Arachnophobia she had seen.
“Luna…” Celestia started, trying to find the right words to tell her the important phrase she wanted to say. “… Clean your room.”

Luna’s eyebrow twitched as looked at Celestia as if she had grown a second horn in a matter of seconds.
“These little creatures like to live in dark and dusty places, where their prey cannot see them. And your room seems like the perfect habitat for them.”
“Art thou saying there might be more of them in our room!?”
“Maybe. When was the last time you dusted this place?”

Luna looked to another part of her room, seemingly starting to think. Yet, mere moments later, her giggling started anew.
“Surely this must be another one of thy joking, Celestia. There is no way another one of these pest art living in our room.” Luna said as she trotted towards one of the few objects in her room that hadn’t been affected by her craziness. “What we mean is, it’s not as if another one of those beings would walk away if we moved away this furniture, tis not?”

To prove her point, she kicked lightly the wardrobe towards the wall, not really expecting anything to happen.

Her smile slowly vanished as she noticed her sister not looking at her anymore. Instead, she seemed to be looking at something Behind her.

Slowly turning her head, her heart stopped beating for a second as she looked at a living wall of smaller beings crawling their way out of her wardrobe towards the ceiling, trying to get towards a window on the upper part of the room, their sights set on finding another place to call home, since their past one had been destroyed.

Celestia slowly lowered the spider on her magic grasp to the floor. Much to her surprise, the spider turned to her and waved back, before making her way with the rest of her family in hopes of finding the spider utopia.

As the last of the furry objects leaved the room, Celestia turned her sight towards Luna, who was looking at the window with a paralyzed sight. Slowly, her body lowered itself to the floor, where she curled into a fetal position.
“We have decided to go back to the moon.”

Comments ( 1 )

Hilarious XD

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