• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 854 Views, 5 Comments

The Inevitable Outcome - TheEveryDaySparkle

Chrysalis visits Canterlot for something very unexpected

  • ...

Of The Unexpected Event

All was silent in Ponyville. No wind blew, no birds chirped, and the sounds of the busy town could no longer be heard.

All things stopped and listened, gifting their undivided attention to this moment. Even time itself seemed to have stopped for this and this alone.

For this was an event that nopony ever thought was possible, that no creature thought would ever occur. This was...complete and utter legend, myth even.

The four princess sat stunned on the ground near their table, for something unheard of had just happened right before their eyes. They were witnessing a miracle in it's purest form.

As she was drinking her tea, Celestia's eyes had popped open so fast it was as though a window had broken in the castle.

Luna simply stared, frozen in shock at what she just heard.

Cadence did much the same.

Twilight however, had the most logical reaction, at least according to her standards. She sat with her mouth agape in utter disbelief at what was happening.

For what they had just heard, was something that was simply non-existent in this reality.

Chrysalis...just surrendered.

The princesses of love and friendship had both decided -surprisingly, on the same day and at the same time- to go to Canterlot and pay a visit to the princesses of the sun and moon. They wanted to spend time with them. Share stories, catch up, talk about old times etc. But neither one of them expected to see Chrysalis at all. Much less to do what she was doing.

As the four royal figures were enjoying their tea and talking among themselves, in walked Chrysalis flanked by two guards.

Immediately the four gave what each considered the appropriate reaction to her entrance.

Celestia, still calm, gained a small glare as she asked, "Chrysalis. What are you doing here?!"

Luna simply glared at her, while cadence readied her horn with a flash of pink magic.

Twilight did much the same with a glare in her direction.

Chrysalis was not phased by any of this as she trotted forward and stood face to face with Celestia, only to do the absolutely impossible act she was currently doing, and bow before her and say, "I surrender."

Each of them stood shocked.

No, no no, no no no, no no no, no....NO! This can't be happening. Not this. It must be a trick. Some sort of distraction so that her changelings can attack the kingdom without them noticing. It had to be. Anything but this. This was just...not possible.

But something about the way Chrysalis spoke told Celestia that she was in fact telling the absolute truth.

It was the way she said it. Soft, heartfelt, and submissive. It was as if she was totally sincere about giving up her conquest entirely. It didn't help matters when she looked up at her with the most cute/adorable/pitiful look she had ever seen.

She couldn't help but feel a tug at her heart, as well as a tug at her lips as Celestia smiled at her. Yes, she smiled at Chrysalis. Queen Chrysalis. The same one track minded changeling that was so very adamant about taking over the kingdom for her children, and even almost succeeded if not for Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia stepped back to allow Chrysalis to look up. "Raise your head, Chrysalis. Look at us."

Chrysalis did so, still maintaining that deceptively cute look on her face. When she did, the three other princesses couldn't help but feel bad for how they originally treated her ad soon all of them were smiling as well.

Celestia spoke up, voicing the one question on everyone's mind. "What brought this on, my dear changeling?"

Chrysalis stood, righting herself as she was told to, and spoke.

"You see, Empress Celestia..."

Wait, what was that she just called her? Did she call her Empress? Celestia was shocked and intrigued at her choice of words. She had to know why Chrysalis chose to call her this.

"Excuse me, Chrysalis. Please forgive me for stopping you in the middle of answering my question, but a more pressing one has come to mind."

Chrysalis stood patiently, waiting for the question to be asked.

"Why do you address me as such?"

Chrysalis thought a moment before answering. "Yes, Empress. You see, while it is true that I have come to surrender myself to your rule, I am still a queen, and you are still a princess. As we are both royalty, and I am submitting to your sovereignty, I wish to address you with a title befitting your station above me."

Celestia could only stare in shock once more. Not only was she surrendering, but the prideful queen was giving her a title above even her own, and even addressing her as such. Was this a dream? If so, Celestia did not wish to awaken.

Chrysalis spoke up once more. "Now, if my empress is satisfied with my answer, I shall continue on to answer your original question."

"Yes. Please do." was all Celestia said.

"Very well. While sitting on my throne in the changeling kingdom, I have come to a realization. Every time I attacked the kingdom, I have been defeated, painfully I might add, and my Changelings have gone without love for months. My own love cannot sustain them, and I must admit that I myself have been quite lonely as of late."

While she spoke, Chrysalis shed a tear. An actual tear. She was...crying? This was new.

"I have not had a decent meal in years, and my changelings are slowly dying of starvation. I have grown so tired of this senseless fighting, which only results in the needless loss of many of my children's lives as well as unbearable pain on both ends. I wish for peace. Please allow me to serve under you, empress, and we shall bring about peace together."

The four princesses couldn't believe what they had just heard. Not even Princess Celestia could, and she had accepted her offer of surrender mentally already. It was just...so unexpected. Especially with who this was.

"That is very unfortunate, Chrysalis. I am saddened to hear that both you and your children have suffered so. I am pleased to hear that you are so inclined towards peace. I would love to welcome you to Equestria."

Chrysalis smiled. Yes, actually smiled. Genuinely. "Thank you, empress. You have no ideas how much this means to me."

What followed was an awkward tea session and a lot of paperwork for Celesta and her sister.

But there was one princess who still had reservations about the whole incident. This princess was Twilight Sparkle. Having fought the changeling queen many times before and learned of her tricks and deceit, she just knew something bad was going to happen.

But for now, the purple alicorn princess had only one thought on her mind as she sipped her tea, and that thought was,

"I don't like this."

Comments ( 5 )

I was quorious before but now you have my attention.

Um. Is this actually complete? Or no?

7832198 Yes, it was meant to be a one shot.

7832707 Hm. Well, alright.

Oddly, the last lines left me wondering if it was the situation Twilight disliked, or the tea. :rainbowhuh:

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