Sombra may have been defeated after his attempt to retake the Crystal Empire, but he was not destroyed. He still lives, and now he seeks to work his way into the mind of Princess Twilight Sparkle. As she struggles with the implications of her new immortality, she finds less comfort in the wise words of Princess Celestia, and is drawn to the dark magic of a fallen king.
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....... MORE!!!!!!!
Sure, Equestira will. But what about Equestria
You thought you were clever, mistake. You thought you could hide. But NOBODY can hide from the watchful eyes of Bulder.
i cant wait for the next chapter.
This is good so far, and I will keep reading, but I notice a few grammar issues. Most notably, you have a bad habit of switching from past to present tense.
Apart from that, I like it.
I will tell you for a fact that you stole a few of these lines from a Comic Dub on youtube, or the comic itself. It's called "A somber Meeting". The original author/artist of the comic stated that you're only allowed to produce a story about the comic if you credit him and send him a link so he can read it.
Yes, that was my inspiration for the first chapter. But I assure you What I have is store goes far beyond that comic.
That being said I never saw that note from the creator. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
OH OH OH, I just thought that since I'm writing a story from the same comic strip, why not do edits and reviews for each other hehe.
My editor hasn't been in contact for last few days :c
I just got done with this chapter and I love the concept of being "broken" in the literal sense
The plot thickens, I really like how its going, good work keep it up
Whoops, wrong flash back... ignore me.
It's the thick plottens, not the plot thickens.
But is it really hehe
I love Sombra, he's such a moldable 'villain'
Wow. His is past is just...I never expected that to be his past.
Oh..Oh Twilight....what have you done...
.......................... I CAME. Evil Twilight be evil heheheheh
Great that you are writing again.
I wonder what advice Luna would have given Twi about immortality and the consequences of using dark magic. I mean Luna knows what immortality is like, she has also dabbed with dark magic and probably wont give advice basically saying "Figure it out yourself Twilight". AlsoI hope you will add Luna or Celestia to the story at some point of the story (I will eagerly await till they appear if you are planing on adding them)
P.S. Obviously I really like your story and I cant wait till the next update.
I wonder what advice Luna would have given Twi about immortality and the consequences of using dark magic. I mean Luna knows what immortality is like, she has also dabbed with dark magic and probably wont give advice basically saying "Figure it out yourself Twilight". AlsoI hope you will add Luna or Celestia to the story at some point of the story (I will eagerly await till they appear if you are planing on adding them)
P.S. Obviously I really like your story and I cant wait till the next update.
I know there's no romance tag but I see some Twilight and Sombra shipping.
5102515 But there is a tragedy tag. A tragedy occurs between to lovers. I think that Twilight may fall in love with Sombra and then have to kill him, like Rosebud, for Twilight to learn the full spell.
5105569 Man that's harsh.
Sacrifice one to save so many... an ethical conundrum.
Or one can just think more blood to spill
To tarturus with you evil scum
This story is the start of something beautiful. Now (at least in my opinion), all that needs to happen is Twilight Sparkle needs to kill the princess that was responsible for her transformation into Alicorn form, Princess Celestia. If it hadn't been for Celestia transforming Twilight into an Alicorn, she would never have had a reason to listen to Sombra, and she would have never had a reason to kill that poor innocent mare. But, like I said, that is just my opinion. The story is still sure to be a good story either way, especially when it gets finished.
Four months... You better pick up the paste! Chop, chop! Five more months!
"Such a shame" Sombra began, "She was the only pony who's love for gemstones could rival my own."
NO, u really the don't give a flying F### about her.
Smiling, Sombra teased the princess's expectations "What, you think I spend all my time sitting by the fire? I have a life you know, aside from teaching you magic. If you'd spend any time looking around my home you'd see I have a garden in the back."
OMG! Sombra is starting to make me like, him! The world has ended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well,nice work!!!I hope you'll continue in this amazing fic!!!
A new chapter yay
Holy shit it updated.
Why... Twilight. You used to be so innocent and carefree, now you are as a emotionless stone. My poor Twilight.
You know, nobody asked a question: would Twilight's friends like to be saved at such cost? Will Pinkie be the Laughter when she no longer lives but actually dies forever? When everypony she made parties for is dying and she cannot follow? When everypony thinks that now she's an abomination, leftover of once Pinkie Pie raised by dark magic? When her "life" is paid for by lives of innocent animals and ponies?
Don't think so. And when Twilight understands her work is futile, as Pinkie would prefer to die than to live this way? That will break her harder than anything she did with Sombra. And that would break Celestia as well. Through if the castle staff knows about her "studies" and still accepts bribes, this Equestria is not a fairy land of canon.
Moar. Now.
I... I'm sorry for your lost...
... She better kill Sombra when he is done, then devour his corps. You know... for the lolz
First of all, I apologize for your loss.
Second of all, this is just as good as always. I did not see this coming, but it makes sense for Twilight to become essentially the dark version of Celestia.
Loved this chapter, next one is gonna be amazing I can already tell.
That ominous introduction! Let's see what happens next.
That last line. YAY!! FWENDSHIP!!!!
King Sobra....nope still funny!
Well done good sir, well done indeed.
ITS ALIVE but seriously what took so long? now before anyone jumps all over me let me finish. i'm not angry, just curious that's all, i simply want to know
aside from that great work
6536065 Long story short I can't really get myself to work during the summer. During school though, when I am in the mindset of getting work done I write often. Hope that helps
Thumbs up on this chapter. This is probably the first time I've seen someone do that kind of "dragon conversation" scene and have it feel like an actual conversation. No posturing, no grand speeches, no lectures. Just two people talking. Hell, the old guy even laughed at a corny joke! That's absolutely a new one right there. It's sad how flat and stereotypical most dragon characters really are. There could be so much more done with that.
6536400 yes it does help thank you for understanding
interesting every interesting i wonder if celestia has a contingency plan for twilight