• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 750 Views, 20 Comments

Left Behind - fallen starr

Twilight realizes her friends are growing older, and will soon leave her behind for good. Being unable to change them, she decides to take drastic measures to make sure she doesn't live without them. {TW}

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Left Behind

Twilight twirled in the new dress Rarity had made for her. It was to commemorate the fiftieth year of Luna’s return, and the design reflected that, shimmering at the top to replicate stars while fading from a deep purple to orange at the bottom, so signify the rising of the sun. The unicorn smiled, eyes slightly narrowed through the glasses on her face. “I believe this is the best dress I’ve made for such a stunning young Princess ever, and your figure hasn’t changed a millimeter. Would that I could do that, Twilight Sparkle.”

As Rarity helped Twilight out of the dress and sat in on the ponyquin, she replayed those words over in her head again. She shuffled her feet, moving ever so slightly closer to Rarity, and adjusted her wings. “You say that like I’m not turning seventy this year. You aren’t that much older than me.” She laid a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder.

A chuckle escaped Rarity. “Look, darling.” Rarity gestured to the mirror the two mares were standing in front of. “Look at us. I have wrinkled, my coat is turning a darker grey. I can’t even try to pass it as white anymore. My mane, as much as it pains me, is starting to thin. That’s why I haven’t been curling it.”

“That doesn’t-“

A hoof against her lips stopped Twilight from speaking. “Ah, but look at you. Still as fresh faced as the day you were crowned. Your bones aren’t protesting your movements, your sight and hearing are pristine, and your memories aren’t fading.”

Twilight turned away from the mirror, squeezing her eyes shut against the burning tears. “Stop it.” She took a deep breath, and another. Finally she opened her eyes again and peaked at Rarity, who was looking at her with worry and fear. “Twilight, darling, you have to stop trying to delude yourself—“

“If you care about our friendship at all, just stop.”

The two mares stared at each other for a moment. Twilight felt her heart beat, beat, beat. Then Rarity nodded, moving toward the tea set she had prepared. “Very well.”

It was dusk as Twilight approached the cottage on the edge of the forest. It was quiet here, as it always was. She looked at the empty chicken coop, the empty burrows, the empty tree branches. She remembered walking this path at this same time of night and hearing a canophy of noise as all the animals that Fluttershy took care of chittered and squeaked. She could see a small source of illumination through the window. She took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.

It took a few moments, but eventually the door was opened to a view of Fluttershy. “Oh, hello, Twilight. Please, come in.” Fluttershy moved to the side, allowing Twilight a view of the cottage. She looked around more as she stepped inside. Gone were all the cages that had once held a variety of animals. There wasn’t any large hay stacks or feed sacks sitting around. A blazing fire was going in the hearth, enough for Twilight to nearly suggest they talk outside instead. The cottage smelled of cinnamon, where Twilight’s nostrils had expected the way it had been long ago, like wet animal fur and a bit musty.

“I hope this isn’t inconvenient for you,” Twilight said. She took a seat on the couch, Fluttershy sitting beside her, picking up an afghan to cover herself with.

Fluttershy shook her head, using a wing to gesture to a book on the coffee table. “Not at all. I was just about to finish reading that book. How have you been? I haven’t seen you in nearly a month.”

Twilight sighed. “I know. I keep trying to see you girls, but I’ve been so busy. We’re working on our foreign relations with the Zebrican nations, and without Zecora around to help, like I had originally planned, it’s not going as smoothly as I would have liked.” Twilight fanned her wings out slightly, just enough to not be rude. “Aren’t you hot?”

“Oh, no. The doctor says my heart isn’t circulating properly, and that’s why I’m cold all the time.” She unconsciously moved her hoof over her chest. “She thinks it’s going to give out soon. I guess you think another log on the fire would be too much?”

Taking a deep breath, Twilight shook her head. “Not at all, Fluttershy. I’ll get that for you, okay.”

The posters all proclaimed Rainbow Dash to be the fastest Pegasus in Equestria, in the world, in the universe, and yet Twilight was slowing her pace to about a fourth of what was normal in order for Dash to keep up.

Still, Dash managed to tell new jokes, her eyes lighting up as she guffawed at her own punchline. “Anyway, Twilight, what brings you here?”

“To Ponyville? It’s still my home, Dash.”

The rainbow fringe did it’s best to hide the eye roll. “Technichally, maybe, but you’re in not-Ponyville a lot more than you’re here anymore. Today is the first day you saw my new house.”

Twilight sighed. “Yes, I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t even know you had moved. I am going to find the appropriate gift and figure out why I didn’t receive my house warming invitation.”

“Ugh, egghead, I didn’t have a lame housewarming party. Especially since I had to move from a totally awesome, state of the art cloud house to the ground. It’s just…it’s hard to trust that my wings will catch me every time, you know? All those injuries from when I was younger are finally catching up to me.” Dash laughed again. Twilight just looked at the ground.

“You’re going to have to wipe that glum look off your face, sugarcube. I can’t have you moping ‘round here.” Apple Jack sat a glass of iced tea in front of Twilight, and a plate of apple pie. “You know, good as I do, that once the young’ns see ya, they’re gonna wanna play.”

That did make Twilight smile. “I know. That’s why I came now. So we could just catch up. I miss you girls so much.”

Apple Jack patted her on the hoof. “It’s alright, Twi. When you get back from that trip to Neighpon, we’ll do something real special like.”

Twilight blinked. “I got back from the trip to Neighpon two months ago, Apple Jack. Don’t you remember?”

Apple Jack rubbed her temples. “I’m sorry, Twi. My memories seem to be fading out a lot. I remember now.” After a short silence, Apple Jack perked up. “Say, when you going to Saddle Arabia? I was wanting some of them special spices to put into some pies, the pegasi seem to really like them.”

Twilight’s eyes glanced to the spices she had just given Apple Jack, laying behind her on the counter. “I’ll do my best to remember them for you.”

Apple Jack beamed. “You’re such a good friend, Twilight.”

Pound and Pumpkin greeted Twilight as she walked into Sugarcube Corner. “Hey, Princess, how’re you?” Pound called from behind the register.

Twilight smiled. “I’m good, Pound.” She looked around him and into the kitchen, where an orange maned unicorn was floating all sorts of ingridents around while a pink blur zipped around. “Hi, Pumpkin, hi Pinkie.”

“Hi, Princess Twilight,” Pumpkin called. “Want a latte?”

“Not today. I just wanted to talk to Pinkie for a bit.”

“Sure thing!”

Twilight jumped, looking beside here where Pinkie hadn’t been just moments before. “Come on, let’s sit in a booth.” Twilight slid in across from Pinkie, studying her face, just as she had done all her friends recently. “You feeling okay, Twilight?”

“Yes, I’m fine, Pinkie.”

“You sure?” Pinkie asked, drawing out the last word to nearly twice its length.

Twilight looked down at the table. “I should be asking you that. Everyone else has so much wrong with them. I don’t…I didn’t realize how far behind you guys I am. How I’m going to be here for so much longer than you.”

Pinkie giggled. “Is that’s what has you down in the dumps? It’s just life, Twily. It happens. But it’s okay, because there will be more smiling faces once ours are gone. Imagine all the friends you’re going to be able to make, and all the friendship discoveries you make, and all the cool new stuff that’s going to be coming out. There is so much cool stuff in the future.”

Twilight giggled. “How do you know that, Pinkie?”

“It’s the future. There’s gotta be cool stuff.” She shrugged.

“I don’t want to be without you girls. You’re my very best friends. You taught me everything I know about friendship. How am I supposed to function without you?” Twilight blinked as tears hit the table. “I don’t want to do this.”

She felt arms wrap around her as Pinkie enveloped her in a hug. “Twily, it’s scary, and maybe a little bit sad, but you have so much to look forward to. Keep looking forward, and everything will be okay.”

Twilight looked up into Pinkie’s reassuring, smiling face, and nodded.

Pinkie was wrong, though. She didn’t want to do this. Not at all. She wouldn’t be without her friends. She wouldn’t live through this time and time and time again. You’ll learn to hold them in your heart, Celestia had said. Time will heal the sorrow, Luna had said. Cadance was having her own freak out as Shining Armor got older, and Discord was doing everything he could to make Fluttershy comfortable.

No one had any real answers. This wasn’t what she wanted. She paced the castle. Spike was on a diplomatic mission with the dragons. Startlight was in the Crystal Empire, taking visiting her grand foals.

And Twilight was alone.

Twilight was alone.


She took a deep, gasping breath. Her friends couldn’t be leaving her. She couldn’t take her friends leaving her. The thought of it sent her into a panic attack. What would happen when one of them really did leave her forever? Her breathing was erratic as she paced, looking wildly around the destroyed library room. Books lay everywhere, opened and closed, pages bent and torn and no order to nothing because nothing mattered anyway.

No, there was no way to fix these things. She just needed to go take another nap. That would help her. She would wake up and have a fresh mind…

Only, sleeping the night before hadn’t helped. Not a nap, then. A walk in the park.

Where foals she had seen born would walk past her, looking older than she ever would be capable of.

The she stopped. No pacing. Not frantic searching though books. Complete and utter, perfect stillness. She could stop all of this, at least for herself. It was there, looking her in the face. The one thing she had been thinking about but never looked directly in the eye.

Now she stared at it, dead on.

She purposefully moved through the castle and to her own personal quarters. She found an old dress, one she had bought that Rarity thought was hideous, and tore long strips from it, using her magic to tie her wings tightly to her body. She attempted to flex her wings and free them any way she could, but she wasn’t able to. Nodding, she moved through her personal quarters and found her small lab. It was dusty from disuse, causing a coughing fit, but eventually she found what she was looking for. Rope she had been using to in several experiments.

She looked around the room, finding a vial that she knew she had stored, and swallowed the contents. Then she looked once more at the label: Magic Blocker. She walked back to the her bedroom and opened the door to the closet, pushing a chair and tying a rope around the crystal rod.

She stood there for a moment and then looked to her desk. Using her hooves, she wrote a messy letter and hung in on the door before walking back to the closet and shutting the door.

Spike wasn’t sure where Twilight was. He has returned a day late from his diplomatic meeting, and ever since, he had been asked. He walked through the halls of the castle, calling her name, until he came to the door.

There was a letter with his name written on it. Shruging, he took it down and read it. He frowned when he recognized the terrible hoof writing as Twilight’s wondering why she hadn’t just used her horn.


I need you to go get one of the new doctors in town. I seem to have fallen very ill, and I don’t want you coming into my chambers, in case I’m contagious.

You’re a wonderful assistant and have been the best little brother I could ask for, Spike. I love you.

Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 20 )

This seems... very familiar...

7554715 I'm not sure why? I mean, there are probably a bajillion other stories with this same premise, but I only just typed this up write before posting.

7554741 It seems similar to the "Remembrance" video on Youtube. But I know it isn't... it just feels similar.

7554746 Oh, okay. I'm going to have to look for that, now.

Well, that was horrible.

I guess next time Celestia goes shopping for a Princess, she should look for someone a little bit less sensitive and intelligent. Not a complete clod, just someone who gets bored of staring at their navel instead of falling in.

I can't wait for the sequel!

7554784 While I do appreciate you sharing your opinion, it would be helpful if you said what was horrible, so that I could not make the same mistakes twice in a row.

I like stories like this but I dislike stories like this that just leave off without reactions from other characters and it just seems to happen to often

7554791 The reactions, as you could expect, are very shocked and sad, with the whole of Equestria and several members of other nations mourning the loss of princess twilight. If you want to see how a few of the people surviving Twilight would have reacted, see the second chapter of a story I wrote called My Sister. I didn't feel like rehashing the same emotions twice.

7554804 if your reactions are like that then thats fine but im talking about the severe reactions like celestia blaming herself and going into seclusion or spike blaming celestia what about her friends you said they are mourning but are any of them going over board with it where its affecting their lives what if the shock of twi's suicide caused flutters heart to stop then there would be 2 dead heck i read 1 where twi killed herself or died i dont remember which then proceeded to kill the rest of the elements 1 after another then at the very end it said celestia was next

7554838 I don't feel emotionally up to dealing with that sort of thing, so I didn't write it. Sorry that disappoints you.

7554845 nah like i said your endings are fine i guess its just the blandness of they were all sad is a little boring but then again its 2 in the morning maybe i shouldnt be typing

I don't know whether this is a complaint or not, but Twilight is behaving like a total narcissist, as she so often does in these stories. Her friends' approaching deaths are tragic only because of how they affect her. She has an ideal that she expects her friends to live up to and refuses to hear that they are changing beyond the point where they can fit into it.

I note that as they describe their failings to her, she offers nothing in return but a stubborn clinging to ritual. She isn't even considering doing anything to help them. There's no thought of heart valves for Fluttershy, for instance, let alone some mad scheme to alicornize the lot of them.

And poor Spike; that's a suicide note for a child to read. An innocent child who has to be protected from the harsh realities of life and death with sugarcoated lies. Does she expect the doctor to hide her corpse from him and weave a story about how she's gone away for a while? She's spent more than fifty years with him and that's all the impression he's left on her? Ouch.

So, yes. horrible. Painful to read, even. But not because it's bad. If your intent was to write Twilight as neurotic and self-centered, than you certainly succeeded.

Comment posted by fallen starr deleted Oct 1st, 2016

Saw the title and was hoping for a crossover with the infamously bad rapture series of books. Very disappointed.


The start of the sequel:

"Twilight silently cursed her miserable luck as she hung there, waiting for the magic blockers to wear off."

7554868 Why do people insist on hiding the reality of death from children? I learned about death young, and I'm well adjusted. Maybe a little desensitized to the concept of loved ones dying, I didn't shed a tear at my grandfather's funeral despite my sorrow. Then again, I knew for months that he was on his last legs, so I had simply accepted it before the time came. And I've never shed tears over pets either. It sucks that they die, but there's no point crying over something you can't change. People give Spike too little credit where his emotional state is concerned. In this case, if he's 50 years old, then he'd be no stranger to death. I imagine that dragons especially, with their millennia long life expectancies, tend to accept the concept of death a lot sooner than those that only live for around a century at most.

7554868 Considering the amount of time that has passed, I wouldn't consider him a child anymore, even if his physical body hasn't grown much since he moved to Ponyville. (This story doesn't say one way or another whether he's grown, however.)

But I agree with you 100% on your assessment of Twilight, and even if he isn't a child, she's treating the one she's always been closest to poorly all the same. Even though she wrote a note saying she loves him, her actions say something more along the lines of, "Sorry, Spike. Remember when we were in Sombra's castle and I said I'd never abandon you? I lied. It's tough you'll be by yourself for the next several millennia or so, but so be it. Bye." =/


Saw the title and was hoping for a crossover with the infamously bad rapture series of books. Very disappointed.

In case you're interested, there's a fellow who's done an in-depth review of the things chronicling just how morally repugnant they are.

I have to admit that I would also like to see a crossover.

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